

Our new Secretary for Domestic Mission Committee:

Jon Lubbers

He can be contacted at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


PRC Seminary Convocation - Wednesday, Sept.6, 2023 *(Updated)

Sem group patio Sept 2023
Professors in back (l-r): R. Cammenga, B. Huizinga, D. Kuiper, C. Griess, B. Gritters
Students in front (l-r): Isaac Van Baren, Bruce Feenstra, Aaron Van Dyke, Joe Ophoff (missing - Arend Haveman, on internship in Pittsburgh)

The annual Convocation of the PRTS will be hosted by Hope PRC (Walker, MI) on Wednesday, September 6, at 7 p.m. - TONIGHT!

 All are invited and encouraged to join with faculty, students, and the Theological School Committee as we call on the Lord and seek His blessing on the upcoming school year.
Prof BH Dogm Sept 2023
Prof. B. Huizinga (photo above) will be speaking on "The Protestant Reformed Minister Today", and the Protestant Reformed Student Orchestra will perform a special number. 

We hope to see you there!

But if you are unable to attend, the event will be livestreamed through Hope PRC's website.

UPDATE: The video of the convocation program is now available on the PRTS' YouTube channel.

UPDATE: (a few pictures from the wonderful evening - a full sanctuary at Hope PRC!)

Conv Sept GEriks

Rev. G. Eriks, pastor of Unity PRC and President of the Theological School Committee, with welcome and devotions

Conv Sept PRSO

The Protestant Reformed Student Orchestra led by Eric Phelps played two numbers

Conv Sept BHuizinga

Prof. Brian Huizinga gave a stirring message on "The Protestant Reformed Minister Today"

Conv Sept RCammenga BFeenstra

Prof. R. Cammenga, the seminary's rector, introduced the students - here, Bruce Feenstra from Hope PRC-Redlands, CA

PRC and Sister-Church News Highlights for September 3, 2023

Ps113 3Today, September 3, is the thirty-sixth Lord's Day of this year of our Lord 2023. Below you will find special highlights of PRC and sister-church news. It is our hope that these reports not only inform you but also give you opportunity to pray for the needs of these churches and mission fields throughout the world.

If you are new to this website and the PRCA, we invite you to join us in worship today or on any of the Sunday's of this year at one of our local congregations near you, or listen online.

Praise ye the LORD. Praise, O ye servants of the LORD, praise the name of the LORD. Blessed be the name of the LORD from this time forth and for evermore. From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD'S name is to be praised. The LORD is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens.Who is like unto the LORD our God, who dwelleth on high, Who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth! ~ Psalm 113:1-6


  • Today Cand. M. Koerner accepted the call from Hosanna PRC (Edmonton, AB), declining calls from Randolph (WI) PRC and Zion PRC (Jenison, MI). We rejoice with him and his wife Sharon in God's provision of his first charge, and with the saints in Hosanna in God's provision of an undershepherd to lead them once again.

  • Today Rev. A. Spriensma (Cornerstone PRC-Dyer, IN) declined the call from Georgetown PRC.

  • Today Rev. J. Mahtani (Hope PRC-Walker, MI) declined the call from Hudsonville PRC.

  • Loveland PRC's Consistory announces a new trio: Revs. A. Brummel (Calvary PRC, IA), G. Eriks (Unity PRC, MI), and D. Noorman (Southwest PRC, MI). The congregational meeting will be held on September 10, after the evening worship service.

Classical appointments and pulpit supply for today in the vacant PRCs:  Rev. S. Regnerus in Doon (IA) PRC; Prof. B. Huizinga and Rev. J. Maatman in Georgetown PRC; Rev. T. Miersma in Hosanna PRC, Edmonton, AB; Prof. R. Cammenga and Rev. C. Spronk in Hudsonville PRC; Rev. R. Smit (1st week) in Loveland PRC; Elder led in Lynden PRC; Rev. S. Key (1st week) in Randolph PRC; Prof. B. Gritters and Rev. D. Noorman in Zion PRC.  May we count it a blessing of our church federation that we can help one another in these needs. Let us remember to pray for the men who supply these pulpits and for the vacant congregations. And may we continue to pray for men to hear the call to serve as pastors and missionaries!

Special Upcoming Congregational Activities: The Deacons at Hudsonville PRC are planning a conference for Saturday morning, September 16 at 8:30 AM. Rev. Mahtani will begin with a short speech followed by breakout sessions. The topic of the conference is “Ministry of Mercy in Christ’s Church”. Potential, current, and former deacons are welcome! Please register for this event at


Classis East: Classis East will meet for its next regular session Wednesday, September 13, 8 a.m. at Trinity PRC. A small part of the agenda has been posted on this page, under the Classis East section. Look for the Sept.13 download item (registered users only).

PRC 100th Anniversary: With gratitude to our faithful God, the PRCA look forward to our 100th anniversary. The celebration is planned for June 23-27, 2025, at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, MI. The various committees of the 100th anniversary steering commitee are busy preparing for this historic event, including a special commemorative book. Watch for further notices and updates!

RCamm chapel Aug 2023
Prof. R. Cammenga leading the opening chapel for the PRC Seminary this past Tuesday, the first day of first semester classes.

PRC Seminary Notices:

  • The PR Theological Seminary began its first semester of the 2023-24 term this past week. The schedule and calendar have been posted here. ​The faculty, students and staff covet your prayers as we enter this new school year.
  • The seminary faculty invite interested persons to audit three classes this semester: Prof. R. Cammenga’s class of N.T. History (covering the intertestamental period up to the Passion Week), Prof. D. Kuiper’s class of Modern Church History (covering the history of the Protestant churches from the beginning of the Reformation to 1648), and Prof. B. Huizinga’s class of Dogmatics (covering the study of the doctrine of God). If you are interested in attending, please contact the seminary secretary at 616-531-1490 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out the day and time the class you are interested in will meet.
  • *Seminary Convocation this week: The annual Convocation of the PRTS will be hosted by Hope PRC (GR) on Wednesday, September 6, at 7 PM. All are invited and encouraged to join with faculty, students, and the Theological School Committee as we call on the Lord and seek His blessing on the upcoming school year. Prof. B. Huizinga will be speaking on "The Protestant Reformed Minister Today", and the PR String Orchestra will perform a special number.
  • Senior Sem. Arend Haveman is doing his senior-year internship this summer and fall (July-December) in Pittsburgh PRC under Rev. W. Bruinsma. He is busy with all aspects of the ministry.The junior student this year is Aaron Van Dyke (Faith PRC); the sophomore is Bruce Feenstra (Hope-Redlands, CA; attending Hope PRC-Walker, MI); and the freshman are Joseph Ophoff (Loveland PRC) and Isaac Van Baren (Hope PRC-Walker, MI). Sem. Ophoff  is enrolled in the new special seminary entrance program (SSEP), which initially involves finishing some pre-seminary requirements and beginning some seminary-level courses. Pray for the students as they make the adjustment from their summer labors and activities to those of full time students again, and especially these new men and their families.
  • The Spring 2023 issue of the PR Theological Journal was mailed out in late April. Digital copies have been posted on the journal webpage (see link here). The Spring issue features articles on a distinctive feature of PRC teaching on the covenant of grace, on the image of God in man from a conference in Mexico, on R.L. Dabney's "proposals of mercy," and the first part of a history of Classis West of the PRC - and, of course, several significant book reviews.  If you want to be added to our mailing list (either print or digital) or wish to pick up a copy, contact Valerie Kleyn, the seminary secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Look for the fall issue in a few months!
  • During the school sessions the seminary is open daily from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (holidays excepted), including the library and bookstore. PRC members and friends are welcome to visit and make use of these resources.
  • For the latest seminary news and information, visit the seminary's website - and don't forget the blog!

CPRC News Header


  • Covenant ERC, Singapore and her Kolkata, India mission work:
    • Pastors J. Tan and M. Wee are faithfully serving the CERC. "Welcome to the Lord’s house once again! We have the privilege of worshipping the only true and living God, the great God of heaven and earth, to hear His voice speak to us in the preaching, and to respond with prayer and praise. Pastor Tan will be leading both worship
      services today, the reason being that I [Pastor Wee] have been granted a week of study leave this past week." (Part of today's 'pastoral voice" note in her bulletin)
    • The last issue of Salt Shakers was Issue 69 is on the theme "GST: The Christian's Response." Especially for young people, the magazine contains a variety of articles and is edifying for ALL readers! Visit the link provided here to read and learn. 
  • Covenant PRC, N. Ireland:
    • Rev. A. Stewart continues to minister the Word faithfully in the CPRC.
    • The August 2023 issue of Covenant Reformed News has been published as of this past week. Visit the link to read the articles on being clothed with Christ (part 3) and on why baptize all infants of believers by Rev. R. Hanko.
    • The CPRC YouTube channel may be found here.

  • PRC in the Philippines and her mission work in various places:
    • Berean PRC bulletin: Elders Umali and Penaverde led worship services today. And, "The saints in All of Grace Protestant Reformed Fellowship (AGPRF), Gabaldon, NE. will join us in our worship services today via Livestream at our official Facebook account." And as for Rev. Ibe, "Rev. Ibe and family are scheduled to visit the saints in All of Grace Protestant Reformed Fellowship (AGPRF), Gabaldon, NE. Rev. Ibe will lead them in their worship service at 9 AM and 10:45 AM for their Bible study, God
    • Provident PRC bulletin: Rev. D. Kleyn led her worship services today. And, "Rev. D. Kleyn (missionary to the Philippines) accepted the call to Doon PRC as her new pastor. The Kleyns are scheduled to leave the Philippines on Monday (Sept. 18, 2023), D.V."
    • Report of the Classis meeting of this past week: "The Classis of the PRCP met this past Monday here in Provident PRC. As part of its work, the Classis treated and approved our Council’s request for pulpit supply for Provident from the PRCP, the PRCA, and the CERC in Singapore. Classis also approved and forwarded to the Contact Committee of the PRCA our Council’s request for a minister on loan from the PRCA. Some other significant work of Classis included receiving updates concerning the work that C1 of our Classis is now involved with in Southern Negros Occidental, receiving reports from the stated clerk and the treasurer, receiving a report from the PRCA missionaries, and electing members for the standing committees (C1 and C2) of the Classis. The next Classis meeting is scheduled for Monday February 26, 2024, the Lord willing."


RWH Logo 2019
Listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday - on a radio station near you, on Sermonaudio, or on your favorite podcast - wherever you are!

W Bruinsma RWH

  • This month (September 2023) the RWH continues the series on the return of Jesus Christ by Rev. W. Bruinsma. Today's message is titled "The Emergence of the Antichristian Kingdom" based on Revelation 17:9-17. For the August RWH Newsletter, visit this page. 
  • The Reformed Witness Hour publishes each month's messages in an attractive booklet. These printed sermons are a great blessing to many and are distributed all over the world, including to many prisoners in the U.S. If you or your Evangelism Committee would like to receive these, let the RWHC know and they will add you to the mailing list (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
From the RFPA:
For the month of September only, get your copy of Whosoever Will for only $5 (+ shipping)—that's more than 60% off! Order by clicking the picture below or the "Monthly Sales" button on the RFPA website homepage!

"And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely" (Rev. 22:17). In this beloved volume, Hoeksema refutes the common misinterpretation of this phrase and pastorally brings home to the believer its rich, personal meaning, explaining the doctrine of sovereign, particular grace regarding coming to faith in Jesus Christ.

Click to Order

RBO Aug 2023 2

  • The Reformed Book Outlet (downtown Hudsonville, MI) is now operating in its new store in downtown Hudsonville! The new location is at 3472 Harvey St. in Hudsonville. Visit the store and browse the variety of resources for your Reformed-Christian faith and walk, including many children's titles. They are open Tuesday-Friday, 10-5, and Saturday 10-1.
    • Special RBO Notice! The Reformed Book Outlet is having a back to school sale! Bibles, Bible covers, and most books will all be 25% off, and we have plenty of Psalters in stock as well. Come visit us in store August 22 - September 16 or use code BACKTOSCHOOL on our website at checkout for 25% off the participating items.
  • Do you need some catechism materials for use in your church or family? The PRC publishes catechism materials on Bible history and Reformed doctrine, for children of all ages. Visit this page for more information.

This Week's Thought for Contemplation

"Christian education is education that is completely and consistently Christian. It is education that is Christ-centred and Bible based. It is education that is controlled not by civil government but by Christian parents. That is not to say that a Christian school is merely a glorified Sabbath School. It is and ought to be a school which teaches the same subjects that are taught in the state schools, but all form a biblical perspective and with a Christian emphasis.

"A Christian school is a school in which history is taught as HIS-story, the story of God’s dealings with the nations. It is a school which teaches science in light of the fundamental truth that the universe in which we live is created and ruled by God. It teaches mathematics never forgetting that mathematics “works” because God is a God of order and harmony. It teaches reading so that the students can read the Bible as well as other books, and judge all they read in the light of Scripture.

"A Christian school is a school in which the teachers are all men and women of sound minds, filled with the Spirit of God, who can be examples of godliness and holiness to the students, and who will not teach the filth and false philosophies of the world in which we live. In such a school not only the instruction but also the discipline are controlled by the teachings of God’s word. In it the students are brought up “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Eph. 4:4).

"Put very simply, a truly Christian school is a school in which Jesus Christ is King and Lord of all that is done."

~ Rev. R. Hanko in the article "Christian Education," one of trhe featured resources this month


Reformed Witness Hour - September 2023

RWH Logo 2019


September 2023

September 3

The Emergence of the

Anti-Christian Kingdom

Reveleation 17:9-17

Rev. W. Bruinsma

September 10

The Man of Sin Revealed

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4

Rev. W. Bruinsma

September 17

Peace Shall Destroy Many

Daniel 8:23-25

Rev. W. Bruinsma

September 24

The Great Tribulation

Matthew 24:9-22

Rev. W. Bruinsma

WBruinsma 2017

In September we will continue with Rev. W. Bruinsma's series on Christ’s return.


Sign Up for Our Email Newsletter!

Visit our website or go to to sign up for our monthly email.  You’ll receive one email each month with RWH news, statistics, interviews, message excerpts, and other great content.


PO Box 1230, Grand Rapids MI, 49501 | | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Covenant Reformed News - August 2023

Covenant Reformed News
August 2023  •  Volume XIX, Issue 16


Clothed With Christ (3)

“For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ,” declares Galatians 3:27. Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Lutheranism, high Anglicanism and other groups claim this text refers to the ritual or ceremony of baptism: Everyone baptized with water has personally and truly “put on Christ.” According to this view, Galatians 3:27 teaches the baptismal regeneration of all who receive the first sacrament: “For as many of you as have been baptized [with water] into Christ have put on Christ.”

The biblical doctrines of grace are radically opposed to baptismal regeneration. This soul-destroying dogma does not fit with the eternal, unconditional election of some in Christ and the sovereign reprobation of others in the way of their sins (Rom. 9:22-24; I Thess. 5:9). Dying only for His elect sheep and church (John 10:11, 15, 26; Eph. 5:25), the Lord Jesus gives His abundant life to them alone. The new birth is infallibly granted only to those whom the Holy Spirit desires to save (John 3:8). All those who are born again (I Pet. 1:3) are kept by the divine omnipotence (5) and so they assuredly receive their eternal inheritance (4). As Romans 8:30 declares, “Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.” Contrary to Romish baptismal regeneration, those to whom the Saviour gives “eternal life” will “never perish” (John 10:28).

Over against the heresy of baptismal regeneration, the truth is that Galatians 3:27, like many other passages (e.g., Rom. 6:3-4; I Cor. 12:13; Eph. 4:5; Col. 2:12; I Pet. 3:21), refers to the spiritual, inner baptism of God’s elect and redeemed people (which is signified and sealed by water baptism). Let us marvel at this: The Holy Spirit has baptized us into Christ Himself! This is what water baptism points to and symbolizes.

Many Baptists appeal to Galatians 3:27 in order to make a different point from that made by the advocates of baptismal regeneration. These Baptists believe that baptism equals (total) immersion (followed by rapid emersion). They claim that this text provides support for the mode that they use in the ceremony of water baptism. Galatians 3:27’s reference to our putting on or being clothed with Christ, they say, is an allusion to someone being enveloped in a robe after he or she has been (totally) immersed (and then swiftly emersed) in the ritual of baptism.

According to the immersionist theory, Jesus is pictured in not just one but two ways in the ceremony of baptism! First, Christ is represented by the sinner, for his going under the water portrays Jesus’ burial (though His body was laid in a cave tomb and not put underground) and his coming up of the water the Redeemer’s resurrection (though He did not arise out of soil). Second, Christ is represented by the robe with which the baptized sinner is clothed.

But what is the element in the sacrament of baptism? It is not the baptized sinner, nor any garment that he or she may put on after the ceremony. The cleansing water is the sacramental element and sign! The water symbolizes and seals the washing away of our sins by the blood and Spirit of Jesus Christ (cf. Acts 22:16; Titus 3:5).

In many sports, like football or snooker or golf or tennis or rugby, it is a big mistake to take one’s eyes off the ball. In the sacraments, one’s spiritual focus is to be on the elements, whether water in baptism or bread and wine in the Lord’s Supper. The elements point to and signify Christ’s cleansing us by His blood and Spirit (baptism), and feeding us by His broken body and shed blood (Lord’s Supper).

There is an additional problem with the immersionist reading of Galatians 3:27. What is the function of the (postulated) robe? To get rid of the water (which pictures the washing away of sins) by drying it up! In other words, Christ the robe dries up His cleansing blood and Spirit!

So what is Galatians 3:27 teaching? As we said earlier, its subject is real baptism, not ritual baptism by water (though the latter symbolizes and seals the former). The doctrine of our text is neither baptismal regeneration nor the immersionist mode of baptism. It is union with Jesus Christ! By inner, spiritual baptism, we come under the blessed influence of our Saviour, so as to be changed and transformed by Him or, to use the language of Galatians 3:27, we are clothed with Him!

We are often spiritually timid and in need of encouragement. “I believe that I am saved by God’s grace and baptized into Jesus,” we think, “but am I really clothed with Him? Could someone as weak and foolish as I am actually have put on Christ as my imputed righteousness and infused holiness? Could it be true that I, all over and permanently, am enveloped by the Lord Jesus in His threefold office and adorned with His image, so that He alone covers my nakedness, protects my vulnerability and makes me beautiful in God’s sight?”

Galatians 3:27 states, “For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” Therefore, a person is either both “baptized into Christ” and clothed with Him or neither. This text proclaims that you, believer, are both: “For as many of you as [1] have been baptized into Christ [2] have put on Christ.” Rev. Angus Stewart


For more on the Bible’s teaching on the mode, meaning and subjects of baptism, read this excellent work, which is now on-line for the first time: “Sprinkling, Infant Baptism and the Bible” by Rev. Ron Hanko.


Why Baptize All the Infants of Believers?

Here is our question for this issue of the News: “Seeing that baptism is a sign and seal of the covenant and the covenant promise, if only the elect are in the covenant, if they only and only they are embraced in the promise of God, and the reprobate are not, why does God still will all the children of believers to be baptized?”

The reader of the News is correct that only the elect are in the covenant. Galatians 3:29 is clear: “if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” The seed of Abraham is a spiritual seed, defined not by physical descent from Abraham but by faith in Abraham’s God. All who believe are the spiritual children of Abraham (7) and the children of God (26). Only these spiritual children of Abraham are the heirs according to the promise. The promise is the covenant promise, I will be your God and you shall be my people (Lev. 26:12; Jer. 30:22). That promise was made to Abraham in Genesis 17:1-7 and through him to all his spiritual descendants. They are those who belong to Christ by election and by the blood of atonement. They alone are in the covenant and they alone are heirs according to the promise.

The reader who submitted this question is also correct that the promise of God, the promise of the covenant, is also only for the elect. Like the covenant itself, the promise is not made to all baptized children conditionally but only to the elect. It is not, as some have said, a cheque presented by God to all baptized children, a cheque which they must endorse before it becomes valid and payable to the bearer. Acts 2:39 teaches that the promise is only for the elect and not for all baptized children conditionally: “For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.” The promise is to those whom God calls, and they are always called irresistibly and effectually. They are the elect, therefore.

The heresy of the Federal Vision denies any connection between the covenant and election, and many Reformed theologians also hesitate to affirm such a connection. The Federal Vision teaches that baptized children may be elect but still go hell on account of their covenant unfaithfulness; they may be elect and end up out of the covenant. Others want a covenant that is in some sense with all baptized children, not just with those baptized children who are elect. Thus they teach a covenant that is conditional, that is, with all baptized children, but conditioned on their faith and obedience.

Romans 9:6 addresses this issue: “Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel.” The Word of God in the context includes the promises, and the Israel to whom the promises belong is defined not by physical descent from Abraham but by election. Only true Israel, elect Israel, has the promises. This is Paul’s conclusion: “What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded” (Rom. 11:7).

That raises the question: “Why does God still will all the children of believers to be baptized,” if “baptism is a sign and seal of the covenant and the covenant promise”?

The answer to this insightful question is that just as the gospel must be preached to the non-elect, so also must the sacraments, in the purpose and will of God, be administered to many non-elect. It is, of course, impossible to administer the sacraments only to the elect, just as it is impossible to preach the gospel and its call to the elect only. Only God perfectly knows those who are His own (II Tim. 2:19). Some try to limit the preaching of the gospel and/or the administration of baptism to the elect by requiring a profession of faith in Christ of all those who are baptized, but the latter does not guarantee that the sacrament is administered to the elect only.

It is the error of hyper-Calvinism to attempt to limit the preaching of the gospel and its call to the elect, and the error of credo-baptism to attempt to limit the sacrament of baptism to the elect only. Both are impossible. Not only that, but God has His sovereign purpose in willing children who are not elect to be baptized and it is the same purpose He has in sending the gospel call to many who are not elect.

The sacraments, we should remember, are a visible and tangible gospel which declare Christ crucified as the only way of salvation. When the gospel is preached, God wills that many hear who are not elect and who do not believe. He wants them to hear for their hardening and condemnation. Hardened in their unbelief and disobedience, they also serve God’s purpose, just as Pharaoh did (Rom. 9:17-18). By their disobedience, they bring Jehovah’s just wrath upon themselves and they are the means He sovereignly uses to chastise His people, to deliver them from the wicked world in which they live and to make them ready for eternal glory.

The same is true of baptism. Many who are baptized, instead of “improving their baptism” (Westminster Larger Catechism, A. 167), reject all that baptism signifies, are hardened in their faithlessness and unbelief, and bring the judgment of God upon themselves. This does not happen only for their destruction, however, since they are sovereignly used by God within the church for the final salvation of the elect. Their hatred of the gospel is often the beginning of persecution, an important, though distressing, part of God’s deliverance of His church. Introducing heresies and godless living into the church, they are used by God in the church to separate wheat from chaff, to waken His people out of spiritual indifference and sloth, and to occasion the development of the truth.

I Corinthians 11:19 says, “For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.” So it is with the gospel and so it is with the sacraments. In God’s purpose to save His people and His church, He does all things in perfect wisdom to realize His purpose and to bring all things to their appointed end. Those who do not believe, even under the gospel and the sacraments, who fit the description of Jude 4, are part of that all-wise plan. They are the chaff without which the wheat cannot grow and ripen.

So let us not hesitate to apply the sacrament of baptism to all the children of believers, knowing that some who receive it are not among God’s elect people. Likewise, let us not baulk at preaching the gospel wherever and whenever God gives us opportunity, never hesitating because we preach to a “mixed” audience but trusting that it will be the power of God unto salvation to all whom He has chosen. Rev. Ron Hanko


Covenant Protestant Reformed Church
83 Clarence Street, Ballymena, BT43 5DR • Lord’s Day services at 11 am & 6 pm
Website: • Live broadcast:
Pastor: Angus Stewart, 7 Lislunnan Road, Kells, N. Ireland, BT42 3NR • (028) 25 891851  
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view

PRC and Sister-Church News Highlights for August 27, 2023

Psalm 112 1Today, August 27, is the thirty-fifth Lord's Day of this year of our Lord 2023. Below you will find special highlights of PRC and sister-church news. It is our hope that these reports not only inform you but also give you opportunity to pray for the needs of these churches and mission fields throughout the world.

If you are new to this website and the PRCA, we invite you to join us in worship today or on any of the Sunday's of this year at one of our local congregations near you, or listen online.

Praise ye the LORD. Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD, that delighteth greatly in his commandments. His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed. Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endureth for ever. Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness: he is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous. ~ Psalm 112:1-4


  • Last Sunday Cand. M. Koerner received the call from Hosanna PRC (Edmonton, AB). He is also considering calls to Randolph (WI) PRC (received July 23) and Zion PRC (Jenison, MI - received July 16), which he plans to answer on or before Sept.3.

  • Rev. J. Mahtani (Hope PRC-Walker, MI) is considering the call from Hudsonville PRC (received Aug.13).

  • Rev. A. Spriensma (Cornerstone PRC-Dyer, IN) is considering the call to Georgetown PRC (received August 6). He plans to answer by Sept.3.

Classical appointments and pulpit supply for today in the vacant PRCs:  Rev. A. Brummel and Prof. R. Smit in Doon (IA) PRC; Prof. C. Griess and Rev. J. Maatman in Georgetown PRC; Rev. H. Bleyenberg in Hosanna PRC, Edmonton, AB; Prof. R. Cammenga and Rev. B. Langerak in Hudsonville PRC; Rev. J. Laning in Loveland PRC; Rev. C. Haak (3rd of 3 weeks) in Lynden PRC; Rev. K. Koole in Randolph PRC; Prof. B. Gritters and Rev. M. DeVries in Zion PRC.  May we count it a blessing of our church federation that we can help one another in these needs. Let us remember to pray for the men who supply these pulpits and for the vacant congregations. And may we continue to pray for men to hear the call to serve as pastors and missionaries!

Special Upcoming Congregational Activities: The Deacons at Hudsonville PRC are planning a conference for Saturday morning, September 16 at 8:30 AM. Rev. Mahtani will begin with a short speech followed by breakout sessions. The topic of the conference is “Ministry of Mercy in Christ’s Church”. Potential, current, and former deacons are welcome! Please register for this event at


Hope PRC (Walker, MI) re labors in Myanmar (from her bulletin today): "The Myanmar Committee reported that it held a video conference with Rev. Titus, Elder Naw Taung, and Deacon Joseph. Although the fighting is getting closer to Yangon, the saints in Myanmar are still able to worship regularly and they testify of God’s faithfulness to them...."

PRC 100th Anniversary: With gratitude to our faithful God, the PRCA look forward to our 100th anniversary. The celebration is planned for June 23-27, 2025, at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, MI. The various committees of the 100th anniversary steering commitee are busy preparing for this historic event, including a special commemorative book. Watch for further notices and updates!

sem front June 2023

PRC Seminary Notices:

  • The PR Theological Seminary begins its first semester of the 2023-24 term this week Monday, August 28, with classes beginning on Tuesday, August 29. The schedule and calendar have been posted here. ​The faculty, students and staff covet your prayers as we begin this new school year.
  • The seminary faculty invite interested persons to audit three classes this semester: Prof. R. Cammenga’s class of N.T. History (covering the intertestamental period up to the Passion Week), Prof. D. Kuiper’s class of Modern Church History (covering the history of the Protestant churches from the beginning of the Reformation to 1648), and Prof. B. Huizinga’s class of Dogmatics (covering the study of the doctrine of God). If you are interested in attending, please contact the seminary secretary at 616-531-1490 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out the day and time the class you are interested in will meet.
  • *The annual Convocation of the PRTS will be hosted by Hope PRC (GR) on Wednesday, September 6, at 7 PM. All are invited and encouraged to join with faculty, students, and the Theological School Committee as we call on the Lord and seek His blessing on the upcoming school year. Prof. B. Huizinga will be speaking on "The Protestant Reformed Minister Today", and the PR String Orchestra will perform a special number.
  • Recent seminary graduate M. Koerner (now a candidate for the ministry of the Word and sacraments in the PRC) is considering three calls (Hosanna PRC-Edmonton, AB, Zion PRC-Jenison, MI and Randolph-WI PRC), which he plans to answer by Sept.3.
  • Senior Sem. Arend Haveman is doing his senior-year internship this summer and fall (July-December) in Pittsburgh PRC under Rev. W. Bruinsma. He is busy with all aspects of the ministry.The junior student this year is Aaron Van Dyke (Faith PRC).; the sophomore is Bruce Feenstra (Hope-Redlands, CA); and the freshman are Joseph Ophoff (Loveland PRC) and Isaac Van Baren (Hope PRC-Redlands). Sem. Ophoff moved into west Michigan this past week with his wife and five children, and is enrolled in the new special seminary entrance program (SSEP), which initially involves finishing some pre-seminary requirements and beginning some seminary-level courses. Pray for the students as they make the adjustment from their summer labors and activities to those of full time students again, and especially these new men and their families.
  • The seminary-sponsored summer course on church disciple taught by Prof. B. Gritters is now completed but the videos and outlines are available (see the notes from each class below). For a detailed general outline of the subjects taught, click on this link.
    • First class on Church Discipline (July 12):  Here is the link for the July 12 class on The Church Order on Discipline (and the reasons why discipline is the work of the whole church). And here is a link to the outline for this class.
    • Second class on Church Discipline (July 19): Wednesday, July 19 at Hudsonville PRC. The subject this week is the objects of church discipline. The class addressed such questions as: 1) May the church discipline non-confessing members? 2) May discipline continue when someone 'asks for their papers'? 3) May discipline be imposed on a member mentally ill? Here is the link for the outline for this class. And here is the link for the July 19 classThe Proper Objects of Discipline, and the outline.
    • Third Class on Church Discipline (July 26): Wednesday, July 26 was the third class on church discipline at Hudsonville PRC, sponsored by the Protestant Reformed Seminary. Prof. B. Gritters gave instruction on the method and steps of discipline, beginning with the fundamental teaching of Jesus in Matthew 18. What is "the way of Matthew 18" and is it required for all sins? Here are the links for this class: The Act of Discipline According to Matthew 18 and the Outline.
    • Fourth Class on Church Discipline (August 2): Prof. Gritters' fourth class on church discipline was held on August 2 at 7PM at Hudsonville PRC. Included was instruction on how elders are to receive, investigate, and make charges of sin. How is a motion formulated to put someone under discipline? What do visits to impenitent sinners look like? What is required before classis may approve announcing a name? Here are the links for this classOutline for this class; Video of this class
    • Fifth (and final) Class on Church Discipline (August 9): Prof. B. Gritters' fifth class on church discipline was held Wednesday August 9 at Hudsonville PRC. When a sinner is to be forgiven and restored, how does the Christian or the consistory judge true repentance? What is "sufficient evidence of repentance"? How can we avoid the error of being naive, or the other error of being too rigorous and uncharitable? Here are the links for this class: Outline for class #5; Video of this class
    • After his final class, Prof. Gritters' drew up Answers to untreated questions, which may be found here and on the seminary's website. Recordings of all the classes can be found there, as well as outlines and some of the handouts. And all the videos and outlines may also conveniently be found on Hudsonville PRC's website.
  • The Spring 2023 issue of the PR Theological Journal was mailed out in late April. Digital copies have been posted on the journal webpage (see link here). The Spring issue features articles on a distinctive feature of PRC teaching on the covenant of grace, on the image of God in man from a conference in Mexico, on R.L. Dabney's "proposals of mercy," and the first part of a history of Classis West of the PRC - and, of course, several significant book reviews.  If you want to be added to our mailing list (either print or digital) or wish to pick up a copy, contact Valerie Kleyn, the seminary secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Look for the fall issue in a few months!
  • During the school sessions the seminary is open daily from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (holidays excepted), including the library and bookstore. PRC members and friends are welcome to visit and make use of these resources.
  • For the latest seminary news and information, visit the seminary's website - and don't forget the blog!

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  • Covenant ERC, Singapore and her Kolkata, India mission work:
    • Pastors J. Tan and M. Wee are faithfully serving the CERC. “Come, let us build!” We labour in our respective God-given callings, serving God, His church, and one another, in confidence and dependent upon Jehovah of hosts, who promises to build His church, and to do so by means of His Spirit. Zechariah 4:6b: “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the LORD of hosts”. Today..., we consider Zechariah’s vision of the golden candlestick, used to encourage God’s people in their labour of church building." (Part of today's 'pastoral voice" note in her bulletin)
    • The last issue of Salt Shakers was Issue 69 is on the theme "GST: The Christian's Response." Especially for young people, the magazine contains a variety of articles and is edifying for ALL readers! Visit the link provided here to read and learn. 
  • Covenant PRC, N. Ireland:
    • Rev. A. Stewart continues to minister the Word faithfully in the CPRC.
    • The latest issues of Covenant Reformed News are out - June 2023 has been published and now July 2023 also. Follow the link to read the latest profitable articles by Revs. A. Stewart (clothed with Christ) and R. Hanko (the days of Noah #2). Look for the August issue soon!
    • The CPRC YouTube channel may be found here.

  • PRC in the Philippines and her mission work in various places:
    • Berean PRC bulletin: Rev. D. Kleyn led her worship services today. And, "The saints in All of Grace Protestant Reformed Fellowship (AGPRF), Gabaldon, NE. will join us in our worship services today via Livestream at our official Facebook account."
    • Provident PRC bulletin: Rev. V. Ibe led her worship services today. And, "Rev. D. Kleyn (missionary to the Philippines) accepted the call to Doon PRC as her new pastor. The Kleyns are scheduled to leave the Philippines on Monday (Sept. 18, 2023), D.V."
    • The Classis of PRCP will convene on Monday, August 28, at 9 AM at Provident PRC, Provident Village, Marikina City, God willing.


RWH Logo 2019
Listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday - on a radio station near you, on Sermonaudio, or on your favorite podcast - wherever you are!

W Bruinsma RWH

  • This month the RWH continues the series on the signs of Christ's coming by Rev. W. Bruinsma. Today's message is titled"The Rise of Counterfeit Christianity" based on Mark 13:21-23. For the August RWH Newsletter, visit this page. 
  • The Reformed Witness Hour publishes each month's messages in an attractive booklet. These printed sermons are a great blessing to many and are distributed all over the world, including to many prisoners in the U.S. If you or your Evangelism Committee would like to receive these, let the RWHC know and they will add you to the mailing list (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

grace uncommon bg cover
What is the grace of God as revealed in Scripture? Is there a grace of God for all humans - a 'common' grace that improves people and society? Or is grace only saving and always particular, that is, only for those chosen to believe by God? Read this resource for answers to these and other questions.

RBO Aug 2023 2

  • The Reformed Book Outlet (downtown Hudsonville, MI) is now operating in its new store in downtown Hudsonville! The new location is at 3472 Harvey St. in Hudsonville. Visit the store and browse the variety of resources for your Reformed-Christian faith and walk, including many children's titles. They are open Tuesday-Friday, 10-5, and Saturday 10-1.
    • Special RBO Notice! The Reformed Book Outlet is having a back to school sale! Bibles, Bible covers, and most books will all be 25% off, and we have plenty of Psalters in stock as well. Come visit us in store August 22 - September 16 or use code BACKTOSCHOOL on our website at checkout for 25% off the participating items.
  • Do you need some catechism materials for use in your church or family? The PRC publishes catechism materials on Bible history and Reformed doctrine, for children of all ages. Visit this page for more information.

This Week's Thought for Contemplation

If we do not love God and His Word what difference does it make if we love  anything at all?” - Kwize

Three quotes from Martin Luther regarding the Word of God:

"I'll trust in God's unchanging Word, till soul and body sever. For though all things pass away, His Word shall stand forever."

"We must make a great difference between God's Word and the word of man. A man's word is a little sound, that flies into the air, and soon vanishes; but the Word of God is greater than heaven and earth, yea, greater than death and hell, for it forms part of the power of God, and endures everlastingly."

"The Bible is a remarkable fountain: the more one draws and drinks of it, the more it stimulates thirst."

(found in Byron Center PRC's bulletin today)


PRC and Sister-Church News Highlights for August 20, 2023 *(Updated)

Psalms 111 1Today, August 20, is the thirty-fourth Lord's Day of this year of our Lord 2023. Below you will find special highlights of PRC and sister-church news. It is our hope that these reports not only inform you but also give you opportunity to pray for the needs of these churches and mission fields throughout the world.

If you are new to this website and the PRCA, we invite you to join us in worship today or on any of the Sunday's of this year at one of our local congregations near you, or listen online.

Praise ye the LORD. I will praise the LORD with my whole heart, in the assembly of the upright, and in the congregation. The works of the LORD are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein. His work is honourable and glorious: and his righteousness endureth for ever. He hath made his wonderful works to be remembered: the LORD is gracious and full of compassion. ...He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy and reverend is his name. ~ Psalm 111:1-4, 9


  • The Consistory of Hosanna PRC (Edmonton, AB) announces a new trio: Revs. D. Noorman (Southwest PRC), C. Spronk (Faith PRC), and Candidate M. Koerner. The congregation will vote today after the PM service. *UPDATE: Cand. Koerner has received this call.

  • Last Sunday Rev. J. Smidstra (1st PRC-Holland, MI) declined the call to Lynden (WA) PRC.

  • Last Sunday Rev. R. Smit declined the call to Hosanna PRC (Edmonton, AB).

  • Last Sunday Rev. J. Mahtani (Hope PRC-Walker, MI) received the call from Hudsonville PRC.

  • Last Sunday Rev. M. DeBoer (Edgerton-MN PRC) declined the call to Loveland (CO) PRC.

  • Cand. M. Koerner is considering calls to Randolph (WI) PRC (received July 23) and Zion PRC (Jenison, MI - received July 16). He plans to answer on or before Sept.3.

  • Rev. A. Spriensma (Cornerstone PRC-Dyer, IN) is considering the call to Georgetown PRC (received August 6). He plans to answer by Sept.3.

Classical appointments and pulpit supply for today in the vacant PRCs:  Rev. A. Brummel and Prof. R. Dykstra in Doon (IA) PRC; Prof. C. Griess and Rev. D. Lee in Georgetown PRC; Rev. T. Miersma in Hosanna PRC, Edmonton, AB; Prof. B. Huizinga and Rev. B. Huizinga in Hudsonville PRC; Rev. S. Key in Loveland PRC; Rev. C. Haak (2nd of 3 weeks) in Lynden PRC; Rev. J. Engelsma in Randolph PRC; Prof. B. Gritters and Rev. G. Eriks in Zion PRC.  May we count it a blessing of our church federation that we can help one another in these needs. Let us remember to pray for the men who supply these pulpits and for the vacant congregations. And may we continue to pray for men to hear the call to serve as pastors and missionaries!

Special Upcoming Congregational Activities: The Deacons at Hudsonville PRC are planning a conference for Saturday morning, September 16 at 8:30 AM. Rev. Mahtani will begin with a short speech followed by breakout sessions. The topic of the conference is “Ministry of Mercy in Christ’s Church”. Potential, current, and former deacons are welcome! Please register for this event at


Special note: Due to wild fires in the Spokane WA area, Rev. R. Hanko and his wife had to evacuate their home this weekend (in Medical Lake), along with their son Neal who stays in a special facility in that area. Neal has since been allowed to return to his place but the Hankos are staying in the apartment that belongs to Covenant of Grace PRC. We thank the Lord for their safety and pray that their home may be spared so that they can return to it soon. *UPDATE (from Rev. Hanko Sunday morning): "What follows is a brief update as of Sunday morning.  Saturday the fire began to move south along Interstate 90 and into our area. Saturday morning the fire was less than a quarter mile from our home on the north and on the east.  I went in the evening to try to get a few more things from the house and found the firemen battling the fire just behind our back fence.  The homes in our neighborhood were all standing as far as I could tell, but the fire had burned into lawns, empty lots and much of the area was still filled with hot spots and smoking debris.  I was also able to visit Neal briefly and see how his facility had been
miraculously and providentially saved from the fire at a time when there were few resources on the scene. The fire burned right up to the facility on the south, west and north but the facility itself was untouched, and that at a time when the fire was still moving very quickly as a result of the winds." And another update Monday morning: "Our home has been spared and we are back home.  Power went back on last night, but gas is still off.  It is very smoky in our area, but we came home worried about hot spots and looters and are now watching the homes of our neighbors as well.  There are still many hot spots in our area being monitored by fire-fighting crews, I90 is still closed and the fire is still burning south of us.  The fire-fighters are our heroes, having saved almost all the homes in our area by their superhuman efforts.  We are especially thankful to God for miraculously sparing us and Neal who is back at his facility which was untouched by the fire, though it burned up to the facility on three sides."

PRC 100th Anniversary: With gratitude to our faithful God, the PRCA look forward to our 100th anniversary. The celebration is planned for June 23-27, 2025, at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, MI. The various committees of the 100th anniversary steering commitee are busy preparing for this historic event, including a special commemorative book. Watch for further notices and updates!

sign july 2023

PRC Seminary Notices:

  • The PR Theological Seminary is down to the final week of its summer break. The first semester of the 2023-24 term will begin, the Lord willing, on Monday, August 28, with classes beginning on Tuesday, August 29. The schedule and calendar have been approved and are posted here. ​Continue to pray for faculty, students, and staff as we prepare for the 2023-24 school year.
  • Seminary classes begin for the first semester on Tuesday, August 29. The seminary faculty invite interested persons to audit three classes this semester: Prof. R. Cammenga’s class of N.T. History (covering the intertestamental period up to the Passion Week), Prof. D. Kuiper’s class of Modern Church History (covering the history of the Protestant churches from the beginning of the Reformation to 1648), and Prof. B. Huizinga’s class of Dogmatics (covering the study of the doctrine of God). If you are interested in attending, please contact the seminary secretary at 616-531-1490 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out the day and time the class you are interested in will meet.
  • *Advance notice: The annual Convocation of the PRTS will be hosted by Hope PRC (GR) on Wednesday, September 6, at 7 PM. All are invited and encouraged to join with faculty, students, and the Theological School Committee as we call on the Lord and seek His blessing on the upcoming school year. Prof. B. Huizinga will be speaking on "The Protestant Reformed Minister Today", and the PR String Orchestra will perform a special number.
  • Recent seminary graduate M. Koerner (now a candidate for the ministry of the Word and sacraments in the PRC) is considering two calls (Zion PRC-Jenison, MI and Randolph-WI PRC), which he plans to answer by Sept.3
  • Sem. Arend Haveman is doing his senior-year internship this summer and fall (July-December) in Pittsburgh PRC under Rev. W. Bruinsma. Sem. A. Van Dyke (licensed to speak a word of edification in the churches this Spring) is keeping busy with work and preaching assignments. Sem. B. Feenstra has returned home to Redlands, CA for the summer.
  • The PRC 2023 Synod approved the entrance of Isaac Van Baren into the seminary beginning this Fall. Isaac and his wife (Elizabeth) and two children have now moved from Southern California (Hope PRC-Redlands) to west Michigan. He has completed some pre-sem classes this summer and will begin regular seminary classes in August.
  • Synod 2023 also approved a proposal from the Theological School Committee (TSC) for a special entrance program (SSEP) for older men who aspire to the ministry in the PRC. It may now be reported that the first student enrolled in this program has been approved after an interview with the TSC on August 1. Mr. Joe Ophoff, currently a member of Loveland PRC, plans to move to west Michigan this week with his wife and five children, so as to begin his special program (August 28), which initially involves finishing some pre-seminary requirements and beginning some seminary-level courses.
  • The seminary-sponsored summer course on church disciple taught by Prof. B. Gritters is now completed but the videos and outlines are available (see the notes from each class below). For a detailed general outline of the subjects taught, click on this link.
    • First class on Church Discipline (July 12):  Here is the link for the July 12 class on The Church Order on Discipline (and the reasons why discipline is the work of the whole church). And here is a link to the outline for this class.
    • Second class on Church Discipline (July 19): Wednesday, July 19 at Hudsonville PRC. The subject this week is the objects of church discipline. The class addressed such questions as: 1) May the church discipline non-confessing members? 2) May discipline continue when someone 'asks for their papers'? 3) May discipline be imposed on a member mentally ill? Here is the link for the outline for this class. And here is the link for the July 19 classThe Proper Objects of Discipline, and the outline.
    • Third Class on Church Discipline (July 26): Wednesday, July 26 was the third class on church discipline at Hudsonville PRC, sponsored by the Protestant Reformed Seminary. Prof. B. Gritters gave instruction on the method and steps of discipline, beginning with the fundamental teaching of Jesus in Matthew 18. What is "the way of Matthew 18" and is it required for all sins? Here are the links for this class: The Act of Discipline According to Matthew 18 and the Outline.
    • Fourth Class on Church Discipline (August 2): Prof. Gritters' fourth class on church discipline was held on August 2 at 7PM at Hudsonville PRC. Included was instruction on how elders are to receive, investigate, and make charges of sin. How is a motion formulated to put someone under discipline? What do visits to impenitent sinners look like? What is required before classis may approve announcing a name? Here are the links for this classOutline for this class; Video of this class
    • Fifth (and final) Class on Church Discipline (August 9): Prof. B. Gritters' fifth class on church discipline was held Wednesday August 9 at Hudsonville PRC. When a sinner is to be forgiven and restored, how does the Christian or the consistory judge true repentance? What is "sufficient evidence of repentance"? How can we avoid the error of being naive, or the other error of being too rigorous and uncharitable? Here are the links for this class: Outline for class #5; Video of this class
    • After his final class, Prof. Gritters' drew up Answers to untreated questions, which may be found here and on the seminary's website. Recordings of all the classes can be found there, as well as outlines and some of the handouts.
  • The Spring 2023 issue of the PR Theological Journal was mailed out in late April. Digital copies have been posted on the journal webpage (see link here). The Spring issue features articles on a distinctive feature of PRC teaching on the covenant of grace, on the image of God in man from a conference in Mexico, on R.L. Dabney's "proposals of mercy," and the first part of a history of Classis West of the PRC - and, of course, several significant book reviews.  If you want to be added to our mailing list (either print or digital) or wish to pick up a copy, contact Valerie Kleyn, the seminary secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Look for the fall issue in a few months!
  • During the summer months the seminary is open daily from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (holidays excepted), including the library and bookstore. PRC members and friends are welcome to visit and make use of these resources.
  • For the latest seminary news and information, visit the seminary's website - and don't forget the blog!



  • Covenant ERC, Singapore and her Kolkata, India mission work:
    • Pastors J. Tan and M. Wee are faithfully serving the CERC. Today's bulletin contains notice of another educational opportunity for the congregationon sexual abuse: "This Sunday, 20 August, will be the final video screening for this Adult CI season. This video is “Sexual Abuse in Calvin’s Geneva” by Prof Cory Griess. By asking the question of history, we learn some important lessons on how the church is to deal with abuse, in particular the perpetrators of abuse, through the careful, faithful, and loving exercise of church discipline."
    • The last issue of Salt Shakers was Issue 69 is on the theme "GST: The Christian's Response." Especially for young people, the magazine contains a variety of articles and is edifying for ALL readers! Visit the link provided here to read and learn. 
  • Covenant PRC, N. Ireland:
    • Rev. A. Stewart has returned to his labors in CPRC after a three-week holiday in the U.S.Prof. D. Kuiper filled his pulpit in his absence.
    • A newsletter was published last month (July) and is available in the churches (*see the attachment to this news post).
    • The latest issues of Covenant Reformed News are out - June 2023 has been published and now July 2023 also. Follow the link to read the latest profitable articles by Revs. A. Stewart (clothed with Christ) and R. Hanko (the days of Noah #2).
    • The CPRC YouTube channel may be found here.

  • PRC in the Philippines and her mission work in various places:
    • Berean PRC bulletin: Rev. V. Ibe led her worship services today. And, "The saints in All of Grace Protestant Reformed Fellowship (AGPRF), Gabaldon, NE. will join us in our worship services today via Livestream at our official Facebook account."
    • Provident PRC bulletin: Rev. D. Kleyn led her worship services today. And, "Rev. D. Kleyn (missionary to the Philippines) accepted the call to Doon PRC as her new pastor. The Kleyns are scheduled to leave the Philippines on Monday (Sept. 18, 2023), D.V."
    • The Classis of PRCP will convene on Monday, August 28, at 9 AM at Provident PRC, Provident Village, Marikina City, God willing.


RWH Logo 2019
Listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday - on a radio station near you, on Sermonaudio, or on your favorite podcast - wherever you are!

W Bruinsma RWH

  • This month the RWH continues the series on the signs of Christ's coming by Rev. W. Bruinsma. Today's message is titled "The Gospel Preached to All Nations." based on Matthew 24:14. For the August RWH Newsletter, visit this page. 
  • The Reformed Witness Hour publishes each month's messages in an attractive booklet. These printed sermons are a great blessing to many and are distributed all over the world, including to many prisoners in the U.S. If you or your Evangelism Committee would like to receive these, let the RWHC know and they will add you to the mailing list (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

grace uncommon bg cover
What is the grace of God? Is there a grace of God for all humans - a 'common' grace, or is grace only saving and always particular? Read this resource for answers to these and other questions.

RBO Aug 2023 2

  • The Reformed Book Outlet (downtown Hudsonville, MI) is now operating in its new store in downtown Hudsonville! The new location is at 3472 Harvey St. in Hudsonville. Visit the store and browse the variety of resources for your Reformed-Christian faith and walk, including many children's titles. They are open Tuesday-Friday, 10-5, and Saturday 10-1.
    • Special RBO Notice! The Reformed Book Outlet is having a back to school sale! Bibles, Bible covers, and most books will all be 25% off, and we have plenty of Psalters in stock as well. Come visit us in store August 22 - September 16 or use code BACKTOSCHOOL on our website at checkout for 25% off the participating items.
  • Do you need some catechism materials for use in your church or family? The PRC publishes catechism materials on Bible history and Reformed doctrine, for children of all ages. Visit this page for more information.

This Week's Thought for Contemplation

Is the Christian Faith Easy?

We are tempted to say, Yes!

Everyone wants an easy religion, a religion that tells him he is basically good; a religion that tells him God loves everyone and therefore overlooks anything an individual does wrong. Everyone wants a religion that gives ways for man to better himself and his society to make life easier and more pleasurable.

Almost anyone would go along with that kind of religion.

But that is not Christianity.

It is not easy to be a Christian. To make it sound easy, or to change it so that it is easy, is deception. Christianity gives proper recognition to God's greatness and man's sinfulness. There is no easy way to bring harmony between the Holy God and the sinner. However the things that are impossible with men, are possible with God (Luke 18:27).


4. A Christian desires to obey God's will, as revealed by God in His Word.

A Christian struggles against personal sin.

"Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness..." (Colossians 3:5).

A Christian finds his freedom in obeying God.

"But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life" (Romans 6:22).

A Christian confesses his hope of salvation to be in Jesus Christ alone.

"If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt he saved" (Romans 10:9).

A Christian worships God and enjoys the fellowship with His people.

"And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another" (Hebrews 10:24, 25)


If so, we rejoice that God has given you to confess the Christian faith.

Perhaps you believe you are Christian, but feel confused with Christian teaching and life and want a deeper understanding of the truth or more direction in your life.

Maybe you are not a Christian, but are interested in learning more about the Christian faith and the need that we all have of salvation in Jesus Christ.

~ Rev. S. Key in one of this month's featured pamphlets, Is the Christian Faith Easy?


PRC and Sister-Church News Highlights for August 13, 2023 *(Updated)

Psalm 110 3Today, August 13, is the thirty-third Lord's Day of this year of our Lord 2023. Below you will find special highlights of PRC and sister-church news. It is our hope that these reports not only inform you but also give you opportunity to pray for the needs of these churches and mission fields throughout the world.

If you are new to this website and the PRCA, we invite you to join us in worship today or on any of the Sunday's of this year at one of our local congregations near you, or listen online.

The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth. The LORD hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek. ~ Psalm 110:1-4


  • Today Rev. J. Smidstra (1st PRC-Holland, MI) declined the call to Lynden (WA) PRC.

  • Last Sunday Georgetown PRC voted to call Rev. A. Spriensma (Cornerstone PRC-Dyer, IN).

  • Rev. R. Smit is considering the call to Hosanna PRC (Edmonton, AB) [received July 23). UPDATE: Today he declined this call.

  • Hudsonville PRC votes today (after evening service) from her Council's new trio: Candidate Matt Koerner, Rev. W. Langerak (Trinity PRC) and Rev. J. Mahtani (Hope PRC-Walker, MI). UPDATE: Rev. Mahtani has received this call.

  • Cand. M. Koerner is considering the calls to Randolph (WI) PRC (received July 23) and Zion PRC (Jenison, MI - received July 16). He plans to answer on or before Sept.3.

  • Rev. M. DeBoer (Edgerton-MN PRC) is considering the call to Loveland (CO) PRC (received July 17). UPDATE: Rev. DeBoer has declined this call.

Classical appointments and pulpit supply for today in the vacant PRCs:  Prof. R. Dykstra in Doon (IA) PRC; Prof. C. Griess and Rev. M. McGeown in Georgetown PRC; Rev. R. Barnhill (2nd week) in Hosanna PRC, Edmonton, AB; Prof. R. Cammenga and Prof. C. Griess in Hudsonville PRC; Rev. S. Regnerus (2nd week) in Loveland PRC; Rev. C. Haak (1st of 3 weeks) in Lynden PRC; Elders led in Randolph PRC; Prof. B. Gritters and Rev. A. Stewart in Zion PRC.  May we count it a blessing of our church federation that we can help one another in these needs. Let us remember to pray for the men who supply these pulpits and for the vacant congregations. And may we continue to pray for men to hear the call to serve as pastors and missionaries!

Special Upcoming Congregational Activities: The Deacons at Hudsonville PRC are planning a conference for Saturday morning, September 16 at 8:30 AM. Rev. Mahtani will begin with a short speech followed by breakout sessions. The topic of the conference is “Ministry of Mercy in Christ’s Church”. Potential, current, and former deacons are welcome! Please register for this event at

Congregational Evangelism Activities:

  • Heritage PRC (Sioux Falls, SD): "The Heritage PRC Evangelism Committee warmly invites you to attend a presentation at Heritage PRC this Friday, August 18, at 7:00 PM. The presentation will deal with the topic of family devotions and will aim to give principles and also practical advice for this vital worship in the home. The event will be livestreamed on the Heritage PRC YouTube channel. Those able to come in person will receive a handout that will help them easily implement in their homes the instruction given at the presentation. Hope to see you there!
  • Hope PRC (Walker, MI): "Hope PRC Ministry Podcast: In the past month, our podcast has featured a series of recently conducted interviews with Prof. Engelsma on marriage, divorce, and remarriage. The series also touches on the topic of spousal abuse. We have received some comments and questions from listeners and would be happy to have more. Don't miss an opportunity to comment on or submit questions for a follow-up interview with Prof. Engelsma in the very near future. Listen to the 4 interviews we recently conducted with Prof. Engelsma, share them with others, and submit feedback to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to receive responses in a future episode."


PRYP Convention logo 20232023 Young Peoples Convention: We rejoice in and are thankful for the wonderful week for the 2023 Young Peoples Convention at Lake Williamson Christian Center in Carlinville, IL hosted by Grandville PRC. May the Lord be pleased to use all the experiences for the continued spiritual growth of the young people and for the good of the churches.

PRC 100th Anniversary: With gratitude to our faithful God, the PRCA look forward to our 100th anniversary. The celebration is planned for June 23-27, 2025, at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, MI. The various committees of the 100th anniversary steering commitee are busy preparing for this historic event, including a special commemorative book. Watch for further notices and updates!

Discipline class 3 July 2023 BGritters 2
Prof. B. Gritters teaching his church discipline class Wednesday nights (July 12 - August 9) in Hudsonville PRC (see notes below for more information on the videos and outlines from this class)

PRC Seminary Notices:

  • The PR Theological Seminary is in the final weeks of its summer break. The first semester of the 2023-24 term will begin, the Lord willing, on Tuesday, August 29. The schedule and calendar have been approved and are posted here. ​Continue to pray for faculty, students, and staff as we shift to other labors and responsibilities, including preparing for the 2023-24 school year.
  • Seminary classes begin for the first semester on Tuesday, August 29. The seminary faculty invite interested persons to audit three classes this semester: Prof. R. Cammenga’s class of N.T. History (covering the intertestamental period up to the Passion Week), Prof. D. Kuiper’s class of Modern Church History (covering the history of the Protestant churches from the beginning of the Reformation to 1648), and Prof. B. Huizinga’s class of Dogmatics (covering the study of the doctrine of God). If you are interested in attending, please contact the seminary secretary at 616-531-1490 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out the day and time the class you are interested in will meet.
  • Prof. C. Griess has completed his ThM thesis through Puritan Reformed Seminary in Grand Rapids and is preparing to teach courses for the first time this fall. We give thanks to God for this progress in the transition between Prof. Gritters and him.
  • *Advance notice: The annual Convocation of the PRTS will be hosted by Hope PRC (GR) on Wednesday, September 6, at 7 PM. All are invited and encouraged to join with faculty, students, and the Theological School Committee as we call on the Lord and seek His blessing on the upcoming school year. Prof. Huizinga will be the speaker, and the PRSO will perform a special number.
  • Recent seminary graduate M. Koerner (now a candidate for the ministry of the Word and sacraments in the PRC) is considering two calls (Zion PRC-Jenison, MI and Randolph-WI PRC).
  • Sem. Arend Haveman is doing his senior-year internship this summer and fall (July-December) in Pittsburgh PRC under Rev. W. Bruinsma. He is next scheduled to lead a service in this evening. Sem. A. Van Dyke (licensed to speak a word of edification in the churches this Spring) is keeping busy with work and preaching assignments. Sem. B. Feenstra has returned home to Redlands, CA for the summer.
  • The PRC 2023 Synod approved the entrance of Isaac Van Baren into the seminary beginning this Fall. Isaac and his wife (Elizabeth) and two children have now moved from Southern California (Hope PRC-Redlands) to west Michigan. He has completed some pre-sem classes this summer and will begin regular seminary classes in August.
  • Synod 2023 also approved a proposal from the Theological School Committee (TSC) for a special entrance program (SSEP) for older men who aspire to the ministry in the PRC. It may now be reported that the first student enrolled in this program has been approved after an interview with the TSC on August 1. Mr. Joe Ophoff, currently a member of Loveland PRC, plans to move to west Michigan this week with his wife and five children, so as to begin his special program (August 29), which initially involves finishing some pre-seminary requirements and beginning some seminary-level courses. Details are still being worked out and await approval at the TSC meeting this week (17th).
  • Special Summer Class on Church Discipline: The Seminary is sponsoring another summer course for the public!  All members, men and women, young and old, are welcome to attend or watch online (see the livestream link below - Hudsonville PRC).  Prof. B. Gritters will teach regarding the important topic of Christian Discipline.  Because all members participate in discipline, the course will be of interest to officebearers as well as non-officebearers.  Classes will be held in Hudsonville PRC, Wednesday evenings, from July 12 through August 9. For a detailed outline of the subjects to be taught, click on this link or email the seminary secretary:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Prof. Gritters:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
    • First class on Church Discipline (July 12):  Here is the link for the July 12 class on The Church Order on Discipline (and the reasons why discipline is the work of the whole church). And here is a link to the outline for this class.
    • Second class on Church Discipline (July 19): Wednesday, July 19 at Hudsonville PRC. The subject this week is the objects of church discipline. The class addressed such questions as: 1) May the church discipline non-confessing members? 2) May discipline continue when someone 'asks for their papers'? 3) May discipline be imposed on a member mentally ill? Here is the link for the outline for this class. And here is the link for the July 19 classThe Proper Objects of Discipline, and the outline.
    • Third Class on Church Discipline (July 26): Wednesday, July 26 was the third class on Discipline at Hudsonville PRC, sponsored by the Protestant Reformed Seminary. Prof. B. Gritters gave instruction on the method and steps of discipline, beginning with the fundamental teaching of Jesus in Matthew 18. What is "the way of Matthew 18" and is it required for all sins? Welcome to all, in person, or through Hudsonville PRC's livestream. Here are the links for this class: The Act of Discipline According to Matthew 18 and the Outline.
    • Fourth Class on Church Discipline (August 2): Prof. Gritters' fourth class on church discipline was held on August 2 at 7PM at Hudsonville PRC. Included will be instruction how elders are to receive, investigate, and make charges of sin. How is a motion formulated to put someone under discipline? What do visits to impenitent sinners look like? What is required before classis may approve announcing a name? Knowledge of the first three classes is not necessary to profit from this fourth class. Welcome to all, in person, or through Hudsonville PRC's livestream. Here are the links for this classOutline for this class; Video of this class
    • Fifth (and final) Class on Church Discipline (August 9): Prof. B. Gritters' fifth class on church discipline was held Wednesday August 9 at Hudsonville PRC. When a sinner is to be forgiven and restored, how does the Christian or the consistory judge true repentance? What is "sufficient evidence of repentance"? How can we avoid the error of being naive, or the other error of being too rigorous and uncharitable? Knowledge of the first four classes is not necessary to profit from this fifth class. Welcome to all, in person, or through Hudsonville PRC's livestream. Here are the links for this class: Outline for class #5; Video of this class
    • Prof Gritters' fifth and final class was held on August 9. Answers to untreated questions may be found here and on the seminary's website. Recordings of all the classes can be found there, as well as outlines and some of the handouts. Please take advantage of these summer courses online.
  • The Spring 2023 issue of the PR Theological Journal was mailed out in late April. Digital copies have been posted on the journal webpage (see link here). The Spring issue features articles on a distinctive feature of PRC teaching on the covenant of grace, on the image of God in man from a conference in Mexico, on R.L. Dabney's "proposals of mercy," and the first part of a history of Classis West of the PRC - and, of course, several significant book reviews.  If you want to be added to our mailing list (either print or digital) or wish to pick up a copy, contact Valerie Kleyn, the seminary secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
  • During the summer months the seminary is open daily from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (holidays excepted), including the library and bookstore. PRC members and friends are welcome to visit and make use of these resources.
  • For the latest seminary news and information, visit the seminary's website - and don't forget the blog!

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  • Covenant ERC, Singapore and her Kolkata, India mission work:
    • Pastors J. Tan and M. Wee are faithfully serving the CERC. Today's bulletin contains some comments on recent and upcoming events in their church fellowship: "We are thankful to God for the church activities we could have this past week. The FSM Family Day did not just have many members attend but also many of our new comers and regular worshippers. I also heard that God also gave some the opportunity to witness to passers-bys at Bishan Active Park during the Church event. May God bless the seeds sown. After every opportunity God gives us at “street-evangelism”, when after we have told others about Jesus Christ, and it seems that now we will never see them again and may even have the thought: was there a point in me giving my all in witnessing to the stranger, we ought to remember God’s promise to us in Acts 2:39 “For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.”
      God promises us to gather his people not just from those “near us” but strangers that are afar of, even there, God promises us that His elect are found there, and every single one of them will be gathered into the church. But let us discuss this more at the upcoming Evangelism Seminar 2023 this coming Saturday on the 19th of August"
    • The latest issue of Salt Shakers is out! Issue 69 is on the theme "GST: The Christian's Response." Especially for young people, the magazine contains a variety of articles and is edifying for ALL readers! Visit the link provided here to read and learn. 
  • Covenant PRC, N. Ireland:
    • Rev. A. Stewart continues to minister the Word faithfully to the saints in Ballymena. A newsletter was published last month (July) and is available in the churches (*see the attachment to this news post).
    • Special note: Pastor and Mary Stewart  are currently on holiday for three weeks in the U.S. (until August 15). Prof. Doug & Teresa and Daniel Kuiper are staying there at present, with Prof. Kuiper preaching for the CPRC for three Lord’s days, tofday being his third. 
    • The latest issues of Covenant Reformed News are out - June 2023 has been published and now July 2023 also. Follow the link to read the latest profitable articles by Revs. A. Stewart (clothed with Christ) and R. Hanko (the days of Noah #2).
    • The CPRC YouTube channel may be found here.

  • PRC in the Philippines and her mission work in various places:
    • Berean PRC bulletin: Rev. V. Ibe led her worship services today. And, "The saints in All of Grace Protestant Reformed Fellowship (AGPRF), Gabaldon, NE. will join us in our worship services today via Livestream at our official Facebook account."
    • Provident PRC bulletin: Rev. D. Kleyn led her worship services today. And, "Rev. D. Kleyn [missionary to the Philippines) accepted the call to Doon PRC as her new pastor. The Kleyns are scheduled to leave the Philippines on Monday [Sept. 18, 2023], D.V."


RWH Logo 2019
Listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday - on a radio station near you, on Sermonaudio, or on your favorite podcast - wherever you are!

W Bruinsma RWH

  • This month the RWH continues the series on the signs of Christ's coming by Rev. W. Bruinsma. Today's message is titled "Economic Imbalance" based on Revelation 6:5,6. For the August RWH Newsletter, visit this page. 
  • The Reformed Witness Hour publishes each month's messages in an attractive booklet. These printed sermons are a great blessing to many and are distributed all over the world, including to many prisoners in the U.S. If you or your Evangelism Committee would like to receive these, let the RWHC know and they will add you to the mailing list (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
For the month of August only, get your copy of Always Reforming for 70% off! Order by clicking the picture below or the "Monthly Sales" button on the RFPA website homepage!

"Always Reforming demonstrates that the Spirit of Christ has carried on the reforming work of Christ in the sixteenth century in one particular branch of the church of the Reformation. A successor to The Sixteenth-Century Reformation of the Church, this book traces the continuing reformation in the Netherlands in the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, and in the Protestant Reformed Churches in North America in the twentieth century."

RBO Aug 2023 2

  • The Reformed Book Outlet (downtown Hudsonville, MI) is now operating in its new store in downtown Hudsonville! The new location is at 3472 Harvey St. in Hudsonville. Visit the store and browse the variety of resources for your Reformed-Christian faith and walk, including many children's titles. They are open Tuesday-Friday, 10-5, and Saturday 10-1.
    • Special RBO Notice! The Reformed Book Outlet is bringing back its Summer Reading Challenge! The challenge will be held from June 20-August 19, and there are categories for both adults and children. Stop by the store to sign up anytime after June 20! If you are not in the West Michigan area and would like to participate, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to sign up!
  • Do you need some catechism materials for use in your church or family? The PRC publishes catechism materials on Bible history and Reformed doctrine, for children of all ages. Visit this page for more information.

This Week's Thought for Contemplation

Is the Christian Faith Easy?

We are tempted to say, Yes!

Everyone wants an easy religion, a religion that tells him he is basically good; a religion that tells him God loves everyone and therefore overlooks anything an individual does wrong. Everyone wants a religion that gives ways for man to better himself and his society to make life easier and more pleasurable.

Almost anyone would go along with that kind of religion.

But that is not Christianity.

It is not easy to be a Christian. To make it sound easy, or to change it so that it is easy, is deception. Christianity gives proper recognition to God's greatness and man's sinfulness. There is no easy way to bring harmony between the Holy God and the sinner. However the things that are impossible with men, are possible with God (Luke 18:27).


2. A Christian sees himself or herself as a sinner.

Sin is the result of man's disobedience against God.

"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned" (Romans 5:12).

God's law for us is that we love Him.

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind" (Matthew 22:37).

God judges us in the light of His holy law.

"Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become filthy; there is none that doeth good, no, not one" (Psalm 53:3).

3. A Christian is one who stands before God in Christ.

Self justification is not the way of salvation.

"But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away" (Isaiah 64:6).

Christ died on the cross to pay for the sins of His people.

"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21).

Christ alone guarantees the Christian's acceptance with God.

"And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith" (Philippians 3:9).

~ Rev. S. Key in one of this month's featured pamphlets, Is the Christian Faith Easy?

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