April 14 – LD 15, Day 6:  No More Condemnation
by Rev Allen Brummel

Romans 8:1 “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”

How terrible it would be to go through life thinking that God is cursing me because of my sins. The superstition that rules in many heathen cultures results in great fear and terror. At each step, one is wondering if he has done enough to please the gods.  One’s whole life is lived selfishly in an attempt to escape the wrath of the gods and earn favor.

God has delivered us from that superstition. Though we deserve to be punished everlastingly, God put that curse on His own Son so that we could be freed to live not for ourselves, but for Him. Jesus Christ died so that the curse of sin would be forever lifted for all those who are found in Christ.  The catechism says that we are redeemed from everlasting damnation. 

Does this mean that we won’t suffer? We will suffer, but our suffering is changed into blessing. God turns suffering for the sake of Christ into that which is a blessing for us. We are purified and sanctified through that suffering.  God draws us closer to Himself as we experience the trials. All kinds of blessings come out of that cup of suffering. 

From the suffering of Jesus we learn that no suffering is without purpose, even though at times it may seem to be the case in our lives. Our suffering does not earn us anything. Nothing more is needed!  Christ earned it all for us so we can live unto Him.