Rev.Andrew Lanning along with his wife Stephanie and children are currently on furlough in the U.S. from their life and work in Singapore. Rev.Lanning is the PRC minister-on-loan to our sister church, the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church in Singapore, where he has been for just over two years now.
While visiting with parents and family and friends in the U.S., he will also be preaching in various PR churches (e.g., Faith PRC on July 13) and will give a special presentation on his work in the CERC on Sunday, July 20, in the Grandville (MI) HS Auditorium. All are welcome to attend and learn about this important work in SE Asia!
While they are here, Prof.R.Dykstra (PRC Seminary) is in Singapore for him, ministering the Word to the saints in the CERC. Rev.Nathan Decker (Trinity PRC) will also be there a Sunday while he and Prof.Dykstra make their trip to Australia for the EPC conference.
If you wish to follow the Lannings while they are on furlough, visit their blog, "Stories from Singapore".
May God give them a special season of refreshment and renewal while they are here.
Postscript: As of early Thursday morning, August 7, the Lannings have arrived back home safely in Singapore. For a few notes and pictures on the final days of their furlough and their trip home, visit this post on "Stories from Singapore." We rejoice in the time they could have here in the States, as well as the safe travels they had going home.