

Synod 2015: Day 3 - Sem.R.Barnhill Sustains Examination & Synod Treats More Committee Reports

After observing Sem. Ryan Barnhill examined in church history (Medieval) by Prof.R.Dykstra and NT history by Prof.R.Cammenga, and then to conclude, in practica by his pastor, Rev.G.Eriks, Synod met in closed session to vote on approving the brother's examination and recommending him as a candidate for the ministry of the Word and sacraments in the PRC.

Synod 2015 ProfRDykstra 1 Synod 2015 RevGEriks 1

This was unanimously done, and the brother was heartily recommended to the churches as a candidate for the gospel ministry. He was declared eligible for a call on July 11, 2015.

Synod 2015 approval CandBarnhill

Rev.S.Key, president of synod 2015, reads Synod's decision to Ryan and Miranda.

Deep thanksgiving to God was expressed in song and prayer for His faithfulness in providing us another man for the ministry.

Synod 2015 post exam 2

The delegates of synod as well as the visitors were then given opportunity to congratulate the new candidate.

synod 2015 congrats RevDKuiper

Congratulations from Rev.D.Kuiper, Cand.Barnhill's mentor during his internship last year.

Synod 2015 congrats RevGEriks

Congratulated by Rev.G.Eriks, the Barnhill's pastor.

Synod 2015 congrats LandBBarnhill

Ryan and Miranda are congratulated by his parents, Les and Bev Barnhill.

The Seminary graduation program for Cand.R.Barnhill will be held this evening in Faith PRC beginning at 7:30 p.m. Prof.R.Cammenga will deliver the address, "The Minister and His Marriage." Afterward there will be an open house for Cand.Barnhill and his family in the church fellowship room. All in the area are invited to attend this event. The graduation will also be live-streamed from Faith's website for the benefit of those who cannot attend. (A copy of the program is attached here in pdf form.) We can now add a few pictures from last evening.

SemGrad 2015 ProfRC

SemGrad 2015 RBarnhillKK

Rev.K.Koole, president of the Theological School Committee presents Cand.R.Barnhill with his diploma.

SemGrad 2015 ProfRDRB

Prof.R.Dykstra, current rector of the PRC Seminary, congratulates graduate R.Barnhill.

Following its work of examining Sem.Barnhill, synod returned to receiving and acting on its committees of pre-advice.

Daily summary report from 2nd clerk of Synod:

Mr. Ryan Barnhill sustained his oral examination before Synod and was declared a candidate eligible for call in the churches on or after July 11, 2015. We rejoice in God’s gift of another candidate for the ministry to the churches.

Synod took up the work of the Board of Trustees and noted that the sale of the parsonage in NI has been finalized. Expressions of deep gratitude to God were given for the faithful labors of Mr. David Ondersma (13 years as treasurer) and Mr. Don Doezema (20 years as stated clerk), both of whom are retiring from their respective positions after synod.

All the emeritation requests were approved as were the subsidy requests after careful evaluation.

Rev. Eriks left synod due to a death in his congregation and Rev. Nathan Decker was seated as his alternative.

Synod treated an appeal against a decision of Classis East regarding the timing of the Prayer Day service. Synod did not sustain the appeal, but maintained the decision of Classis East.

Synod treated the work of the Contact Committee with both the CERC of Singapore and the CPRC of Northern Ireland. Deacon Tang and Deacon Hall addressed synod on behalf of their respective congregations. Synod received a joint letter from the two churches expressing their desire to establish sister church relationship between one another. Synod not only expressed no objections but great joy and thankfulness to God for opening this manifestation of the unity and Catholicity of the church.

Synod approved the work of the CC with the EPC of Australia and approved a 2017 conference to be held in Australia.

Synod also expressed approval of the CC’s work with the BERG and declared that their explanation regarding the differences between the PRCA and the BERG satisfied the requirement of Synod 2014.

Synod will resume labors Friday morning at 8:00 with the expectation of finishing its work tomorrow.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rev. Allen Brummel, second clerk

PRC Synod: Day 2 - Committee Work and Examination of Sem.R.Barnhill

Synod 2015 group 1

As Synod entered its second day of sessions, it was able to start receiving and acting on the reports of its committees of pre-advice this morning (cf. committee pictures below). At 10:00 AM synod turned its attention to the examination of Sem.Ryan Barnhill once again. Today he is being examined in all the loci of Dogmatics by Prof.R.Cammenga. See the full report of the day at the end of this post.

RBarnhill Synod 2015 2 Synod 2015 ProfRCammenga

In connection with the work of Committee I on the Domestic Mission Committee report, Missionary-pastor W.Bruinsma addressed the synod, describing the joys and trials of his mission labors in Pittsburgh, PA and in the eastern U.S.

Synod 2015 RevWBruinsma

Rev.R.Smit, former missionary to the Philippines (before taking a call to First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI in March of this year), answered questions from the synodical delegates relating to the work and needs in the Far East country.

Synod 2015 RevRSmit 1

Below you will find pictures of the five (5) committees of pre-advice for Synod 2015, along with a brief note on what aspect of the work has been delegated to them.

Synod 2015 Comm 1

Committee I - Elder B.Drnek, Prof.R.Cammenga (advisor), Rev.A.Brummel, Elder J.Lenting, Rev.C.Haak - DMC & FMC reports

Synod 2015 Comm2

Committee II - Deacon P.Hall (Covenant PRC, N.Ireland), Rev.J.Laning, Rev.W.Langerak, Elder D.Kregel, Elder S.Hunter, Deacon Tang Yoon Chuan (Covenant ERC, Singapore) - Contact Comm. & Peace PRC request

Synod 2015 Comm3

Committee III - Rev.D.Kuiper, Elder K.Bruinsma, Elder H.Pastoor, Rev.R. Van Overloop - Theological School Comm. and Student Aid

Synod 2015 Comm4

Committee IV - Prof.R.Dykstra (advisor), Rev.R.Kleyn, Rev.K.Koole, Elder J.Regnerus, Elder S.Miedema - Appeal of J.Kalsbeek

Synod 2015 Comm5

Committee V - Elder G.Kuiper, Elder A.Meurer, Rev.G.Eriks, Rev.S.Key - Board of Trustees, Finances, Emeritus Comm., etc.

Synod 2015 Officers 2

And we include another picture of the officers of synod this year - our thanks to Don Doezema for all the photos!

Rev.S.Key, Pres.; Rev.A.Brummel, 2nd clerk; Rev.D.Kuiper, 1st clerk; Rev.C.Haak, Vice-pres.

Daily summary by 2nd clerk of synod:

Synod witnessed the dogmatic section of the examination of Mr. Barnhill today. Mr. Barnhill gave a very good account of his knowledge of Reformed Doctrine demonstrating humility as well as excellently defining the terms and demonstrating the doctrines from Scripture. The remainder of his examination will commence Thursday morning at 8 a.m. which consists of Church History, NT History, and Practica (this will also be live-treamed through Faith PRC's website.). The examination should be finished around 10 a.m., Lord willing.

Synod took up the report of the DMC and approved the work in Pittsburgh thanking Rev. Bruinsma and Southwest PRC for their labors. Rev. Bruinsma was present to speak of the challenges of 17 years of history behind our labors with not much more to show in terms of numbers. He expressed encouragement in seeing a united core group that loves the truth and interacts well with the many visitors they continue to see at worship services and lectures. The DMC and Southwest, along with the Fellowship and missionary believe that God continues to give an open door to the spread of the gospel in the Pittsburgh area. The proposed budget was approved for 2016.

Synod turned to the work of the FMC approving the work in the Philippines. Rev. Smit, previous missionary to the Philippines, was granted permission to speak and spoke of the great need for assisting the PRCP with theological training for their students. We pray that the Lord of the Harvest will equip and prepare men for the work.
Synod approved the work of the FMC regarding Myanmar and India where they are working with Hope PRC and Georgetown PRC with a view to developing new fields of labor in those lands.
Synod approved an overture from the FMC that expands the policy of synod regarding payment for the travel of wives accompanying their husbands on official delegations. Previously men needed to be gone for 4 Sundays and their wives present for at least 14 days in order for their travel to be covered. The new policy places the responsibility on the standing committees to approve coverage on a case by case basis in situations they believe the presence of the wife will be of benefit to the delegation.

Synod plans to take up the work of Committee 4 regarding an Appeal of a decision of Classis East regarding the change of the date of the Annual Prayer Day service on Thursday at 1:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Rev. Allen Brummel

Reformed Book Outlet (Hudsonville, MI) - June 2015 Newsletter

ReformedBookOutletThe Reformed Book Outlet in Hudsonville, MI has published its June 2015 Newsletter, which includes notice of special summer reading titles from Inheritance Publications. See below for the details!

Of course, at the "RBO" you will also find plenty of sound Reformed books and other good Christian resources to satisfy your need to grow spiritually and to help others do so through gift-giving.

Read the RBO newsletter below (also attached in pdf form),check out their website (also to check on business hours),visit the bookstore, and benefit from the good Reformed literature, music, cards, and other resources available.

RBO Newsletter June 2015 Page 1


PRC Synod 2015: Day 1 - Sermon & Examination of Sem.R. Barnhill

RevKKoole Pre Synod sermon 2015Last night the pre-synodical worship service was held at Faith PRC, the calling church for this year's synod. Rev.Ken Koole, last year's synodical president, led the service and preached from Genesis 6:8 under the theme, "Noah, One Who Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord." When the sermon is posted, you will find it here on Faith PRC's Sermonaudio page.

Today (Tuesday, June 9) the examination of Sem.Ryan Barnhill begins, with his specimen sermon delivered first. Following the approval of his sermon and exegesis, his examination will continue later today. Prof.B.Gritters will examine him first in the area of church polity and then in the area of OT history (cf. pictures below).

With synod's approval, this part of the exam will also be live-streamed - beginning at 2:30 ET. To watch this part of the examination, check in at this page of Faith PRC's website. If there is nothing on the video, the exam is not taking place yet, or there is a break.

It is our prayer that the Lord will uphold and strengthen Sem. Barnhill as he undergoes this examination.

Daily summary of synod's activities:

The second clerk of Synod provides the following summary of the activities and decisions of Synod for its first day. Even though some of this is covered already above, we include his full summary report here.

Synod convened Tuesday morning at Faith PRC in Jenison, MI. The first order of business was to elect officers with the following results: Rev.Steven Key, President; Rev. Carl Haak, Vice President; Rev. Doug Kuiper Clerk; Rev. Allen Brummel, Second Clerk (cf. picture below).

Synod seated delegates from our sister churches: Deacon Tang Yoon Chuan from the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church in Singapore and Deacon Philip Hall from the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church in Northern Ireland.

The examination schedule proposed by the Theological School Committee for Seminarian Ryan Barnhill was approved with the specimen sermon scheduled for 10:30 a.m. Seminarian Barnhill addressed the delegates and a good number of visitors with the theme: "Fear Not, Israel" based on Isaiah 43:1,2. Synod declared the sermon Reformed and edifying and approved proceeding to the rest of the exam, with the sections conducted by Prof.B.Gritters on Church Polity and Old Testament History beginning at 2:30 p.m.

Prof. Gritters, who accepted an invitation to speak for a summer conference of the CERC in Singapore, found out later that the travel arrangements required him to leave for Singapore on Wednesday. The rest of the examination will continue Wednesday morning at 10:00 a.m. with Prof.R.Cammenga examining Mr. Barnhill in the area of Dogmatics. Synod approved the live streaming of the sermon and the examination from Faith PRC’s website.

Synod recessed for the day and opportunity was given to the committees to begin their pre-advice work. Lord willing, Synod will convene at 8 a.m. Wednesday to begin treatment of Committee 1's pre-advice regarding the work of the Domestic Mission Committee.
Rev. Allen Brummel, Second Clerk

RBarnhill Synod 2015 1

Sem.Ryan Barnhill delivering his sermon before synod.

RBarnhill Synod 2015 2 ProfGritters Synod 2015

Sem.R.Barnhill being examined by Prof.B.Gritters in church polity and OT history.

Synod 2015 Officers

Synod 2015 Officers: Rev.C.Haak, Rev.A.Brummel, Rev.D.Kuiper, Rev.S.Key

Rev.R.Kleyn Declines Call to Serve as Second Missionary to the Philippines; Peace PRC Announces New Trio

Image result for pray ye the lord of the harvestOn Sunday, June 7, 2015, Rev.R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC, Spokane, WA) announced that he had declined the call he had received on May 17 through the Doon PRC to serve as second missionary to the Philippines.

May the Lord of the harvest grant contentment to Doon PRC and to missionary-pastor D.Kleyn in this decision, and may He give them confidence that He will provide another man for the field in His time and way.

Let us continue to pray for the mission work being carried on in the Philippines and for the churches and saints there. For the latest news from this field, visit the Kleyn's blog.

In other news, Peace PRC (Lansing, IL) announced a new trio from which to call a pastor. The trio consists of Revs.G.Eriks (Hudsonville PRC), B.Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA), and S.Key (Loveland, CO PRC). The congregational meeting is scheduled for Sunday, June 14.


PRC Synod 2015 to Convene June 9, 2015


This week Tuesday (June 9-12, 2015) the PRC Synod 2015 will begin it meetings and deliberations at Faith PRC in Jenison, MI. Below you will find the first announcement notifying the churches of this annual meeting and some of the special events connected to it.

Visit this PRC news section next week for daily reports and pictures.

The pre-synodical service will be held on Monday evening, June 8, at 7:00 P.M., in Faith PR Church in Jenison, MI. (Collection will be for the Academy for Reformed Theology in Germany.) Rev. K. Koole, president of Synod 2014, will preach the sermon. This service will be streamed live at Synod convenes Tuesday morning at 8:30 in Faith Church.

Mr. Ryan Barnhill will be examined at this year’s synod. His specimen sermon will be delivered Tuesday morning, beginning at 10:30. Pending synod’s approval, this sermon, as well as the rest of Mr. Barnhill’s examination and his graduation, will also be streamed live at the above-mentioned link. The schedule for the rest of the examination must yet be determined by synod. Those who plan to view the examination online can look for the schedule to be announced at the time of the specimen sermon.

Graduation is planned for Thursday evening, June 11, at 7:30 in Faith Church. Prof. R. Cammenga will deliver the commencement address: “The Minister and His Marriage.”

For a preview article by Prof.R.Dykstra on this meeting of Synod and its work, see this news item on the 2015 synodical agenda.

Reformed Witness Hour Messages for June 2015

haak smallFirst PRC of Grand Rapids, MI and the Reformed Witness Hour Committee announce the messages scheduled for June 2015 on the RWH radio program.

Rev. Carl Haak, pastor of Georgetown PRC in Hudsonville, MI, will begin a series on God's holy institution of marriage, fitting for the summer season of weddings and engagements. Young married couples, those who are engaged to be married, and young adults are especially encouraged to listen to these timely messages.

Below is the schedule of messages, which you will also find attached in pdf form. For stations and time of broadcast, visit the RWH website, where you may also listen to and download past messages from the archive section.

June 2015 Flyer Page 1


Spring and Summer Report from the PRC Seminary - June 2015

Sem front May2014 1The PRC Seminary is now on recess for the summer, but that does not mean that there is not a lot of Seminary-related activity taking place. There is, and Prof.R.Dykstra's most recent Rector's report published in the June 2015 Standard Bearer proves it. Here is his summary of the past semester and what the summer holds for faculty and students.

This past semester might be called the semester of doctors. It started with a laparoscopic appendectomy gone awry, resulting in an appendix that disintegrated before removal. That put one student in the hospital and produced complications for weeks that slowed his recovery. Then our fourth-year student was diagnosed with mono, bronchitis, and infected sinuses, so we did not see him around for a while. After that it was wave after wave of colds, flu, and one case of pneumonia that took out various students from week to week. A visiting student informed us that he had been diagnosed with tuberculosis, with the result that all who were in that class were instructed to be tested (no positive results, happy to say). And now at the very end of the semester, one student is hobbling around on crutches with a badly injured knee, wondering what the surgeon will recommend.

Other than that, we are well, thanks.

From every other point of view, this was an exciting semester. Abilities developed through ten weeks straight of practice preaching. Students started teaching catechism in the churches. Reams and reams of paper were devoured for exegesis, church history, dogmatics, and church polity assignments/papers. And, very important, the instruction was well received by the diligent students one and all.

Exciting news is found elsewhere in this issue of the SB, namely, that five of the students have been licensed to speak a word of edification in the churches. As most readers know, a large class just finished its second year of seminary. To all the seminarians the Lord gives gifts in differing amounts, and causes them to develop at varying rates. Thus one cannot expect that the entire class would be ready for licensing at the same time. We thank God that these five have developed to this point, and that the others are working diligently toward this goal.

For some of the students, instruction will continue into the summer, though it will be of a different kind. Five students will have a mini-internship focusing on missions. This has been done twice in the past eight years. Many years ago bequest money was set aside (according to the designation of the giver) to be used specifically for training in missions. That money enables us to offer second-year students the opportunity to live on a mission field for a time in order to get hands-on experience. Five students responded with enthusiasm. Accordingly, two will go to Pittsburgh, one to the Philippines, and two to Spokane (a small, young congregation with extensive outreach activity).

Last, and surely not least, seminarian Ryan Barnhill has completed his fourth year of seminary training. The faculty wholeheartedly recommend him for examination at the synod of 2015. Another minister will soon take his place in the ranks. How good our God is to us.

We thank God for His grace abundantly bestowed to the students and the professors alike. And we thank God for the continued support of the churches.

Prof. Russell Dykstra, Rector

In addition. the professors will keep busy this summer, preparing for the next semester and carrying out special speaking engagements. Prof.R.Dykstra is teaching the PR Teacher's Institite seminar in NW Iowa in May and June. Prof.B.Gritters will be travelling to Singapore in June to speak at the the Covenant ERC's annual church camp. And Prof.R.Cammenga will be heading to the Philippines in August to teach his course on the Theology of John Calvin.

Summer is also a time for maintenance and upgrade work to be done at the Seminary. A new driveway is being constructed to the south of the building and the parking lot is being expanded and repaved. According to an adopted schedule, old and tired furnaces and AC units are being replaced with more efficient and effective ones. And there is always an assortment of other little projects that are more easily handled during the "off-season."

And, of course, plenty of library work is also being done, as Prof.D.Engelsma's books are being sorted and processed. More time for denominational archive work is also found during these months, so that continues as well.

We encourage you to stop by and visit us this summer, whether you come from far away or are nearby. You will receive a warm welcome by all who are here.

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