
May 2014 Issue of "Salt Shakers"

"Covenant Keepers", the youth ministry of the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore (our sister church), has just published issue #26 of "Salt Shakers"their youth magazine.

This is another issue packed with interesting and edifying articles. This is the note that came with this issue introducing it to the reader:

Dearest Salt Shakers readers,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

We thank the Lord for yet another release of the Salt Shakers!

Here are some of the articles featured in this new issue:

- "Temptation Through Time"
- "Trusting in God’s Timing"
- "Redeeming the Time"

 Now, can you guess what the theme of this issue is? Yes! The theme is “Time”!

As we draw closer to the midway mark of the year, may we remember to use our time wisely for God’s glory, for all our time is His alone. May we be good stewards of the time God has given to us!

Below you will find the first two pages of the magazine, including its table of contents. You are encouraged to visit the"SS" webpage where you will find a downloadable e-copy for your reading and spiritual growth.

SS 26 E-Magazine Page 1
SS 26 E-Magazine Page 2


Other Philippines Mission News: Rev.D.Kleyn on Furlough

The following bulletins carried the latest news on the upcoming furlough of Missionary-pastor Daniel Kleyn and his wife Sharon. To follow their activities while on furlough, visit the Kleyn's blog!


From the Provident Christian Church Bulletin (Marikina, the Philippines):

Rev. D. Kleyn, a missionary in the Philippines of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America, will be teaching and preaching for us today, the Lord willing.

The Kleyns will be leaving tomorrow (June 2) for a 6 week furlough in north America, God willing. During the furlough, the Kleyns will have opportunity for vacation time with their families. Also, Rev. Kleyn will meet with the consistory of Doon PRC (his calling and sending church), and the Foreign Mission Committee. He also plans to attend the PRCA synod, preach in some of the churches, and give presentations regarding the mission work that Rev. Smit and he are doing in the Philippines. The Kleyns plan to return to the Philippines on July 17.

While Rev. Kleyn is gone, Rev. R. Smit has agreed to preach and teach for us here in PCC for two Sundays – on June 29 and July 6. He has also agreed to lead most of our Thursday evening Bible study and doctrine classes, starting on June 5, God willing.

And from the June 1, 2014 Doon PRC bulletin (the calling church):

Rev. and Sharon Kleyn plan to begin their furlough this week. There are many purposes to the furlough, one of which is to give the missionary and his wife a time of refreshment and encouragement in the work. In thanksgiving for the opportunity we have as the calling church, let’s especially use the Kleyns’ time in our midst to fellowship with and encourage them. The Kleyns will initially fly to Michigan, and then travel to Iowa arriving in Doon on Thursday. They will be lodging in the parsonage.  Rev. and Sharon plan to attend the church picnic with us on Saturday, and Rev. Kleyn will be preaching for us on Sunday. The following Wednesday they will be back in Michigan so that Rev. Kleyn can be present when the Philippine mission field is the object of Synod’s attention.

Rev.D.Kleyn will be giving at least three main presentations on the mission work in the Philippines while he is on furlough in the U.S. These are noted below. Take an interest in the work and be sure to attend one of these interesting presentations.

From Calvary PRC bulletin (Hull, IA): Rev. D. Kleyn plans to give a presentation on the mission work in the Philippines on Sunday evening, June 8, at 8:00 p.m. in Calvary PRC in Hull.  All are welcome to attend.  Hope to see you there.

CalvaryPRC Presentation-June-2014
Picture of the audience at the Calvary PRC presentation (June 8, 2014).

Bethel PRC (Roselle, IL): Save The Date! Tuesday, June 10, 7.30PM: Rev. Daniel Kleyn, one of our denomination's missionaries in the Philippines will be giving a presentation on the ongoing work there at our church.

From First PRC, Holland, MI bulletin: Rev. D. Kleyn plans to give a presentation on the mission work in the Philippines on Sunday, June 22 at 8:15 p.m. in the First PRC of Holland.  All are welcome and invited to attend.


Missionary R.Smit to End Labors in the Philippines

 RSmit teaching in Sipalay-2013The Foreign Mission Committee and the Council of Doon PRC as the calling church have agreed to honorably release Rev. Richard Smit from his missionary labors in the Philippines on or around July 1, 2015 due to the changing needs of his family, the completion of significant goals on this mission field, and the belief that his particular work there is drawing to a close. 

They also wish to convey their thanks to God for Rev. Smit's faithful years of missionary service and his family's devotion to this work.  Rev. Smit will be recommended soon for a call to the pastoral ministry in our churches as his work in the Philippines officially ends next year.

The full letter from the FMC and Doon PRC which was sent to the PRC congregations is attached here in pdf.


June Messages on the Reformed Witness Hour

haak smallFirst PRC, Grand Rapids and the Reformed Witness Hour Committee announce the messages scheduled for June 2014 on the RWH program. Rev.Carl Haak, pastor of the Georgetown PRC in Hudsonville, MI, will be giving some special messages related to Ascension Day, Pentecost, Father's Day, and Independence Day here in the U.S. Below is the schedule, which you will also find attached in pdf form.

June 2014 Flyer Page 1


May 2014 Newsletter from Covenant PRC, N.Ireland

Our sister church in Northern Ireland, Covenant PRC, Ballymena, has just published her latest newsletter. This one covers the recent visit of Rev.Angus Stewart to the EPC in Australia and the CERC in Singapore, the visit of Rev.A. den Hartog to the CPRC of Ballymena while he was gone, as well as the latest activities in and outside the congregation, along with the upcoming BRF Conference.

Be sure to read this newsletter to be better aware of what our "sister" and her pastor are doing and have planned. This newsletter is also attached here in pdf form (see below).

May-2014 Page 1May-2014 Page 2

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