April 16 – LD 16, Day 1: The Third State of Humiliation
by Rev Allen Brummel

Philippians 2:8 “And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”

We have here the third state of humiliation, Jesus’ death. The catechism asks why it was necessary for Jesus to humble Himself even unto death.  This was the question that Jesus Himself faced in the garden. As His disciples fell asleep and wandered away from Him, He found Himself in anguish of heart. “If it be possible let this cup pass from me” was His fervent repeated prayer. But it was not possible. And, God sent an angel to strengthen Jesus. 

If there could have been another way, there would have been.  But this was the way God ordained for the salvation of His people. God’s justice demanded death for the satisfaction of sin.  God demands that justice runs its course. If sin is not punished by death, God’s justice would be violated. That may not and could not be. 

God’s Word is truth. God stated in Genesis 2:17 that the one who would eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil would surely die. The devil tried to encourage doubt about God’s Word.  Adam and Eve gave in to his temptation and fell into the realm of death both spiritually and physically. The Second Adam had to enter into that darkness of death and overcome it for His people. God did not make an exception even for His own Son. His truth demanded the death of His beloved Son. This is how important truth is to God! God is bound to His attributes. His Justice and Truth were satisfied by the death of His Righteous Son.