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PRC Synod 2021 - Day 1 - Tuesday June 8 (Updated with Report)

GT PRC front

The PRC Synod 2021 began its sessions this morning at Georgetown PRC at 8 a.m.

After receiving the credentials of the delegates from Classes East and West, election of synodical officers took place. Chosen were Revs. R. Kleyn as president, G. Eriks as vice-president, C.Spronk as first clerk, and J.Engelsma as second clerk.

RKleyn Pres

The Committee on Committees was appointed to organize the work of synod. More on this report later.

Delegates GT PRC JTan sermon
Synodical delegates gathered for Sem. J.Tan sermon

Beginning at 10 a.m. the examination of Sem. Josiah Tan (Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church, Singapore) will take place, with his specimen sermon to be preached before synod and visitors. Tomorrow (Wednesday) his oral examination will begin, with more continuing on Thursday. The entire exam will be livestreamed on Georgetown PRC's website.

JTan sermon 1
Sem. J.Tan delivering his sermon specimen before synod

Synod has approved Sem. Tan's sermon specimen and will proceed to the rest of his examination Wednesday morning. 

assembled fellowship room 1

Synod has recessed for the day in order for her committees to do their work.

UPDATE: The following is the summary report of day one by the synod's clerks:

Report of Day One of Synod of the Protestant Reformed Churches of America June 8, 2021

Georgetown Protestant Reformed Church called its congregation together for the pre-synodical service last night, June 7, and began its duties of hosting the delegates of Synod 2021. Rev. Van Overloop, chairman of last year’s synod, led the service, preaching on the mercy and lovingkindness of God as set forth in Psalm 36:7-8. The pastorally delivered sermon encouraged the delegates of synod and the congregation to view everything that is happening in the churches and their individual lives in light of the excellent lovingkindness/mercy of God towards His people. The congregation and delegates of synod enjoyed a time of Christian fellowship after the service.

This morning the delegates of synod were once again warmly welcomed by the members of Georgetown PRC who are working in various capacities to serve synod. If today is any indication, the delegates will be very well cared for by the janitor, the kitchen committee, and others who are helping in this effort. Synod gathered in the spacious fellowship hall to begin its proceedings. Rev. Van Overloop read the names of the delegates from Classis East and Classis West. After synod voted to approve the credentials of the delegates, Rev. Van Overloop declared synod properly constituted.

Synod proceeded to elect officers resulting in the election of Rev. Rodney Kleyn as president, Rev. Garry Eriks as vice-president, Rev. Clayton Spronk as first clerk, and Rev. Joshua Engelsma as second clerk. Rev. Kleyn took the chair, asked for the cooperation of the delegates, and read from Ephesias 3:14-21 commenting that the passage is a prayer that God be glorified through the church. He encouraged the delegates to make this prayer and to have this perspective that all should be for God’s glory in the work of synod.

Senior Seminarian Josiah Tan preached a specimen sermon on Psalm 89:1 at around 10:00 this morning. As it had the night before, synod heard a stirring word of God about the amazing mercies of God. Synod unanimously voted to approve Sem. Tan’s sermon and to proceed to his oral examination. The sermon was livestreamed on the internet. Hopefully members of the churches were able to tune in, especially the members of the CERC in Singapore.

Those who are interested in witnessing the proceedings of synod will want to take note of the following decisions that were adopted by synod. 1. The examination of senior seminarian Josiah Tan will be livestreamed on the internet Wednesday and Thursday. 2. Sixty visitors will be allowed in the fellowship hall for the regular deliberations of synod; 285 visitors will be allowed in the sanctuary during the oral examination of Sem. Tan.

Synod adopted the recommendation of the Committee on Committees regarding the appointment of the committees of pre-advice. Around noon synod recessed for the day so that these committees could get to work. Synod will convene at 8:00am tomorrow and shortly thereafter begin the examination of Mr. Tan in the six sections of Reformed Dogmatics. May God give our brother all he needs to give a good account of what he has studied in seminary.

In Christ’s Service, Rev. Spronk First Clerk of Synod 2021

Last modified on 09 June 2021