
Reformed Witness Hour Newsletter - December 2022

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News from the Reformed Witness Hour

December 2022


W Bruinsma RWHHelp Us Get the Word Out!

This month we have four Christ-centered, Gospel-themed messages to share!

For December, we have four new messages from Rev. Wilbur Bruinsma. Rev. Bruinsma is the pastor of Pittsburgh Protestant Reformed Church of Pittsburgh, PA.






December 4
The Messiah Revealed 
Isaiah 40:4,5

December 11
Your Salvation Comes!
Isaiah 62:11,12

December 18
A Prophecy of Praise
Luke 1:68-69

December 25
The Branch of Jesse
Isaiah 11:1


New RWH Members are Needed!

Are you looking for a way to serve God’s Kingdom? Consider joining the Reformed Witness Hour Committee! We are an organization of individual members of the Protestant Reformed Churches who offer their voluntary services for the purpose of directing and advancing the RWH radio ministry. In addition to coordinating the radio programs, our committee members manage our website and technology needs, promote our programs through social media and other venues, and investigate new opportunities for our ministry. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to proclaim God’s Truth!

Please contact Dan DeVries, Chairman, or email us (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you have questions or are interested in joining our committee.

2022 In Review

We are thankful for another year of sharing the gospel through radio ministry and through our internet and digital platforms. So far in 2022, we have had 14,793 digital downloads of our messages through our online sources which is about 700 more than last year at this time! These online sources include podcasts, our Reformed Witness Hour website, the Sermon Audio Website and the Sermon Audio app. Through these avenues we have reached ninety-one countries.

The most popular messages from 2022 include:

  1. Desiring a Better Country by Rev. W. Bruinsma with 484 downloads in 2022
  2. Chosen to be a Special People by Rev. W. Bruinsma with 450 downloads in 2022
  3. The Greatest of These is Love by Rev. R. Kleyn with 395 downloads in 2022
  4. Marriage as God ordained It by Rev. R. Kleyn with 394 downloads in 2022
  5. Let Not Our Trouble Seem Little to Thee by Rev. C. Haak with 342 downloads in 2022

Our messages have reached many states and countries throughout 2022:

Top 5 countries reached in 2022


Top 5 states reached in 2022


United States








United Kingdom













Prayers for the New Year

Brethren, we covet your prayers for our radio ministry! We have a genuine need for a new Radio Minister; please pray with us that the Lord will provide the means for us to continue producing new, gospel-themed messages for our radio, internet and digital listeners. Please also continue to pray that our ministry be used to spread the gospel and that we remain faithful to this calling!


Sponsor a Month of Reformed Witness Hour

If your church or evangelism committee would like to learn more about sponsoring the RWH, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Last modified on 02 December 2022

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