
Reformed Free Publishing Association (26)

Special Reformation Issue of "The Standard Bearer": Augustine

The latest issue of The Standard Bearer  is out, and this year's special Reformation issue (October 15, 2014) is devoted to the important church father Augustine (AD 354-430). A wide variety of articles cover subjects from Augustine's life and Confessions  to his doctrines of predestination and marriage. See the cover image below for details on all the excellent, edifying articles which fill this issue.

Here are editor R.Dykstra's comments introducing the issue:

Although it might seem a bit strange, at first blush, to devote the annual Reformation issue to a church father who died almost 1100 years before the great sixteenth century Reformation, we have good grounds for doing so. Our two main reasons are expressed well by the noted church historian Philip Schaff.

First, Augustine’s theology was foundational for the Reformation. In his History of the Christian Church, Schaff contends that “Augustine is, of all the fathers, nearest to evangelical Protestantism, and may be called, in respect to his doctrine of sin and grace, the first forerunner of the Reformation” (Vol. 3, p. 1021, his emphasis).

Second, among the church fathers, Augustine had unparalleled influence on the Reformers. In the same volume, Schaff maintains that “Augustine, of all the fathers, most resembles, in experience and doctrine, this very apostle [Paul], and stands next to him in his influence upon the Reformers” (p. 787). Well documented it is that Calvin, Luther, and the rest of the Reformers quoted none more than Augustine. The theology of the Reformation was a return to, and development of (the better parts of) Augustine’s theology – long discarded or perverted by the church of the Middle Ages.

 In this issue we highlight a few areas of Augustine’s teaching – some predictable and foundational for the Reformation, and others a bit less well known. May God use it for the continued defense and development of Reformation truth.



If you are not a "SB" subscriber, you are encouraged to become one. Visit the "SB" link above for more information on receiving this significant Reformed semi-monthly magazine published by the Reformed Free Publishing Association.

And if you are a subscriber, this is an issue that you will profitably read from cover to cover to learn why this servant of God was so vital to the recovery of the gospel during the great Reformation of the church in the 16th century!


September 1 Issue of "The Standard Bearer"

The September 1, 2014 issue of The Standard Bearer is presently out in print and being read by many. Are you one of them?

To find out the contents of this latest issue and discover what you may have been missing, see the cover image below. For subscription information, visit the "SB" website linked here.



Bible Study Materials from the RFPA and the Reformed Book Outlet


As Bible study society season begins, consider using study guides and commentaries from the Reformed Free Publishing Association and Bibles and many other Bible study resources from the Reformed Book Outlet (a retail store in Hudsonville PLaza in Hudsonville, MI).

A new commentary, The Coming of Zion's Redeemer: The Prophecies of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi by Ronald Hanko, is now available. Some study guides have been revised and reprinted: 1 and 2 Thessalonians and James by Cornelius Hanko and Ruth and Malachi by Carl Haak.

Visit for a complete list of study guides and commentaries. Orders can be placed by calling 616-457-5970 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. (book club members will automatically receive theirs in early September).


Or you may visit the Reformed Book Outlet in downtown Hudsonville, MI for all your Bible study needs.


April 1 "Standard Bearer": Special Issue on Psalm-Singing

The latest issue of The Standard Bearer is out, and it is another excellent special issue! The April 1, 2014 issue is devoted to the Reformed practice and tradition of Psalmody or Psalm-singing. Prof.B.Gritters, one of the editors, includes this descriptive note about the content of this issue before his own fine article “In Praise of Psalm-Singing”:

You have in your hands a special issue on the church’s long-treasured practice of singing psalms in public worship. Although our Psalter’s anniversary was not in view when we planned the issue, 2014 does mark 100 years since our fathers adopted the 1912 Psalter for use in the churches. God’s faithfulness explains our continuing in psalm-singing.

The logic of the articles should not be missed. First, Rev.James Slopsema, one of our long-time writers of meditations, helps us reflect on God’s Word in the psalms. The editorial encourages us in the use of this songbook called ‘the Psalms’ and the great blessing of them. Three articles look at the rich history of psalm-singing. Rev.Brian Huizinga’s moving article traces the history of psalm-singing from the earliest times of the New Testament church. Rev.Kenneth Koole writes a fascinating history of the use of the 1912 Psalter in the PRC.

Rev.Martyn McGeown, whose churches use the Scottish Metrical Version of the Psalter, writes about the present use of the psalms in various Reformed and Presbyterian churches. That all the psalms should (and can be!) sung by New Testament Christians is the purpose of Rev.Ronald Hanko’s article on the imprecatory psalms. Then there is careful reflection, by Prof.Russell Dykstra, on how the PRC’s Psalter might be improved.

SB-Psalm Issue-April 1-2014 Page 1

You are urged to obtain and read this significant and edifying issue of the “SB”. To receive your copy, if you are not a subscriber, visit the “SB” website. If you are a subscriber, and the issue has reached your home, be sure to read completely and study it carefully!


New RFPA Book - "1834: Hendrik De Cock's Return to the True Church"

1834-HDecock-MKamps-2014The Reformed Free Publishing Association has just released its latest title, and it is a significant church history book!

The book, 1834, Hendrik de Cock's Return to the True Church, is written by Marvin Kamps and provides a gripping account of one man's struggle against a spiritually desolate state church. It relates the story of how de Cock led his congregation out of the perverse wilderness of the state Reformed Church of the Netherlands, returning to the biblical worship of God as set forth in the Reformed creeds.

If you are not a Book Club member and wish to join or would like to purchase this book, contact your church's Book Club agent, or visit the RFPA website.

For more news on the arrival of this book, visit the RFPA blog. For another notice on this book, visit this readers' blog.


Do You Receive and Read "The Standard Bearer"?

Are you a Standard Bearer subscriber and reader? Do you know about this encouraging and edifying Reformed magazine? Would you like to receive more information about it? And if you do receive it, do you take the time to read it for your spiritual growth in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18)?

We introduce you here to the latest issue of the "SB", and urge you to visit the "SB" website where you will find details on ordering this periodical. As you will notice from the insert below, the February 15, 2014 issue contains a variety of instructive and profitable articles.

Whether you are a "seasoned saint" or a young Christian, new to the Reformed faith, you will find that The Standard Bearer contains something profitable for your continued spiritual growth: meditations and devotional articles, doctrinal and practical pieces, Bible study materials, mission articles, and resources on marriage and family life.

Now is a good time to start receiving and reading this great Reformed periodical!



Special Reformation Issue of "The Standard Bearer" Now Available!

IMGThe latest issue of The Standard Bearer is out and it is the annual special Reformation issue! This year its feature is the 450th anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism, with the magazine containing five of the six speeches given at the recent PR Seminary Conference marking this noteworthy event (the sixth will be published in a later issue of the "SB"). In addition, for the meditation feature, this special issue contains a specially transcribed and edited Heidelberg Catechism sermon on Lord's Day 1 preached by Rev. Herman Hoeksema. "Belonging to Christ" is its theme.

To obtain your copy of this issue and to subscribe to this Reformed magazine, visit the "SB" website. You will find this issue and this magazine an edifying addition to your religious library.


Latest Issue of "RFPA Update" - Fall 2013


The Reformed Free Publishing Association has published their latest "Update" newsletter (#25) for the Fall of 2013. In this issue retired PRC Professor David Engelsma writes the main piece, showing the relationship between The Standard Bearer and the PRC, sub-titling it "A Trumpet Blast and Reformed Testimony". And Justin Smidstra, a first year Seminarian at the PR Seminary writes a review of Prof.D.Engelsma's new book, Battle for Sovereign Grace in the Covenant: The Declaration of Principles (RFPA, 2013). The issue also advertises their upcoming annual meeting set for 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept.19, at Georgetown PRC in Hudsonville, MI. To download and read this issue, see the attached pdf.


New and Revised RFPA Titles Published: "All Glory to the Only Good God"/ "Voice of Our Fathers"

AllGlorytoGoodGod-HH-2013The third book of meditations in the popular Reformed Spirituality series by Herman Hoeksema is now available! All Glory to the Only Good God demonstrates that genuine spirituality rises from the glory of God, for the zeal of the soul for God's glory is the most profound spirituality. Enjoy this beautiful book in either print or eBook formats. To order,, call (616) 457-5970, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Book Club members, look for your books to arrive in next few weeks and don’t forget to take advantage of the opportunity to purchase both formats for only an additional $4.99!


VoiceofOurFather-HCH-Revised-2013The Voice of Our Fathers is once again available! The new, revised edition is available in both print and eBook formats. This book will NOT be automatically distributed to the Book Club. However, members may use their discount to purchase it and may receive BOTH formats (print and eBook formats) for only an additional $4.99! To order, visit, call (616) 457-5970, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


RFPA Welcomes New Blogger: Rev.C.Spronk

Meet Our New Guest Blogger!

Rev. Clay Spronk, RFPA guest bloggerWe welcome guest blogger Rev. Clayton Spronk, pastor of Peace Protestant Reformed Church in Lansing, IL)! Rev. Spronk will be blogging for us several times a month, taking us first through a brief study of Richard Smit's newly released book, The Fruit of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Look for his first post to appear on our blog on Monday, July 1! Click here for more information.

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