Psalter number 403. Our Unsleeping Guardian - Psalm 147

1. Praise ye the Lord, for it is good
To sing unto our God;
'Tis right and pleasant for His saints
To tell His praise abroad.
The Lord our God builds up His Church,
He seeks her wandering sons;
He binds their wounds and gently heals
The brokenhearted ones.

2. Our Lord is great, He calls by name
And counts the stars of night;
His wisdom is unsearchable,
And wondrous is His might.
The Lord upholds the poor and meek,
He brings the wicked low
Sing praise to Him and give Him thanks
And all His goodness show.

3. No human might, no earthly pride,
Delights the Lord above;
In them that fear Him He delights,
In them that trust His love.
O Zion, praise the Lord thy God,
His wondrous love confess;
He is thy glory and thy strength,
He will thy children bless.