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We will be updating this blog every now and then, so please stay tuned! If you were not directed to this blog from our Facebook page or website, we are glad you found us. =)

May God bless you in your reading!

Pro Rege,
The Salt Shakers Committee

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Chairman’s Note (Issue 71)

In mid-2023, the Salt Shaker’s (SS) Committee was subsumed under the Christian Literature Ministry (CLM). While SS continues to publish quarterly periodicals comprising articles on a variety of topics, CLM will also maintain its production of thematic pamphlets.

This merger has helped us to optimise resources, manpower and streamline processes. With this, we are optimistic in sustaining the work of publishing edifying Christian literature, which is our common goal. Lord willing, SS aims to release a further 3 issues through the rest of 2024.

In 2023, we also conducted a survey amongst some of our readers to gatherfeedback regarding SS. We have implemented some of your valuablesuggestions, which you will notice in this issue. This includes a children’s article which we hope to keep as a regular feature for every issue. We will also continue to maintain the “local flavour” of our magazine by engaging local authors (we are always on the lookout for more!) and including local topics (e.g. Goods and Services Tax hike, The Singapore Airshow).

In our upcoming issues, you may also look forward to interviews with 1stGeneration Christians in our church, as we seek to learn of what God has done for their souls, and to archive these memories for our posterity. If you are keen to share your story, please let any one of our committee members know!

Finally, remember to pass the salt!

In Christ,

Koh Zong Jie

Chairman of CLM