
PR Psalm Choir Videos and CDs - May 3, 2015 Concert

PsalmsThe Protestant Reformed Psalm Singing Choir came into existence specifically to celebrate the psalms God has given us to praise Him. In honor of this celebration, the choir records a few psalms every year and makes them available for purchase so that others can celebrate and praise God through the psalms. Volume 18 of Fitting Praises is available for the introductory price of $8.00. All proceeds from the sales will be donated to a cause of the choir’s choice.

PsalmChoir CD 18To order online go to and pay by PayPal or credit card. You may also fill out an order form found in the back of your church and send it to the address indicated. You will also find this CD and the previous volumes of Fitting Praises in the Reformed Book Outlet in Hudsonville, MI.

Did you know that you can watch and listen to the Psalm Choir videos and many other performances of the Psalms by various choirs by visiting the Psalm Choir YouTube channel? This is a wonderful way to feed your soul with God's Word through the richness of the Psalms.

Attached here is one such video from their May 3, 2015 concert.

Last modified on 18 May 2015
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