
PRC Weekly Congregational, Denominational, and Sister-Church News - October 22, 2017

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On this October 22, 2017 Lord's Day we note the following news and information from PRC congregations, classes, mission fields, and sister churches.


  • On Oct.1, the congregation of Byron Center PRC voted to call Rev. A. Lanning, currently pastor of the Covenant ERC in Singapore. TODAY Byron Center PRC announced Rev. Lanning's ACCEPTANCE of this call.
  • On October 8 Cand. Stephan Regnerus received the call from Lynden (WA) PRC. He had also been considering the call from Southwest PRC (Wyoming, MI - received Sept.10). TODAY he announced his ACCEPTANCE of the call to Lynden and, therefore, DECLINED SW PRC's call. We rejoice with this brother in God's guidance and in His confirmation of the call to the ministry of the Word in our churches.
  • Rev. R. Smit will preach his farewell sermon TONIGHT in First PRC (Grand Rapids, MI).
    • First's bulletin today had this note concerning this: "Rev. Smit will preach his last sermons today as our pastor. May the Lord bless him and his family in their time of transition, and make his labours in the Philippines fruitful by the Holy Spirit to the glory of our heavenly Father and the propagation of the kingdom of His Son Jesus Christ. “Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.” (2nd Corinthians 13:11). A farewell program is planned for Sunday evening, November 19."
    • The Council of First PRC (GR) also has a new trio from which to call the congregation's next pastor: Revs A. Lanning (Covenant ERC, Singapore), B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA), and C. Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA). The congregational meeting will be held October 29 after the morning service.
  • On Friday night, Oct.20, Pastor-elect Joe Holstege was ordained and installed as the first minister of Zion PRC. We rejoice with this servant of the Lord and with this congregation, and pray that God will grant him a faithful and fruitful ministry in the PRC.
  • On Oct.24, D.V., Pastor-elect Justin Smidstra will be ordained into the ministry and installed as the next pastor of First PRC of Holland MI. First's bulletin has this note concerning this: "The congregation is called to worship next week Tuesday, October 24, at 7 p.m., for the ordination and installation of Pastor-elect Justin Smidstra. The collection taken will be for the Foreign Seminary Student Fund. The inaugural sermon will be preached at the morning worship service on Sunday, October 29."
  • On Oct.1 Cand. Brian Feenstra ACCEPTED the call from Immanuel PRC in Lacombe, AB (Received Sept.3). He will be examined at a special meeting of Classis West, yet to be determined.
  • Candidates Jon Langerak  and David Noorman are both assisting pastors and congregations in the Grand Rapids area (Georgetown PRC and Hudsonville PRC, respectively) while they wait for calls. Cand. J. Langerak will also soon be helping Lynden PRC during her vacancy.


  • At its special meeting this past week (Oct.18), Classis East examined Pastors-elect Joe Holstege and Justin Smidstra. Classis approved both of their examinations and recommended that Zion PRC proceed with Joe Holstege’s ordination
    and that First Holland PRC proceed with the ordination of Justin Smidstra. This past Friday night, Rev. Holstege was ordained into the gospel ministry and installed as Zion PRC's first pastor. On Tuesday night, at Holland PRC, Justin Smidstra will be
    ordained and installed (Rev. G. Eriks will be leading the worship service).

  • From Grandville PRC's bulletin we find this note about a special PRC Contact Committe delegation to Singapore and the Philippines this week: "This coming Wednesday [Oct.25] Dave Kregel will be travelling with Rev. R. Smit to the Philippines, spending two Sundays there representing our churches to carry out mandates dealing with Synod's approval of our churches becoming sister churches. They will then travel to Singapore for week to visit Covenant ERCS to conduct church visitation. Rev. Smit is to give a number of Reformation speeches in both the Philippines and Singapore as well as preaching a number of sermons. Plans are for them to return Nov.13." We pray for safe travels and for profitable visits and labors for this delegation.
  • Prof. D. Engelsma and his wife traveled to our sister church in Ballymena, N. Ireland this past week, where he will deliver four Reformation lectures (two this past weekend and two next weekend), as well as preach on the three Sundays he is there. Covenant PRC's bulletin included this note: "Rev. Stewart will be preaching in the LRF on 29 October and 5 & 12 November, Our pastor will also be giving a lecture on “Martin Luther’s Great Discovery” in Limerick on Saturday, 28 October. Rev. McGeown will be speaking in the U.S. at Reformation conferences there and will be returning on Thursday, 9 November. He will preach for the CPRC on 12 November."
  • Prof. David Engelsma's recent speech on spousal abuse (Oct.5) along with the Q & A session is taped and available on the Byron Center PRC website. Additionally, the questions that went unanswered due to time restraints will be answered by Prof. Engelsma and available on her website by October 21st.
  • Keep in mind the upcoming PRC Seminary Reformation 500th Anniversary Conference, which will be held THIS WEEKEND, Oct.27-28, in Faith PRC (Jenison, MI). The latest announcement is this:

    HERE WE STAND, this seminary sponsored conference celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation will be held this Fridaya nd saturday, Oct.27 and 28. The first speech is at 4:00 on Friday, October 27th with additional speeches at 7:00 and 8:15. The conference will continue Saturday morning. The speeches will be delivered by our three professors and Rev. M. McGeown, Rev. David Torlach, and Rev. S. Key. Talk to your neighbors and friends and join us at Faith PRC for this important event. The conference will be live-streamed on the Internet for those who are not able to attend in person. For further information see our advertisement in the Standard Bearer or visit the denominational website: or

    Here We Stand Oct 2017 flyer Page 1



  • If you wish to see pictures of the recent Seniors' Retreat held at Gull Lake in Michigan, sponsored by Grandville and First PRCs (Holland), visit the bulletin page for this link: 2017 Seniors' Retreat Pictures - Gull Lake, MI (registered users only).
  • Reformed Book Outlet: Check out the special Reformation resources this month! Many titles to choose from - for adults and children!

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  • Don't forget to listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday! Todays' message by radio pastor Rev. W. Bruinsma is titled "Receiving the Word of God", based on 1 Thess.2:13.
    • NEW RWH Station - The Cornerstone PRC Word and Deed committee has partnered with the Reformed Witness Hour to air their messages on the radio in the Chicago area. Beginning today, September 10, the broadcast can be heard every Sunday at 4:00PM on WYLL 1160AM or on the internet at Please tune in and encourage others to do so as opportunity arises in your personal witnessing.


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  • From Hope PRC's (Grand Rapids, MI) bulletin we note the following special announcement re Rev. Titus and their work in Myanmar:
    • For some time the Council has been working toward bringing Rev. Titus and his wife, Certi, to the United States to visit the Protestant Reformed Churches. ...The paperwork and interviews at the U.S. embassy in Myanmar are now complete, and Visas for both have been granted. Flights are booked, and they plan to arrive in Grand Rapids Tuesday, October 24, at 6:55 p.m. They plan to depart on Monday, November 13, at 10:00 a.m. A rather full schedule has been planned, which includes a Myanmar program, an open house, and more for everyone to enjoy. Look for additional communications from the Myanmar committees of the Council and the Reformed witness committee. “And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers” (Acts 2:42).
  • On Sept.17 Rev. A. Spriensma was installed as home missionary, having been called by Byron Center PRC. He is beginning his work in the west Michigan area.
  • On Oct.1 Rev. R. Smit (First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI) ACCEPTED the call of Doon PRC to serve as a third missionary to the Philippines. According to Doon's bulletin this week, "[Rev. Smit] will be installed as our missionary on November 26. The Smits plan to move to the Philippines on December 25. All this, the Lord willing."We give thanks to the Lord of the harvest for providing this next foreign missionary for this abundant field of labor.

 Trinidad catechism 2017

Rev. Trinidad teaching catechism to the little children [All posing for a picture after class] 
  • From the Oct.2 bulletin of Provident Christian Church in Marikina, the Philippines we find the following notes concerning our missionaries and their labors today and in this coming week:
    • Rev. Holstege will preach both times today and next Sunday, Lord willing. Rev. Kleyn will preach for Maranatha PRC today.

    • A delegation from the Contact Committee of the PRCA will arrive this week and stay until Nov. 6, Lord willing. Rev. Richard Smit and Elder Dave Kregel are the delegates. They plan to worship with the PRC in Bulacan next Sunday, and to attend one service at Berean PRC and one service at PCC on Nov. 5.

    • All are invited to the conference “Reformation 500: The Anniversary” on Oct. 31 starting at 8:00 am here at PCC. The speeches will be: “The Reformation: Historical Overview” by Rev. D. Kleyn, “Martin Luther: His Legacy” by Rev. R. Smit, and “John Calvin: His Doctrine of Providence” by Rev. D. Holstege. Speak to a member of the SC to sign up today! [cf. poster below]

    • Let us continue to pray for Rev. Richard Smit, his wife Tricia, and their children as they transition from life and ministry at First PRC in Grand Rapids to life and ministry here in the Philippines. The Smits plan to move here, if the Lord wills, at the end of December.

  • Maranatha PRF Bulletin Page 1

  • Let's remember these busy pastors and missionaries in the Philippines in our prayers daily. May the Lord of the harvest give them grace for all their labors.







Last modified on 23 October 2017

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