
Classis East Report - January 11-12 and March 15, 2023

Grandville small
Grandville (MI) PRC, host of Classis East meeting

Classis East met for two full days Wednesday and Thursday, January 11,12 at Grandville PRC.

  • An appeal was treated in closed session, and therefore, the details of the case cannot be shared publicly. It can be said that classis made some decisions in response to the appeal and approved the appointment of a committee to work with the involved consistory and appellant; we pray these actions will assist in bringing the case to a God-glorifying resolution.
  • First PRC of Grand Rapids officially notified classis of the resignation of brother Rodney Kleyn from the ministry in the PRCA.
  • Grace PRC asked for and received permission from classis to distribute a clarification of language used in a handout that was previously distributed to the denomination.
  • First PRC of Holland’s request for “a special day of prayer in response both to recent and past cases of abuse in our denomination” was approved. Classis designated January 31, 2023 as the special day of prayer.
  • Elected as primi synodical delegates: Revs. Decker, Eriks, Langerak, Mahtani, Spronk, and elders Randy Dykstra, Joel Minderhoud, Tim Pipe Jr., John Van Baren, Dan VanUffelen. And as secundi synodical delegates: Revs. Bruinsma, Dykstra, McGeown, Noorman, Smidstra and elders Andy Bylsma, Josh Hoekstra, Steve Kuiper, Peter VanderSchaaf, Dirk Westra. 
  • Classis also treated an overture from Providence PRC “to be forwarded to Synod 2023 to commission G.R.A.C.E (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment) to perform a full, independent, third-party investigation or assessment of the Protestant Reformed Churches.” Classis decided to appoint a committee to study the overture further and to recess until March 15, 2023. Therefore, on March 15, 2023 classis will reconvene at 8:00 am at Grandville PRC to treat the committee’s recommendations regarding the overture.
  • May God use the decisions of classis for the welfare of His church, and may He guide the study committee in its work for the benefit of our churches in responding properly to the grievous sin of sexual abuse.  (summary from Rev. C. Spronk, stated clerk)


Report of Continuing Session on March 15, 2023 

Classis East reconvened at 8:00am on Wednesday morning. The main business of the day involved the treatment of an overture from Providence PRC to hire a third party to investigate sexual abuse in the PRCA. A committee of seven men submitted a majority report signed by four men, opposed to the overture, and a minority report signed by three men, in favor of passing the overture on to synod with the approval of Classis East. Both committees read their reports.

After lengthy deliberation, Classis East voted to approve the majority report. By adopting the majority report Classis East declared it did “not approve of the overture of Providence PRC that the PRCA commission a full, independent, third party investigation and assessment of sexual abuse in the PRCA” on the basis of four grounds. Adopting the majority report means that classis did not treat the minority report.

Classis approved two weeks of supply for five churches in Classis West. Classis approved a recommendation from a special committee to continue its work with a consistory on an abuse case.

Expenses of the meeting totaled $2,549.47.

Classis adjourned around 2:30pm.

Below are three (3) downloads with pertinent documents:

1. Special CE Committtee Majority Report

3. Minutes of both sessions of Classis East, Jan.11-12 and March 15, 2023

Classis West News Report - March 1-2, 2023 - Lynden (WA) PRC

sm lynden

News Report of Classis West of the PRCA Meeting March 1-2, 2023

Classis West of the Protestant Reformed Churches met on March 1-2, 2023, in Lynden PRC (Lynden, WA). This small congregation did an outstanding job of hosting the twenty-eight delegates from the fourteen churches in the Classis.

Classis began on Wednesday, March 1, with opening devotions led by the chairman of the previous meeting, Rev. M. Kortus (pastor of Hope Redlands PRC), who gave a fitting meditation on Psalm 20. After Classis was legally constituted, the meeting was capably chaired by Rev. Jonathan Langerak (pastor of Covenant of Grace PRC), who was serving in this capacity for the first time in his ministry.

Five first-time delegates to Classis signed the Formula of Subscription, the minutes of the previous meeting of Classis were approved, and the four questions of Article 41 of the Church Order were asked and answered. Routine reports of the stated clerk, classical committee, and reading sermon committee were read and approved. The church visitors reported on their work over the last year and the presence of unity, peace, and love prevailing in the churches in spite of the hardships of the last year.

After recessing for the late morning and most of the afternoon for the committees of pre-advice to prepare advice, Classis met and gave approval to Prof. D. Kuiper to publish some material from the Classis West archives in upcoming articles he intends to write in the Protestant Reformed Theological Journal on the history of Classis West.

Classis made a schedule of pulpit supply for the five vacant congregations in the Classis: Doon (IA) PRC, Hosanna PRC (Edmonton), Loveland (CO) PRC, Lynden (WA) PRC, and Randolph (WI) PRC. Due to the large number of vacancies in Classis West, it was decided to ask Classis East for assistance in covering two Sundays for each of the vacant congregations in the next six months.

Classis approved the subsidy requests for 2024 for five congregations and forwarded them on to Synod 2023 for its approval.

Classis treated in closed session an appeal in which a victim of child sexual abuse objected to a consistory’s discipline work with the perpetrator of the abuse. Classis permitted close loved ones of the victim to be present in the sessions and also allowed a pastor and another individual to speak on the victim’s behalf. Classis unanimously sustained the first part of the appeal and declared that the consistory erred in accepting the initial confession of the perpetrator. Classis judged that a more thorough investigation of the nature and extent of the sin was required, that confession of sin to those sinned against should have taken place before an announcement of reconciliation was read in the church, and that later events seriously called into question the genuineness of the confession. Classis also unanimously sustained the second part of the appeal and declared that the consistory erred in their announcement of the perpetrator’s sin. Classis judged that the announcement of sin should have included more information regarding the specific nature of the sin committed: rather than merely a general reference to sin against the 7th commandment, the announcement should have included a reference to the 6th commandment and that this was a case of child sexual abuse by an adult in a position of authority over a period of several years. Classis also explained how this was necessary for the covenant community, the sinner, and the victim. Classis also appointed a special committee to provide assistance to the consistory in this case.

Having met until about 9:00 PM on Wednesday, Classis decided to recess until the following morning.

The next day, Thursday, March 2, Classis began by treating an overture from a consistory. The consistory submitted to Classis an overture to be forwarded to Synod 2023 that Synod appoint a committee to research and engage an independent, third-party investigation to conduct an investigation into sexual abuse in the PRCA. Classis decided not to forward the overture to Synod, on the grounds that: 1) the overture had insufficient information for Classis to make an informed judgment to approve the request, and 2) that with the limited information provided about what would be the nature and work of a third party investigation, the overture did not show the necessity of such an investigation from the Scriptures.

Throughout the meeting, Classis also voted for various classical functionaries. Rev. J. Engelsma was reappointed to a three-year term as Stated Clerk, and Rev. J. Langerak was reappointed to a three-year term as Assistant Stated Clerk. Rev. M. De Boer was reappointed to a three-year term on the Classical Committee, and Rev. R. Barnhill was appointed to a one-year term to fill a vacant position. Rev. A. Brummel was appointed to a three-year term as a primus synodical deputy, Rev. M. De Boer was re-appointed to a three-year term as a secundus synodical deputy, Rev. J. Marcus was appointed to a one-year term as a secundus synodical deputy to fill a vacant position, and Rev. S. Regnerus was appointed to a two-year term as a secundus synodical deputy to fill a vacant position. Classis appointed Revs. A. Brummel, R. Hanko, S. Key, and J. Marcus as church visitors, with Revs. R. Barnhill and J. Engelsma as alternates.

Ministers delegated to Synod 2023 were Revs. R. Barnhill, A. Brummel, J. Engelsma, M. Kortus, and J. Marcus. Alternates are Revs. H. Bleyenberg, M. De Boer, J. Langerak, and S. Regnerus. Elders delegated to Synod 2023 were Keith Bruinsma (Peace), Chester Hunter, Jr. (Edgerton), James Regnerus (Doon), Peter Smit (Hope), and Ryan Van Overloop (Crete). Alternates are Robert Brands (Loveland), Travis Feenstra (Hope), Steve Huizenga (Crete), Alvern Miersma (Hope), and Joel Moore (Loveland).

Classis appointed Rev. J. Langerak as the moderator for Lynden PRC in their upcoming vacancy.

Classis finished its work around 12:30 PM on Thursday.

The expenses of this meeting totaled $17,638.94.

Classis will meet next in Crete (IL) PRC on September 27, 2023, the Lord willing.

Rev. Joshua Engelsma Stated Clerk, Classis West

Report on Classis West Meeting September 28, 2022

News Report of Classis West of the PRCA Meeting
September 28, 2022

Doon PRC 2022 2

Classis West of the Protestant Reformed Churches met on September 28, 2022, in Doon PRC (Doon, IA), finishing its work by about 9:30 PM. The Doon congregation had opportunity to show off the new addition to their church building, and they did a fine job in hosting, including scrambling to make arrangements for the delegates during a town-wide power outage for several hours in the afternoon.

Rev. S. Key had the opportunity to lead Classis in opening devotions, which was fitting as this was his last meeting of Classis before emeritation, and he gave a humbling and encouraging meditation on Psalm 112:7: “He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the LORD.”

Delegated to Classis were 28 men (11 ministers and 17 elders), and they were joined by three synodical deputies from Classis East. Rev. M. Kortus chaired Classis for the first time in his ministry, and led the meeting capably.

The questions of Article 41 of the Church Order were asked and satisfactorily answered. Regular reports from the stated clerk, classical committee, and reading sermon library committee were read and their work approved.

One important item on the agenda was a request from Loveland PRC for the emeritation of their pastor, Rev. S. Key. Classis approved the request for emeritation effective January 1, 2023 (which received the concurrence of the three synodical deputies from Classis East), approved his financial support for 2023, and expressed thanksgiving to God for his 36 years of faithful service to our churches. Rev. Key has especially been used of God for the benefit of the churches in Classis West, having served as pastor in the Classis for 31 years, as stated clerk for six years, as a representative of the Classis to Synod 27 times, as church visitor for 19 years running, as a member of many special committees of the Classis, and as a humble and wise leader in the Classis. May God bless Rev. Key and his wife as they enter this new phase of life!

An individual submitted a protest to Classis of decisions taken by a previous meeting of Classis West which related to the refusal in September 2021 to seat delegates from the former consistory of First Edmonton PRC and to approve the labors of the church visitors with that congregation. Classis did not sustain the individual’s protest.

In closed session, Classis treated an appeal of an individual regarding the discipline work of a consistory. After careful deliberation, Classis did not sustain the appeal.

Classis made a schedule of pulpit supply for the vacant congregations of Doon (IA) PRC, Hosanna PRC (Edmonton), Randolph (WI) PRC, and the soon-to-be-vacant Loveland PRC. Due to the large number of vacancies and small number of active pastors, Classis decided to request assistance from Classis East in covering five 1 Sundays in the next six months.

Classis received a special request from a congregation for subsidy for 2023, and a special request from a congregation to increase subsidy for 2023. Both requests were approved. The expenses of this meeting totaled $8,853.17. Classis West will meet next in Lynden (WA) PRC on March 1, 2023, the Lord willing.

Rev. Joshua Engelsma Stated Clerk, Classis West

ClWest Doon Sept 2022 3

PRC Synod 2022 - Day 4 - Friday, June 17

Ziion PRC Jenison spring

After a full day yesterday, the PRC Synod of 2022 resumes its work this morning at 8 a.m. in Zion PRC. With the examination of Bro. M. Wee completed, synod will dig into its committee work right away.

May the Lord again give wisdom and grace to the delegates as they take up the Lord's work in and through the churches.

Below are a few more pictures from the seminary graduation last evening. Thanks to John Van Baren for all the great photos this week!

sem grad audience

ProfRD sem grad speech
Prof. R. Dykstra's final PRTS commencement speech

IsaacP grad 1
2022 PRTS Graduate Isaac Peters, with Prof. R. Cammenga (rector, left) and Rev. G. Eriks (TSC President, right)

MWee grad 1
2022 PRTS Graduate Marcus Wee


Summary of 2022 PRCA Synod - Day 4 (June 17, 2022)

I begin with a correction from yesterday’s report. In the section regarding the Foreign Mission Committee, I referred to one of the missionaries as Rev. Rodney Kleyn. It should have been Rev. Daniel Kleyn.

Today’s session began with opening devotions led by Rev. Lanning, who read Psalm 91 and opened in prayer.

Synod approved sending letters of encouragement to the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore and the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines in light of the fact that the schism and troubles in the PRCA have also spread to them.

In addition to approving the work of the BOT, Synod reappointed Mr. Tom Holstege to a three-year term as Assistant Treasurer, appointed Mr. Doug Mingerink, Sr. to a two-year term as Stated Clerk of Synod, and reappointed Mr. Dirk Westra to a three-year term as Assistant Stated Clerk. Both Mr. Mingerink and Mr. Westra were thanked for their faithful labors this past year.

Synod treated the report of the treasurer, and expressed gratitude to our treasurer, Mr. Don Offringa, and our bookkeeper, Mrs. Pamela Bos, for their work.

Synod treated the report of the Emeritus Committee, approving 15 emeritation requests. Synod also concurred with the decision of Georgetown PRC, and concurrence of Classis East to grant the emeritation request of Rev. C. Haak effective September 1, 2022. This was followed by a decision to thank Rev. C. Haak for his 43 years of faithful service in the ministry of the Word and Sacraments in the Protestant Reformed denomination.

Synod approved the subsidy requests of six churches.

Using an estimate of 2,160 families, synod adopted a budget that set an assessment of $625 per family for 2023.

After recommitting the advice several times throughout the week to the committee of pre-advice for reformulation, Synod came to a decision on Faith PRC’s overture regarding Article 67 of the Church Order. The overture was to remove “the requirement that the churches hold worship services on ‘Old and New Year’s Day.” Synod’s decision was to “approve the overture of Faith PRC insofar as it speaks of the observance of Old Year’s Day, and thus change Article 67 of The Church Order of the PRCA by removing the words “and Old”, so that the article will then read ‘The churches shall observe, in addition to the Sunday, also Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, Ascension Day, Pentecost, the Day of Prayer, the National Thanksgiving Day, and New Year’s Day’.” The decision included four grounds: “1) The churches’ commemoration of the passing of the old year to the new year can appropriately be held in one service on the first day of the new year. 2) Of all our special services, Old Year’s Day is of most recent origin, having not appeared in The Church Order prior to 1914. 3) Many special services in a short period of time can diminish the value of the Lord’s Day worship services. When the Reformation churches considered the worship on special days, a major concern was the sanctity of the Lord’s Day, which ought to be our concern. 4) Three special church services within eight days can be taxing on both ministers and congregations.”

One of the last orders of business was voting for those who will serve on the denominational standing committees.

Synod appointed Southwest PRC as the host of Synod 2023 to convene Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 8:00 A.M.

Zion PRC was thanked as the host church. The facility served Synod well. The caterers were thanked. The delegates of synod ate well throughout the week. We also are thankful for the many members of Zion PRC who were at work to facilitate this years meeting of Synod.

The Vice-Chairman expressed thanks to our capable chairman, Rev. Key. And Rev. Key concluded the meeting expressing thanks to the delegates of synod for being given strength to do the work of Synod throughout the week and the spirit of unity and brotherly love with which it was done.

Psalm 91:1, 2, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.”

In Christ’s service,
Rev. N. Decker Second Clerk of Synod 2022

JohnVB PhilVB
Two Van Baren delegates: John (Hudsonville PRC) and Phil (Crete PRC). John was also the synodical photographer - thanks for all the great photos! Look for more in the upcoming July Standard Bearer!

end of synod
And when synod is over and everyone else departs for home, who is left to finish its work?

1st 2nd clerks
The 1st (Rev. J. Engelsma) and 2nd (Rev. N. Decker) clerks - thanks for your special service to the churches!

PRC Synod 2022 - Day 3 - Thursday, June 16 (with report)

Ziion PRC Jenison spring

The PRC Synod of 2022 will reconvene this morning at 8 a.m. After devotions, the examination of Sem. Marcus Wee will continue, with four parts to complete: knowledge of confessions (Prof. D. Kuiper), church history (Prof. R. Dykstra), church polity (Prof. B. Gritters), and practica (Rev. G. Eriks). The exam is being livestreamed through Zion's PRC website.

MWee father son 2
Sem. M. Wee enjoying a refreshing moment with his young son (held by his father) during yesterday's exam.

Exam ProfDK MWee confessions
Prof. D. Kuiper examining Sem. M. Wee in knowledge of confessions

CH exam RD MW 2022
Prof. R. Dykstra asking Sem. M. Wee questions on Augustine for church history exam

sem students MWee
Fellow seminary students present to encourage Sem. M. Wee and his wife

Update: Sem M. Wee sustained his examination and has been approved by synod to be a candidate for the ministry of the Word. We rejoice in the grace given to the brother and pray for him as he returns to Singapore in the next month  to await God's will for him.

This afternoon synod will take up its regular work by considering the advice of its commmittees (Committee I, II, etc.).

Summary of 2022 PRCA Synod - Day 3 (June 16, 2022)

Synod began by singing Psalter 426. Rev. Ibe read Ephesians 4:1-16 and opened in prayer.

The oral examination of Marcus Wee was brought to a conclusion this morning. Prof. Kuiper examined Marcus in the knowledge of confessions, Prof. Dykstra in Church History, Prof. Gritters in Church Order, and Rev. Eriks in Practica. Synod took a decision to approve the synodical examination of Mr. Wee and inform the CERC of Singapore that we judge that Mr. Wee is worthy to be declared eligible for a call for the ministry of the Word and sacraments. After informing Marcus of this decision, the chairman read from 1 Corinthians 4:1, 2 and offered a word of encouragement to Marcus regarding pastors beings stewards of the mysteries God. Synod then sang the doxology, prayed, and congratulated Marcus and his wife.

The remainder of the day was spent treating reports from four committees of pre-advice.

Synod decided to accept the invitation of NAPARC (North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council) to send observers to its 2022 meeting. The reasons for doing so is that attending NAPARC gives opportunity to discuss doctrines and practices that divide as well as those we have in common with other churches, discuss the possibility of closer relationships with other denominations, discuss current heresies and practices that threaten Reformed and Presbyterian churches, and give answers to any questions that may arise over the recent schism in the PRCA.

Synod treated the protest of an individual against Synod 2021, Article 59. This decision approved the concurrence of the Synodical deputies from the West with the decision of Classis East (January 13-15, 2021) to approve the request of Byron Center Consistory to proceed to the deposition of Mr. A. Lanning. The committee of pre-advice divided his protest into two parts. First, Synod did not sustain the protest regarding the rescinding of Synod 2021 Article 59 on the basis of one ground: the protestant “ignored two of the four decisions which grounded the approval of the deposition of A. Lanning.” This was elaborated upon with two further points of explanation. Second, Synod did not sustain the protest regarding the contention that the protests of five protestants was not fully considered by Synod 2021 on the one ground: “Synod 2021 did adequately consider and answer all the protests of 2021.” This too was elaborated upon with five points of explanation.

Much of the afternoon was spent treating the reports of both the Domestic and Foreign Mission Committees.

Some of the highlights regarding the Domestic Mission Committee are the following:

  • Synod approved the appointment of Zion PRC to be the calling church for home missions.
  • Synod approved the work of the DMC in carrying out the mandate of Synod 2021 to “expand greatly the use of technology, Internet, and radio to establish a concrete field of labor for a missionary.”
  • Synod approved a budget of $55,000 for 2023 for design, maintenance, and webmaster salary for the PRC website.
  • Synod adopted a motion to express special thanks to Rev. Slopsema for his many years of faithful and dedicated service on the DMC, in light of him retiring from the DMC due to health issues.

Some of the highlights regarding the Foreign Mission Committee are the following:

  • Synod approved the work of Doon PRC’s council and the FMC in the Philippines on behalf of our churches, expressed appreciation to Doon PRC for their faithful oversight, and expressed gratitude to Rev. Dan and Mrs. Holstege, Rev. Daniel and Mrs. Kleyn, and Rev. Richard and Mrs. Smit and their families for their faithful service in the cause of the mission work in the Philippines.
  • Synod had the privilege of listening to a report from Rev. Richard Smit, who is here on furlough. Rev. Smit explained some of the more recent developments in the Philippines, expressed thanks for the support he and his family receive from the PRCA, and asked for continued prayers as he presses on in the labors as foreign missionary.
  • Synod approved the work of the FMC with Hope PRC regarding their labors in Myanmar and with Georgetown PRC regarding their labors in India.

Synod then turned to the report of the Theological School Committee. Regarding students, we rejoice that synod approved admitting Mr. Bruce Feenstra to the seminary as a pre-licentiate student beginning in the fall semester 2022. Regarding professors, Synod declared both Prof. R. Cammenga and Prof. B. Gritters capable to continue teaching in our seminary for another year. This was done in accord with article 7 of the constitution of the theological school, which requires that after a professor reaches the age of 65, the TSC shall consult with the professor annually “about his capability to continue teaching or possible emeritation.” Lastly, after considering the Seminary Rector’s report, synod expressed appreciation to Professors Cammenga, Dykstra, Griess, Gritters, Huizinga, and Kuiper, as well as to Miss Sharon Kleyn and Mr. Charles Terpstra, for their work.

The last items treated today concerned the Student Aid Committee. Synod both approved disbursements from and a budget for the Student Aid Fund.

Synod will reconvene on Friday morning at 8:00 AM.

Ephesians 4:1-3, “I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, with all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, forbearing one another in love; endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”

In Christ’s service,
Rev. N. Decker Second Clerk of Synod 2022

sem diploma program 2022

This evening the PR Theological Seminary commencement took place, as Marcus Wee and Isaac Peters graduated. The program was held in the sanctuary of Zion PRC in Jenison, MI. Prof. R. Dykstra gave the address, speaking from Eph.4 on "The Minister's Calling to Seek Unity.' A nice crowd witnessed the ceremony and heard an edifying (final) commencement speech from Prof. Dykstra, who has retired from the seminary afer 26 years of faithful service. Below are a few pictures taken at this event.

Rev GEriks sem grad
Rev. G. Eriks, president of the Theological School Committee, chairs the program and leads in devotions

Zion choir sem grad
Zion PRC's choir provided the special music

Prof RD sem grad speech
Prof. R. Dykstra delivers his commencement message

IPeters diploma 2022
Isaac Peters of the EPC of Australia receiving his diploma

MWee diploma 2022
Marcus Wee of the CERC-Singapore receives his diploma

PRC Synod 2022 - Day 2 - Wednesday, June 15 (with report)

Ziion PRC Jenison spring

The PRC Synod of 2022 began its second day of work with devotions, and then entered into the examination of Sem. Marcus Wee in the area of Dogmatics (6 loci of Reformed-Christian theology), with Prof. R. Cammenga asking the questions (20 minutes in each section). The examination ended late morning with Prof. B. Gritters asking questions in the area of knowledge of Scripture. Synod then took time for group pictures before lunch.

dogmatics exam RC MW
Prof. R. Cammenga examines Sem. M. Wee in Dogmatics

This afternoon, synod will begin working through the advice of its committees, beginning with Committee I.

 Wee exam BGritters
Prof. B. Gritters examining Sem. M. Wee in the area of knowledge of Scripture

Yesterday afternoon (following the specimen sermon delivered by Sem. M. Wee) the various committees of synod began their work of preparing pre-advice (see photos below).

Comm1 work
Committee I at work: Revs. N. Decker, J. Laning, V. Ibe (PRCP); Elders S. Hunter, S. Miedema,  G.T. Wee (CERC); Advisor Prof. B. Gritters 

 Comm4 work
Committee IV at work: Revs. G. Eriks, R. Barnhill; Elders K. Bruinsma, J. Van Baren; Advisor Prof. R. Cammenga

goodies break time 1
Break times are always a highlight with the host church ladies providing wonderful treats for the delegates and visitors

Comm 2
Committee II - Rev. A. Brummel, Elder P. Van Baren, Prof. B. Huizinga, Elder J. Lanting, Prof. R. Dykstra

Committee III: Prof. D. Kuiper, Elder L. Gritters, Prof. C. Griess, Rev. J. Engelsma, Elder D. Van Uffelen, Rev. R. Kleyn

Committee V: Elder M. Gritters, Rev. W. Langerak, Rev. S. Key, Elder P. Smit

group sanctuary 1

Summary of 2022 PRCA Synod - Day 2 (June 15, 2022)

Synod began this morning by singing Psalter 1. Rev. Decker opened with devotions by reading John 13:1-17 and leading in prayer.

The morning session of Synod was spent with the oral examination of Marcus Wee. Prof. Cammenga examined Marcus for 20 minutes each in Theology, Anthropology, Christology, Soteiology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology. This was followed by Prof. Gritters examining Marcus on the knowledge of Scripture. Marcus gave a good account of what he both knows and believes concerning these subjects. This portion of synod was live-streamed for any who may have been interested, but especially for the saints and Session of the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church in Singapore.

Most of the afternoon was spent treating the advice regarding the work of the Contact Committee (CC). The Lord has given the PRCA contact with many churches and saints spread throughout the world. Synod began by treating the work of the CC regarding those with whom we have a sister church relationship: the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore (CERCS), the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church Northern Ireland (CPRCNI), and the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines (PRCP). With thankfulness to God, the CC reported that the relationships with each of our sisters remains strong. Yesterday, synod heard a letter from the CERCS. Today, Rev. Vernon Ibe addressed synod with a letter from the PRCP [photo below]. Both letters testified to the value and blessedness of our sister church relationship.

VIbe address

The PRCA also has a corresponding relationship with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Australia (EPCA). After approving the work of the CC with the EPCA, Synod had a letter read from the Presbytery of the EPCA on the floor of synod. The letter from the EPCA contained a heartfelt expression of thanks to the PRCA for the care and training of their student, Mr. Isaac Peters. In addition to those with whom we have official relationships, the CC labors with many other contacts. Information was presented at synod on the CC’s work with the Confessing Protestant-Reformed Congregation (BERG) of Giessen, Germany, along with churches and believers in Namibia, South Africa, South Korea, and Mexico.

Synod treated the report of the Psalter Revision Review Committee. The committee members are Belinda Brummel, Don DeJong, Michelle Drnek, Pam Dykstra, Matt Elzinga, Cal Kalsbeek, Steve Kuiper, Rev. W Langerak, and Shelly VanderKolk. The three synodical-appointed advisors are Prof. D. Kuiper, Josh Hoekstra, and Prof. B. Gritters. The Psalter Revision Review Committee provided synod with a helpful summary of their work from this past year. In this coming year the committee intends to finish its review of the Genevans, make a final review of the entire package, and prepare it for presentation to Synod 2023. Synod approved the work of the committee and expressed gratitude to its members for their faithful and selfless labor on behalf of the churches.

Synod approved disbursements made by the CC from the Pastor Training Fund—Foreign Lands and the Foreign Student Assistance Fund as well as approved a budget of $78,000 for the CC’s operating expenses in 2023.

The advice presented to synod regarding the North America Presbyterian and Reformed Council (NAPARC) and Faith PRC’s overture to amend Article 67 of the Church were recommitted to committee one for reformulation.

Synod declared illegal an overture from an individual who asked that "Classis require each of the men of the Special Committee of Classis East (Jan 2018) to assist Hope PRC to explain in writing their doctrinal position regarding the doctrinal statement which they authored.” The one ground for declaring the overture illegal was that requirement of Article 30 had not been met, namely, that “in major assemblies only such matters shall be dealt with as could not be finished in minor assemblies.” Two points of explanation were given to explain the ground: 1) The overture “was a request for action on the part of Classis East and not Synod. He writes: ‘By way of this overture, I request that Classis require each of the men of the Special Committee of Classis East…' (Agenda p. 74). He also writes: ‘However, I believe that this Special Committee of Classis East…must also be held accountable for what they wrote and that it is Classis East’s responsibility to hold them accountable as they are a committee of Classis’ (Agenda p. 75).” 2) “His course of action should have been to protest the decision of Classis East to reject his overture, and then if not satisfied to appeal to Synod. His overture amounts to an appeal to synod, without having first protested to Classis. For Synod to take this matter up would be hierarchical in that it would be taking up work that was not finished at the classical level.”

The final item treated this afternoon is one for which we give humble thanks to God, namely, the report of the 100th Anniversary Committee. Five decisions were taken in this regard: 1) That synod approve holding the 100th anniversary celebration of our churches at Calvin University on June 23-27, 2025. 2) That synod request the Young People’s Federation to hold the Young People’s Convention at the same place and time. 3) That synod adopt the proposed theme, “Grace: The PRCA at 100,” for the 100th anniversary celebration, with a theme text of Ephesians 2:4-10 and a theme song of Psalter #394 4) That synod mandate a multi-authored book be written commemorating our 100th anniversary, overseen by an editorial committee selected by the 100th Anniversary Committee. 5) That synod send an invitation to those churches with whom we have official relationships (sister churches and the churches with whom we have a corresponding relationship) to attend our 100th anniversary celebration.

Synod recessed at 5:00 PM. Synod will reconvene Thursday morning at 8:00 AM to finish the examination of Marcus Wee.

John 13:14, 15, “If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.”

In Christ’s Service,
Rev. N. Decker Second Clerk of Synod 2022

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