Church Listing

Rev.C. Griess Declines Mission Call from Doon PRC; 1st PRC, Holland Calls Rev. B.Huizinga

RevCGriessOn Sunday, August 28, 2016 it was announced in Doon PRC (calling church) and Calvary PRC (pastor's current charge) that Rev. C. Griess was led by the Lord to decline the call to serve as third missionary to the Philippines.

May the Lord bless Rev. Griess as he continues his labors in Calvary (Hull, IA), and may He give direction to the Council of Doon PRC with regard to the need in the Philippines.

HuizingaBrianAlso, on Sunday morning, August 28, the congregation of First PRC, Holland, MI, extended a call to Rev. B. Huizinga, currently pastor of Hope PRC in Redlands, CA. May the Lord guide His servant into the sure knowledge of His will and work for him in His vineyard.



Last modified on 29 August 2016
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