Daily Meditations for December

1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15| 16| 17| 18| 19| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24| 25| 26| 27| 28| 29| 30| 31

December 11

Psalm 25:1,2

    Ever since man fell into sin, man has had enemies. Performing that first act of sin against God, Adam introduced into the human race hatred also between man and man. If we do not keep the first table of the law, we will not keep the second table either. If we do not love God, we will not love the neighbor. As soon as God implants the new life of Christ in a man, that man will find the enmity of the seed of the serpent against him as seed of the woman, Genesis 3:15.

    The question therefore is not whether we have enemies, but who they are. In Psalm 25:1, 2 David prays, "Unto Thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul. O my God, I trust in Thee: let me not be ashamed, let not my enemies triumph over me."  He has in mind enemies who are God's enemies, enemies who hate him because they hate God. Therefore making David ashamed means treating God shamefully. And that should concern us.

    We are ready to pray to God when enemies threaten our natural, physical life, and we want it stopped. But what about our spiritual life? Are we concerned about spiritual shame? What about spiritual enemies? Do they bother you as much as physical enemies?

    Satan is always trying to make the church look silly, to ridicule the believer, and to make faith in God, and in His Christ, look like nonsense. From that we need full protection. And that we had better bear in mind when we sing:

    To Thee I lift my soul,
    In Thee my trust repose;
    My God, O put me not to shame
    Before triumphant foes.

    Do not forget this aspect of the many difficulties a child of God has in this life. Do not push into the background the enmity which the world has against God and His church. Bear in mind that this is all enmity against Christ, the Seed of the woman.

    In your prayer sincerely ask the God of our salvation that you may be kept from going along with the world in order to avoid shame to your name. Pray that you may not bring shame upon His church by your attitude toward those that hate God, His Christ. and the truth.

Read: Psalm 25
Psalter versification: 60:1


Daily  Meditations
 on the
Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter number 18
Why not sing along??


Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:

Amos 4 ; Amos 5 ; Amos 6
Revelation 2:18-29 ; Revelation 3:1-6
Psalm 130:1-8
Proverbs 29:21-22


Quote for Reflection:

"Not creation, not the fall, not the church, not the predestination of the elect, not even the incarnation, not the cross, are first in the good pleasure of God; but the firstborn from the dead, the glorified Christ, is first. He is the firstborn of every creature ..."   Herman Hoeksema: (Reformed Dogmatics, p. 333).

December 12

Psalm 25:4, 5

    If you trust in your own strength, you are going to be put to shame. Man is like the flower of the grass that soon fades and dies. The child of God has the devil and his host lined up against him, making his cause hopeless if it depends upon him. Peter boasted that he would never forsake Christ. Only a few hours later he denied all connection with Him, and even of knowledge concerning Him. If in the battle of faith we are going to trust in self, we are going to be overcome. Then our flesh will be serving Satan instead of fighting him.

    That is why David prayed that God would keep him from the shameful act of denying God and his faith in God. That is also why he wrote in Psalm 25:4, 5: "Show me Thy ways, O Lord; teach me Thy paths. Lead me in Thy truth, and teach me: for Thou art the God of my salvation; on Thee do 1 wait all the day." What a powerful confession!

    God must show us and teach us and lead us into the truth. Jehovah is the God of our salvation. What humility we have here! But also what profound, basic truth is here given us! In God we live, move, and have all our being in our spiritual as well as physical life. Our safety in our spiritual life depends completely upon God. Wisely then sing:

    Show me Thy paths, O Lord,
    Teach me Thy perfect way,
    O guide me in Thy truth divine,
    And lead me day by day.

    Yes, we must wait upon God all the day. He must lead us after showing us the right path which He designed for our feet, the perfect way that will bring the church to glory rather than to shame. He must keep us from bringing shame to His church in this vale of tears.

    Walk Satan's path; listen to him; let him teach you, and he will keep you in the shame into which he led Adam, and in Adam led the whole human race.

    Pray to God that He will lead you step by step every day of your pilgrimage here below. Pray that He may cause your feet to walk in the footsteps of His Son. They led away from shame and unto glory.

Read: Psalm 119:33-48
Psalter versification: 60:3

Daily  Meditations
 on the
Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter number 51
Why not sing along??


Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
Amos 7 ; Amos 8 ; Amos 9
Revelation 3:7-22
Psalm 131:1-3
Proverbs 29:23


Quote for Reflection:

C. H. Spurgeon: "We would ply the Trowel with untiring hand for the building up of Jerusalem’s dilapidated walls, and wield the Sword with vigour and valour against the enemies of the Truth." (from the first issue of The Sword and Trowel magazine, 1865).

December 13

Psalm 25:7

    There are members of our bodies that can be surgically removed for our health's sake. But without a heart man cannot live. And when we are speaking about our spiritual life, the heart of our salvation is Christ. Without Him there just is no spiritual life for fallen man. That is why David wrote in Psalm 25:7: "Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: according to Thy mercy remember me for Thy goodness' sake, O Lord." In those two words, namely, mercy and goodness, David speaks of Christ. For all of God's mercy comes to us through Christ. Our sins can be forgotten only because Christ suffered all their punishment, and because He performed all the works of love required of us. Apart from Christ man cannot taste and enjoy God's mercy. And is there any good thing, on earth or in heaven for sinful man other than and apart from Christ Who was sent into our flesh by God's grace? Is He not the way, the truth, and the life? John 14:6.

    If Satan then is not going to have the victory over us, and we are going to escape the shame of everlasting punishment in the lake of fire because of our sins from the day of our birth till the day of our death, we must have Christ and His cross. If God does not remember what Christ did for us, and apply that to us, He will remember all our sins. We will be no more capable of covering our sins than Adam and Eve were. And God had to come then and shed the blood of an animal and use its skin to cover their shame. There Christ was pictured to us.

    How necessary then that we sing this prayer:

    My sins and faults of youth,
    Let them forgotten be,
    And for Thy tender mercies' sake,
    O Lord, remember me.

    For Thy mercies' sake is for Christ's sake. He is The Seed of the woman Who crushed the head of Satan and made us a people whose sins are covered. And because God remembers not only that cross, but also who it is that Christ represented on that cross, He remembers that we are righteous in His Son.

    Our calling is to remember all this and thank God for His grace.

Read: Psalm 130
Psalter versification: 61:1

Daily  Meditations
 on the
Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter number 365
Why not sing along??


Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
Obadiah 1:1-21
Revelation 4:1-11
Psalm 132:1-18
Proverbs 29:24-25


Quote for Reflection:

The Christian life is not a thing of passive luxuriation, but of active "fighting the good fight of faith!" The Christian is not called to lie down on flowery beds of ease, but to run a race, and athletics are strenuous, demanding self-sacrifice, hard training, the putting forth of every ounce of energy possessed. I am afraid that in this wor-hating and pleasure-loving age, we do not keep this aspect of the truth sufficiently before us: we take things too placidly and lazily.  - Arthur W. Pink

December 14

Psalm 25:9, 10

    Would it comfort you and give you peace of mind if you could be given a glimpse into God's book of life, and find your name there, written in indelible ink? Well, you can and should do that. We have the Scriptures, God's word, and in it He tells us whether our names are in that book of life or not.

    In Psalm 25 David is used by God to tell us that those who are meek, and in that meekness keep His covenant and His testimonies, have their names in that book of life, and that Christ blotted out their sins and earned everlasting glory for them.

    For in Psalm 25:9, 10 we read: "The meek will He guide in judgment: and the meek will He teach His way. All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep His covenant and His testimonies" Our versification has it thus:

    The pathways of the Lord
    Are Truth and mercy sure
    To such as keep His covenant
    And testimonies pure.

    Keeping God's covenant and testimonies reveals true, sincere meekness before God. That meekness declares undeniably that these are those whom God is guiding on the way to everlasting heavenly bliss. Did Jesus not say that the meek are blessed, because they shall inherit the earth? Matthew 5:5.

    Meekness here means meekness before God. Such meekness is bowing humbly before His will. It means that by word and deed we say that He is God, and that we are creatures made by Him for His glory, creatures who must do His will continuously. We must walk the path He designed for us here below. It is the pathway of love to Him.

    Every sin is an act of pride. In it we lift ourselves above God and say to Him: "You cannot tell me what I may do!"

    Do you find meekness in your life?

    If you do, be sure to pray for God's grace to keep you in that walk of meekness. You will have the assurance of being one of His beloved children only while you walk in meekness before Him.

Read: Psalm 37:7-34
Psalter versification: 61:3

Daily  Meditations
 on the
Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter number 382
Why not sing along??


Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
Jonah 1 ; Jonah 2 ; Jonah 3 ; Jonah 4
Revelation 5:1-14
Psalm 133:1-3
Proverbs 29:26-27


Quote for Reflection:

Peace with God is opposed to the dead security of the flesh, and for this reason, — because the first thing is, that every one should become awakened as to the account he must render of his life; and no one can stand boldly before God, but he who relies on a gratuitous reconciliation; for as long as he is God, all must otherwise tremble and be confounded. And this is the strongest of proofs, that our opponents do nothing but prate to no purpose, when they ascribe righteousness to works; for this conclusion of Paul is derived from this fact, — that miserable souls always tremble, except they repose on the grace of Christ.      - - John Calvin

December 15

Psalm 25:14

    Keep God's covenant, and He will keep you enjoying covenant blessings. That awesome truth we find in Psalm 25:14, where we read: "The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him; and lie will show them His covenant."

    The secret of the Lord is not information about one's name being in the Lamb's book of life. That is no secret, as we saw yesterday. A walk of meekness before God shows that one's name is in that book.

    The word secret has in the Hebrew the root meaning of a divan or couch. Here it is a love seat where God and His people sit together and have a most intimate fellowship of friendship. God and His people sit in a private circle, where no ungodly may be. And here there is perfect agreement between God and that people. In fact, disagreement would make one get up and walk away. But the meek, of verse 9, agree with God and enjoy walking in love before Him. They keep His testimonies and covenant. To Him they say, "Thou art God, and we are Thy people. We love Thee and enjoy serving Thee." And He says to them, "I am your God and Father in Christ. I love you and have prepared a life of glory for you.

    They are friends of God, and He in Christ is their friend. They enjoy living with Him, and He reveals His love in having them there with Him in His house of many mansions. That beautiful truth we have in our versification in these words:

    They that fear and love the Lord
    Shall Jehovah's friendship know;
    He will grace to them accord,
    And His faithful covenant show.

    A bond of fellowship, a tasting of God's love, will be enjoyed by those who love God and delight in fellowship with Him. Showing His covenant is far more than making them know that there is such a covenant. It is more than causing to know that there is such a covenant. The devil knows that there is a covenant between God and His people in Christ. It means to know in the sense of enjoying all the blessings of that covenant. That is ahead for those who love God.

Read: Psalm 25:1-14
Psalter versification: 68:4

Daily  Meditations
 on the
Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter number 135
Why not sing along??


Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
Micah 1 ; Micah 2 ; Micah 3 ; Micah 4
Revelation 6:1-17
Psalm 134:1-3
Proverbs 30:1-4


Quote for Reflection:

:  “There are two great vices that hinder us from feeling the power of the Spirit of God and throwing in our lot with the Gospel. One is that we are haughty and full of presumption…It is needful then that this pride rooted in our nature be reproved even in a violent manner because we are too hardened in it. On the other hand, each one feels in himself an earthly sluggishness so that we are preoccupied and wrapped up in this world. Briefly, we are almost stupid so that we can taste neither the Word of God nor the power of His Holy Spirit unless we are awakened, as it were, by force. That is why the Spirit came as a whirlwind raised like an impetuous wind. In the first place we see that His descent was to move all the world and to make all mankind tremble, so that God might be adored and that men might be subject to Him. However, we must be awakened. We must be led to obey God and stripped of all presumption, knowing well that there is only all misery in us, that we are only mud and rottenness, indeed, even that there is only corruption in our souls until God has renewed us.  (John Calvin, Sermon 16 on the Deity of Christ).

December 16

Psalm 25:15, 16

    If he could get his way, Satan would turn us all into covenant breakers. He is constantly devising ways of getting us to turn away from God, and to go up against Him, rather than to sit down in covenant fellowship with Him.

    Of that David speaks in Psalm 25:15, 16, and also shows how miserably the devil will fail. He wrote: "Mine eyes are ever toward the Lord; for He shall pluck my feet out of the net. Turn Thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted."

    Satan is constantly devising traps wherein he can catch us. But, as David declares, God will pluck us out of his net. We cannot do that ourselves. We have not the strength to escape Satan's crafty and powerful devices. David stated it correctly when he wrote that we are desolate, that is, alone in the midst of the innumerable host of Satan's army. He also states that we are afflicted, that is, poor. That is the basic meaning of the word. Being attacked, we are helpless for we have no money to buy weapons of defense or of offense. In ourselves we are at the mercy of Satan.

    That is why the child of God must and does set his eyes upon Jehovah. He will enable us to keep His covenant and His testimonies. He will keep us safe, In His mercy in Christ He will pluck our feet out of any net into which Satan had led us and caused us to fall. He will make us look with our eyes unto God for help and safety.

    God's covenant will stand. It does not depend upon us. We are safe because of God's covenant faithfulness, not our own.

    Our versification expresses it beautifully in these words:

    My eyes are evermore
    Toward Thee, O Lord, Whose care
    Shall surely save my heedless feet
    From every hidden snare.

    Take note of the fact that God will take care of us. That care will keep us safe. There is no one more careful than God. And there is no one more powerful than He is. We are safe in His mercy.

Read: Psalm 91
Psalter versification: 62:3

Daily  Meditations
 on the
Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter number 171
Why not sing along??


Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
Micah 5 ; Micah 6 ; Micah 7
Revelation 7:1-17
Psalm 135:1-21
Proverbs 30:5-6


Quote for Reflection:

"The apostle takes it here for granted that God designed a ... state of perfection, unto the church; and that as unto its worship as well as unto its faith and obedience. We find, by the event, that it answered not the divine wisdom and goodness to bind up the church, during its whole sojourn in this world, unto a worship so carnal, burdensome, so imperfect, so unsuited to express his grace and kindness towards it, or its sense thereof. And who can but pity the woeful condition of the present Jews, who can conceive of no greater blessedness than the restoration of this burdensome service? So true is it what the apostle says, the veil is upon them unto this present day; yea, blindness is on their minds, that they can see no beauty but only in things carnal: and like their forefathers, who preferred the bondage of Egypt, because of their flesh-pots, before all the liberty and blessings of Canaan; so do they their old bondage-state because of some temporal advantages it was attended withal, before the glorious liberty of the sons of God" John Owen--(Hebrews, vol. 5, p. 419).

December 17

Psalm 25:20, 21

    There are times when we become very impatient, because we are kept waiting for that which we greatly desire. There are also times when it is a blessing to be kept waiting. Of such a waiting David speaks in Psalm 25:20, 21 in these words: "O keep my soul and deliver me; let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in Thee. Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on Thee."

    Waiting here is not waiting for something to happen. Rather it is waiting upon someone. In this case it is waiting upon God. And that means putting one's trust in Him. It is waiting upon God in the sense of looking to Him and expecting something from Him.

    What David wants is that his soul be kept from sinning against God. That is what we find in our versification also in these words:

    Defend and keep my soul,
    From foes deliver me
    And let me not be brought to shame;
    I put my trust in Thee.
    Be truth and right my shield,
    Because I wait for Thee
    Thy church, O God, do Thou redeem
    From all adversity.

    He prays that God will keep his soul from shame, and that integrity and uprightness preserve his soul. In other words, he wants to be kept in covenant faithfulness. He is not merely concerned about bodily comfort and safety. He wants to continue to walk as God's friend.

    How about it? Are you as concerned about your soul as others are about their bodies? Are you concerned about living in integrity, that is, innocency? Is uprightness, being exactly as God wants you to be, your deep desire? Is that more interesting to you than to be kept from sickness, pain, and physical death?

    Do you want to be kept where you will enjoy God's secret and enjoy covenant blessings? Pray then that you may be kept waiting upon God and His mercy in Christ. That is a blessed waiting. And that is a very important keeping. We must wait upon God; but He must keep us in that covenant activity. He must keep in us the new life Christ earned for us and has bestowed upon us.

Read: Psalm 121
Psalter versification: 63:3, 4

Daily  Meditations
 on the
Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter number 110
Why not sing along??


Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
Nahum 1 ; Nahum 2 ; Nahum 3
Revelation 8:1-13
Psalm 136:1-26
Proverbs 30:7-9


Quote for Reflection:

John Calvin on Hebrews 7:12: "As the authority of the Law and the priesthood is the same, Christ became not only a priest, but also a Lawgiver; so that the right of Aaron, as well as of Moses, was transferred to him. The sum of the whole is, that the ministry of Moses was not less temporary than that of Aaron; and hence both were annulled by the coming of Christ, for the one could not stand without the other ... We must then remember, that the Law is that part of the ministration which Moses had as peculiarly his own, and different from that of Christ. That law, as it was subordinate to the ancient priesthood, was abolished when the priesthood was abolished."

December 18

Psalm 111:10

    Where we begin, often determines whether we will succeed or fail. Begin to build a house in the sand without a good foundation, and the rain, the flood, and the wind will destroy it, Matthew 7:24-27. The same thing is true about obtaining wisdom. As we read in Psalm 111:10, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do His commandments: His praise endureth forever."

    The truth we have here is that unless we have the fear of the Lord, we have no wisdom. Men may laud us and call us the wise men of the day. But we must fear God, or we just do not understand anything correctly.

    Rule God out of His creation; fear men instead of God; and you are simply walking in folly. Attribute any part of salvation to man, and maintain that man begins it by letting Christ come into his heart, and you reveal that you have no true understanding of Christ and the salvation in Him.

    To fear God means to believe that He is God. Fear is the Old Testament word for faith. Merely to be afraid of God is not wisdom. Trust in Him, rely upon Him, and serve Him, and you are wise. The psalmist here expresses that fear by stating that they who fear God have a good understanding. The words "His commandments" do not appear in the Hebrew text. And the psalmist explains it more fully by stating, "His praise endureth forever."

    The idea is that he who fears God, he who is truly wise and has a good understanding, will praise God. That is what the fear of the Lord always produces. Our versification explains it thus:

    In reverence and godly fear
    Man finds the gate to wisdom's ways;
    The wise His holy name revere;
    Through endless ages sound His praise.

    If you praise Him by word and deed, you reveal true wisdom. Those who do not praise Him reveal lack of good understanding.

    How much wisdom have you revealed today? Do you understand your calling in the midst of this world? Are you wise as to why God placed you on this earth, and what your calling is before Him?

Read: Psalm 111
Psalter versification: 304:7

Daily  Meditations
 on the
Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter number 158
Why not sing along??


Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
Habakkuk 1 ; Habakkuk 2 ; Habakkuk 3
Revelation 9:10-21
Psalm 137:1-9
Proverbs 30:10


Quote for Reflection:

 "In this verse the apostle evidently declares what he intended by ‘the law’ in that foregoing, which ‘the people received under the Levitical priesthood.’ It was the whole ‘law of commandments contained in ordinances,’ or the whole law of Moses, so far as it was the rule of worship and obedience unto the church; for that law it is that followeth the fates of the priesthood ... Wherefore there is also ... ‘a change of the law;’ that is, an abolition of it: for it is a change of the same nature with the change of the priesthood; which, as we have showed, was its abolition and taking away ... there is ‘made’ a change. It did, indeed, necessarily follow on the change of the priesthood; yet not so, but that there was an act of the will and authority of God on the law itself. God made this change, and he alone could do it; that he would do so, and did so, the apostle proves in this and the verses following. So is the ‘law of commandments contained in ordinances taken out of the way,’ being ‘nailed unto the cross of Christ,’ where he left it completely accomplished" John Owen (Hebrews, vol. 5, pp. 428, 434).

December 19

Psalm 76:10

    In days gone by it looked, and in days to come it will look, as though things momentarily slipped out of God's control. Cain killed Abel. Pharaoh placed all of Jacob's offspring in abject slavery. The Jews killed God's only begotten Son. And pretty soon the antichrist will wreak havoc upon the church of Christ.

    But Asaph was used by God to assure us that all is well, and that all things always work together for good. He wrote in Psalm 76:10: "Surely the wrath of man shall praise Thee: the remainder of wrath shalt Thou restrain." And our versification states it thus:

    When from heaven
    Thy sentence sounded
    All the earth in fear was still,
    While to save the meek and lowly
    God in judgment wrought His will:
    E'en the wrath of man shall praise Thee,
    Thy designs it shall fulfill.

    Absolutely everything that happens praises God, for it all is exactly as He eternally planned it. That cruel and arrogant death of Christ was not due to a momentary loss of control by God. He planned it, as we read in Luke 22:22. He went as God had determined. And therefore God was praised in it as His work of blotting out our sins.

    What will not serve God's church will never, no never, happen. Nothing in the future, no matter how terrible the church is persecuted, will not serve the elect children of God to bring them to heavenly glory.

    Nothing in your life, no matter how painful and what a loss it may be for the flesh, will to any degree keep you from reaching the exact place in glory that God eternally planned and promised in His word.

    The devil, the fallen angels, and all the unbelievers that ever lived on this earth are all tools in God's hand to bring us exactly what we need to be polished, so that we, in the day of Christ, may shine, brightly with the glory of God.

    All is well. And we do well to praise God for His constant care and loving kindness which He shows unto us.

Read: Psalm 76
Psalter versification: 207:3

Daily  Meditations
 on the
Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter number 240
Why not sing along??


Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
Zephaniah 1 ; Zephaniah 2 ; Zephaniah 3
Revelation 10:1-11
Psalm 138:1-8
Proverbs 30:11-14


Quote for Reflection:

"First, the Levitical priesthood was inadequate, incapable of producing ‘perfection’. Second, therefore it was but a temporary institution, and the whole economy connected with it must be set aside. In other words, Judaism as such, was now defunct. Thus ‘a change of the law’ means a change of dispensation, a change of Divine administration. This at once fixes the meaning of ‘law’ in the parenthetic clause of the previous verse. The reference is not to the ten commandments, but to the Mosaic system" A. W. Pink (Exposition of Hebrews, p. 385).

December 20

Psalm 26:1

    A man who lost a court case may appeal to a higher court, thinking that the members of the jury have, or the judge has, been influenced by emotion rather than facts; and he may desire to have a higher judge listen to his evidence and vindicate him.

    But a man who is guilty and declared innocent will not appeal his case or want a retrial. It may seem strange then that in Psalm 26 David appeals to the highest Judge that there is, namely, God, and that he prays: "Judge me, O Lord; for I have walked in my integrity: I have trusted also in the Lord; therefore I shall not slide" Psalm 26:1.

    Now bear in mind that this is David, a man of the fallen human race, and of whom there are many sins recorded in Scripture. Dare he sing:

    Be Thou my judge, O righteous Lord,
    Try Thou my inmost heart;
    I walk with steadfast trust in Thee,
    Nor from Thy ways depart.

    The explanation lies in the fact that the words "judge me" are better translated as "vindicate me."   Vindicating is judging but in the sense of telling false accusers that they are wrong.

    Quite plainly there were those who accused David of walking in sins which he did not commit. He did trust in God and was not an unbeliever.

    How urgent and necessary it is for us today that we make this our prayer. There is much that calls itself church and many who claim to be Christians, who accuse others of teaching false doctrines and of defending lawlessness. What counts is not what earthly judges decide, but what God finds in man's heart and mind.

    Not only does God's decision count, but it ought to give us confidence and assurance.

    Never mind what men say. They so often are wrong. But God is never wrong in His judgments. And in the judgment day it will all become plain. Commit your way now then unto God. Keep trusting in Him to set all things right in the day of Christ.

Read: Psalm 26
Psalter versification: 69:1

Daily  Meditations
 on the
Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter number 121
Why not sing along??


Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
Haggai 1 ; Haggai 2
Revelation 11:1-19
Psalm 139:1-24
Proverbs 30:15-16


Quote for Reflection:

 "Nor is it only the Aaronic priesthood which must be superseded. That priesthood was instituted under the Mosaic law, and was so integral to it that a change in the priesthood carries with it inevitably a change in the law. If the Aaronic priesthood was instituted for a temporary purpose, to be brought to an end when the age of fulfilment dawned, the same must be true of the law under which that priesthood was introduced" F. F. Bruce on Hebrews 7:12 (Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews, p. 145).

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Last modified, 15-Sep-2007