

Important Travels/Labors by Rev.A.den Hartog and Rev.A. Stewart

The following related news items taken from two recent church bulletins contain significant information about the activities of two of our pastors, and so are posted here for the benefit of our members. May we remember to pray for these men and their wives as they travel and conduct these busy labors on behalf of their respective churches. May God be pleased to make these labors fruitful for the good of our churches and our sister churches.

AdenHartogFrom the SW PRC (Wyoming, MI) bulletin:

At the request of Covenant Protestant Reformed Church in Ballymena, Northern Ireland, the Council has released Pastor den Hartog for a three-week trip to Northern Ireland this spring. 

Pastor den Hartog will be filling the pulpit of Covenant Protestant Reformed Church while Rev. Stewart will be traveling to Australia and to Singapore to discuss the possibility of a sister-church relationship between Covenant Protestant Reformed Church and the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore. Rev. Stewart will also be giving a series of speeches for Covenant Church while in Singapore.

Our pastor will be giving three speeches and also traveling to Limerick where Rev. Martyn McGeown is the missionary.  Pastor and Sherry plan to leave Grand Rapids on April 17 and return home on May 6.

RevAStewartAnd from the Covenant PRC (Ballymena, NI) bulletin:

Rev. Angus & Mary Stewart leave tomorrow (April 14, 2014), for our pastor to speak at an EPC family camp in Tasmania (17-21 April), preach at Brisbane EPC (27 April) and lecture and preach in Singapore (29 April - 6 May). May the Lord watch between us when we are absent one from another (Gen. 31:49).

Rev. M.McGeown will speak in S. Wales this Tuesday on “The Christian as Prophet, Priest and King.” Please remember this witness in your prayers.

Rev. & Sherry den Hartog arrive this Friday. Rev. den Hartog’s schedule is:
Sunday, 20 April, preaching in the CPRC
Wed., 23 April, CPRC lecture on “The Importance of the Historical Adam”
Sunday, 27 April, preaching in the LRF (Rev. McGeown in the CPRC)
Monday, 28 April, LRF lecture on “Living in Perilous Times”
Fri., 2 May, CPRC lecture on “The Role of the Father in the Christian Home”
Sunday, 4 May, preaching in CPRC


Rev.B.Huizinga Declines Doon PRC's Call - New Trio Announced

DoonPRCPicOn Sunday April 6, it was announced in Doon (IA) PRC  that Rev.B. Huizinga, pastor of Hope PRC, Redlands, CA, had declined her call sent on March 20.

On Sunday April 13 the Council of Doon PRC  announced a new trio from which to call a pastor. It is made up of Revs. D. Holstege (Holland, MI), N. Langerak (Crete, IL) and C. Spronk (Peace PRC, Lansing, IL). 

The congregation will vote at a special meeting Sunday April 20.


Organization and First Meeting of the PRC in the Philippines (PRCP) - Updated with Pictures!

PRCP Organization Banner - 4-9-2014

Special Banner made for the PRCP organizational meeting.

The organizational and first meeting of the new federation of the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines (PRCP) was held this past Wednesday, April 9, beginning at 9:00 a.m. in Valenzuela on the north side of Metro Manila.

NOTE: For more information and pictures, visit this post on the Kleyn's blog.

BPRC  FRCB Cons-Organization-4-9-2014

The Consistories of the Berean PRC and the First Reformed Church of Bulacan, led by pastors Vernon Ibe and John Flores (front center).

At this meeting, the Berean Protestant Reformed Church (where Pastor Vernon Ibe serves) and First Protestant Reformed Church in Bulacan (where Pastor John Flores serves) were united together formally and officially in a special ceremony, followed by a regular business meeting in which many details of organization were treated, in addition to some regular business (Official report is still to come).

PRCP Declaration of Agreement 9 April 2014

The "Declaration of Agreement" signed by all the offcebearers.

BPRCFRCB Cons Missionaries - 4-9-2014

Berean PRC and First RC Consistories with our two missionaries, R.Smit and D.Kleyn (back right).

We rejoice with our brothers and sisters in the Philippines and pray that God will richly bless the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines.

PRCP Organization Group Pic - 4-9-2014

Group picture with visitors to the PRCP organizational meeting.

Note: These pictures were sent in by Missionary-pastor R.Smit, for which we thank him.


Reformed News Asia - Issue #4


The fourth issue of "Reformed News Asia" has been released by the Christian Literature Ministry of our sister church in Singapore, the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church, and this issue too is filled with informative and edifying content (for information on Issue #3, click on this link)!

DailyMeds-BC-April-2014Worthy of special mention is the fact that this issue contains the fourth set of devotions on the Belgic Confession by various PRCA ministers, covering Articles 13-14 on the doctrines of God's providence, and on the creation and fall of man. Written by Revs.A.den Hartog and D.Holstege, these devotions on the BC take you through the month of April (April 2 - May 6) You will find great spiritual profit in using these devotions.

In addition, the newsletter also contains information about the CLM's pamphlet and book ministries and about activities going on in the CERC. You will want to read about the recent visits of CERC young people to the Philippines, to fellowship with the young people of the Berean PRC.


To receive your own digital copy of this newsletter and those to come, visit the Christian Literature Ministry page at the CERCS' website and click on the subscribe button. There you will also find a downloadable digital copy of the devotional booklet for April. Or see below for the attached pdf.


April Messages on the Reformed Witness Hour

The Reformed Witness Hour Committee announces the messages to be heard on its program during the month of April. Rev.R.Kleyn of the Covenant of Grace PRC in Spokane, WA will again be our speaker, and he will continue his series on the life of Job as well as bring special messages for Good Friday and Easter. The special flyer is also attached here in pdf form for your convenience.

April 2014 Messages Page 1

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