The 2014 PRC Men’s Conference, hosted by Byron Center Protestant Reformed Church, is planned for February 27-28. The theme this year is "The Godly Man" and is based on I Timothy 6:11-12.
The conference will be held at Hudsonville PRC. Each evening will feature a speech followed by sectionals that the attendee can choose. The sectionals planned are as follows:
Sectional Topics:
- Servant Leadership in Marriage
- Dealing with Family Finances
- Raising Covenant Youth
- Communication and Devotions in Marriage
Of the four groups under the “Raising Covenant Youth”, one will focus on Discipline and another will focus on Dating. If you prefer to be in the group discussing Discipline or Dating, please email your preference to Doug Kooienga (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or indicate this on your registration form.
Registration is now open and is required by February 14 if you wish to attend (cost is $10). Please visit the conference webpage for more information and to access the registration form. We look forward to seeing you there!
Below is the schedule of events for both Thursday and Friday nights:
6:45 Registration
7:00 Opening prayer, Announcements, Singing
7:20 Speech Thursday by Rev. Spriensma “The Godly Man’s Contest”
Friday by Rev. Bruinsma “Called To Fight”
8:00 Sing and Question & Answer
8:15 Refreshments
8:35 Discussion Groups Thursday
Raising Covenant Youth
Communication/Devotions in Marriage
Discussion Groups Friday
Servant-Leadership in Marriage
Dealing with Family Finances
9:35 Refreshments