

Covenant PRC, N.Ireland Newsletter - April 2016

Covenant Protestant Reformed Church
Ballymena, NI

13 April, 2016

Dear saints in the Protestant Reformed Churches,


The CPRC catechism season ended recently (Monday, 4 April) with tests for most of the twelve students. The children did well, with the encouragement and help of their parents.

After 44 classes over almost a one-year period (literally 364 days), we finished our Tuesday morning classes on Hosea. As well as introducing the prophet and his background in the Northern Kingdom of Israel, we covered his teaching on harlotry, children, agriculture, earlier Old Testament history, Jehovah's law, the covenant, and the knowledge of God. Our new subject is the Mosaic law in Exodus-Deuteronomy, with our first few classes considering the food laws.

Our Wednesday night doctrine class on Belgic Confession 27, after detailed study of the church's four attributes of unity, catholicity, holiness, and apostolicity, covered the election and gathering of the church in our last two meetings. Tonight, we will focus on the preservation of the church. These classes also attract a lot of interest by way of the audios on-line. When we first started our studies on the Belgic Confession, almost five years ago, we did not receive that many hits. Now they are regularly among our most listened to audios (www.cprf.

 Zeph sermons CPRC 2016After the 11-sermon series on the three chapters of the ninth minor prophet, “Zephaniah and the Day of the Lord,” we are now on “God's Communicable Attributes.” We have admired His longsuffering, grace, mercy, love, and wisdom. This Lord's Day, we will rejoice in Jehovah's righteousness, D.V.


“Our Identity in Christ” was the subject of the last special lecture in the CPRC (Friday, 18 March) ( Despite paid advertisements in a local paper, a trailer after our Reformed Witness Hour broadcast, an article in the Ballymena Guardian (17 March), the distribution of hundreds of flyers in the area, etc., it was the worst attendance for any speech in the six years we have been in our church building! We generally find that we have larger audiences for lectures which are more distinctive and/or have an historical aspect.

The day before this lecture, the CPRC had a stall at the annual St. Patrick's Day climb at Mount Slemish, a few miles east of Ballymena. Julian Kennedy, Tommy Duncan, and Marco Barone helped distribute Christian tracts to the hikers.

Last week, we were in South Wales for a speech on “Who Is in the Image of God?” (7 April). Discussions with the saints afterwards were good and the lecture is now on-line ( htm#identity). As a follow-up, I am planning on “Are Unbelievers in the Image of God?” as the title for the next speech in S. Wales. The false notion that everybody is in God's image is being used to proclaim a love and desire of God for the salvation of all men absolutely, and/or to deny total depravity and eternal punishment, and/or to promote homosexuality and ecumenism with false churches and pagan reli-gions. The imago dei is an important subject also because of the errors involving it!

The CPRC uses the Internet in its witnessing. We are getting almost 2,000 people every day on our main website ( for written materials. This figure excludes those who listen to our many on-line audios.
The last two months saw the addition of 22 translations to our website ( uk/languages.htm): 10 Hungarian (by our two trans-lators from Hungary, one of whom, Balint, is coming to this summer's conference in Northern Ireland with his wife, Kati); 5 Czech (by a new translator, Rev. Petr Kulik, who got in touch with us through ordering Herman Hoeksema's Reformed Dogmatics); 3 Spanish (chapters from Rev. Ron Hanko's Doctrine According to Godliness); 2 Italian (Covenant Reformed News articles); and 2 Indonesian (including Prof. Engelsma's pamphlet, “As a Father Pitieth His Children: Reformed Child-Rearing”).

There are now 1,800 videos on our YouTube page (, thanks to the many hours of work by Stephen Murray putting them on-line. Soon we should reach 200,000 views. The number of people joining us for the live webcasting of our Sunday services and lectures is also growing slowly (


Those of you who have made it to the United Kingdom for all but the most recent British Reformed Fellowship (BRF) conferences will have met Michael Kimmitt. Michael has been a major part of the BRF from its earliest days and served as editor of the British Reformed Journal (BRJ) before Rev. McGeown. Our brother went to be with the Lord (13 February), so Mary and I flew over to North Wales to attend his funeral. The next BRJ will contain a memorial to Michael written by another former BRJ editor, Lind-say Williams.

Chester Mansona of the Limerick Reformed Fellowship (LRF) has recently added about 15 articles from past issues of the BRJ to the BRF website ( New subscribers are al-ways welcome.

The new BRF book, Be Ye Holy: The Reformed Truth of Sanctification, consisting of the speeches at the last BRF conference, is currently being formatted and proofed for publication in the next few months. Any PR church or evangelism committee who would be interested in pre-ordering significant numbers of the book will be offered the work at cost price. Something to bear in mind! I will be sending an e-mail about this to the relevant parties in some weeks' time when we have more facts and figures available, D.V.
Meanwhile, the BRF has been placing advertising, for both the 2016 BRF conference in Northern Ireland on “Behold, I Come Quickly: The Reformed Biblical Truth of the End” and the BRJ, in various British Christian papers. Sadly, the Evangelical Times refused to accept our paid ad for the BRJ and declared that they will no longer accept ads from the BRF or the CPRC. The reason? Because we do not believe that the ever-blessed and omnipotent God earnestly desires to save the reprobate! Faithful creedal Reformed bodies who hold the classic Augustinian position on Jehovah's simplicity and immutability are outside the pale as if they were hyper-Calvinists! Evangelicalism is declining in the UK in numbers, doctrine, and conviction, yet one of the few things they can reject is the truth of God's absolute sovereignty!

Planning for the BRF conference this summer (16-23 July) in Castlewellan Castle is progressing well ( On Monday, 28 March, when driving back after a Lord's Day with the saints in the LRF, Mary and I stopped in at Trim, northwest of Dublin. Though it had come highly recommended, we had not actually checked out this lovely town and its 800-year-old Norman castle before. We were very impressed. It will make an excellent part of one of the conference's two day trips! We are looking forward to seeing both familiar and new faces at the conference in July.

Trini castle NI 2016Trim Castle

May the Lord be with you all!

In Christ,
Rev. and Mary Stewart


Midwest Young Adults' Retreat - August 15-18, 2016 - Registration Now Open!

Midwest Young Adult Retreat - Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp

YA Retreat IA 2016

Calvary PR Church in Hull, Iowa, with a committee comprised of members from our Midwest churches, is hosting a Young Adult Retreat!  The date for this event is August 15-18, 2016.

Registration opened on April 1 and will remain open until May 31. The retreat will be held at Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp in NW Iowa from August 15 through 18. To register and for more information, visit the website:

Join the conversation by joining our Facebook Group: 2016 Midwest Young Adult Retreat

For questions, contact Ashley Van Maanen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 712-441-3174. We hope to see you there!


Reformed News Asia - March 2016 (Issue 27)

Issue 27 - March 2016
We print pamphlets written by our members and those from other Reformed churches of like-minded faith. They include a wide range of topics from doctrines to church history and practical Christian living. These pamphlets serve to promote knowledge of the true God as expressed in the Reformed faith.
FEATURED Pamphlet!
By Prof Herman Hanko

Question: "If God is always saddened by sin and His just wrath always expressed against it, can we still say that His eternal condemnation of reprobate sinners is part of His good pleasure?"

Is it possible for God to damn the reprobate according to His good pleasure and yet be saddened by their unbelief?

"..defenders of the well-meant gospel offer teach God’s love for all men and His desire to save them, because Christ wept over the sin of the nation of Israel. The weeping of Jesus is, therefore, the disappointment the Lord experiences that the nation rejected and spurned His love and turned away in disgust from His gracious expressions of His desire to save them. The sorrow is evidence of the frustrations of His desire: He wanted to save them, but failed." Can Christ fail? NO!

"One may claim that this is hard to understand. I agree. At that point where God’s will touches the will of man in such a way that God’s will is accomplished and man remains accountable before God, we confront a great and wonderful work of God that is beyond our understanding."

God is sovereign—not only in electing some to everlasting blessedness in Christ, but also rejecting others according to His own sovereign determination.

Read this pamphlet to learn more of God's sovereign work of reprobation.

Click hereto view our catalogue of pamphlets.

Click here to make an order.

All pamphlets are free. CERC reserves some discretion regarding large orders and/or orders from those outside Singapore.

Audio Recordings

At the youth camp last Dec, Rev Lanning gave 4 speeches on Christ's letters to the churches (Rev 2-3). After 3 more workshops, we have completed the series on the 7 churches.

Click to listen to all the speeches!

Click here to access all our audio recordings.
Upcoming Events!
Annual Bible Camp 2016
Keen to join CERC's annual Bible Camp? Here are the details!

Venue : Bayou Lagoon Park Resort, Melaka
Date : 13 June (Mon) to 16 June (Thu)
Speaker : Prof. Russell Dykstra
Theme : The Christian and the Church

Registration will be open from 6 March till 10 April.

Contact Bro Ishu Mahtani at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.for more details.

Bayou Lagoon Park Resort
Past Events...
Fellowship Dinner with Pastor
The Follow-Up Committee organises fellowship dinners at Rev Lanning's home for newcomers, regular visitors and members to get to know one another better and enjoy the fellowship of saints. Here's the latest one with newcomers Meryl (back row, third from right), Selina (back row, first from right) and Zi Xuan (seated on chair, second from right).
Covenant Keepers's Kinball Outing
On 12 March, CK youths were treated to a new sport -- KINBALL! The game involves hitting an over-sized ball around, attempting to NOT let your opponents catch it before it hits the ground. Truly a fun-filled day!
Snippets of our outing
Intense competition!
Group selfie (or we-fie!)
British Reformed Fellowship Family Conference
Interested to join the 2016 BRF Family Conference? This year's conference is held at Castlewellan Conference Centre in Northern Ireland from 16 July (Sat) to 23 July (Sat). The speakers, Prof David Engelsma and Rev Andy Lanning, will lecture on "Behold, I Come Quickly: The Reformed, Biblical Truth of the End." More information at

Visit our new CLM website to read the latest articles and access archives of the Daily Meditations. Click the picture to access.

Salt Shakers
Salt Shakers is a bi-monthly magazine published by the youth in CERC. Included in each issue are writings pertaining to both Reformed doctrine and practical theology. Articles are contributed by the Session, youth and members of CERC, as well as pastors and professors from the Protestant Reformed Churches in the USA and Northern Ireland. Salt Shakers also features articles from other Reformed publications, notably the Standard Bearer and Beacon Lights. Click here to access!
Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church
We are a Reformed Church that holds to the doctrines of the Reformation as they are expressed in the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dordt.

Lord’s Day services on Sunday at 930 am & 2 pm • 11 Jalan Mesin, #04-00, Standard Industrial Building, Singapore 368813 • Pastor: Rev Andy Lanning  • 


Reformed Witness Hour Messages for April 2016

RWH logo 1


First PRC of Grand Rapids, MI and the Reformed Witness Hour Committee announce the messages scheduled for April 2016 on the RWH radio program.

revrkleynRev. Rodney Kleyn, pastor of Covenant of Grace PRC (Spokane, WA) continues his four-month service for the RWH program with a special series on the second coming of Christ and the signs that announce it.

You are encouraged to take in these timely messages and to let others know about them too. Help spread the word about the Reformed Witness Hour!

Below is the schedule of messages, which you will also find attached in pdf form. For stations and time of broadcast, visit the RWH website, where you may also listen to and download past messages from the archive section.April

April 3, 2016 - The Great Falling Away, 2 Thessalonians 2:3

April 10, 2016 - Last Days Pleasure Madness, 2 Timothy 3:1-5

April 17, 2016 - Antichrist: the Man of Sin, 2 Thessalonians 3,4

April 24, 2016 - Antichrist: the Beast from the Sea, Revelation 13:1-10


Philippine Mission News - March 27, 2015

philmap2From the March 27, 2016 bulletin of Provident Christian Church (Marikina, the Philippines) come these news items concerning the labors of Missionary-pastor D. Kleyn and Rev. A. Spriensma, former missionary to the Philippines currently assisting in the work there for the next few weeks:

  • Rev. Daniel Holstege was led by the Lord to accept the call to serve as a missionary in the Philippines. We give thanks to God for His goodness in providing another missionary, and we look forward to the Holsteges arrival here in the Philippines.
    Let us remember Rev. Holstege and his wife Leah and their children in prayer as they now make preparations in the coming months to make the move to the Philippines. The dates of his installation as a missionary and of their move to the Philippines have not yet been decided.
  • Rev. Spriensma is preaching today in the Berean PRC, and next Sunday in Maranatha PRC in Valenzuela. He is scheduled
    to preach for us here in Provident for both worship services on Sunday, April 10.
  • The Spriensmas and the Kleyns plan to travel to Bacolod City tomorrow and then also to Southern Negros Occidental for the
    monthly teaching among the Reformed believers and pastors there.
  • The next 7M (pastors’ training classes) is scheduled to meet here in PCC on Tuesday, April 12, the Lord willing.

For the latest personal news and pictures on the life and labors of our missionary in this country, visit the Kleyn's blog.


Philippine Mission News - March 20, 2016 - Updated! Rev. D.Holstege Accepts Call

Sem video anthropology Feb 2016

On this Sunday, March 20, 2016, find below a few news items concerning the PRCA mission labors in the Philippines:

1. Today Rev.Daniel Holstege (First PRC, Holland, MI) announced that he was led by the Lord to accept the call from Doon PRC to serve as second missionary in the Philippines. We thank God for this provision of a great need, and rejoice with Doon PRC, the FMC, and the Kleyns in God's answer to prayer. At the same time, we pray for the Holland congregation, that they too might see the wisdom of God in this decision.

2. Rev. Aud Spriensma (Byron Center PRC) and his wife Alva, who formerly served in the Philippines (2002-2007) plan to leave this Thursday, March 24, for three weeks of assistance on the field (Sundays of March 27, April 3 and 10).

3. For the latest personal news and pictures on the life and labors of our missionary in this country, visit the Kleyn's blog.

4. Remember in prayer all the needs of this labor - our missionary and his wife, the saints in the various churches of the PRCP, and those who hear the gospel of sovereign grace through the preaching of the Word and through the witness of believers.

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