October 11 – LD 41, Day 4: Marriage, A Foundational Institution
by Pastor Steven Key

Amos 3:3: "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?”

Christ’s presence in our marriages is tremendously important. Marriage is foundational to all of society, including the church. It is the fundamental institution of society. It is the presence or absence of Christ in our marriages that determines in large measure the spiritual welfare of ourselves and our children, of our church and school, as well as our nation and culture. If marriage is sealed in Him, and lived with Him and His Word at the center, a man and woman assist each other on the way to heaven, glorify their Redeemer, and enjoy marriage as the most blessed relationship God has established. But at the same time, every marriage that is not sealed in Christ, every marriage that is not lived upon the foundation of Him Who alone is life, and Whose Word alone brings blessing and joy, is a marriage that can do nothing but defile that holy institution which God established at creation. Two must be one, one also in the faith.

The question of Amos 3:3 is rhetorical, with an obvious answer, “Of course not!” Notice that the question is not one of permission, “May they?” It is a question of ability — “Can they?” It is impossible for two to walk together, except they are one in the faith.

The Catechism speaks of holy wedlock, or purity in single life which upholds the sanctity of that holy institution of marriage. Marriage is indeed holy, set apart by God as a special institution for His people. It is a picture of the bond that exists between Christ and His Church (Eph 5:32). The inspired apostle is given to see marriage as a shadow of the heavenly. The bond between a God-fearing husband and his God-fearing wife shows a reflection of the holy and unbreakable bond between Christ and His Church. This is our perspective exactly because our Lord Jesus Christ left His Father in heaven to cleave to His Bride, indeed, to purchase her with His own precious blood, and thus to become one flesh with her. He did so as a tremendous, even indescribable and unfathomable, act of His love. As He continues His work in us by His Holy Spirit, sanctifying us to His glory, our Christian marriage becomes a reflection of the beauty of that eternal love.