Church Government

Classis West

Classis West currently consists of 15 congregations and a total of 2,934 members (baptized and communicant). Classis West is a broader assembly of the PRC and meets two (2) times per year: usually the first Wednesday of March and September but the actual dates are determined by the March Classis each year. The Classis is made up of two (2) delegates from each church, usually the pastor and an elder.

Report of Classis West Meeting - March 6-7, 2024

Randolph (WI) PRC, host of this past week's meeting of Classis West

News Report of Classis West of the PRCA

Meeting March 6-7, 2024

Classis West of the Protestant Reformed Churches met on March 6-7, 2024, in Randolph (WI) PRC. The congregation did an outstanding job of hosting the twenty-five delegates from the thirteen churches in the Classis, as well as a number of visitors.

Classis began on Wednesday, March 6, with opening devotions led by the chairman of the previous meeting, Rev. John Marcus (pastor of Peace PRC), who gave a fitting meditation on Solomon’s request for wisdom from 1 Kings 3. After Classis was legally constituted, the meeting was capably chaired by Rev. Stephan Regnerus (pastor of Hull PRC).

S Regnerus J Marcus Randolph PRC Mar 2024 2
Rev. S. Regnerus (Hull PRC) and Rev. J. Marcus (Peace PRC) served as chair and clerk of Classis West

Two first-time delegates to Classis signed the Formula of Subscription, the minutes of the previous meeting of Classis were approved, and the four questions of Article 41 of the Church Order were asked and answered. Routine reports of the stated clerk, classical committee, and reading sermon committee were read and approved. The church visitors reported on their work and the presence of unity, peace, and love prevailing in the churches, in spite of busyness and hardships in the last year. The chairman appointed five committees of pre-advice, and then Classis recessed to allow the committees time to prepare advice.

In closed session, Classis treated the legality of several matters on the agenda in the late morning and early afternoon. In open session, Classis treated the legality of the appeal of individuals who requested of the Crete PRC consistory that they provide a thorough report of the case of Mr. Jack Lenting (a former member who was excommunicated for his crimes of sexual abuse), that they conduct an investigation by experts into the case, and that they communicate care for potential victims and families of victims. Classis declared the appeal not legally before it. But Classis then mandated the committee of pre-advice to provide advice regarding a letter that the Crete PRC consistory had recently distributed to the denomination regarding this case.

On Wednesday evening, Classis treated in closed session the report of a special committee assigned by Classis to help a consistory regarding a case of sexual abuse. Classis approved the work of the committee up to this point.

Classis then recessed until Thursday mid-morning in order to allow the committees of pre-advice time to work.

On Thursday morning, Classis continued to address in closed session the work of the special committee. Classis approved giving further mandates to the special committee as to their work with the consistory going forward.

Still in closed session, Classis considered the appeal of a couple against the discipline work of their consistory with them. Classis did not sustain their appeal, and thus upheld the discipline work of the consistory.

That afternoon, Classis considered the advice of the committee to provide advice regarding a letter that the Crete PRC consistory had recently distributed to the denomination. Classis encouraged the consistory to continue the work of compassionately shepherding those who have been subjected to the grooming and abuse of Mr. Jack Lenting; encouraged the consistory to continue its work of investigating matters related to the case, including a possible independent investigation; approved funds for a possible independent investigation; and mandated the church visitors to follow up with the consistory regarding these matters. Classis also expressed its grief over the wickedness of child sexual abuse and grooming perpetrated by Mr. Lenting, a man of influence in Crete PRC, Classis West, and the denomination. Classis grieves with all who were wickedly groomed and victimized by Mr. Lenting, sorrows over the untold anguish this has caused victims, and laments the fact that a man who had such influence in Crete PRC, Classis West, and the denomination betrayed the trust of many and caused severe pain and confusion. We pray that our just and merciful heavenly Father would comfort those cruelly victimized with the promise of his Word: “The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.  And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee” (Ps. 9:9-10). Classis also took time to pray for the victims of Mr. Lenting.

Classis then addressed a matter coming from Loveland PRC consistory, which had been tasked by a previous Classis to oversee the remaining members of the Covenant of Grace PRC (Spokane, WA) after the departure of most of their officebearers. Classis took the sad decision to concur with Loveland PRC’s decision to disband the Covenant of Grace congregation. Classis advised the remaining members to continue for the present as a fellowship under the oversight of Loveland PRC until decisions can be made about the future. Classis also advised that Loveland PRC ask the denominational Domestic Mission Committee to evaluate whether the group can continue as a fellowship. Classis instructed its stated clerk to send a letter to the saints in Spokane expressing its love and prayers for them.

Classis treated in closed session an appeal of a couple in which they objected to a consistory’s discipline work with one of its members. Classis sustained their appeal, and gave advice to the consistory going forward.

Classis made a schedule of pulpit supply for the three vacant congregations in the Classis: Hope (Redlands, CA) PRC, Loveland (CO) PRC, and Lynden (WA) PRC. Classis West also decided to ask Classis East for assistance in covering two Sundays for each of the vacant congregations in the next six months.

Classis approved the subsidy requests for 2025 for three congregations and forwarded them on to Synod 2024 for its approval.

Throughout the meeting, Classis also voted for various classical functionaries. Mr. Ed Van Egdom (Heritage PRC) was appointed to finish the term of the previous Assistant Stated Clerk. Rev. Ryan Barnhill was reappointed to a three-year term on the Classical Committee. Rev. Daniel Kleyn was appointed to a three-year term as a primus synodical deputy, and Rev. John Marcus was re-appointed to a three-year term as a secundus synodical deputy. Classis appointed Revs. Allen Brummel, Ronald Hanko, Steven Key, and Daniel Kleyn as church visitors, with Revs. John Marcus and Richard Smit as alternates.

Ministers delegated to Synod 2024 were Revs. Ryan Barnhill, Allen Brummel, Joshua Engelsma, Daniel Kleyn, and Richard Smit. Alternates are Revs. Matthew De Boer, Matthew Koerner, John Marcus, and Stephan Regnerus. Elders delegated to Synod 2024 were Robert Brands (Loveland), Duane Bruinsma (Crete), Jeff Krosschell (Randolph), Alvern Miersma (Hope), and Bert Wories (Crete). Alternates are Ted Andringa (Crete), Todd De Meester (Hope), Phil Kooiker (Crete), Joel Smits (Crete), and Steve Van Drunen (Crete).

The expenses of this meeting totaled $13,705.24.

Classis finished its work around 7:00 PM on Thursday.

Classis will meet next in Hull (IA) PRC on September 25, 2024, the Lord willing.

Rev. Joshua Engelsma

Stated Clerk, Classis West

Classis West Meeting - September 27, 2023 - Official Report Added


Classis West held its regular meeting Wednesday, September 27, 2023 in Crete PRC (Illinois).

Matt Koerner exam Sept 27 2023 1

The main item on the agenda is the examination of Pastor-elect Matthew Koerner (2023 PRC Seminary graduate), who has accepted the call to Hosanna PRC in Edmonton, AB, Canada. Last evening he gave his specimen sermon before the delegates of Classis West and Crete PRC in a worship service. This morning Classis approved that sermon and proceeded to his examination in theology, Bible knowledge, confessions, and practica.

Rev JMarcus chair CW exam MKoerner
Rev. J. Marcus, chair of Classis, asking for any further questions from the delegates

Rev MKortus exam MKoerner
Rev. M. Kortus questioning Matt K in the doctrine of the church

Classis West has approved Pastor-elect Matt Koerner's examination and advised Hosanna PRC to proceed with his ordination. We rejoice with the brother and his wife in God's goodness and grace in this successful examination. May He continue to bless them as they anticipate his ordination and installation in Hosanna PRC.

Rev JMarcus chair CW exam MKoerner final

Rev. J. Marcus informing Pastor-elect M. Koerner and his wife Sharon of Classis' approval of his examination.

Matt Sharon Koerner CW diploma Sept27 2023
Matt and Sharon Koerner with his classical diploma

Yesterday (Tuesday, Sept.26) Classis West held an officebearers' conference on "Abuse in Our Churches and the Proper Response." A good number of officebearers and members attended, including the faculty and students from the PRC Seminary.


News Report of Classis West of the PRCA

Meeting September 27, 2023

Classis West of the Protestant Reformed Churches met on September 27, 2023, in Crete (IL) PRC. The Crete congregation did a fine job of hosting the delegates.

The day before the meeting, an officebearers’ conference was held on the timely subject of “Sexual Abuse in our Churches and the Proper Response.” Prof. Cory Griess spoke first on “The Consistory’s Response to Sexual Abuse,” and Prof. Russell Dykstra spoke next on “Repentance and Reconciliation of the Abuser.” The conference concluded with a roundtable discussion among pastors, elders, and professors in which they talked about various questions and challenges they face in working through cases of sexual abuse.

Delegated to Classis were 25 men (8 ministers and 17 elders), and they were joined by three synodical deputies from Classis East. A number of visitors were also present, including junior high and high school students from the area Protestant Reformed school. By alphabetical rotation, Rev. J. Marcus chaired the meeting.

Two elders signed the Formula of Subscription as first time delegates to Classis, the minutes of the previous meeting of Classis were approved, and the questions of Article 41 of the Church Order were asked and satisfactorily answered by the consistories.

The highlight of the meeting was the examination of Pastor-elect Matthew Koerner, who had accepted the call to serve as pastor of Hosanna PRC (Edmonton). The night before Classis convened, the delegates gathered with the Crete congregation to worship God and to hear the specimen sermon of Mr. Koerner. He preached on Psalm 34:1-3 and displayed clearly the gifts that God has entrusted to him for the proclamation of the gospel. The majority of the morning of Classis was taken up with the joyful work of examining Mr. Koerner in theology, knowledge of Scripture and the Reformed confessions, controversy, and practica.  Throughout the exam the brother gave a good account of the intellectual and spiritual gifts necessary for the ministry. Classis unanimously approved his examination, and the synodical deputies from Classis East heartily concurred. The brother plans to be ordained and installed into the ministry in the next few months. We give thanks to the Lord of the harvest for supplying our churches with another faithful laborer!

After the conclusion of the exam, Classis heard regular reports from the stated clerk, classical committee, and reading sermon library committee and approved their work.

The church visitors of Classis reported on their work with the saints of Covenant of Grace PRC (Spokane, WA) after the resignation of office and departure from the denomination of their pastor and two of their three other officebearers. Classis approved the work of the church visitors regarding this case and thanked them for their timely response to the situation. Classis also asked the consistory of Loveland PRC, which has taken oversight of the saints in Spokane, to bring a recommendation to the next meeting of Classis regarding the viability of a congregation in Spokane and the path forward for the saints there. Finally, Classis communicated to the saints in Spokane its continued love, care, and support for them.

In closed session, Classis treated the report of a special committee assigned by Classis in March to help a consistory regarding a case of sexual abuse. Classis approved the work of the special committee up to this point, and gave further mandates to the special committee as to their work with the consistory going forward.

Classis made a schedule of pulpit supply through March of 2024 for the vacant congregations of Loveland (CO) PRC, Lynden (WA) PRC, and Randolph (WI) PRC.

The expenses of this meeting totaled $11,174.59.

Classis finished its work by about 5:00 PM.

Classis West will meet next in Randolph (WI) PRC on March 6, 2024, the Lord willing.

Rev. Joshua Engelsma

Stated Clerk, Classis West

Classis West News Report - March 1-2, 2023 - Lynden (WA) PRC

sm lynden

News Report of Classis West of the PRCA Meeting March 1-2, 2023

Classis West of the Protestant Reformed Churches met on March 1-2, 2023, in Lynden PRC (Lynden, WA). This small congregation did an outstanding job of hosting the twenty-eight delegates from the fourteen churches in the Classis.

Classis began on Wednesday, March 1, with opening devotions led by the chairman of the previous meeting, Rev. M. Kortus (pastor of Hope Redlands PRC), who gave a fitting meditation on Psalm 20. After Classis was legally constituted, the meeting was capably chaired by Rev. Jonathan Langerak (pastor of Covenant of Grace PRC), who was serving in this capacity for the first time in his ministry.

Five first-time delegates to Classis signed the Formula of Subscription, the minutes of the previous meeting of Classis were approved, and the four questions of Article 41 of the Church Order were asked and answered. Routine reports of the stated clerk, classical committee, and reading sermon committee were read and approved. The church visitors reported on their work over the last year and the presence of unity, peace, and love prevailing in the churches in spite of the hardships of the last year.

After recessing for the late morning and most of the afternoon for the committees of pre-advice to prepare advice, Classis met and gave approval to Prof. D. Kuiper to publish some material from the Classis West archives in upcoming articles he intends to write in the Protestant Reformed Theological Journal on the history of Classis West.

Classis made a schedule of pulpit supply for the five vacant congregations in the Classis: Doon (IA) PRC, Hosanna PRC (Edmonton), Loveland (CO) PRC, Lynden (WA) PRC, and Randolph (WI) PRC. Due to the large number of vacancies in Classis West, it was decided to ask Classis East for assistance in covering two Sundays for each of the vacant congregations in the next six months.

Classis approved the subsidy requests for 2024 for five congregations and forwarded them on to Synod 2023 for its approval.

Classis treated in closed session an appeal in which a victim of child sexual abuse objected to a consistory’s discipline work with the perpetrator of the abuse. Classis permitted close loved ones of the victim to be present in the sessions and also allowed a pastor and another individual to speak on the victim’s behalf. Classis unanimously sustained the first part of the appeal and declared that the consistory erred in accepting the initial confession of the perpetrator. Classis judged that a more thorough investigation of the nature and extent of the sin was required, that confession of sin to those sinned against should have taken place before an announcement of reconciliation was read in the church, and that later events seriously called into question the genuineness of the confession. Classis also unanimously sustained the second part of the appeal and declared that the consistory erred in their announcement of the perpetrator’s sin. Classis judged that the announcement of sin should have included more information regarding the specific nature of the sin committed: rather than merely a general reference to sin against the 7th commandment, the announcement should have included a reference to the 6th commandment and that this was a case of child sexual abuse by an adult in a position of authority over a period of several years. Classis also explained how this was necessary for the covenant community, the sinner, and the victim. Classis also appointed a special committee to provide assistance to the consistory in this case.

Having met until about 9:00 PM on Wednesday, Classis decided to recess until the following morning.

The next day, Thursday, March 2, Classis began by treating an overture from a consistory. The consistory submitted to Classis an overture to be forwarded to Synod 2023 that Synod appoint a committee to research and engage an independent, third-party investigation to conduct an investigation into sexual abuse in the PRCA. Classis decided not to forward the overture to Synod, on the grounds that: 1) the overture had insufficient information for Classis to make an informed judgment to approve the request, and 2) that with the limited information provided about what would be the nature and work of a third party investigation, the overture did not show the necessity of such an investigation from the Scriptures.

Throughout the meeting, Classis also voted for various classical functionaries. Rev. J. Engelsma was reappointed to a three-year term as Stated Clerk, and Rev. J. Langerak was reappointed to a three-year term as Assistant Stated Clerk. Rev. M. De Boer was reappointed to a three-year term on the Classical Committee, and Rev. R. Barnhill was appointed to a one-year term to fill a vacant position. Rev. A. Brummel was appointed to a three-year term as a primus synodical deputy, Rev. M. De Boer was re-appointed to a three-year term as a secundus synodical deputy, Rev. J. Marcus was appointed to a one-year term as a secundus synodical deputy to fill a vacant position, and Rev. S. Regnerus was appointed to a two-year term as a secundus synodical deputy to fill a vacant position. Classis appointed Revs. A. Brummel, R. Hanko, S. Key, and J. Marcus as church visitors, with Revs. R. Barnhill and J. Engelsma as alternates.

Ministers delegated to Synod 2023 were Revs. R. Barnhill, A. Brummel, J. Engelsma, M. Kortus, and J. Marcus. Alternates are Revs. H. Bleyenberg, M. De Boer, J. Langerak, and S. Regnerus. Elders delegated to Synod 2023 were Keith Bruinsma (Peace), Chester Hunter, Jr. (Edgerton), James Regnerus (Doon), Peter Smit (Hope), and Ryan Van Overloop (Crete). Alternates are Robert Brands (Loveland), Travis Feenstra (Hope), Steve Huizenga (Crete), Alvern Miersma (Hope), and Joel Moore (Loveland).

Classis appointed Rev. J. Langerak as the moderator for Lynden PRC in their upcoming vacancy.

Classis finished its work around 12:30 PM on Thursday.

The expenses of this meeting totaled $17,638.94.

Classis will meet next in Crete (IL) PRC on September 27, 2023, the Lord willing.

Rev. Joshua Engelsma Stated Clerk, Classis West

Report on Classis West Meeting September 28, 2022

News Report of Classis West of the PRCA Meeting
September 28, 2022

Doon PRC 2022 2

Classis West of the Protestant Reformed Churches met on September 28, 2022, in Doon PRC (Doon, IA), finishing its work by about 9:30 PM. The Doon congregation had opportunity to show off the new addition to their church building, and they did a fine job in hosting, including scrambling to make arrangements for the delegates during a town-wide power outage for several hours in the afternoon.

Rev. S. Key had the opportunity to lead Classis in opening devotions, which was fitting as this was his last meeting of Classis before emeritation, and he gave a humbling and encouraging meditation on Psalm 112:7: “He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the LORD.”

Delegated to Classis were 28 men (11 ministers and 17 elders), and they were joined by three synodical deputies from Classis East. Rev. M. Kortus chaired Classis for the first time in his ministry, and led the meeting capably.

The questions of Article 41 of the Church Order were asked and satisfactorily answered. Regular reports from the stated clerk, classical committee, and reading sermon library committee were read and their work approved.

One important item on the agenda was a request from Loveland PRC for the emeritation of their pastor, Rev. S. Key. Classis approved the request for emeritation effective January 1, 2023 (which received the concurrence of the three synodical deputies from Classis East), approved his financial support for 2023, and expressed thanksgiving to God for his 36 years of faithful service to our churches. Rev. Key has especially been used of God for the benefit of the churches in Classis West, having served as pastor in the Classis for 31 years, as stated clerk for six years, as a representative of the Classis to Synod 27 times, as church visitor for 19 years running, as a member of many special committees of the Classis, and as a humble and wise leader in the Classis. May God bless Rev. Key and his wife as they enter this new phase of life!

An individual submitted a protest to Classis of decisions taken by a previous meeting of Classis West which related to the refusal in September 2021 to seat delegates from the former consistory of First Edmonton PRC and to approve the labors of the church visitors with that congregation. Classis did not sustain the individual’s protest.

In closed session, Classis treated an appeal of an individual regarding the discipline work of a consistory. After careful deliberation, Classis did not sustain the appeal.

Classis made a schedule of pulpit supply for the vacant congregations of Doon (IA) PRC, Hosanna PRC (Edmonton), Randolph (WI) PRC, and the soon-to-be-vacant Loveland PRC. Due to the large number of vacancies and small number of active pastors, Classis decided to request assistance from Classis East in covering five 1 Sundays in the next six months.

Classis received a special request from a congregation for subsidy for 2023, and a special request from a congregation to increase subsidy for 2023. Both requests were approved. The expenses of this meeting totaled $8,853.17. Classis West will meet next in Lynden (WA) PRC on March 1, 2023, the Lord willing.

Rev. Joshua Engelsma Stated Clerk, Classis West

ClWest Doon Sept 2022 3

Classis West Report - March 2-3, 2022 (Hope PRC - Redlands, CA)


News Report of Classis West of the PRCA Meeting March 2-3, 2022

Classis West of the Protestant Reformed Churches met on March 2-3, 2022, in Hope PRC (Redlands, CA). This isolated congregation did an outstanding job of hosting the delegates.

The day before the meeting, an officebearers’ conference was held on the timely subject of the church of Christ. The first two speeches dealt with the government of the church, with Rev. M. Kortus speaking on “A Delicate Balance: The Relationship between Office of Believer and the Special Offices in the Church of Christ” and Rev. E. Guichelaar speaking on“The Autonomy of the Local Congregation and the Authority of the Broader Assemblies.” The two other speeches dealt with a proper view of the church’s sinfulness, with Rev. R. Hanko speaking on “A Proper View of the Church - Mother or Whore?” and Rev. J. Langerak speaking on “The Church’s Self-Reflective Response to Chastening.” Between the last two speeches the male chorus of Hope congregation sang several beautiful numbers. A very enjoyable day of instruction and fellowship was had by all!

The following day, Classis began with opening devotions led by the chairman of the previous meeting, Rev. E. Guichelaar. After Classis was legally constituted, Rev. S. Key assumed the chair.

Routine reports of the stated clerk, classical committee, and reading sermon committee were read and approved. The church visitors also reported on their work over the last year and the presence of unity, peace, and love prevailing in the churches in spite of the hardships of the last year.

After recessing for the committees of pre-advice to prepare advice, Classis addressed matters brought from First PRC Edmonton relating to Rev. J. Marcus. Classis concurred with the decision of First Edmonton to approve Rev. Marcus’ request to remain eligible for a call in our churches, concurred with the decision of First Edmonton to approve Rev. Marcus’ request for partial support for the next year, and concurred with the decision of First Edmonton to grant Rev. Marcus’ request to transfer his credentials to Grace PRC where he is currently a member.

Classis made a schedule of pulpit supply for the vacant congregations of Doon (IA) PRC, First PRC Edmonton, and Peace PRC (Dyer, IN). Due to the number of vacancies in Classis West, it was decided to ask Classis East for assistance in providing three 2- week classical appointments to Edmonton for the months of June through October.

Classis had before it a protest of decisions taken at the last meeting of Classis regarding not seating delegates from the former consistory of First PRC Edmonton and regarding the approval of the work of the church visitors with respect to First PRC Edmonton. Classis did not sustain the protest.

Having met until about 8:00 PM on Wednesday, Classis decided to reconvene until the following morning to give several committees of pre-advice time to work.

The next day, Thursday, March 3, Classis met at length, not finishing its work until 9:30 PM.

Classis treated in closed session an appeal of the discipline work of a consistory. After lengthy, careful deliberation, Classis did not sustain the appeal.

Classis also treated in closed session another appeal of the discipline work of a different consistory. After lengthy, careful deliberation, Classis did not sustain the appeal.

Classis approved the subsidy requests for 2023 for three churches and forwarded them on to Synod for its approval.

Classis also voted for various classical functionaries. Rev. A. Brummel was reappointed to a three-year term on the Classical Committee. Rev. J. Engelsma was appointed to a three-year term as a primus synodical deputy, Rev. E. Guichelaar was reappointed to a three-year term as a secundus synodical deputy, and Rev. M. De Boer was appointed to a one-year term as a secundus synodical deputy to fill a vacant position. Classis appointed Revs. A. Brummel, R. Hanko, S. Key, and J. Laning as church visitors, with Revs. H. Bleyenberg and J. Engelsma as alternates.

Ministers delegated to Synod 2022 were Revs. R. Barnhill, A. Brummel, J. Engelsma, S. Key, and J. Laning. Alternates are Revs. H. Bleyenberg, E. Guichelaar, M. Kortus, J. Langerak, and S. Regnerus. Elders delegated to Synod 2022 were Keith Bruinsma (Peace), Loren Gritters (Hull), Chester Hunter, Jr. (Edgerton), Peter Smit (Hope), and Phil E. Van Baren (Crete). Alternates are Robert Brands (Loveland), Luke Griess (Loveland), David Poortinga (Loveland), Keith Van Drunen (Crete), and Ryan Van Overloop (Crete).

The expenses of this meeting totaled $18,052.18.

Classis will meet next in Doon PRC on September 28, 2022, the Lord willing.

Rev. Joshua Engelsma
Stated Clerk, Classis West

Report of Classis West, March 3-4, 2021

Peace PRC 2018 2
Peace PRC in Dyer, IN, host of Classis West meeting this week

News Report of Classis West of the PRCA Meeting March 3-4, 2021
Joshua EngelsmaClassis West of the Protestant Reformed Churches met for two full days on March 3-4, 2021, in Peace PRC (Dyer, IN). The meeting was chaired by Rev. Joshua Engelsma (pastor of Doon PRC), who was serving in this capacity for the first time in his ministry.
Twenty-six delegates from thirteen churches were physically present. The delegates from Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB) and First PRC (Edmonton, AB) were not able physically to attend the meeting due to the restrictions of the Canadian government with respect to COVID-19. Classis granted the request of these delegates to be seated and to participate virtually.
Routine reports from the stated clerk, the classical committee, and the reading sermon library committee were read and approved. The church visitors reported on their labors over the last year and the presence of peace, unity, and love prevailing in the churches.
On the agenda was a request from the consistory of Bethel PRC for Classis to concur with its decision to disband, a decision based on her declining membership. With sadness, Classis concurred and extended a word of commendation to the saints in Bethel, and to her present and former officebearers, for the labors so faithfully extended in the spread of the gospel over the past 32 years. Classis also thankfully acknowledged Bethel’s continuing heart for and gift to the denomination in her decision to forward her remaining assets to Synod. Bethel plans officially to disband at the end of June 2021.
In light of its decision to disband, Bethel also brought a request for her pastor, Rev. Dennis Lee, to be declared temporarily emeritus effective after the disbanding of the congregation, unless he should receive and accept a call to another congregation in that time. Classis approved the request, and will forward it to Synod 2021 for its approval.
Classis also had before it one appeal. An individual had raised objections to a sermon preached in his congregation, but his consistory did not sustain his objections. After careful deliberation of the appeal, Classis did not sustain the individual.
Classis also treated two protests. The first protest, which was treated in open session, was a protest of the decision of Classis in September 2020 to declare the individual’s appeal not legally before it. Classis did not sustain the protest, and therefore sustained its previous decision to declare the original appeal not legally before it.
The second protest was treated in closed session. This was a protest of the decision of Classis in September 2020 to declare a different appeal not legally before it. Classis did not sustain the protest, and therefore sustained its previous decision to declare the original appeal not legally before it.
Classis also approved a request for another year’s financial support of a minister released under Article 11 of the Church Order.
Classis approved the subsidy requests for 2022 for two churches and forwarded them on to Synod for its approval.
Classis also voted for various classical functionaries. Rev. J. Laning was reappointed to a three- year term on the Classical Committee. Rev. R. Barnhill was reappointed to a three-year term as a primus synodical deputy, and Rev. J. Laning was reappointed to a three-year term as a secundus synodical deputy. Classis appointed Revs. A. Brummel, S. Key, R. Kleyn, and J. Laning as church visitors for the coming year, with Revs. J. Engelsma and R. Hanko as alternates.
Ministers delegated to Synod 2021 are Revs. A. Brummel, J. Engelsma, S. Key, R. Kleyn, and J. Laning. Their alternates are Revs. R. Barnhill, E. Guichelaar, M. Kortus, D. Lee, and S. Regnerus. Elders delegated to Synod 2021 are Keith Bruinsma (Peace), David Poortinga (Loveland), Jack Regnerus (Randolph), Don Terpstra (Peace), and Ed Van Egdom (Heritage). Their alternates are Kevin Brummel (Crete), Jonathan den Hartog (Redlands), Marlin Feenstra (Redlands), Victor Solanyk (Loveland), and Steve Van Drunen (Crete).
The expenses of this meeting totaled $7,048.47.
Classis will meet next in Crete PRC on September 29, 2021, the Lord willing.
Rev. Joshua Engelsma
Stated Clerk, Classis West

Classis West Report - September 23, 2020

ClWest Sept 2020 Edgerton 

News Report of Classis West of the PRCA
Meeting September 23, 2020

Classis West of the Protestant Reformed Churches met on September 23, 2020, in Edgerton PRC (Edgerton, MN). The meeting was capably chaired by Rev. Matt De Boer (pastor of Edgerton PRC), who was serving in this capacity for the first time in his ministry.

Noticeably absent from the meeting were elder delegates from Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB) and First PRC (Edmonton, AB). These consistories were not able to attend the meeting due to the restrictions of the Canadian government with respect to COVID-19.

Routine reports from the stated clerk, the classical committee, and the reading sermon library committee were read and approved. A report from a special committee to assist a consistory was also received, their work approved, and the committee discontinued.

In closed session, a consistory sought the advice of Classis to increase the censure of two confessing members. Another consistory sought the advice of Classis to proceed with the erasure of a baptized member. After hearing of the impenitence of these individuals and the careful labors of these consistories, Classis took decisions to advise the consistories to proceed to further steps of Christian discipline.

Classis treated an appeal from an individual that objected to a statement in a sermon by his minister. Classis declared the appeal not legally before it on the grounds that the matter was not finished at the consistory level, that the individual had not researched and interacted with the decisions of recent PRCA synods that may touch on the matter, and that the individual gave evidence of not understanding the necessary function of the Three Forms of Unity in the process of protest and appeal.

In closed session, Classis treated an appeal regarding the work of a consistory. Classis ruled the appeal not legally before it because the requirements of Articles 30 and 31 of the Church Order had not been met.

Worth noting is that the Classis did not need to adopt a pulpit supply schedule, since at this time there are no vacancies in the Classis.

The expenses of this meeting totaled $5,897.52.

The next meeting of Classis is scheduled for March 3, 2021, in Hope (Redlands) PRC. The consistory of Hope (Redlands) PRC did inform Classis that they are located in a state with some of the tightest restrictions on gatherings due to COVID-19, and asked Classis either to appoint a different host church or to appoint an alternate host church in case they believe it is not possible for them to host. Classis appointed Peace PRC as an alternate host, and authorized the Classical Committee to make the necessary arrangements in consultation with the consistory of Hope (Redlands) PRC. All this, the Lord willing.

Rev. Joshua Engelsma
Stated Clerk, Classis West

News from Classis West - Sept.25-27, 2019 & November 5, 2019 **(Updated)

Calvary Hull 2019

Classis West met today (Sept.25) in Calvary PRC in Hull, IA. The focus of Wednesday's work was the examination of pastor-elect Matt Kortus, whom Hope PRC (Redlands, CA) has called.

CW Sept25 19 officers
Classiscal officers - Rev. R. Barnhill (left - president) and Rev. S. Regnerus (right - clerk)

Last evening during a call to worship at Calvary PRC, pastor-elect Kortus delivered his sermon specimen, which was approved, and thus, the classical examination proceeded on Wednesday.

MKortus exam CW Sept2519 1
Pastor-elect M. Kortus being examined in Reformed doctrine and practice.

By the strengthening grace of God, pastor-elect Kortus sustained his examination and was approved for ordination, with Hope PRC being instructed to proceed with that. That will take place, Lord willing, on Sunday, October 6, with Rev. N. Decker officiating.

MKortus CW diploma Sept25 19
Pastor-elect Kortus (with his wife, Sarah) receiving his classical diploma and congratulations from Rev. R. Barnhill, president of Classis.

CW exam congrats 1
Pastor-elect Kortus and his wife Sarah being congratulated by delegates of Classis.

 We rejoice with the brother and his family, as well as with Hope PRC in God's good provision. May the Lord now give abundant grace as  he prepares to take up his labors in the gospel ministry.


The following is the official, public report of this meeting of classis provided by the stated clerk: (also attached in pdf form)

News Report of Classis West of the PRCA

Meeting September 25-27, 2019

Classis West of the Protestant Reformed Churches met from September 25-27, 2019, in Calvary PRC (Hull, IA). The meeting was capably chaired by Rev. Ryan Barnhill (pastor of Peace PRC), who was serving in this capacity for the first time in his ministry.

Noticeably absent from the meeting was one of the elder delegates from Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB), who remained home to support a family in the congregation whose teenage son had recently died in an automobile accident.

The night before Classis convened, the delegates gathered with the Calvary congregation to worship God and to hear the specimen sermon of Mr. Matt Kortus, pastor-elect of Hope PRC (Redlands, CA). He preached on Philippians 4:6-7 and displayed clearly the gifts that God has entrusted to him for the proclamation of the gospel.

The following day was largely taken up by the joyful work of examining Mr. Kortus. Throughout the exam he gave a good account of the intellectual and spiritual gifts necessary for the ministry. Classis unanimously approved his examination, and the synodical deputies from Classis East heartily concurred. The brother plans to be ordained and installed into the ministry on October 6, with Rev. Nate Decker (pastor of Grandville PRC) officiating. We give thanks to the Lord of the harvest for supplying another faithful laborer.

In closed session, a consistory sought the advice of Classis to proceed with the erasure of a baptized member. After hearing of the individual’s impenitence and the labors of the consistory to this point, Classis took the sad decision to advise the consistory to proceed with erasure.

Also in closed session, Classis treated an appeal from an individual regarding the discipline work of a consistory. Classis ruled the appeal not legally before it.

Classis also had before it four protests against decisions taken at its March meeting in closed session. After much deliberation, Classis decided not to sustain the protests in several matters and to sustain them in certain other matters.

Following a question that arose with the report of the stated clerk, Classis approved a number of guidelines that the stated clerk can follow when he receives requests for confidential material from an individual who is not an officebearer.

Classis adopted a pulpit supply schedule for Immanuel PRC: Rev. Engelsma (November 10 and 17), Rev. Barnhill (December 8 and 15), Rev. Guichelaar (January 5 and 12), Rev. Laning (January 26 and February 2), Rev. N. Langerak (February 23 and March 1), and Rev. J. Langerak (March 15 and 22). Classis also adopted a pulpit supply schedule for First Edmonton PRC: Rev. Lee (October 20 and 27), Rev. Regnerus (November 10 and 17), Rev. Kortus (December 8 and 15), Rev. R. Kleyn (January 5 and 12), Rev. De Boer (January 26 and February 2), Rev. Key (February 23 and March 1), and Rev. Brummel (March 15 and 22).

Classis sustained the protests of five protestants with regard to their objections to Classis’ decisions in March 2019 and declared those decisions to be in error. The decisions which were declared to be in error were 1) to sustain an appeal against a consistory’s decision to read an apology in response to the member’s protest of Rev. Marcus’ preaching concerning providence, and 2) to advise the consistory to proceed to his suspension. Classis did so with the following grounds:

      1. Although Rev. Marcus’ teaching on providence was erroneous, suspension according to Arts. 79-80 of the Church Order was not the proper way of addressing it.
      2. Classis erred in its judgment that Rev. Marcus’ proposed apology was not adequate.
      3. Nowhere in its grounds did Classis demonstrate that the statements of Rev. Marcus were explicitly contrary to the teachings of Scripture and the confessions.
      4. Classis erred in giving as a ground for suspension that “such a suspension would give the consistory time to do an investigation into the extent of his teaching in the congregation, especially with regard to the instruction of the catechism students.”
      5. Classis erred in giving as a ground for suspension that Rev. Marcus “cannot labor effectively in the congregation with a cloud of suspicion hanging over his orthodoxy.”
      6. Classis erred in giving as a ground of suspension that certain statements of Rev. Marcus were “suspicious,” which statements are not inherently wrong.

Classis made apology to First Edmonton consistory and to Rev. Marcus for the advice given in March. Classis will continue to address matters that pertain to this case when they reconvene on Tuesday, November 5. Please remember the Classis in your prayers as they take up this important work again in a month.

The expenses of this part of the meeting totaled $12,447.28.

Rev. Joshua Engelsma, Stated Clerk, Classis West


News Report of Classis West of the PRCA, Meeting November 5, 2019

Classis West of the Protestant Reformed Churches met in a reconvened session on November 5, 2019, in Calvary PRC (Hull, IA). Rev. Ryan Barnhill again chaired the meeting. The reconvened session was due to the fact that Classis was not able to finish its agenda in September and more time was needed by a committee of pre-advice to prepare its advice.

Classis had before it a request from a consistory for the concurrence of Classis in deposing its minister according to Arts. 79-80 of the Church Order for his teachings on providence and sanctification, and an appeal of the consistory’s decision to do so. Classis sustained the appeal and declared that the consistory erred in seeking the deposition of its minister.

Classis also took a decision to advise the consistory to lift the suspension of its minister with regards to his teaching on providence, since Classis had already judged in September that suspension was not the proper way to address the minister’s error, that the minister demonstrated he understood the error and was repentant of it, and that the minister’s submitted confession on providence is orthodox.

Classis also advised the consistory to lift the suspension of the minister with regards to his teaching on sanctification. Classis judged that in some instances the consistory had wrongly charged the minister with error. In addition, Classis judged that, although the consistory rightly identified erroneous statements made by the minister, suspension was not the proper way to address the matter. Classis stated that, in order to suspend a man for teaching false doctrine or heresy, it must be demonstrated that a man’s teaching is characterized by consciousness and deliberateness as well as persistence after having been admonished, which was not true of the minister.

The March 2019 meeting of Classis had appointed a special committee to assist the consistory as they worked through these matters, and the committee reported to this Classis on its labors over the last months. Classis acknowledged the work of the committee in implementing its decisions from March, although Classis has now declared those decisions to be in error. Classis also noted several aspects of the special committee’s labors that it did not approve. Classis appointed a new special committee to assist the pastor, consistory, and congregation, should the consistory request such help.

Classis also treated an appeal against the consistory’s initial suspension of the minister without seeking the advice of a neighboring consistory. The consistory believed that the advice of the March Classis to suspend served in the place of a neighboring consistory’s concurrence. The appellant argued this was not proper. Classis upheld the appeal, citing the plain reading of Art. 79 as well as the fact that the concurrence of another body is required after the decision of the consistory to suspend, not before.

The expenses of this part of the meeting totaled $11,965.97.

Classis will meet next in Peace PRC (Dyer, IN) on March 4, 2020, the Lord willing.

Rev. Joshua Engelsma, Stated Clerk, Classis West

Report of Classis West - March 7, 2018 - Loveland PRC

Loveland (CO) PRC, Host of Classis West meeting held March 7, 2018

Classis West of the Protestant Reformed Churches met in Loveland, Colorado, on March 7, 2018.  Thirteen ministers and seventeen elders represented the churches.  Rev. Dennis Lee chaired the meeting.

After opening devotions and the constituting of Classis, routine reports of the stated clerk, classical committee, and reading sermon committee were read and approved.  The church visitors also reported on their work over the last year and the presence of unity, peace, and love prevailing in the churches.

In closed session, two consistories explained their labors with impenitent members and requested that Classis approve their proceeding to the increase of censure by making a public announcement of the name.  After careful deliberation, Classis advised both consistories to proceed.

With Rev. Griess accepting a call to First PRC (Grand Rapids), the now-vacant Calvary PRC requested pulpit supply from Classis.  The following appointments were made: Rev. B. Huizinga – April 8 and 15; Rev. D. Lee – April 29 and May 6; Rev. J. Laning – May 13; Rev. B. Feenstra – May 20 and 27; Rev. J. Engelsma – June 10; Rev. M. De Boer – June 17; Rev. J. Marcus – July 1 and 8; Rev. A. Brummel – July 15; Rev. E. Guichelaar – July 22 and 29; Rev. S. Key – August 5 and 12; Rev. R. Kleyn – Sept. 2 and 9; Rev. N. Langerak – Sept. 16 and 23; Rev. R. Barnhill – Oct. 7 and 14; Rev. S. Regnerus – Oct. 21 and 28.

Classis approved the subsidy requests for 2019 for five churches and forwarded them on to Synod for its approval.  Classis took note of the fact that Edgerton PRC is no longer requesting subsidy, and Edgerton’s pastor, Rev. De Boer, addressed a word of appreciation to the churches for the financial support provided over the years.

Classis also voted for various classical functionaries.  Rev. Laning was appointed to a three-year term on the Classical Committee, and Rev. De Boer was appointed to finish the remaining two years of Rev. Griess’ term.  Rev. Barnhill was appointed to a three-year term as a primus synodical deputy, Rev. Laning was appointed to a three-year term as a secundus synodical deputy, and Rev. Guichelaar was appointed to finish the remaining one year of Rev. Griess’ term as a secundus synodical deputy.  Classis appointed Revs. R. Hanko, S.Key, R.Kleyn, and J.Laning as church visitors, with Revs. A. Brummel and T. Miersma as alternates.

Ministers delegated to Synod 2018 were Revs. Huizinga, Key, Kleyn, Langerak, and Laning.  Alternates are Revs. Brummel, Engelsma, Guichelaar, Lee, and Marcus.  Elder delegates to Synod are Glenn Feenstra (Hope), Henry Ferguson (First Edmonton), Hilgard Goosen (Immanuel), Alan Meurer (Bethel), and Jim Regnerus (Doon).  Their alternates are Bob Brands (Loveland), Alden De Jong (Hull), George De Jong (Crete), David Griess (Loveland), and Jim Lenting (Crete).

Classis was able to complete its work by noon.  The expenses of this meeting totaled $8,110.23.

Classis will meet next in Heritage PRC (Sioux Falls, SD) on September 26, 2018, the Lord willing.

Rev. Joshua Engelsma

Stated Clerk, Classis West

Report on Classis West Special Meeting - Wednesday, Nov.29, 2017

 SR BF CW exam 2017 3
Pastors-elect Stephan Regnerus (l) and Brian Feenstra (r) being examined

Report of Classis West

Classis West held a special meeting on Wednesday, November 29, in Lynden PRC.  The purpose of this meeting was to examine Pastors-elect Brian Feenstra and Stephan Regnerus, who had accepted the calls extended to them by Immanuel PRC (Lacombe) and Lynden PRC, respectively.

The night before Classis, Lynden held a special worship service at which Pastor-elect Regnerus preached a specimen sermon on Romans 12:1-2.  On Wednesday morning, after Classis was constituted, Pastor-elect Feenstra preached a specimen sermon on Revelation 5:1-17.   Classis approved both sermons, and then proceeded to examine the men in ten different subject areas for 20 minutes each.  The oral examination lasted until mid-afternoon.  Both men gave a good account of their knowledge, convictions, and spiritual character.  Classis West, with the concurrence of the synodical deputies from Classis East, unanimously approved their examinations and advised both consistories to proceed with their ordinations.  Pastor-elect Regnerus' ordination in Lynden is scheduled for Friday, December 1, and Pastor-elect Feenstra's ordination in Lacombe is scheduled for Sunday, December 10.
Lynden PRC did a fine job of hosting the meeting of Classis, and the delegates had several opportunities to enjoy good fellowship with each other and with the congregation.
The expenses of Classis totaled $14,964.87.  The next meeting of Classis is scheduled for March 7, 2018, in Loveland PRC.
Rev. Joshua Engelsma
Stated Clerk, Classis West

SR BF CW exam 2017 2
Receiving the news of their approval from the chair of Classis, Rev. J. Laning

SR BF CW exam 2017

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