
News from the PRC and Sister Churches for the Week of December 23, 2018 *(Updated)

matt1 21 2On this fifty-first Lord's Day of 2018, December 23, we provide the following news and information concerning PRC congregations, the Seminary, mission fields, and sister churches.


  • The PRC congregations will be holding Christmas Day morning services on Dec.25 and welcome you to join us in worship of Jesus Christ, the sovereign Savior sent to redeem all who repent and believe on Him. Most services are at 9:30 am local time, but check the website of each congregation for more information.

  • Last Sunday, Dec.16, Rev. S. Key (Loveland,CO PRC) DECLINED the call from Grandville PRC to serve as the next minister-on-loan to the Covenant ERC in Singapore. Grandville's Council has formed a new trio from which to call a man for this purpose: Rev. Joshua Engelsma (Doon IA PRC), Rev. Garret Eriks (Hudsonville PRC), and Rev. Erik Guichelaar (Randolph WI PRC). There will be a special congregational meeting after the evening worship on Sunday evening, December 30, directly after evening service.

  • On Dec.2, Rev. W. Langerak (SE PRC-GR) received the call from Immanuel PRC (Labombe, AB) to serve as her next pastor. *UPDATE: Rev. Langerak has DECLINED this call.

  • On Sunday, Dec.9, Rev. G. Eriks (Hudsonville) received the call from Trinity PRC (Hudsonville, MI). 

  • Zion PRC (Jenison, MI) recently voted to approve the purchase of the building and parsonage of 12th Ave CRC (near corner of 12th Ave. and Baldwin St. in Jenison) after that congregation voted to disband and sell her property. Zion plans to worship in her new place for the first time on Old Year's night, Dec.31. We rejoice with them in God's good providence and provision.


 block walls dec 2018 1
*Work began this week on the block walls on the new seminary addition (see note below)

PRC Seminary News:

  • *Work continues on the seminary addition project that will house the new PRC archives and two offices during the professor transition period in the next few years. For more updates, visit this blog post.

  • Seminary completed its first semester this past week and will now take a two-week Christmas/New Year break. Pray for rest and refreshment before faculty and students take up their work again in a few weeks. The seminary will be open and staff available during the break, except for the holidays themselves (Christmas Day and New Years).

  • The Fall 2018 issue of the PR Theological Journal is now available. The digital (pdf) version may be found here. The print version will be mailed out this week. If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please contact the seminary.

  • The January 2019 Interim course will begin on Friday, Jan.4, at 9 AM. In that connection, the seminary sends out this special announcement:

"Seminary Interim Course on Heidelberg Catechism Preaching." Members of the PRCA are invited to Prof. B.
Gritters' interim class at seminary, from January 4 - 15. The class meets for 8 mornings, from 9-11:30. Among other
things, included will be instruction on why catechism preaching is required by the Church Order, proper and improper
methods of preaching the catechism, and discussion on ways to preach the Heidelberg Catechism well. Area ministers
have been invited. Others are welcome to attend. If you are interested, please call the seminary secretary at 616-531-
1490. The class will be live-streamed for those not able to attend in person."

  • Prof. R. Cammenga and his wife Rhonda left this past Wednesday for Singapore for four weeks of service in our sister church, Covenant ERC, on behalf of the PRC Contact Committee.

  • The internships of Seminarians Matt Kortus and Jacob Maatman are rapidly drawing to a close. Sem. Kortus is interning at Trinity PRC under Rev. N. Decker (now pastor at Grandville PRC) and the Council there. Sem. Maatman is interning at Hudsonville PRC under Rev. G. Eriks and his Council. The internship program runs from July 1 to December 31.

  • SEMINARY WEBSITE NEWS!! A new PRC Seminary website is being developed and is close to launching. Watch for the announcement of that very soon!

  • The PRC Synod 2018 took a decision urging “the churches and the pastors in particular in their public prayers to pray the Lord of the harvest for able, faithful, and devoted pastors and teachers (Ephesians 4:11) for us and our children, as well as for the gathering of the elect out of the nations (Matthew 28:19).” A number of ministers are nearing the age of emeritation, and the number of students in the seminary at this time will not be sufficient to fill the upcoming needs of our churches either in our own congregations or in the work of missions. Please remember this urgent need in your prayers and encourage young men whom you observe to have the gifts to consider the ministry.

synod dordt 2

  • The Seminary faculty along with Trinity PRC Evangelism Committee are busy implementing plans for a Spring 2019 conference to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the great Synod of Dordt, 1618/19 - 2018/19. The following updates are being given:
    Dordt 400: Did you know November 13 1618, 400 years ago, the Synod of Dordt began and didn’t conclude until nearly 6 months and 154 meetings later?! Are you familiar with the preceding history that led to this lengthy meeting? Do you know the week by week events that happened during the Great Synod? Follow that history and join the blog at to view the weekly events  Synod of Dordt. Stay up to speed in light of Seminary's conference April 25-27 2019.

    Dordt 400 Writing contest:  Don’t forget that the conference also includes a writing contest with great prizes!  Sign up and submit your essay by January 15 at the conference website

EPC Winnaleah church outside
*The worship place of Winnaleah EPC, one of the congregations of the Presbyterian denomination with whom PRC has a corresponding relationship.


  • Since June of 2018, the PRC has an official sister-church relationship with the PRC in the Philippines, confirmed at this year's synod! We rejoice in this evidence of the Lord's blessing on the work in the Philippines and of the unity of Christ's church, which He gathers from all nations, tribes, and tongues. 
    • From the Berean PRC we find this note today: "Our Pastor [Rev. V. Ibe] is also scheduled to preach at Kerusso Community church today at 3PM and will lead them in their study of the Church Order Arts. 14-16 at 5:30 PM, the Lord willing."
    • And for more on the life and work of our "sisters," read the news under Philippine missions (bulletins).

  • Concerning our sister church in Singapore, Covenant ERC, we may note the following items (from her bulletin of Dec.23):
    • "Rev Steven Key has declined the call extended to him to be our MOL. The Consistory of Grandville PRC has
      informed us that they have formed the trio of Rev Garrett Eriks, Rev Eric Guichelaar and Rev Joshua Engelsma
      for the next round of calling an MOL. By God's grace, we continue to pray, "not our will Lord, but Thine, be
      done." For the Lord's will is to be preferred above our own. For it is better, infinitely better, than our will.
      Our desire for an under-shepherd to minister in our midst is after all a desire for God to be most glorified by
      our congregation. He knows our need best. He knows the best time to send us the minister of His choosing.
      May we rest in His perfect will for us."

    • "We bade farewell once again to Rev and Mrs den Hartog last Tue and welcome Prof and Mrs Ron Cammenga
      into our midst past Fri. Prof Cammenga is Professor of Reformed Dogmatics and OT Studies in the PR
      Theological Seminary in the US. He and his wife, Rhonda, are in Singapore for the first time. We pray the
      Lord's blessings upon Prof's ministry in our midst over the next four Sundays and look forward to the time
      we can spend together and get to know one another in the weeks ahead. We are indeed very thankful to
      the Lord for sending us under-shepherds from our sister to care for us over the past year."

    • Her latest newsletter (OCTOBER 2018) - Reformed News Asia - was recently posted and may be found on this page.

    • The latest young peoples' magazine, Salt Shakers, was received and posted recently (November 2018 - cf. image above). Check that out on this page.
  • *The PRC also has a "corresponding relationship" with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) of Australia. We remember these brothers and sisters in our prayers and labors also.

*A great place for Christmas gifts - cards, music, and books - including for children!
(cf. below)


  • *If you are in West Michigan, be sure to visit the Reformed Book Outlet in downtown Hudsonville, MI! The RBO is a great source for Bibles, Bible study materials, music, cards, RFPA books, and other Reformed literature; stop at the RBO, or visit their website. Here is the notice of their December specials: "The Reformed Book Outlet in Hudsonville is having a December sale. Books, Bibles, and Bible covers are 25% off MSRP. We are also going to be open until 8:30 two nights in December, Monday December 10 and Monday December 17. Lastly, we are going to be doing a weekly drawing. Prizes include a book, gift certificate, Bible, and a CD. You must sign up each week."

  • Looking for Reformed literature and a solid Reformed and biblical magazine to read? Visit the Reformed Free Publishing Association's website (, where you will find information on books in all major Christian categories, as well as on the bi-monthly periodical, the Standard Bearer.

  • If you are in need of some pamphlets published by the PRC for use in evangelism and/or witnessing, visit the PRCA Evangelism page for a complete list of materials available in digital format or by order from the publishing church. Looking for items on salvation by grace alone in Christ alone? Visit this page for more information.

  • You can now listen to the Heidelberg Catechism and the Belgic Confession on audio! Visiit the links provided to hear the Catechism and the Confession read. It's another excellent way to learn the Reformed faith and memorize these Reformed creeds.

RWH logo 1

  • Don't forget to listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday (on radio station near you or on Sermonaudio wherever you are)! Today Rev. W. Bruinsma (pastor of Pittsburgh PRC) gives a special Christmas message based on Luke 2:13,14 - "The Song of the Angels" (which you may listen to at this link).

  • The RWH has a new, updated website! Please visit to watch our introduction video, view pictures and audio from our history, and read and listen to almost 20 years of past radio broadcasts! If you haven’t visited the RWH website recently, now is an excellent time to familiarize yourself with this important radio-internet ministry of the PRC.

  • A new Spanish edition of the RWH is being produced and may be found on this YouTube channel (PRC Espanol). Look for new messages each week - and help spread the word!

 BL header lighthouse


  • A matter for our young people to consider prayerfully. From the Federation of PR School Societies: “There is a significant need for more good Christian teachers for our beloved schools. This is true in light of increasing enrollment, recently established and emerging schools, and continual teacher retirements. We ask that this need be prayed for and supplication made that the young men and women of your congregation be led by God to enter into the vocation of a Christian school teacher. This…is intended to bring the serious need for teachers to your attention so this specific request can be brought to our heavenly Father and the need made known directly to your congregation.”

  • The Loveland Young Adults Retreat is scheduled for March 18-21 at the YMCA. Registration is now open! To register, go to Be sure to register early, as registration is limited to 40 retreaters.The speakers will be Rev. S. Key and Rev. R. VanOverloop. The theme is "Ambassadors for Christ", based on the text II Corinthians 5:20.

  • Are YOU a subscriber to the PR Young People's magazine, the Beacon Lights? Visit the website and learn how to become one!

  • The latest young peoples' magazine of Covenant ERC in Singapore, Salt Shakers, was received and posted (November 2018 - cf. image above). Check that out on this page.

Gospel to all nations


Domestic labors:

  • Remember in prayer our home missionary, Rev. A. Spriensma, who continues to labor in the West Michigan area and beyond through Byron Center PRC, the calling church.

United Kingdom:

3 missionaries Oct 2017
*Our missionaries in the Philippines: Rev. D. Kleyn, Rev. R. Smit, Rev. D. Holstege (l-r)

Philippine Missions:

  • From Doon PRC's bulletin today we find this significant note:

    Synod 2018 approved Rev. & Sharon Kleyn taking an extended furlough in 2019.  The purpose of the furlough is to give Rev. Kleyn time to take some courses with a view to obtaining an advanced degree, to prepare classes to be taught in the PRCP seminary in the future, and to give both Rev. & Sharon opportunity to be refreshed and to reconnect with family.  Their plans are to leave the Philippines on January 1 and stay in the States until June 18."

  • The latest Philippines mission newsletter was received and recently posted (October 2018) and may be found on this PRC webpage.
  • *Don't forget to follow the Kleyn's blog on life and activities in the Philippines. And that also includes the Holstege's! And don't miss out on the Smits once again too!
  • From this Sunday's bulletins of the Provident Christian Church in Marikina, the Maranatha PRC in Valenzuela, the Berean PRC in Antipolo City, and the PRC in Bulacan in the Philippines we find the following notes concerning their pastors as well as concerning our missionaries and their labors today and in this coming week:

    • Provident CC:
      • Rev. Holstege will preach both times for PCC today. After the first service we will continue our study of the Eternal Decrees of God in Lesson 7 of the Essentials class. Next week, Lord willing, Rev.Holstege will preach in the first service and Rev. Smit in the second.

      • Tomorrow, December 24, we will have an evangelistic meeting here at Provident from 7:00-9:00 pm. Rev. Holstege will speak on the theme, “The Angels Announce the Birth of the Savior.” Afterward, we will enjoy a meal and fellowship with each other. Please come with your families and invite your neighbors!

      • December 28, 2018 is the commemoration of the 400th year anniversary of the Synod of Dordt and the conference will be hosted by the Provident Christian Church(Reformed) at 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Rev. D. Holstege wil speak on Dordt and the Doctrine of Grace, Rev. V. Ibe on Dordt and Preaching of the Gospel and Rev. R. Smit on Dordt and its concern for faithful Sabbath keeping. Moderator is Rev. D. Kleyn. RFPA books on sells. Registration is P50. Please invite someone with you.

    • Maranatha PRC:
      • Today: our Missionaries, Revs. Kleyn and Smit will lead us in both services respectively. We have our fellowship and Potluck after the service.

      • Next week: Rev. L. Trinidad will us in both services.

    • PRC, Bulacan:
      • Rev. Flores will preach at First Christian Reformed Church of Quezon City. This congregation has interest in the Reformed faith and confessions. He will be preaching on John 6:44, "The Sovereignty of God in Our Salvation."
      • *Rev. Flores and Deacon Castano will visit the PRFA in Leyte this Friday.

    • Berean PRC:  "Rev. Ibe and one of the office bearers is scheduled to visit the saints in Gabaldon on Sunday (Dec.30, 2018). Rev. Ibe will lead them in their worship service, D.V. The Consistory is asking the congregation to uphold the work in Gabaldon in our prayers. May God prosper the labor of our pastor in their midst!"

Let us continue in prayer to the Lord for the fulfillment of the needs of these busy pastors and missionaries in the Philippines. May the Lord of the harvest give them grace to be faithful and encouraged in all their labors.


  • Do not forget Hope PRC's (Grand Rapids, MI) support of and involvement with Rev. Titus' work in Myanmar (June 2018), visit this page.

  • We also find this note in Hope PRC's bulletin this week:

"Rev. Titus and CerTi safely returned home this past week after two weeks of preaching in churches and visiting members in the Rakhine State. The activities of Hope continue in Myanmar with a delegation travelling to visit the saints in Yangon. A seminar will be conducted with forty attendees who will travel to Yangon from all over the country of Myanmar. Council members Rev. Overway and Rich Peterson, accompanied by Cal Kalsbeek, John Van Baren, and Seth Kalsbeek plan a January 10 departure and a January 22 return. We pray the Lord’s blessing on all of these labors."

Last modified on 24 December 2018

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