
Reformed Book Outlet - October 2013 Newsletter


ReformedBookOutletCheck out the Reformed Book Outlet's October Newsletter (below and attached) for special notices on music and books!


October – 2013

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 **We have new CD's from Mattaniah and Hosanna Choirs:

"He is My Strength and Song" - a dbl. CD by Hosanna Choir.  One CD is all Psalms and the other is all 


      -- "In Praise Uniting" - a dbl. CD by Hosanna and Mattaniah Choirs with both Psalms and Hymns.

  **A Vol. 2 of "Thy Word Have I Hid in My Heart" is now available too.  It also is of the Rehoboth Chr.

             School choir singing all Psalms.  This is a single CD.

  **We have a good supply of other favorites:

      -- "Lead Me to Choose the Everlasting Way" by Covenant Chr. Chamber Singers

      -- "Lift Up Your Voice" - P.R.Mass Choir 2013      

      -- "Be Still My Soul" - Hope Heralds 



   Reformed Book Outlet has a large selection of books on the Reformation for you to enjoy.

These include books for early readers; junior biographies and historical fiction; adult biographies and historical fiction; church history; books for women, and an oversized picture book on Heroes of the Reformation.  We carry many books on: Martin Luther and John Calvin, as well as some on John Wycliffe, Katherine Luther, John Knox, William Farel, Martin Bucer, and John Huss, etc. 

And the classic: Portraits of Faithful Saints by Prof. H. Hanko

For all:

   Five English Reformers, J. C. Ryle

   John Knox and the Reformation   Martin Lloyd-Jones

   The English Reformation    Marcus Loane

   Here I Stand: Life of Martin Luther, R. Bainton 

   Life of John Knox, T. M'Crie  

   The Life of William Farel, F. Bevan  

   Martin Bucer: A Reformer and His Times, M. Greschat

   Martin Luther Life and Thought, S. Nichols  

   Trial and Burning of John Huss, Poggius 

   Ulrich Zwingli, Wm. Blackburn

   Elijah of the Alps: Wm Farel, Wm. Blackburn

For women:

   Kitty My Rib, the story of Kathrine Luther, E. J. Mall  

   Ladies of the Reformation, J. Alexander 

   Five Women of the English Reformation, Paul Zahl

For youth:

    This Was John Calvin, T. Van Halsema 

    Luther the Leader, V. Robinson  

    Mr. Pipes and Psalms and Hymns of the Reformation, Douglas Bond    

         (A fiction book of exciting adventures, while learning about Psalms and Hymns of the Reformation.)

Come in and see our display, or call to inquire on what we carry.


Let us help you build your religious library




Last modified on 05 October 2013

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