
News from Seminary Hill - July 2017

Jer3 15 pastorsAs we find ourselves in the middle of summer 2017, a number of significant things concerning the PRC Seminary in Wyoming, MI may be noted:

1. Our seven senior seminarians passed their oral examinations before the PRC Synod the week of June 13, and all were declared candidates for the ministry of the Word and sacraments in the PRC on Thursday afternoon, June 15. All are eligible for a call beginning July 15, 2017.

The seminary graduation program was held that night in Hudsonville PRC, with Prof. B. Gritters apeaking on "The Ministry: An Existence, Not an Occupation." We extend hearty congratulations to Matthew DeBoer, Brian Feenstra, Joseph Holstege, Jonathan Langerak, David Noorman, Stephan Regnerus, and Justin Smidstra, and pray God's blessing on them as they prepare to find their place in Christ's church.

At the time of this writing, three of our candidates have received calls from the churches: Matt DeBoer to Edgerton PRC, Joe Holstege to Zion PRC, and Justin Smidstra to Southwest PRC.


2. In spite of the largest graduating class in the history of the PRC, the 2017 Synod took special note of the need for students to study for the ministry of the Word.

Synod instructed “the Stated Clerk in his letter to the churches to include a notice of the future, urgent need for seminary students.” (Article 21).  

As the seminary opens its doors this fall, it will have one student in his second year – he is from our sister church in Singapore. And there will be three students in the third year – all of whom desire to serve as pastors in the PRCA. The seminary’s Rector reported that “it may well be a couple years before another member of the PRCA enters seminary.” This means that while there will be, D.V., students graduating in 2019, it will be several years after that before anyone graduates.

What also makes the need great is the fact that eleven of the current 35 ministers are over 61 years of age. This indicates the need for seminary students. Even as we are very thankful for the current crop of seven candidates, Synod saw it important to inform the churches again of this urgent need. Please pray to the Lord of the harvest and please encourage young men, whom you observe to have the gifts, to consider the ministry.

In that connection our young man may read the editorial of Rev. K. Koole in the April 1, 2017 issue of the Standard Bearer, "Our Need for Seminary Students; Time to Be Praying" and listen to the recent sermon, "A Prayer for Laborers in the Lord's Harvest," preached by Rev. Josh Engelsma in Doon PRC.


DgKuiper 20173. The Synod of 2017 called Rev. Douglas Kuiper to serve in the PRC Seminary as professor of church history and NT studies, in replacement of Prof. R. Dykstra. On July 2 he announced his acceptance of this call. We give thanks to God for providing a man for this position, and pray for him and his family as well as Edgerton PRC as he makes this transition and prepares for his new post (cf. picture below). Rev. Kuiper's farewell from Edgerton PRC is planned for Sunday, August 13. His installation as professor is planned for Wednesday, Sept.20, in Faith PRC, D.V.


4. FALL 2017 CLASSES TO AUDIT: The Seminary is inviting auditors to sit in two classes this coming semester.  Classes begin on Tuesday, August 29. 

Prof. R. Cammenga will be teaching Dogmatics and NT History.  Dogmatics will treat the locus Theology, in which we study the truths concerning God (His knowability, essence, persons, attributes, and works), giving considerable attention to the fundamental truth of the Trinity.  NT History will cover the history of the intertestamental period and the life of Christ up to the Passion Week. 

If you are interested, please contact the seminary at 616-531-1490 by August 25 to “register” for the class.  You can find the class schedule attached here or at the bottom of the Seminary homepage.


5. The PRC Seminary, with help from Faith PRC's Evangelism Committee, is planning a special two-day 500th anniversary Reformation conference for the weekend of October 27-28 at Faith PRC. The details of the event may be found on the poster below.

A special website has also been created for the conference (in early stages of development yet). Find that at .

We hope you make plans to attend this significant event! Mark your calendars now and plan to join us as we celebrate God's great work of reforming His church in the 16th century.

Poster 1 Page 1

PRC Weekly Congregational, Denominational, and Sister-Church News - July 23, 2017 ***(Updated)

Psalms 37 5On this fourth Lord's Day of July 2017 (July 23) we may report on the following updates on news and information from PRC congregations, mission fields, and sister churches.


  • On July 16 Rev. R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC, Spokane, WA) declined the call from First PRC (Holland, MI).
  • On July 16 the congregation of Southwest PRC (Grandville, MI) voted to extend a call to Candidate Justin Smidstra.
  • On July 2 the congregation of Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB) voted to extend a call to Rev. A. Brummel (Heritage PRC, Sioux Falls, SD). *UPDATE: This morning he announced that he had DECLINED this call.
  • The Council of Edgerton PRC announces a trio of Rev. Huizinga (Redlands, CA), Candidate Matthew De Boer, and Candidate Justin Smidstra. *UPDATE: Tonight the congregation voted to extend a call to Cand. Matt DeBoer.
  • The Council of Zion PRC has drawn up a new trio from which to call her first pastor: Revs. B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA), A. Lanning (Covenant ERC, Singapore), and Candidate J. Holstege. *UPDATE: Cand. J. Holstege received this call on July 23.
  • The Council of First PRC of Holland, MI announces a new trio from which to call a pastor: Rev. G. Eriks, Rev. C. Spronk and Candidate J. Smidstra. The congregation will vote next Sunday morning, July 30.


  • DgKuiper 2017The Synod of 2017 called Rev. D. Kuiper to serve in the PRC Seminary as professor of church history and NT studies, in replacement of Prof. R. Dykstra. On July 2 he announced his acceptance of this call. We give thanks to God for providing a man for this position, and pray for him and his family as well as Edgerton PRC as he makes this transition and prepares for his new post (cf. picture below).
    • Rev. Kuiper's farewell from Edgerton PRC is planned for Sunday, August 13.
    • His installation as professor is planned for Wednesday, Sept.20, in Faith PRC, D.V.
  • The Contact Committee is sending Prof. R. Dykstra and Rev. J. Engelsma to Australia to visit the Evangelical Presbyterian Churches on behalf of the PRC. They will be taking part in a two-day Reformation Day conference, attending the meetings of the Presbytery of the EPC, and preaching in the EPC. The 2015 Synod of the PRC approved holding a conference with the EPC on the ground that “such face-to-face meeting and discussions with the men of the EPC are excellent ways both to make the corresponding relationship meaningful and to further the relationship.” Prof. and Mrs. Dykstra leave July 18, and will return (after a time in Singapore) August 16.  Rev. and Mrs. Engelsma will leave July 24 and return August 7. All the Lord willing.

  • Synod of 2017 concluded its sessions on June 21, at Hudsonville PRC. Summary reports on each day may be found under the synod section of this website.

SISTER-CHURCH NEWS  - This from Covenant PRC in Ballymena, N. Ireland:

The Stewarts will be in N. America from 17 July to 14 August. The Lord’s Day schedule in the CPRC while Rev. Stewart is away is as follows:
23 July - services led by the elders with DVDs (Pastor preaches in Spokane, WA)
30 July - Rev. McGeown preaches while Rev. Bleyenberg takes services in the LRF (Pastor preaches in Edmonton and Lacombe, Alberta, Canada)
6 August - Rev. Bleyenberg preaches (Pastor preaches in Lynden, Washington)
13 August - Rev. Bleyenberg preaches, with tea after the evening service—Group A on the tea rota (Pastor preaches in Providence and Hudsonville in Michigan)
20 August - Rev. McGeown preaches (Pastor preaches in the LRF)



  • On July 2 Byron Center PRC voted to call Rev. A. Spriensma (her pastor) to serve as home missionary.
  • The Council of Doon PRC announces a new trio from which to call a missionary to serve as a third missionary to the Philippines: Rev. Allen Brummel (Heritage PRC in Sioux Falls, SD), Rev. Clay Spronk (Faith PRC in Jenison, MI), and Rev. Richard Smit (First PRC in Grand Rapids, MI). Doon plans to vote on Monday, July 24. *UPDATE: Rev. C. Spronk received this call from the congregation.
  • From the Provident Christian Church bulletin we find the following notes concerning our missionaries and their labors today and in this coming week:
    • Today Rev. D.Holstege will preach both times. Also, beginning next week, Rev. Holstege plans to start giving brief instruction on the articles of the Church Order (CO). The goal is to prepare PCC for organization as a Protestant Reformed Church. Rev. Kleyn and Sem. Kortus will worship with the Maranatha PRC today.

    • Rev. and Sharon Kleyn and Matt and Sarah Kortus traveled to Negros for the pastors classes in Sipalay this past Monday-Wednesday.

  • And from the bulletin of the Berean PRC in Antipolo City (where Rev. V. Ibe is pastor) we find these significant announcements:
    • The visit and fellowship of our pastor, Rev. Holstege and Seminarian Matt Kortus with the saints in Sitio Karugang, Gabaldon NE on Friday (July 21, 2017) went well. Rev. Ibe led the saints there in their study of the Essentials of Reformed doctrine on lesson #11.

    • The next 7M is scheduled on July 25, 2017 at Provident Christian Church in Provident Village at 9:30 A.M. Seminarian Matt Kortus is scheduled to give a speech on ‘Theistic Evolution,’ the Lord willing.

On Saturday (July 8), the men of the PRC Philippine's Delegation along with the Steering Committee members of the PRFA visited with the families and individuals of the PRFA at their homes.  Brother Eric Mescallado and Rev. Kleyn visited some of the families together and Rev. Flores and Seminarian Matt Kortus visited the other half of the fellowship.  The Kleyns' recently posted pictures and descriptions of this trip. Below are a couple of samples. Find more at the link provided.

Leyte July 2017 1
The PR Fellowship gathered for worship in Albuera, Leyte.

 Leyte July 2017 2
Sem. Matt Kortus with some of the members with whom he visited.

And Mrs. S. Lanning recently posted some pictures on her blog about the recent installlation of new officebearers in our sister church in Singapore, Covenant ERC. Below are a couple from that post.

officebearer installation 2017
The new officebearers in the CERC.

laying hands 2017
The laying on of hands on the newly installed officebearer.




PRC Weekly Congregational, Denominational, and Sister-Church News - July 16, 2017 *(Updated)

Psalms 19 1On this July 16, 2017 Lord's Day we give the following updates on news and information from PRC congregations, mission fields, and sister churches.


  • This morning Rev. R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC, Spokane, WA) announced his DECLINE of the call from First PRC (Holland, MI).
  • On July 2 the congregation of Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB) voted to extend a call to Rev. A. Brummel (Heritage PRC, Sioux Falls, SD).
  • The Council of Edgerton PRC announces a trio of Rev. Huizinga (Redlands, CA), Candidate Matthew De Boer, and Candidate Justin Smidstra.
  • The congregation of Southwest PRC (Grandville, MI) calls July 16 from a trio of Rev. Jon Mahtani (Cornerstone PRC- St. John, IN), Candidate Joe Holstege, and Candidate Justin Smidstra. UPDATE: Cand. Justin Smidstra has received this call.
  • The Council of Zion PRC has drawn up a new trio from which to call her first pastor: Revs. B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA), A. Lanning (Covenant ERC, Singapore), and Candidate J. Holstege.


  • The Synod of 2017 called Rev. D. Kuiper to serve in the PRC Seminary as professor of church history and NT studies, in replacement of Prof. R. Dykstra. On July 2 he announced his acceptance of this call. We give thanks to God for providing a man for this position, and pray for him and his family as well as Edgerton PRC as he makes this transition and prepares for his new post (cf. picture below).

DgKuiper 2017

  • The Contact Committee will be sending Prof. R. Dykstra and Rev. J. Engelsma to Australia to visit the Evangelical Presbyterian Churches on behalf of the PRC. They will be taking part in a two-day Reformation Day conference, attending the meetings of the Presbytery of the EPC, and preaching in the EPC. The 2015 Synod of the PRC approved holding a conference with the EPC on the ground that “such face-to-face meeting and discussions with the men of the EPC are excellent ways both to make the corresponding relationship meaningful and to further the relationship.” Prof. and Mrs. Dykstra leave July 18, and will return (after a time in Singapore) August 16.  Rev. and Mrs. Engelsma will leave July 24 and return August 7. All the Lord willing.

  • Synod of 2017 concluded its sessions on June 21, at Hudsonville PRC. Summary reports on each day may be found under the synod section of this website.

SISTER-CHURCH NEWS  - This from Covenant PRC in Ballymena, N. Ireland:

The Stewarts will be in N. America from 17 July to 14 August. The Lord’s Day schedule in the CPRC while Rev. Stewart is away is as follows:
23 July - services led by the elders with DVDs (Pastor preaches in Spokane, WA)
30 July - Rev. McGeown preaches while Rev. Bleyenberg takes services in the LRF (Pastor preaches in Edmonton and Lacombe, Alberta, Canada)
6 August - Rev. Bleyenberg preaches (Pastor preaches in Lynden, Washington)
13 August - Rev. Bleyenberg preaches, with tea after the evening service—Group A on the tea rota (Pastor preaches in Providence and Hudsonville in Michigan)
20 August - Rev. McGeown preaches (Pastor preaches in the LRF)



  • On July 2 Byron Center PRC voted to call Rev. A. Spriensma (her pastor) to serve as home misisonary.
  • The Council of Doon PRC announces a new trio from which to call a missionary to serve as a third missionary to the Philippines: Rev. Allen Brummel (Heritage PRC in Sioux Falls, SD), Rev. Clay Spronk (Faith PRC in Jenison, MI), and Rev. Richard Smit (First PRC in Grand Rapids, MI). Doon plans to vote on July 24.
  • From the Provident Christian Church bulletin for today we find the following notes concerning our missionaries and their labors today and in this coming week:
    • Sem. Matt Kortus will lead both our worship services today. Next Sunday, Lord willing, Rev. Holstege will preach both times. Also, beginning next week, Rev. Holstege plans to start giving brief instruction on the articles of the Church Order (CO). The goal is to prepare PCC for organization as a Protestant Reformed Church. You can find the CO in the back of the Psalter.

    • Rev and Sharon Kleyn and Matt and Sarah Kortus plan to travel to Negros for the pastors classes in Sipalay this Monday-Wednesday. May God grant them a safe and blessed trip.

  • And from the bulletin of the Berean PRC in Antipolo City (where Rev. V. Ibe is pastor) we find these significant announcements:
    • Our pastor, Rev. Holstege and Seminarian Matt Kortus are scheduled to visit the saints in Sitio Karugang, Gabaldon NE on Friday (July 21, 2017). Ptr Ibe will lead the saints there in their study of the Essentials of Reformed doctrine on lesson #12.

    • The outreach work of Bulacan PRC in Albuera Leyte is making good progress, by the grace of God! The saints there were visited by the delegates from Committee #2 of the PRCP on July 7-10, 2017. We heard from Rev. Kleyn that the trip went well as well as the visits and fellowship with the saints there. This visit will further encouraged them in the faith and work towards the institution of a Protestant Reformed church in their midst, if the Lord wills! The congregation is asked to remember them in our prayers!

 The Kleyns' recently posted pictures and descriptions of the recent Classis meeting of the PRCP, as well as of a wedding held in Provident CC. Below are a couple of samples. Find more at the link provided.

PRCP Classis July 2017 1

Provident wedding 2017




PRC Weekly Congregational and Denominational News - July 9, 2017

Psalms 106 1On this July 9, 2017 Lord's Day we give the following updates on news and information from PRC congregations and mission fields.


  • Rev. R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC, Spokane, WA) is considering the call from First PRC (Holland, MI). He plans to answer by July 16.
  • On July 2 the congregation of Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB) voted to extend a call to Rev. A. Brummel (Heritage PRC, Sioux Falls, SD).
  • The Council of Edgerton PRC announces a trio of Rev. Huizinga (Redlands, CA), Candidate Matthew De Boer, and Candidate Justin Smidstra.
  • The congregation of Southwest PRC (Grandville, MI) calls July 16 from a trio of Rev. Jon Mahtani (Cornerstone PRC- St. John, IN), Candidate Joe Holstege, and Candidate Justin Smidstra.


  • The Synod of 2017 called Rev. D. Kuiper to serve in the PRC Seminary as professor of church history and NT studies, in replacement of Prof. R. Dykstra. On July 2 he announced his acceptance of this call. We give thanks to God for providing a man for this position, and pray for him and his family as well as Edgerton PRC as he makes this transition and prepares for his new post.

DgKuiper 2017

  • The PRC Synod of 2017 concluded its sessions on June 21, at Hudsonville PRC. Summary reports on each day may be found under the synod section of this website.


  • On July 2 Byron Center PRC voted to call Rev. A. Spriensma (her pastor) to serve as home misisonary.
  • On June 25 Rev. H. Bleyenberg (Providence PRC, Hudsonville, MI) DECLINED the call Doon PRC extended to him to serve as a third missionary to the Philippines.
  • From the Provident Christian Church bulletin for today we find the following notes concerning our missionaries and their labors today and in this coming week:
    • From Friday (July 7) to Monday (July 10), Rev. Kleyn and Sem. Kortus will accompany a delegation of the PRCP to the Protestant Reformed Fellowship in Albuera, Leyte. Pray for safety and a blessing on their trip.

 The Kleyns' recently posted pictures and descriptions of the recent Classis meeting of the PRCP, as well as of a wedding held in Provident CC. Below are a couple of samples. Find more at the link provided.

PRCP Classis July 2017 1

Provident wedding 2017




New Issue of "Salt Shakers" Magazine - June 2017

SS 43 May 2017 Page 1"Covenant Keepers", the youth ministry of the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore (our sister church), has just released the June 2017 issue of "Salt Shakers" (#43),their youth magazine.

The June 2017 issue of "SS" is once again filled with interesting and profitable articles, and our PRC young people especially are invited and encouraged to make it part of their reading content.

Below you will find a note from the "SS" Committee introducing the contents of this issue and images of the cover and table of contents. The entire issue is also attached here in pdf form.

Beloved Readers,

The Salt Shakers Committee is pleased to publish Issue 43 of Salt Shakers! We apologise that this issue comes behind schedule. We are thankful to all our writers for their excellent contributions!
This issue contains the following articles:
Lest We Forget (III) - Aaron Lim
Scripture's Covenant Youth (VI): Moses - Prof. Herman Hanko
Are Unbelievers in God's Image? (I) - Rev. Angus Stewart
Dare to Stand: Bold Against Asherah - Stephen Regnerus
Space: The World Beyond Earth - Elisa Chew
Media Piracy: A Dire Temptation of Our Day - Dn. Cornelius Boon
Interview With Rev. Emmanuel Singh (II) - Salt Shakers Committee
Our Earthly Labours - Samuel Wee
Tolerate Thy Neighbour As Thyself? - Pastor Andrew Lanning
The Good Steward - Ivan Chew
Christian Denominations (II): Division in the Old Testament Church - Rev. Wilbur Bruinsma
We pray you may be edified by the articles in this issue - and urge you to remember to pass the salt!
Pro Rege,
Chua Lee Yang, on behalf of the Salt Shakers Committee
SS 43 May 2017 Page 2

PRC Weekly Congregational, Denominational, and Sister-Church News - July 2, 2017 *(Updated)

Calvin justif 1On this July 2, 2017 Lord's Day we give the following updates on news and information from PRC congregations and mission fields, as well as denominational activities:


  • Rev. R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC, Spokane, WA) is considering the call from First PRC (Holland, MI). He plans to answer by July 16.
  • On June 25 Rev. N. Decker (Trinity PRC) DECLINED the calls from Southwest PRC and from Zion PRC (Hudsonville/Jenison, MI).
  • The consistory of Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB) has formed a new trio consisting of Revs. Allen Brummel (Heritage, Sioux Falls), Eric Guichelaar (Randolph), and Nathan Langerak (Crete, Illinois). *Update: The congregation voted on July 2 to extend a call to Rev. A. Brummel.


  • The Synod of 2017 called Rev. D. Kuiper to serve in the PRC Seminary as professor of church history and NT studies, in replacement of Prof. R. Dykstra. Today he announced his acceptance of this call. We give thanks to God for providing a man for this position, and pray for him and his family as well as Edgerton PRC as he makes this transition and prepares for his new post.
  • The PRC Synod of 2017 concluded its sessions on June 21, at Hudsonville PRC. Summary reports on each day may be found under the synod section of this website.


  • Byron Center PRC Council has made a new trio for home missionary. The trio consists of Revs. S. Key (Loveland, CO), R. Kleyn (Spokane, WA) and A. Spriensma (Byron Center).  *Update: The congregation voted on July 2 to call Rev. A. Spriensma.
  • On June 25 Rev. H. Bleyenberg (Providence PRC, Hudsonville, MI) DECLINED the call Doon PRC extended to him to serve as a third missionary to the Philippines.
  • From the Provident Christian Church bulletin for today we find the following notes concerning our missionaries and their labors today and in this coming week:
    • Today is the beginning of two full worship services at PCC! Let us rejoice and thank God for this evidence of Him building the Church at PCC! We welcome you all and pray that you will be refreshed as we worship the Father today in spirit and in truth.

    • Rev. Holstege will preach for us twice today. Rev. Kleyn will be in Bulacan with Sem. Matt Kortus and his wife Sarah.

    • The 7M pastors classes will be held this Tuesday, July 4, at 9:30 am here at PCC, Lord willing.

    • From Friday (July 7) to Monday (July 10), Rev. Kleyn and Sem. Kortus will accompany a delegation of the PRCP to the Protestant Reformed Fellowship in Albuera, Leyte. Pray for safety and a blessing on their trip.

 The Kleyns' posted some pictures and descriptions of the recent visit of Rev. H. Bleyenberg and his wife, while he was considering the call to be a missionary to the Philippines. Below are a couple of samples. Find more at the link provided.

Bleyenbergs 2017 1Rev. Bleyenberg spoke for PCC's Wednesday night class (usually led by Rev. Holstege on the Canons of Dordt) on "How To Study the Bible."

Bleyenbergs Ibes 2017 2
At the Ibes to say hi.

Mrs. Stephanie Lanning (wife of Rev. A. Lanning, pastor of Covenant ERC in Singapore - blog is "Stories from Singapore") has added to her posts on the recent church camp there.  We include a couple of those pictures here.

 CERC Camp 2017 1

CERC camp 2017 2



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