

Reformed Book Outlet - May 2014 Newsletter - Big 25% Off Sale!

The Reformed Book Outlet in Hudsonville, MI has published their May Newsletter, advertising their annual 25% OFF sale this month, with special focus on Bibles - just in time for graduations and weddings!

Read the RBO newsletter below (also attached in pdf form), check out their website, visit the bookstore, and benefit from the good Reformed literature, music, and other resources available.

RBO-Newsletter-May2014 Page 1


Rev.G. Eriks Receives Call from 1st PRC, Grand Rapids, MI

From the Council of First PRC in Grand Rapids, MI comes this news item after their congregational meeting Thursday night, May 1:

gjeriks-2013At the special congregational meeting held this past Thursday, Rev. G. Eriks was selected to receive the call to serve as our pastor following Rev. Slopsema's retirement June 30. We pray that our Heavenly Father will graciously guide him as he considers this call.


Reformed News Asia - Issue 5 - May 2014


The fifth issue of "Reformed News Asia" has been released by the Christian Literature Ministry of our sister church in Singapore, the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church, and this issue too is filled with informative and edifying content (for information on Issue #4, click on this link)!

BC Meditations - May2014-coverWorthy of special mention is the fact that this issue contains the next set of devotions on the Belgic Confession, covering Articles 15-16 on the doctrines of man's original sin and God's sovereign election. Written by Revs.M.MeGeown and D.Holstege, these devotions on the BC take you through the month of May (May 7 - June 3) You will find great spiritual profit in using these devotions.

In addition, the newsletter also contains information about the CLM's pamphlet and book ministries and about activities going on in the CERC. You will want to find out what literature is being promoted this month and what recent U.S.A. visitors to Singapore were privileged to experience.

JHoekstra Visit-2014

To receive your own digital copy of this newsletter and those to come, visit the Christian Literature Ministry page at the CERCS' website and click on the "subscribe" button. There you will also find a downloadable digital copy of the devotional booklet for May.


April 2014 Seminary Journal - More on the Heidelberg Catechism!

Cover 3 Page 1The April 2014 issue of the Protestant Reformed Theological Journal has just been published and sent out to those on our mailing list! This continues volume 47 (#2) and is once again a special issue, containing the other three speeches given at the October 2013 PR Seminary sponsored conference marking the 450th anniversary of the Heidleberg Catechism (1563-2013). For information on the previous issue and the first three speeches from this conference, visit this news item.

Inside this issue are the Journal-adapted speeches of Prof.B.Gritters, Rev.Carl Haak, and Prof.R.Dykstra. Related to these speeches, Seminary librarian, Charles Terpstra, provides a bibliography of recent books on the "HC" added to the Seminary library. And once again there are a goodly number of book reviews, including a significant review article by emeritus professor David Engelsma (see the cover image to the right for more on the contents).

The PRTJ is sent out free of charge to any who wish to receive it. We will gladly place you on our mailing list if you so desire. Contact the Seminary secretary, Judi Doezema (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you are interested in receiving the Journal this way. We can also send it to you electronically if you wish to receive it in Kindle or ePub formats (Those versions are also now available for this issue - see the Seminary's Journal page linked below.). We also attach it in pdf form here for your convenience.

If you wish to view and read any past issues, they are all archived at the Journal page on the Seminary's website. There you will also find an index for searching these issues.

May Messages on the Reformed Witness Hour

First PRC, Grand Rapids and the Reformed Witness Hour Committee announce the messages scheduled for May 2014 on the RWH program. Rev.Rodney Kleyn, pastor of the Covenant of Grace PRC in Spokane, WA, plans to finish his series on the book of Job and then also give a special Ascension Day message. Below is the schedule, which you will also find attached in pdf form.

May 2014 Flyer Page 1


Provident CC Outreach Conference

Missionary-pastor Daniel Kleyn recently participated in a special conference hosted by the Provident Christian Church in Marikina, the Philippines. He made a special post about it on his blog, which included several pictures. You are encouraged to visit that post here, while learning about the basics of the conference here.

This past Thursday (April 17) was a public holiday in the Philippines.  Provident Christian Church in Marikina, one of the churches we are working in, decided to have an outreach conference that day.  The people invited many friends and family.  Some of the members did this by handing out copies of the pamphlet, "Knowing The True God" by Rev. Houck with an invitation to the conference tucked inside.  In God's providence, several visitors attended.

PCC Conf -April 2014-1

PCC Conf -April 2014-2

The audience consisted of many from PCC as well as several visitors.


Ministerial Calls: Doon, Faith, First Grand Rapids PRCs

In news of minister calls/trios the following can be reported from this past Sunday, April 20:

RevCSpronkThe congregation of Doon (IA) PRC voted to call Rev.C.Spronk, pastor of Peace PRC, Lansing, IL.

Faith PRC received a letter of decline from Rev.R.Kleyn, currently serving in Covenant of Grace PRC in Spokane, WA.

 And First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI had this notice to the churches this week:

"With our pastor Rev. J.Slopsema scheduled to retire this year on June 30, the Council of First PRC has formed a trio of ministers for the purpose of calling a new pastor on May 1. The trio is Revs. G. Eriks (Hudsonville), C. Haak (Georgetown), and S. Key (Loveland).


Do You Receive and Read the "Beacon Lights"?

BL-header-lighthouseThe Beacon Lights is a magazine for PR young people and their parents, as well as for all - young or old in their faith - who desire to grow in grace and in the knowledge of their Savior Jesus Christ (2 Pet. 3:18). The purpose of this news item is to promote the "BL" among our own members and our friends, so that you may become a subscriber or if you are a subscriber to make sure that you are reading this fine Reformed publication.

Each month is loaded with interesting and edfying articles geared to the young people and their special needs as Reformed Christians. A glance at this month's cover demonstrates this (see the image of the cover here).

BL-April-2014 Page 1

The "BL" has an attractive, newly redsigned website, which contains information on the magazine and archives of the past issues. From the "About" page you will find this:

Psalm 144:12;   "That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth; that our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace."

In January 1941, the first issue of Beacon Lights was published. The periodical, then under the editorship of Rev. Cornelius Hanko, was produced by a mandate of the publication committee of the Protestant Reformed Young People's Federation. The magazine was distributed as a means towards achieving the goal of the Federation which, presented by Rev. Hanko in the first issue of Beacon Lights, is as follows: 

  1. To unite all Protestant Reformed Young People’s Societies so that they may work in close unity and secure a sense of solidarity.
  2. To seek the mutual edification of the members of this Federation and to strive for the development of talents as becomes Christian young people. 
  3. To strive to maintain our specific Protestant Reformed character with a united front. 
  4. To promote the welfare of the Protestant Reformed Churches, in which we have a name and a place. 

Still today the staff of Beacon Lights strives towards this goal, as well as edifying those in other denominations. Beacon Lights is written for the young people by young people as well as by adults. This magazine is also written for the parents of young people, so they may be made aware of what their children are facing in this world. The world will only get darker as it nears the end. Sin is rampant. Temptations attack from all sides. We pray that Beacon Lights may serve as a light shining in the darkness of this world to guide young people in their Christian lives.

BL Poster - Hope Page 1The "BL" staff has recently produced and mailed out some beautiful posters with a powerful message to promote this cause of the Reformed faith among our young people. We include one here. If your church does not receive hers, contact the "BL" through their website.

And if you would like to subscribe, visit this page. Do you receive and read the Beacon Lights?

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