Missions of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America

Domestic Missions

philmap2The PRC have three foreign missionaries working in the Philippines at present, with metro Manila as the base. Rev.Daniel Kleyn (assisted by his wife Sharon), Rev. Daniel Holstege (assisted by his wife Leah), and Rev. Richard Smit (assisted by his wife Tricia) carry out the responsibilities for a number of labors with churches, pastors, and contacts throughout this country (See map to the left). Visit their website to learn more about these labors. You may also visit the Kleyn's blog to see a more personal side to the life and work in this foreign land.

In addition, the PRC help support the mission labors of the Covenant PRC (N.Ireland) in Limerick, Ireland, where Rev. Martyn McGeown serves as missionary. And, several of our congregations are involved with labors in India (Georgetown PRC) and in Myanmar (Hope PRC, Walker). Our sister church in Singapore (Covenant ERC) is also involved in mission labors in India, in Kolkata, through her missionary Rev. Emmanuel Singh.

Secretary for Foreign Mission Committee: 

Rev. James Laning: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

PRC Missions in the Philippines (51)

2 missionaries 2020

Missionaries Daniel Kleyn and Richard Smit
Calling Church: Doon PRC, Doon, IA

Philippine Mission Resource website (audio and literature)

Missionary blogs:

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Myanmar Labors (Hope PRC, GR) (11)

This is a mission labor of Hope PRC, Grand Rapids, MI, with assistance from her Reformed Witness Committee and the Foreign Mission Committee of the PRC.

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India Missions (0)

The India mission labors involve the work of Georgetown PRC in Vellore with assistance from the Foreign Mission Committee of the PRC, and the work of Covenant ERC (Singapore) in Kolkata.

Map India 1


ESingh Nov 2015
Emmanuel Singh presenting in CERC on the Kolkata, India missions, 2016

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Philippine Mission News - July 2023


Greetings to our PRCA Congregations

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord of the Harvest. Significant changes have taken place in our mission labors in the Philippines which we need to report to you.

Decision to Withdraw Our Missionaries

The Doon Council and the FMC decided in April 2023 to begin the process of withdrawing our missionaries from the Philippines. Synod 2023 expressed approval of this decision for these reasons:

"a. Since the PRCP has become more established, they want to carry out the mission work in the Philippines, rather than having our missionaries do this work. 1) The PRCP’s desire to perform their own mission work: “The testimony of the missionaries and the testimony of the recent 2023 delegation indicate that the PRCP desire to perform their own domestic mission work within the Philippines and do not desire the assistance of the PRCA in their mission work” (Agenda, p. 264). 2) At this time, SNO is not a viable mission field for our missionaries. Due to the presence of a dangerous communist group in SNO, it would not be safe for our missionaries to live there. In addition, the PRCP desire to take over this work in the future. 3) The impact of this for the missionaries: “The missionaries are no longer fulfilling many aspects of their mandate and call as missionaries” (Agenda, p. 264). Instead, the missionaries are now functioning more as visiting ministers by providing pulpit supply, teaching catechism, leading Bible studies, and helping the Classis periodically. This was not the reason they were called to the Philippines as missionaries.

b. The PRCP no longer intend to utilize the missionaries to provide seminary instruction to their prospective ministers. 1) Providing seminary instruction had become the primary work of the missionaries due to developments on the mission field. 2) However, the one student who was receiving instruction from the missionaries is no longer enrolled. In addition, the PRCP has made known their desire to utilize our denominational seminary moving forward. The Classis of PRCP wrote: “We are pondering now to send our future students in [sic] the PRTS in MI, USA [the Lord willing] just like what the Berean PRC did with Rev. Ibe ten years or so ago. The advantages we think outweigh the disadvantages” (Agenda, p. 286) 3) Thus, this important aspect of the work of the missionaries is no longer desired.

c. Doon PRC and the FMC have the calling to determine whether the missionary’s work should be continued. “During the initial term of service and subsequently, the calling church and the denominational mission committee shall regularly evaluate the missionary’s labors, primarily to help him develop the gifts necessary for mission work, and secondarily to determine whether the missionary’s work should be continued” (“Constitution of the Foreign Mission Committee,” VI.D.2; emphasis added).

d. A decision regarding the withdrawal of both missionaries from the field follows our normative practice of sending missionaries two by two into this particular field of labor (cf. Acts of Synod 2008, articles 57-58; Acts of Synod 2009, articles 35-37)."

Preparations and plans have been made, and also have been implemented, for our staggered withdrawal from the Philippines.

Decision to End Our Mission Work in the Philippines

In addition to its approval that our missionaries be withdrawn from the Philippines, Synod 2023 directed "the Doon council and the FMC to close the mission field in the Philippines and take the necessary steps to bring the work to completion." Here are the Synod's reasons:

"a. Since the PRCP has become more established, they want to carry out the mission work in the Philippines, rather than having our missionaries do this work. 1) The PRCP’s desire to perform their own mission work: “The testimony of the missionaries and the testimony of the recent 2023 delegation indicate that the PRCP desire to perform their own domestic mission work within the Philippines and do not desire the assistance of the PRCA in their mission work.” (Agenda, p. 264) 2) At this time, SNO is not a viable mission field for our missionaries. Due to the presence of a dangerous communist group in SNO, it would not be safe for our missionaries to live there. In addition, the PRCP desire to take over this work in the future. 3) The impact of this for the missionaries: “The missionaries are no longer fulfilling many aspects of their mandate and call as missionaries” (Agenda, p. 264). Instead, the missionaries are now functioning more as visiting ministers by providing pulpit supply, teaching catechism, leading Bible studies, and helping the Classis periodically. This was not the reason they were called to the Philippines as missionaries.

b. The PRCP no longer intend to utilize the missionaries to provide seminary instruction to their prospective ministers. 1) Providing seminary instruction had become the primary work of the missionaries due to developments on the mission field. 2) However, the one student who was receiving nstruction from the missionaries is no longer enrolled. In addition, the PRCP has made known their desire to utilize our denominational seminary moving forward. The Classis of PRCP wrote: “We are pondering now to send our future students in [sic] the PRTS in MI, USA [the Lord willing] just like what the Berean PRC did with Rev. Ibe ten years or so ago. The advantages we think outweigh the disadvantages.” (Agenda, p. 286) 3) Thus, this important aspect of the work of themissionaries is no longer desired.

c. There are still necessary steps that must be taken tobring the work to completion. These steps include, but are not limited to, ensuring that the ongoing work of the missionaries is properly transferred to the PRCP and determining who will manage the Philippine Book Fund (both inventory and funds) as well as the mission fieldwebsite."

According to this synodical decision, our foreign mission work in the Philippines is being brought to a fitting and brotherly conclusion.

Withdrawal of Rev. Smit and Family

We spent the latter half of April and most of May selling and disbursing our household possessions. What we wanted to keep (books and some household possessions), we put into 10 shipping boxes (20" x 20" x 20"). We expect that these things will arrive in Hudsonville, MI, by late July.

After our farewells in May to the PRCP congregations and our brethren in southern Negros Occidental, and after graduations at Faith Academy on June 2, we departed from Manila and travelled on a direct flight to Vancouver, B.C., Canada, on Monday, June 5. We spent a week in the Lynden, WA, area so that we could visit family and so that I could provide pulpit supply to the Lynden congregation on June 11. We arrived in Hudsonville, MI, on June 14, where we will remain in our interim housing during the summer months with our older children and siblings as we wait for the Lord to provide for me a place of labor in our churches in His good time.

Current Activities of Rev. and Mrs. Kleyn

Rev. and Mrs. Kleyn are currently doing the work of downsizing, selling items, and packing their remaining belongings and books.

Rev. Kleyn is preaching three Sundays a month in the vacant Provident PRC and one Sunday in Provident's outreach work in Guiguinto, Bulacan. He is teaching Provident's two catechism classes and leading its Wednesday Night Bible Study, which currently meets twice a month and is continuing its study in Acts.

The Kleyns are expected to depart from the Philippines in about mid-September, the Lord willing.

July Delegation of the Doon Council and FMC

For the brotherly closure of the mission work, a delegation from the Doon Council and FMC is being planned for a visit in the Philippines from July 21 to 31. This visit is intended to provide fellowship for the Kleyns, but it is also intended by the Doon Council and the FMC to express a formal and fitting "farewell" to our fellow saints in the PRCP and SNO. Mr. Jim Regnerus (Doon) and Mr. Brian Gritters (FMC) will serve on this delegation, and be accompanied by their wives and some of their daughters.

Southern Negros Occidental

Rev. Kleyn recently (June 19-20) travelled to SNO with Rev. V. Ibe, Elder Sonny Umali, and Elder Alann Penaverde in order to introduce the delegation of PRCP with the five pastors and several elders of the SNO congregations (Inayauan, Si-alay, Canturay, Maricalum (Sipalay), and Hinobaan). According to Rev. Kleyn's report, this visit seemed to be a good start to the transition of the work in SNO to the PRCP churches.

PRCP Congregations

The Contact Committee of the PRCP is currently working with the Contact Committee of the PRCA regarding pulpit supply needs in the latter part of 2023 and beyond. This possible pulpit supply for the two PRCP churches is very helpful since only Berean PRCis served by Rev. Vernon Ibe, while Provident PRC remains vacant. We pray that the Lord will also grant seminary students to the PRCP, and through their seminary training, faithful pastors. We commend the PRCP to the grace and Word of our God.


Synod 2023 thanked the current and former missionaries (Revs. A. Spriensma, D. Holstege, R. Smit, and D. Kleyn) as well as their wives and families for their selfless and dedicated labors over the years in the Philippines. In expressing thanks for the fruit that the Lord brought through our laborers, Synod echoed Scripture: “Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man? I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.” (1 Corinthians 3:5-6)

Synod also thanked the FMC and the Doon PRC for their diligent labors for the past 22 years in the Philippines. We, too, express our sincere thanks for their faithful and persevering labors.

We also pray that the Lord in His mercy will guide our churches soon into another foreign field of labor in the areas, as designated by Synod, under the oversight of the FMC: Mexico, The Caribbean, Central and South America, Africa, and Asia (including the Middle East).

While we pray that the Lord's kingdom may come, may He grant us the grace and wisdom to be prepared for the privilege to serve Him through our calling churches and missionaries in another place in the Lord's harvest field (Mark 16:19-20).

In His Service and in Your Behalf,
Rev. Richard J. Smit and Family


PRC Foreign Missions in the Philippines - March 2023 Newsletter


Missionaries: Rev. D. Kleyn (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) & Rev. R. Smit (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Dear members of the Protestant Reformed Churches, warm greetings from the Philippines. We are enjoying some milder weather here right now. But although December through February are our coolest months, our overnight lows are rarely below 75 degrees F. These lower temps feel cold to most people here, but “cold” isn’t really part of our vocabulary when it comes to the weather. Just lately our daytime temps have started climbing into the high 80s and low 90s. The “hot season” will soon be here. Usually, March through May are the hottest months, and then the rainy season begins (June through October).

We and the Smits are all doing well here. Sharon and I are both well again after our recent surgeries. We thank the Lord for His care and goodness through it all and for enabling us to return to our life and work in the Philippines. It is good to be with our Filipino brethren again as well as with the Smit family. We thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, too.

In connection with news on our families, the Smits recently received approval from Doon and the FMC to take a furlough this year. They hope to take a longer one this time, the Lord willing, from June through December. This will not only serve as a good time of refreshment, but it will also enable them to spend time with their immediate family (especially their children), as well as to help one of their sons who is graduating from high school with his move to the USA.


The most significant, recent activity for all of us was the visit in January of two delegations from the PRCA. The first delegation, representing Doon PRC and the Foreign Mission Committee, and which came as part of their supervision of the work of the missionaries, consisted of Caleb Woiwood and Doug (& Lisa) Brands. The second delegation, representing the Contact Committee, was made up of Sid Miedema and Rev. Martyn (& Larisa) McGeown. This CC delegation came with the purpose of visiting, encouraging, and becoming better acquainted with the PRCP, our sister church here in the Philippines. Apart from some missed flights and lost luggage, their travels went well. They stayed with the missionary families, and thus we had plenty enjoyable fellowship with them all.

The delegation from Doon and the FMC was able to accompany us over a weekend to Southern Negros Occidental (SNO) to meet the pastors and the churches there, something they were able to do at church on Sunday as well as at the pastors’ classes on Monday. All the delegates worshiped at least once in each of the two PRCP churches here in Manila (Berean PRC and Provident PRC). Also, Rev. McGeown preached on both Sundays he was here, one Sunday in each of the two churches.

The two delegations overlapped for about a week, which enabled them to hold combined meetings with men from the PRCP, as well as with us missionaries. Much discussion took place concerning both our PRCA’s current work here, as well as the future of our denomination’s labors within and for the PRCP. This included talking of such things as the effects of the controversy and schism upon our denominations, the future of seminary instruction, the strengthening of sister church relations between our denominations, a possible transition of the work here from being Foreign Mission work to being exclusively the work of our Contact Committee, and the PRCP’s desire to have a minister on loan one day, the Lord willing.

The visits by the delegations were timely and a good encouragement to our missionary families as well as to the saints and churches here. We thank the delegates for visiting, and our churches for sending them. A special thanks also to the wives who came along, something that our wives truly appreciate, as do also the ladies in the churches here.

Our Work in the PRCP

Both Rev. Smit and I continue to help out as needed in the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines (PRCP). Most of the work we do now is in Provident PRC, which congregation is vacant. We help with pulpit supply, which includes a monthly visit I make to Provident’s outreach work in Guiguinto. Rev. Smit leads a weekly Bible study, and I teach Provident’s catechism classes. Rev. Smit does also preach one Sunday each month in the Berean PRC, which frees up Rev. Ibe to visit the Berean’s outreach work in Gabaldon. Another area of our work in the PRCP is assisting the Classis with church visitation, along with taking a turn (with Rev. Vernon Ibe) in chairing the classis meetings.

Up to this point in time, what has especially kept us busy as missionaries is the work of seminary training. As you know, a few years ago we had three seminary students here, but two of them withdrew from the seminary when they left the PRCP during the schism and split in May of 2021. As a result, just one seminary student remained. However, the remaining seminary student was advised by Committee #1 (the Theological School Committee), at the end of December, not to proceed with his seminary training for academic reasons. This decision was approved by the recent PRCP Classis (Feb. 25). The result is that we missionaries are now no longer involved in providing seminary instruction in the Philippines.

All of this was disappointing for everyone here, for the need of ministers of the gospel is urgent. Currently the PRCP has only one pastor (Rev. Ibe). More laborers are needed for the Lord’s harvest, as we know is also the case in the PRCA. Much prayer is needed, along with words of encouragement to young men who may be suitable for the gospel ministry.

What also contributes to the uncertainty of the seminary here (i.e., in addition to not having any students) is that the PRCP has indicated that they would like to use the Theological School of the PRCA for the training of their future students, the Lord willing.

These recent changes have significantly reduced the amount of work we are doing within the PRCP. The seminary took up the lion’s share of our time, with each of us preparing and teaching new courses each semester. However, we know and believe these changes are according to the Lord’s perfect will. We are confident therefore that all these things do and will continue to work for good for both us and the churches here.

Our Work in SNO

The changes regarding our seminary work have made us wonder if we can now concentrate our work in the churches in SNO (Southern Negros Occidental). But first a brief summary and update regarding this work.

To date our work in SNO has usually consisted of a monthly visit during the week to provide instruction to a group of pastors who, along with their congregations, are interested in learning more of the Reformed faith and becoming better established as churches. Due to Covid restrictions, however, we were unable to visit SNO for over two years (from February 2020 until May 2022). In May of 2022 we again resumed our visits. And since September, we have included a Sunday in our visits so that we can also preach and teach, at their request, in their churches. The instruction for the pastors is then given on the Mondays we are there, usually all morning and into the early afternoon. Rev. Smit is currently lecturing in Dogmatics (Christology), and I in Homiletics (sermon making).

There are five pastors and five churches involved in this work, though not all the churches are properly constituted as Reformed churches. The churches range from having about 75 members down to approximately 10 to 15 members. It continues to be the desire of these pastors and their congregations to become part of the PRCP one day, if possible and the Lord willing. Our work is being done therefore with that goal in mind. For that reason, we have also provided instruction in the past in the Church Order. We hope to return to the Church Order again with a view to helping the churches which are not yet properly instituted to become so, guiding them in the formation of a classis (presently they are independent congregations), and assisting them in their desire to join the PRCP.

There are various things that need to be sorted out and decided regarding this work, including the question of when the PRCP might become involved in SNO. We pray the Lord will make His will and way clear. We wait on Him therefore to see what He has in store for us with regard also to these labors in the Philippines.

That brings the news to an end. Please remember the saints here in your prayers. We thank the Lord for your faithful support of and interest in the work and in the churches and saints here. Be assured of our prayers for you all and for our Protestant Reformed Churches.

In the love of Christ, Rev. Daniel Kleyn


Philippine Mission Newsletter - September 2022



Greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of the Harvest, from the City of Antipolo, in the province of Rizal of the Philippines.

Here is an update regarding our labors in the past several months.

2022 Furloughs

My family enjoyed our furlough from May 31 to July 28, our first since being called back to labor here in December 2017. Rev. and Mrs. Daniel Kleyn enjoyed their furlough from July 11 to August 30.

When thinking about our respective furloughs in June to August 2022, now seemingly long passed already, I was reminded of a comment about furloughs in a book, The Reformed Church in China 1842-1951, written by Gerald F. De Jong. The comment appears on p. 80:

Furloughs for missionaries were, of course, necessary. Few critics could find fault with Philip Pritcher's observations that "missionaries, like all other busy workers, get run down, worn out, and on account of the unvarying daily routine... become more or less rusty. Physically, mentally, and spiritually the whole life is apt to, and very often does, become sluggish."

Although those observations were written in a vastly different age of transportation and communication in May 1897, yet his main point is certainly still apt. We, too, understand from experience the need for periodic furloughs among our PRCA congregations in North America, in the midst of our calling church in Doon, and among our respective families and friends. Although our furloughs involved a different kind of work, including overcoming jetlag, pulpit supply, some presentations, and attendance at various ecclesiastical meetings, yet they provided rest, vacation, and recuperation. As a result, we have returned to the field "oiled" for our ongoing task here. 

Our Task within the PRC in the Philippines

The first main part of our current task here has been providing pulpit supply to the vacant Provident PRC. Rev. Kleyn and I currently provide pulpit supply to Provident three Sundays per month. We continue providing pulpit supply in the Berean PRC when necessary. Usually that is the case for the Berean PRC in the weeks that Rev. Ibe is on vacation or when he is sent to Gabaldon to teach a catechism class and to lead a worship service on the first Sunday of each month. Sometimes we provide pulpit supply in the Berean PRC on the Sundays after a week when Rev. Ibe's pastoral workload is unusually heavy. We are thankful for the opportunity to be engaged regularly in sermon work and regular preaching for the PRCP congregations.

Our preaching task includes catechism instruction. Rev. Kleyn teaches two catechism classes in the Provident congregation: the Old Testament Bible History for the younger children, and the Reformed Doctrine class (Belgic Confession) for the teenagers. With the approval of the Doon consistory, I teach our four sons here since the class schedules in the Berean and Provident churches do not work for our family. I am teaching OT History for Beginners, Heidelberg Catechism, and Essentials of Reformed Doctrine.

A significant second element of our task within the PRCP is our role as teachers in their seminary program. We are teaching one seminary student, Bro. Ace Flores, who is in his third year of training. We have a pre-seminary student, Bro. Peter Zuniega, who has joined Bro. Ace in the NT Greek Grammar course. Rev. Kleyn teaches two courses (Hebrew Reading and Church Polity), while I am teaching Introduction to Dogmatics, Theology, and NT Greek Grammar. This part of our task keeps us busy each week in preparation and in the actual classroom instruction.

Our task within the PRCP includes a third component of leading Bible Study. Currently, the Council of Provident PRC has assigned me to lead the Wednesday night Bible Study. We have been studying the book of Acts, and currently are studying about the first New Testament martyr, Stephen, in chapter 7. There are on average about 17 persons in attendance.

Our task within the PRCP has included a fourth element of participating in conferences with lectures. We have done so in past years, and Rev. Kleyn had the opportunity to do so again in a conference on July 2 which was sponsored by the PRCP Classis for the PRCP membership. The conference addressed the topic of the recent schism in the PRCP and PRCA in 2021. In addition to Rev. J. Laning ("Repentance and Good Works") and Rev. W. Langerak ("The Covenant, Fellowship, and Good Works") from the PRCA, Rev. Kleyn also spoke on the schism under a speech entitled, "Church Political Matters." In addition to the speeches, Rev. Kleyn, Rev. Laning, and Rev. Langerak were kept busy with many questions and profitable discussion during the coffee and lunch breaks.

Finally, our formal task within the PRCP includes attending the Classis meetings of the PRCP and providing advice as a committee whenever asked for such by the consistories, the Classis, or one of its standing committees. The next PRCP Classis is scheduled soon for November 1.

Medical Leave

We have been reminded again that the gift of health and strength is necessary for continuation in the mission task here by the recent announcement in the PRCA regarding the health needs of Rev. and Mrs. Kleyn.

The Council of the Doon PRC, with the concurrence of the FMC, has approved and announced a 9-week medical leave of absence for Rev. and Mrs. D. Kleyn from their missionary task in the Philippines. It is expected that the leave of absence (October 26 to December 28) will provide sufficient time for their surgeries and recovery.

If all goes as well as the physicians expect, then we are looking forward to welcoming the Kleyns back home again in Antipolo on December 29, the Lord willing. Pray that the Lord will watch over them in their travels and through the medical procedures, will provide a good outcome, and will give them a speedy recovery in order to resume their role in the ongoing task at hand here.

Some Adjustments

In light of the leave of absence, some adjustments are being prepared in our pulpit supply schedule in the PRCP and in the catechism instruction in Provident PRC. The elders will be helping with leading worship services when pulpit supply is unavailable and with teaching catechism until Rev. Kleyn has returned.

With regard to seminary instruction, the impact of the medical leave on the instruction in the seminary program for the PRCP appears at this time to be manageable without requiring, for example, emergency help from one of our retired pastors or professors. Adjustments have been proposed and approved by Committee 1 (TSC) for the second half of the first semester and the upcoming semester. Thus, what cannot be completed in the courses that Rev. Kleyn is currently teaching this semester will be covered in the upcoming semester without difficulty in the scheduling. We are thankful to the Lord that, in His wise timing, the impact of the leave to our seminary task is minimal.

Our Task in Southern Negros Occidental

Another major element of our missionary task in the Philippines is our work with churches and contacts in the Visayan area that we, who have been very familiar with snow in North America, affectionately call SNO.

We started visiting again in SNO in May. At that time, we resumed our monthly Monday classes with the regular group of pastors and elders with whom we had been working before the disruptions of Covid regulations. Currently, we are presenting lectures in Homiletics (sermons) and in Christology.

Then, earlier in September, in addition to our monthly Monday classes, we resumed preaching in the area churches, at their request, on Sundays. On September 18, Rev. Kleyn preached in the Reformed Christian Church in Canturay while I preached in the Reformed Free Church in Inayauan. The churches at this point have one regular worship service with all of the necessary elements of worship according to the regulative principle. However, prior to their morning worship service, they have a tradition of a one-hour service of "Sunday School" in which the pastors teach catechism to the congregation. This type of service is common in many churches in the Philippines, and we have experienced this in our labours with other churches. In some, the "Sunday School" service eventually became a full worship service for Heidelberg Catechism preaching. Thus, to develop to that goal, the local pastors preach the Heidelberg Catechism in that one-hour service, which we also do when visiting.

We intend to continue laboring with them, the Lord willing, at their request as they continue their development as Reformed congregations in all necessary respects according to Scripture, our Reformed confessions, and Reformed church order. A commendable goal that the leaders desire is, not a loosely associated group of independent Reformed congregations, but a communion of churches of like precious faith. Our prayer is that the Lord will bless us in our role of service to the leaders and their gatherings in their development and that the Spirit of our Lord by this means may continue to guide them into His truth.

Bro. Dick Espiritu (1941-2022)

Some visitors may remember meeting our fellow saint, Bro. Dick Espiritu, one of the first officebearers of the Berean PRC when Rev. A. Spriensma was laboring here. He labored several terms as deacon after the Berean congregation was instituted in 2006. Bro. Dick was taken by the Lord to glory in death on Monday morning, September 12. His burial was on September 19, which would have been his 78th birthday. He is survived by his wife, Sis. Violy. Two of his sons, Bro. Herbert and Bro. Andrew, along with their wives and children are also members of our Berean PRC. The missionaries and our wives had the opportunity to visit with the family at the funeral wake and to bring them in their sorrow words of comfort and hope from Scripture.

We give thanks to the Lord that, in a predominantly Roman Catholic country where most believe the horrible, ungodly teaching of purgatory, we with the Espiritu family might stand in genuine faith before death and the grave in the victory of our Lord Jesus Christ! What a comfort to know assuredly that at the end of our earthly sojourn we have for Christ's sake alone this triumphant expectation: Thou shalt guide me with Thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. (Psalm 73:24)

In His Service,
Rev. Richard J. Smit


Philippines Mission Newsletter - April 2022

PRCP website header


April 2022  Newsletter

Missionaries: Rev. D. Kleyn (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) & Rev. R. Smit (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Dear fellow saints in the Protestant Reformed Churches, greetings from across the Pacific.

We think of you all often, pray for you daily, and trust that you enjoy, as we do, the Lord’s care and blessing.

No doubt your weather is gradually warming up as Spring arrives and God’s creation comes to life again. We have entered our dry season here and temps have slowly climbed from daytime highs in the low 80s to highs in the mid-90s. This makes our periodic “cool offs” at the Faith Academy pool most welcome and enjoyable.

Speaking of Faith Academy, the school the Smit children attend, we are very glad that after almost two years of online instruction, face-to-face classes started up again this past March. This has not happened yet for the public schools, but we are grateful the government has at least approved it for some private schools. At first the children attended only two days per week, but now they attend from Monday through Thursday, with Friday being an at-home study day. This is a significant and encouraging development for us all.

We are also once again teaching face-to-face seminary classes. While the first semester of the current school year was a hybrid of online and face-to-face instruction, since January we have been able to meet in class. That comes after at least 1 ½ years of “virtual” instruction.  Rev. Smit and I provide the instruction, and the classes are held in the guest house behind our (the Kleyn’s) home. The PRCP has one seminary student, and he is currently taking 5 courses: Hebrew, Dogmatics, Church Polity, NT History, and NT Isagogics. To save travel time, the classes are all taught on two days each week. And what a difference face-to-face makes! It certainly underscores how inadequate virtual instruction is. Please pray that the Lord blesses this work and that He might raise up more young men to study for the ministry. The need here, as is also true for you, is indeed great.

philmap2Now that covid restrictions are lifting, we should soon be able to visit the pastors and churches in Southern Negros Occidental again, specifically the three who have expressed a desire to be Protestant Reformed and eventually, the Lord willing, to join with the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines. Our last visit there was in February of 2020. In the meantime, we continue to send them copies of the Standard Bearer, Beacon Lights, PR Theological Journal, etc. They are eager for us to visit again and to resume our regular work among them. The Lord willing, we plan to visit them in May.

The PRCP churches have continued to experience some struggles and disappointments, especially on account of covid and of the schism in the churches, but by God’s grace they are doing well. Most of the regular church activities have returned to normal, such as catechism classes, Bible studies, Classis meetings, etc.  And apart from a six-week period in August and September of 2021, the churches have also been able to hold face-to-face worship each Sunday. Rev. V. Ibe preaches most Sundays in the Berean PRC, and the two missionaries provide the preaching in Provident PRC, in Provident’s outreach work in Guiguinto (about one hour north of Manila), and as needed in the Berean PRC.

One of the recent disappointments for the PRCP (as also for us missionaries) was that the emeritus pastor, Rev. L. Trinidad, withdrew from the denomination and joined with the RPC in Bulacan. A few others in the PRCP have recently done the same. In spite of these departures and the harsh accusations leveled against the PRCP and PRCA, we and the saints here are confident that the Lord uses also these events for the building up of His church as well as for our own personal growth and good.

This past March the Philippine government again opened the country to foreign visitors (tourists). This means that a delegation of Doon, the FMC and the Contact Committee will be able to visit us and the churches here again. Both we and the saints here look forward to this and pray it will be possible, the Lord willing.

With the approval of Doon’s Council and the FMC, both missionary families plan to take furloughs this year – something that has been on hold for a few years. The Smits hope to take theirs in June and July, and my wife and I from mid-July and into August. We have scheduled our furloughs so as to minimize the overlap (it will end up being about two weeks). We hope to see and fellowship with many of you soon. Until then, may the Lord watch between us and bless each of us in his/her unique place and work in His kingdom.

In the love of Christ,

Rev. Daniel Kleyn


PRC Missions in the Philippines - July 2021 Newsletter

3 missionaries 2020


Rev. D. Holstege (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) – Rev. D. Kleyn (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) – Rev. R. Smit (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
PO Box 1173 ACPO, Antipolo City, Rizal 1870, Philippines 

Dear Congregations and Members of the PRCA. 

We send warm greetings to you all as we give this  update of our work and life among our fellow believers here in the Philippines. 

Many changes have taken place in recent months,  as will be explained below. However, one thing  which has basically remained the same is that we  continue to live under significant restrictions due to  covid. A few months ago our restrictions even increased for a while, and at this point we are not  yet back to the quarantine level we had prior to that  increase. Current restrictions require that we wear  both face masks and face shields when out in public.  

In addition, leisure travel is forbidden, and anyone under 18 or above 65 years is required to stay at  home (except for things that are “essential”). 

However, in spite of the restrictions we are able once again to go to Faith Academy (the school the  missionaries use for their children) for recreational  activities. We do need to sign up ahead of time, and we are limited to a maximum of five activities per week. But the swimming, basketball, tennis,  and playground activities provide a nice break for us all, especially now that the Smit children are out of school for the year (their last day was May 28). 

Another positive is that the restrictions for religious gatherings have slowly loosened (from 10 persons,  to 30% of the building’s capacity, to 50% of the building’s capacity). As a result, we are once again able to worship in church every Sunday with a good number of our fellow saints. In fact, a few weeks  ago my wife Sharon, in a letter to our families,  mentioned how significant this was when she wrote:  

“We both got choked up in church this morning. I sat down, looked around and there were all kinds  of children there! There must have been 18-20 of  them. This was the first time there were so many  since the lockdowns began more than a year ago (in March 2020). It was beautiful to see them all. And the attendance was the highest we have seen  it yet, at 65 or so. Almost all the chairs were  full. That, along with a couple good sermons and  good fellowship, made it a lovely Lord’s Day.” 

Due to covid, one aspect of our work which we’ve been unable to carry out in the past year and a half  is our monthly visit to the pastors and churches in  Negros Occidental. Even now the restrictions for  domestic travel in the Philippines make it very  difficult for us to get to Negros Island yet (among  other things, two weeks of quarantine is required  on either end). We did consider providing online  instruction to the pastors there, but due to their  poor internet connections, this wasn’t feasible. We  have, however, kept in touch with them, and they  and their congregations are doing well. We also  regularly send them a supply of magazines:  Standard Bearer, Beacon Lights, etc. The pastors  and their members very much appreciate receiving  this literature. 

What has kept us missionaries especially busy in the  past months has been the work of providing  seminary instruction for the three seminary  students of the PRCP. Unfortunately, because of  covid the classes needed to be conducted online again (using Zoom). Rev. Smit taught NT Exegesis,  Greek Reading, and Dogmatics (Soteriology), Rev.  Holstege taught Hermeneutics (from the USA,  where he is currently on furlough), and I taught  Hebrew Grammar, Homiletics, and Church History.  The semester (including the final exams) ended on  May 21. The break is welcome. It also enables us  to prepare for the next school year, which is  scheduled to begin on August 10, the Lord willing.  Sad to say, the PRCP now has only one student left  in the seminary program (more about that on the  next page).

And speaking of Rev. Holstege and his  family being on furlough, although their furlough  has now ended, due to covid restrictions they are as yet unable to return to the Philippines as they had hoped and planned (they were scheduled to  arrive back here on July 1). It is all rather complicated, but to put it in simple terms, in order  for the Holstege family to return to the Philippines they will need and are trying to obtain a tourist visa,  but as of now the Philippine government is not yet  issuing one to them. Things are therefore rather  uncertain for the Holsteges at this time, specifically as to when they will be able to return here. As a  result, the furloughs of the other missionary families were canceled for this year, since our churches consider it necessary and important to have at least  two missionaries and their families on the field at  any given time, if at all possible. 

One more significant item remains for this newsletter, and it grieves me to report it. I refer to the fact that a split has taken place in the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines. This  happened when the PRC in Bulacan suddenly announced (on May 16) that they were withdrawing  their membership from the denomination. It is evident from one of the reasons the PRC in Bulacan gave for their withdrawal that this separation is  related to the schism that has taken place in the  PRCA. For reasons which remain in many ways a mystery to us, especially because there was no  doctrinal controversy taking place in the PRCP itself, the church in Bulacan has now departed, has associated itself with those who have separated  from the PRCA (namely, the RPC), and has even  taken as its new name the First Reformed Protestant Church in Bulacan. 

This split has hit the PRCP and all of us here hard. It troubles us greatly that they have separated from a faithful denomination here (the PRCP), and that thereby they have also broken ties with two faithful sister churches (the PRCA and the CERC in  Singapore). What is baffling is that they have done  all this without having or presenting valid reasons  for doing so. What adds to the sorrow is that they  have also taken with them the mission field of the  PRCP (the Protestant Reformed Fellowship in  Albuera, Leyte), as well as two of the PRCP’s  seminary students (which explains why we will only  have one student this coming school year). In light  of the fact that Maranatha PRC disbanded this past March (due to a lack of men to serve as office bearers, along with the retirement of Rev. Leovy Trinidad who is now 77), the denomination has gone from four churches to two in the span of a few months. God’s ways are often mysterious and  difficult. His thoughts and ways are certainly higher  than ours. And while we may at times be somewhat  discouraged and disappointed, yet we know and  believe that Jehovah’s work is always perfect. By  His grace, we strive to submit ourselves humbly to  His will and to His fatherly chastisement, confident  that His cause and His Name will always triumph. 

In relation to the above, the PRCP Classis (at its regular meeting on June 12) received a “Withdrawal  of Membership” letter from the church in Bulacan.  Classis approved a letter of response in which they  called Bulacan to reconsider what they have done  and to return to the fellowship of the PRCP. It  seems unlikely that this will happen, but we know the Lord is able to accomplish it, if that is His will. 

As a result of the split, the June 12 Classis also  made some necessary changes to the makeup of its  standing committees. Classis decided to reduce the  number of committees from four to two, and to  divide all the work between these two. By the way,  each of the two missionaries currently on the field serves as an advisor on one of these standing  committees. The Classis also decided to have the  missionaries take turns, along with Rev. Ibe (the  only remaining active pastor in the PRCP), to chair the Classis meetings. The missionaries will also be  carrying out Church Visitation for the PRCP. 

In light of all these events, we ask you to remember  us and also the two remaining churches here (the  Berean PRC and Provident PRC) in your prayers.  We are thankful for these two congregations and  for their continued love of the Reformed faith as  confessed in our churches. Please pray that they  may remain united in that truth and committed to  stand together for the cause of Christ’s gospel and  kingdom here in the Philippines. Be assured, too,  of our continued prayers for the PRCA. 

“It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not  consumed, because his compassions fail not. They  are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness”  (Lamentations 3:22-23). 

In Christian love, 

Rev. Daniel Kleyn


Philippines Mission Newsletter - March 2021




Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of the harvest, to all of our PRCA congregations!

Here is an update regarding our labors and lives here in service to the Lord, our sister churches of the PRCP in the metro Manila area, and in our mission work in Southern Negros Occidental (SNO).

"Mold on Our Shoes!"

moldy shoesIn a tropical climate of constantly high humidity here, things that are made of leather, which has a porous surface, are susceptible to developing mold when left unused for any substantial length of time. Especially during the rainy season (June to November), shoes, wrist-watch bands, handbags, belts, wallets, and any other such itemscan quickly develop a layer of mold if left alone.

Because of the quarantine restrictions of last year, our Sunday shoes have been stored in their usual spots, but, of course, left unused for many weeks. In fact, they sat unused forweeks because the quarantine restrictions prevented us from attending the PRCP congregations for Lord's Day worship from mid-March to September 2020. As a result, and sadly so, a layer of mold began quietly to flourish on some of our Sunday shoes. Then, deep into the quarantine, someone shouted, "There is mold on our shoes!" I never expected to see a day when we would need to wipe mold off of our Sunday shoes because we were hindered from using them in God's providence for public worship.

Pondering our discovery, it struck me that it was an accurate metaphor of the poor condition of sabbath observance in this country, even before the quarantine. I would imagine that the same would generally apply to the spiritual condition of many professing Christians in North America, too. The analogy certainly warns us personally about our spiritual proneness with regard to Lord's Day worship, sabbath observance, and spiritual faithfulness to the Lord. Left unattended and neglected, our sinful and straying hearts and minds will surely and quickly develop a thick layer of unbelieving mold: complacency, slothfulness, a disinterest in Christ's doctrine, selfishness, resistance to daily conversion, neglect of proper worship, neglect of Scripture reading and study, and neglect of prayer, and even the temptation to redefine public, face-to-face, corporate worship of the church to include online services. May such unbelieving mold never grow on our Sunday shoes!

If it has, then may the Spirit wipe away the layer of unbelieving mold by leading us to confess and to repent of our spiritual neglect. By His grace through faith, may we maintain the marks of a true Christian, and delight in the weekly privilege to go up to the house of God and worship there with our fellow saints and faithfully bow face-to-face at God's throne of grace by faith alone through our Lord Jesus Christ, our only righteousness and our everlasting life. May we be willing to sacrifice health for faithful obedience to the Lord, rather than in disobedience have our health serve as a witness unto our unbelief.

Challenges of Sabbath Observance in Quarantine

I think that you would agree that sabbath observance during our respective quarantine periods has been a major challenge and trial for individuals and families without the regular routine of public worship. Iincluded in my August 2020 report to the Doon Council and FMC anobservation about the challenges of sabbath observance during quarantine. I share with you what I mentioned to them.

"As a general observation of PRCP members by watching and listening over the past five months, I have noticed through the quarantine both negative and positive spiritual developments. For some, sabbath observance has declined with a slide into involvement in Sunday business and other spiritually, unedifying activities. Of course, at our house, we are not above reproach. We similarly know and work to resist the temptations in mind and heart against proper sabbath observance to the Lord during the quarantine. For example, since the family has not been going to church worship in Valenzuela or Antipolo for about five months, we have been tempted to wonder why we should even bother with formal dresses, pants, barongs, or shirt and tie for the livestream church services since nobody will see us listening and singing in our faded shorts, comfortable t-shirts, or more casual clothing.

However, there is the matter of the willingness, the attitude, the effort, and the understanding of faith to do our utmost to devote ourselves to the Lord on His day, unlike our activity of the other days of the week. Although the type of clothing we wear on Sunday at home is not in itself the issue and I'm not about to stumble into any legalism regarding Sunday clothing, yet our clothing and the accompanying and underlying effort for Sunday clothes does have its way of reflecting how seriously we and our little ones devote ourselves in will and thought to the fear of the Lord and show our love for Him on His Day, even during the quarantine that He has placed upon us.

In that regard, I overheard recently that some members have recognized and are laboring to resist various Sunday temptations. A family mentioned that it has learned to take the livestream broadcasts very seriously as the only opportunity left for them and their children for worship and spiritual food on Sunday. So, without anyone looking over their shoulders and by their own initiative, they have become carefully punctual for the start of the Sunday morning broadcasts, even putting forth the effort to have their little ones properly [dressed and prepared] for worship through the livestream at home.

In the midst of the disappointments and the weariness of the quarantine, I found this positive observation of the renewing grace of God in the life of a young covenant family both humbling and encouraging. I trust that you will, too."

PRCP Theological School

With thanksgiving to God, we can report that our first semester of classes was completed on December 4, and final exams were finished on December 11. An interim course was given to the students from January 5to 14 by recorded lectures from Prof. R. Cammenga's interim course at the PRCA Seminary on "The Life and Theology of John Calvin.". The second semester began on January 19 and mid-term exams will be given in the week of March 7.

As with the last semester, so the second semester of instruction will be given by means of Zoom. Although this method is certainly not the official norm of face-to-face training of future preachers, it is what the Theological School Committee (PRCP) has determined is the best available for the current quarantine situation.

We are currently training three men: Bro. Jeremiah ("Jhem") Pascual (2nd year), Bro. Emmanuel ("Emman")Jasojaso (1st year), and Bro. Jethro ("Ace") Flores (1st year).

Classes are held in the mornings on Tuesdays through Fridays. We are currently teaching the men Homiletics, Hermeneutics, Hebrew Grammar, Church History, NT Greek, NT Exegesis, and Dogmatics (Soteriology).

A seminary library continues to grow in its temporary location in one of the rooms of the guest house on the Kleyns' property. The library, thus far, has been helpful already to the students for their research papers.


The Berean PRC announced that it was renovating their church building. Their parsonage was sold and the money from that sale was used to finance the addition of a third floor to the church building. As a result and because of the quarantine rules,Pastor Ibe and family moved in July to a house in San Fernando, Pampanga, which is about a 2-hour drive north of Antipolo.

The Classis of the PRCP met on October 31 and November 30. Classis approved the emeritation of Rev. Leovino Trinidad, which will be effective on February 28, 2021. He was ordained as a minister of the Word on March 28, 1976, in his former denomination in Cebu City, the Philippines. After several years of instruction under the PRCA missionaries, he and the Maranatha congregation joined the PRCP in 2015.

Classis PRCP will meet again on February 25.

Maranatha PRCP has announced recently that it will be disbanding on March 1 due to the lack of men to serve as elders and deacons. Members are being advised by the Maranatha consistory to transfer their church membership to the Provident PRC (Marikina).

PRCA Missions

Rev. Kleyn and I, who have been assigned for now by the Doon Council and FMC to do mission work in the Inayauan-Sipalay area in SNO, were not able to get to do our work there during the lengthy quarantine. Also, in my August 2020 monthly missionary report to the Doon Council and FMC I reported my reflection on the disappointing situation. I share the same with you.

"[The] principle of the Lord's sovereign guidance in missions is an important principle to remember. The good foreign mission desires that we may have, regarding the spread of the Reformed faith into new and hard to reach places, may not come to pass when and for how long we have desired or envisioned. We are reminded that the Lord of the harvest directs and fulfils His work of missions through His servants according to God's good pleasure and eternal counsel by various means. Even in missions, not our will, but the Lord's will must be done. All of our planning, praying, preaching, and pouring out of our souls in the work remain always subject to His sovereign direction and good pleasure.

...I am well reminded through the quarantine that missionaries are only limited, dependent servants in the Lord's work of the gathering and preservation of His church over the earth. I am sure that the Apostle Paul faced the same truth as he sat in prison in Caesarea for a few years or under house arrest in Rome, wishing and waiting for the time, subject to the Lord's will, that he could freely go about his labors throughout the Roman Empire among the established churches and in areas not visited yet."

Pray that the Lord will grant us in His time both the opportunity and the ability to resume faithful, face-to-face preaching and clear instruction in the service of a Reformed church (Inayauan), its mission outreach (Si-alay), a reforming church (Canturay), and other contacts in SNO.

Foreign Tourist Ban

In order to limit the spread of the coronavirus, the Philippine government has continued to ban the entry of foreign national visitors. This ban does not prevent permanent residents, such as the Kleyns and Smits, from re-entry. However, the ban prevents visits from delegations (the Contact Committee, FMC, and Doon Council), family, and friends.There is no concrete information yet regarding when this ban may be lifted.

Holsteges' 2021 Furlough

The Holstege family departed on December 16, and they will be living in Grandville, Michigan. Rev. Holstege has done some field presentations during furlough about the work done here in the last two years.

The return of the Holstege family is scheduled for July 1 as approved by the Council and FMC. However, since immigration restrictions on the entry of foreigners, including the Holstege family, still remain unclear, we will need to be patient regarding their actual return date.

Finally, farewell, brethren. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you. (2 Corinthians 13:11)

In His service,
Rev. Richard J.Smit


Philippines Mission Newsletter - November 2020


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ in the PRCA,

Another update from your missionaries in the Philippines. While many of you enjoyed the warm fall colors, crisp cool air, and sweet apple cider, we enjoyed rain, rain, and more rain! This rainy season, one particular typhoon (hurricane) was quite remarkable, to say the least. I will come back to that.

Missionary Labors

Last August, we missionaries began our second year of training men for the ministry of the gospel on behalf of the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines (PRCP). I am teaching Biblical Hermeneutics again and have added OT History. Rev. Kleyn is teaching Homiletics and Church History again and has added Reformed Symbols (the study of the creeds). Rev. Smit is teaching Dogmatics and has added Greek Reading and NT Exegesis. We are teaching a total of 3 seminary students. A few visitors have also been attending or watching our online lectures on Zoom, Skype, or YouTube. It has been a very different format for teaching, sitting in front of our computers in our studies at home and teaching through a webcam. But it is working well enough. We expect to finish the first semester in early December when the students will take their final exams.

3 missionaries 2020

Although the Philippine government has been very strict throughout this pandemic, there have been some happy developments recently. In their quarantine guidelines, mass gatherings, including religious services, are now allowed up to 50% of the venue capacity. So, with much thanksgiving to God, the churches of the PRCP are gradually returning to normalcy in terms of their Sunday worship services.

Phil sem students 2020

First year seminarians Jethro Flores (left) and Emmanuel Jasojaso (right) taking a midterm exam.

In other labors, I have continued to pastor the Provident PRC with preaching on Sundays in their sanctuary and teaching during the week on Zoom. We recently completed a very enjoyable and very relevant Bible study on the book of Revelation on Wednesday nights from April through October. I am currently teaching OT Bible stories to the children and Essentials of Reformed Doctrine to the youth. We rejoiced greatly when three of the young women in the Essentials class came before the Council to profess their faith and to ask for approval to make public confession.This they will do, Lord willing, on December 13. I also attend (as advisor) the meetings of the Mission/Contact Committee and Translation Committee of the PRCP. However, Provident’s outreach work to two Brethren churches north of Manilawas put on hold because the congregations were not gathering during the quarantine. The work will continue, Lord willing, in January. In the meantime, the pastor of one of the churches (Pastor Ronil Domingo) has been attending many of our seminary classes as a visitor.

Rev. Kleyn, in addition to his full-timeload of preparation and teachingat the seminary, also continues to preach regularly on Sundays when requested by area churchesof the PRCP. He also attends(as advisor) themeetings of the very busy Finance Committee of the PRCP (on Zoom). However, the mission work in Southern Negros Occidental, which is primarily the workof Rev. Kleyn and Rev. Smit,has been put on hold due to the tight travel restrictions between the islands.

Rev. Smit, in addition to his full-time load of preparation and teaching at the seminary, continues to preach regularly on Sundays mainly for the Maranatha PRC through their Facebook page. He also attends the meetings of the Theological School Committee of the PRCP (as advisor) and devotes a lot of time to theological studies (reading and writing) for a program he is taking at a local Presbyterian seminary.

All three of us attended the Classis of the PRCP (as advisors) on October 31 which is currently recessed and scheduled to continue on November 30.


On November 1 (a Sunday), a super typhoon passed through the Philippines. Due to the potentially strong winds and heavy rain, Provident’s Council decided to cancel the worship services. In the end, though, the storm did not hit Manila very hard or result in much damage. The experience was like so many before. A typhoon comes. It looks menacing on the radar. Then it breaks apart, at least in our area. And we are thankful.

typhoon 2020

But then came the typhoon of the evening of November 11. The Philippines called it Typhoon Ulysses (the rest of the world named it Typhoon Vamco). At midnight, we lost our electricity. Our fans turned off. Our kids’ night lights went dark and they woke up. The mighty hurricane wind rushed over our house like a freight trainin gust after gust. Having grown up in Michigan, far from hurricane territory, I had rarely heard the wind blow like that before. After a night of little sleep, we discovered the results the next morning. A large branch had fallen from a tree in our front yard. One of our neighbor’s mango trees fell down. More trees were down in the streets.

But the worst damage was not in our neighborhood, which is up in the mountains east of Manila. The worst, we soon discovered, was down in Metro Manila, in the city of Marikina where Provident PRC is located. The Marikina River overflowed the dike around Provident Village and filled the village with muddy water. The flood waters rose higher and higher, submerging the first story of all buildings and rising into the second story of many, including Provident’s church building. Perhaps you saw the bulletin announcement from the Contact Committee of the PRCA regarding this flood. Although all thel ibrary books were lost, as well as the sanctuary Bibles and Psalters, much equipment was destroyed, and there was even some structural damage... Although personal property was also lost by some of the five families of the church who live in that area... Yet the congregation is thankful to God for sparing all their lives and comforting them with the precious Reformed faith that they have come to know and love: the truth of the sovereignty of God over rain and drought, riches and poverty, and all things, and His eternal love for His elect and beloved people in Christ, using our light and momentary afflictions to work for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.

typhoon flooding 2020

As of this writing, the church building is still being cleaned and repaired from the flood damage, but our heavenly Father is meeting the needs of the congregation. Please remember our Filipino brethrenin Christ and us missionaries in your prayers. We the Holsteges look forward to seeing many of you on our furlough from December 16-June 30, the Lord willing.

In Christ,
Rev. Dan Holstege


Philippines Mission Newsletter - August 2020

3 missionaries Oct 2017


August 2020 Newsletter

Rev. D. Holstege (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) – Rev. D. Kleyn (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) – Rev. R. Smit (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
PO Box 1173 ACPO, Antipolo City, Rizal 1870, Philippines

Dear Congregations of the PRCA,

Greetings again from the Philippines. It has been quite a while since we’ve sent out a newsletter. The reason for this is twofold. We waited, first of all, because you were able in recent months to read and digest a good amount of information about the mission field and work here in the Philippines through the special May 2020 issue of the Beacon Lights. But in the second place, we waited so that we could give you updated information concerning the upcoming year of seminary instruction, especially as that (along with everything else) continues to be affected by the coronavirus quarantines here.

COVID-19 has, of course, affected us all. Our day to day lives have changed. Perhaps permanently. For us those changes began with quarantines that were put in place on March 14. And although the quarantine levels have changed from time to time, basically we have had to stay at home. We are allowed to travel outside the home for essentials, but otherwise we are for the most part homebound. The latter is especially true for the children, for the rule is that any who are 21 or under, along with any who are 60 or above (thankfully none of us has reached that ripe old age yet) are on 24 hour curfew.

These restrictions certainly provide challenges for the Holstege and Smit families, as well as for all the families in the churches who have children or elderly in them. One of those challenges was that the previous school year had to be completed from home. That kept the families extra busy, especially the missionary wives. Thankfully they (both children and parents) were able to complete the school year well.

As regards schooling, there will again be no face-to-face classes for the first half (at least) of the upcoming school year. So once again the parents will be busy supervising the education of their children. One significant help is that Irene Smit (who was unable to return to the USA this past June) will be assisting Leah Holstege with this. The Holsteges have three young children in school, and supervising their studies takes quite a bit more work than for older students. The plan is for Irene to supervise the twins (Kirsten and Kiley). She hopes to do so by setting up a “classroom” in the guest house at the Kleyn’s residence. Irene is eager to do this and we’re all thankful that the Lord enables us to help each other in these ways.

The most significant effect of the quarantines, however, has been Sunday worship. To date we have had 5 months of Sundays at home. Initially no public gatherings were allowed at all, and so we preached and/or worshiped at home. Then for a while, with a change in our quarantine level (from Enhanced Community Quarantine to General Community Quarantine), the government allowed up to a maximum of 10 persons for religious gatherings. This enabled some of the churches to hold services with a handful of their members, and thus there were a few times that a few of us could preach in a church building. But just today (August 4) the government transitioned us back to a higher level of quarantine (Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine) and thus the limit is now a maximum of 5 people for religious gatherings. Some of the churches may still meet, but for the most part we will be required to continue staying at home on Sundays for a while to come.

All three of us missionaries have regularly preached to a webcam in our studies, or else to our families in our living rooms while being recorded live for one of the churches. I know that many of our colleagues in the PRCA have done the same. That’s far from normal and from how it ought to be. It can be awkward and difficult. The preacher loses and certainly misses the face-to-face contact with the people of God. And we all miss terribly the blessing of corporate worship and of the communion of the saints. But as regards the preaching, we know that God can even use the above-mentioned means for the edification and blessing of His sheep. And we know, too, that He has.

The quarantines have affected various other things, too. The annual delegation visit, which is made up of representatives from Doon PRC and the Foreign Mission Committee and which was planned for this past March, needed to be canceled. The Holsteges planned furlough during the months of June and July needed to be canceled and rescheduled (they have received approval to come instead for a six-month furlough from the middle of December onwards, DV). The regular PRCP Classis meeting on June 12 was limited to a maximum of 10 people, thus many of the delegates (along with the three missionaries) needed to join the meeting via Zoom. The monthly delegation visits that were being made by the PRC in Bulacan to the Protestant Reformed Fellowship in Albuera, Leyte have stopped for now. And our monthly visits to the churches in Negros Occidental, which visits recently began to include weekend stays in order to preach and teach in three of the churches there, have come to a sudden standstill, which could easily continue for the remainder of 2020.

But what about the seminary? The Lord willing, we will begin classes again on August 11. What’s exciting about this is that the Lord has given the PRCP two more students for the ministry – a wonderful answer to prayers. As a result, we will have two students in first year (Ace Flores and Emman Jasojaso – both members of Provident PRC), and one student in second year (Jeremiah Pascual – a member of the PRC in Bulacan). Because the government has placed us on a higher level of quarantine again, we will need to teach the classes online (Skype, YouTube, Zoom). One change we recently needed to make to our schedule was to delay the start of Hebrew Grammar, due to the difficulty of teaching this subject online. The plan is to delay this for just one semester, and to teach Reformed Symbols (Creeds) instead. The three of us are therefore scheduled to teach the following:

  • Rev. Holstege: Hermeneutics and OT History
  • Rev. Kleyn: Reformed Symbols, Homiletics, and Church History (Reformation period)
  • Rev. Smit: Dogmatics (Christology), Greek Reading, and NT Exegesis.

From a human perspective these (and many other things as well) can appear to be detrimental to the cause of Christ’s kingdom and gospel. But we know that is not so, for all things are directed by Him for the sake of His church (2 Cor. 4:15). We, along with the saints here, are comforted by the knowledge that God is sovereign, Jesus Christ is King, and all things are eternally planned and directed for our good.

One other piece of news is that our wives have started a reading club. One of the motivations was the fact that our families do not have the freedom to get together as much as before. So Leah, Tricia and Sharon have been reading through some RFPA books together (5 to 10 pages per day). This gives them opportunity to stay in touch regularly through messages as they chat together about their readings (and, of course, about sundry other things, too). Some of the ladies in the churches have also joined in reading through some of the books.

As indicated above, our families have not been able to get together as much as before. However, whenever the quarantine level allowed for up to 10 people to gather, at least two of our families at a time could have fellowship and/or join each other for Sunday worship from time to time. While we do miss the freedom of visiting, doing things together in the neighborhood, going to Faith Academy for swimming and playground activities, and just being able to be out and about more, we make the most of staying in touch and of seeing each other as much as possible. We thank the Lord for whatever He makes possible.

In light of the ongoing restrictions, and especially because of how significantly they affect our Sundays, we have learned, by the grace of God, to long more earnestly and pray more sincerely for what David often did in his life when he too was in similar circumstances and unable to be in the Lord’s house on the Sabbath. The following prayers often come to mind: “One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in his temple” (Psalm 27:4). “How amiable are thy tabernacles, O LORD of hosts! My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the LORD: my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God” (Psalm 84:1-2). And also Psalm 42:1-2. To these we add the prayer that every saint, by God’s grace, prays now (I trust) with added meaning and fervency: “Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly!”

We send you our Christian love and also our appreciation for your continued prayers and support for us and our families and for all the saints here. That means more to us than we can express. Be assured, too, that we keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. May God be gracious to our churches, both there and here. And may our Savior return soon to take us to Himself in eternal glory.

In Christian love,

Rev. Daniel Kleyn


Philippines Mission Newsletter - October 2019


Rev. D. Holstege (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Rev. D. Kleyn (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Rev. R. Smit (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ in the Protestant Reformed Churches in America and our sister churches, warm greetings from us missionaries in the Philippines!

A New Theological School Begins

August 13, 2019 is now a significant date for the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines because that was the first day of classes at their theological school.

On the Sunday prior to August 13, special sermons were preached in the four Protestant Reformed Churches (PRCP) to direct the attention of God’s people to this momentous occasion in the life of their churches.

  • Rev. Vernon Ibe preached at the Berean PRC on “Men Entrusted with the Gospel” (II Tim. 2:1-6).
  • Rev. D. Kleyn preached at the PRC in Bulacan on “Abounding in the Lord’s Work” (I Cor. 15:58).
  • Rev. R. Smit preached at the Maranatha PRC on “Jesus’ Fishermen” (Mk. 1:14-20).
  • Rev. D. Holstege preached at the Provident PRC on “Training Men for the Ministry” (II Tim. 2:2).

We missionaries of the PRCA, with the approval of the PRCP Classis, are giving the instruction at the seminary at this time. Rev. Holstege is teaching Hermeneutics (The principles of interpreting Holy Scripture). Rev. Kleyn is in charge of Homiletics (The principles and practice of making a sermon). He is also teaching Ancient Church History. Rev. Smit is teaching Greek Grammar (for exegesis of the New Testament). He is also teaching the first locus of Reformed Dogmatics (Theology), rightly called the “queen of the sciences.” These courses aim to give the PRCP students a firm theological foundation in the knowledge of God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent, which is life eternal.

There is one full-time student at the seminary for the 2019-2020 school year, Bro. Jeremiah Pascual (see picture). He and his wife are members of the PRC in Bulacan and are expecting their first child this November. Bro. Jethro Ace Flores served as a pastor for about eighteen years in another denomination. He attended some of the 7M classes of our missionaries in the past and became a member of Provident PRC with his wife and daughter just last July. His desire is to become a pastor in the PRCP and he is currently visiting a few classes at the seminary. Bro. Emmanuel Jasojaso is a school teacher who also plans to join Provident PRC with his wife and four little children. He too desires to become a pastor in the PRCP. With Bro. Jeremiah, he is studying Greek at seminary this year, with Classis’ approval. Besides these men, there are others who also plan, if the Lord wills, to begin studying at the seminary next year (2020-2021).

The classes are being taught this year in the sanctuary of Provident PRC in Marikina City, Metro Manila, a quiet and comfortable environment, which is conducive to teaching and learning. The classes meet in the mornings from Tuesday through Friday. For our devotions on the first day of class, we reflected together for a few moments on the mandate of the apostle to Timothy: “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also” (II Tim. 2:2).

PRCP Seminary opening day Aug 2019
Sitting from left to right: Bro. Emmanuel Jasojaso, Bro. Jeremiah Pascual, and Bro. Jethro Ace Flores

Other Developments on the Mission Field

On Sunday, August 25, I made the monthly visit to a congregation in the town of Guiguinto in the province of Bulacan: Bearers of Light Community Church (Pastor: Ronil Domingo). Deacon Jun Armas from Provident PRC accompanied me. This small congregation used to be a Brethren church, like Provident PRC. But now they too are reforming. They are the object of the evangelism work of Provident PRC (which is still the main focus of my labors). The office bearers of PPRC have begun to join me on these visits to assist and to oversee the work being done.

Bearers of light church AdultSS 2019

• [No benediction yet]
• Doxology (“Praise God from
whom all blessings flow…”)
• Psalter (#1)
• Ten Commandments
• Psalter (#53)
• Congregational prayer
• Psalter (#325)
• Scripture reading (Psalm 96)
• Sermon (Psalm 96:1-2)
• Prayer
• Offering
• Psalter (#257)
• Doxology (Psalter #196)

On August 25, as on prior visits, I first taught the Heidelberg Catechism (LD 7) in what they call the “adult Sunday school.” Later in the morning, at their request, I led them for the first time in a Reformed worship service, following the order of worship you see above, which is the order followed in the PRCP churches. We gave them some Psalters from which they sang a new song to Jehovah! After lunch, I began teaching them the Church Order of the PRC (photo above). The plan is to teach them the Church Order on each monthly visit. Pastor Ronil and his little flock have received all our instruction with eagerness; but sadly, some of their members have left because of the Reformed faith.

philippines map 1

Let me now turn your attention to Southern Negros Occidental (SNO), where our missionaries have been instructing a group of pastors for many years now. On Sunday, September 15, Rev. and Sharon Kleyn spent the day with the congregations of two of the pastors who normally attend the monthly classes: the Reformed Free Church in Inayauan (Pastor Ezekias Rosal) and the Reformed Church in Sialay, near Sipalay (Pastor Eduardo Donasco). The plan is to expand our work in Negros from teaching pastors to also preaching in their congregations and guiding them to organize properly as Reformed churches. We are very excited about this development because the SNO pastors are very enthusiastic and committed brethren who are eager for us to develop their churches. On September 15, Rev. Kleyn preached Lord’s Day 1 of the Heidelberg Catechism in the “adult Sunday school” of the Reformed Free Church in Inayauan (pictured below; the one standing on the right is Pastor Rosal). Then he led their worship service, preaching on Deuteronomy 7:6-8 which speaks of divine election. There were about 100 in attendance. Later that afternoon, he gave a speech on “God’s Sovereignty in Salvation” to the Reformed Church in Sialay. In both locations, they worshiped God together using the Psalter.

Reformed Free Church Negros Sept 2019

Besides these developments, the four congregations of the PRCP in the area of Metro Manila continue to grow, sometimes through the crucible of fiery trials, sometimes through joys which earth cannot afford. We missionaries all preach and teach in these churches, give advice to their councils, committees, and Classis, and engage in other work. The great commission is being fulfilled! We count it a high privilege to participate in the spread of the gospel of gracious salvation through Christ. Pray for the believers who desire to become Reformed churches. Pray for the seminary that is training men for the ministry of the gospel. We thank God constantly for your support of the work here.

In Christ’s service,
Rev. Daniel Holstege


Philippines Mission Newsletter - July 2019


Rev. D. Holstege (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) – Rev. D. Kleyn (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) – Rev. R. Smit (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
PO Box 1173 ACPO, Antipolo City, Rizal 1870, Philippines

DHolstege family 2019RSmit family 2019DKleyns 2019

Greetings from the Philippines to the members of our Protestant Reformed Churches and Sister Churches.

At the time of my writing this newsletter, my wife Sharon and I have been back in the Philippines from our extended furlough (5 ½ months) for just under two weeks. We were warmly welcomed home, first of all by a good dose of tropical heat and humidity. It may take us a while to get used to it again. One thing in our favor, at least, is that the cooler rainy season has now started. But more importantly, we were also warmly welcomed back by the Smits and Holsteges as well as by the saints in the churches here. It has been good to see everyone again. And it is good to be home again. We are thankful to be here and grateful for the opportunity we continue to have to serve the Lord and His church in this part of His kingdom.

The furlough began in January. Most striking to us, at first, was the cold of winter. After a few days of constant shivering, we realized we needed to put on more layers. Many more layers. In spite of the cold, we did enjoy winter again and were able to appreciate the beauty of that season.

The longer furlough also gave us plenty time to be with our families. We both appreciated this very much. We had ample time to reconnect with them all, including many nephews and nieces whom we hardly knew. A special aspect was the amount of time we could have with our parents – time we will always treasure. Other furlough activity included the following: preaching in many of our churches (15 of them), spending two Sundays in our calling church (Doon PRC), promoting the mission field through presentations in our Protestant Reformed schools, sorting through and shipping books we still had in storage, attending the annual Synod, etc. Through all these activities and more, we were impressed by the overwhelming show of support for the work in the Philippines. It was also good to hear of the excitement for the start of a seminary in the Philippines. All of this support is heartwarming and a great encouragement to us all.

Going into the furlough, my plan was to begin working on an advanced degree (a Masters in Theology). This is something which the FMC and Doon have encouraged us as missionaries to pursue, if at all possible. I was able to make a good beginning, but soon needed to switch gears. The change came about when the Classis of the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines made some decisions in February, 2019 that allowed for theological training in the PRCP to begin already in 2019. This meant that I needed to work instead on preparing the courses that I would be teaching in the PRCP’s seminary. That then became my focus during the remainder of the furlough. And the furlough was very helpful in that regard, not only because I was able to meet with and receive much helpful advice from our seminary professors, but also because I had more uninterrupted study time than I would on the mission field. I was also able to purchase the resources I will need for the classes I will be teaching as well as for the classes that the other missionaries plan to teach.

On behalf of my wife and myself, I take this opportunity to express our thanks to the churches for allowing us to take this furlough. We were able to accomplish many things during our time in the USA, and we were also rejuvenated for the work. Through the Lord’s blessing, the furlough served us very well. But now we are back in the Philippines. Time, therefore, to turn to some news from here.

While we were on furlough, Rev. Holstege and Rev. Smit were able to divide up the work in such a way that, for the most part, the work could continue as normal. This included providing pulpit supply in the PRCP churches, serving as advisors to consistories, standing committees and the Classis, continuing with the monthly visits to and lectures for the pastors in Southern Negros Occidental, hosting the annual delegation (Rev. J. Engelsma and Rev. N. Decker who came in February), teaching catechism classes, leading Bible studies, preaching and teaching among some of the newer groups/contacts, etc. Their workload did increase while I was gone, but the presence of three missionaries certainly helps a lot with furloughs, ensuring that ordinarily there are at least two of us here at any given time. That’s a good thing and very helpful as regards both the work and companionship.

I can also report concerning three significant developments in the churches here in the Philippines.

First of all, the PRCP now has a second sister church. As you know, a sister church relationship was established between the PRCP and PRCA in 2018. Now in 2019 a sister church relationship has been established between the PRCP and the CERCS (Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church in Singapore). These denominations are close to each other geographically (a 3 ½ hour flight from Manila to Singapore), and even culturally (both are in southeast Asian countries). More significant, however, is their closeness to each other doctrinally. By means of correspondence and visits, both denominations became convinced of their unity in the truth and thus of the need to become sisters. We rejoice with them at this important development and hope and pray they may be of mutual help and encouragement to each other.

 ProvidentCC 2

Secondly, the PRCP now has a new member church. That new member is Provident Protestant Reformed Church (PPRC) in Marikina (picture above). Provident is a congregation of some 12 families. In addition to the families who are members, PPRC also has many regular attendees. The consistory consists of two elders and two deacons. This church has been a part of our labors since November, 2012. Through the work of Rev. Kleyn and then Rev. Holstege, the congregation has, over the years, become well established in the Reformed faith. For a good while, their desire had been to join the PRCP and this past February they eagerly applied for membership. The Contact Committee of the PRCP then met a number of times with the Consistory of PPRC, and as a fruit of these meetings, the CC recommended to Classis that PPRC be accepted into the churches. The Classis, at its June meeting, joyfully approved this recommendation. And so the churches have now grown from three to four. Those four are as follows: Berean PRC, PRC in Bulacan, Maranatha PRC, and Provident PRC. We thank the Lord for His blessing on the churches through the addition of this congregation. Christ does build His church. He continues to gather together the faithful remnant.

Thirdly, the PRCP plans soon to begin providing theological training for men who aspire to the gospel ministry. In fact, seminary instruction is set to begin on Tuesday, August 13. The Lord willing, we will have one student starting this year (2019), and perhaps three or more next year (2020). The students who hope to start next year are currently completing their pre-seminary requirements, which are very similar to the pre-seminary requirements in the PRCA.

As regards the instruction that will be given, the Classis of the PRCP has requested that we three PRCA missionaries provide that instruction for now. This does not mean, however, that we will be professors. For one thing, we have not been and will not be called and ordained as professors. But secondly, the seminary is being established by and belongs to the PRCP. As missionaries, we simply provide advice and assistance in this process. And the goal is that eventually the PRCP will be able to call its own men to be the professors. In the meantime, we missionaries will serve as the instructors.

The PRCP plans to provide instruction, for the most part, in the same subjects as are taught in the theological school of the PRCA. They also plan to incorporate a six-month internship in the training program. The total program will be 4 ½ years, mainly because Greek has been included as a seminary subject (not a pre-seminary subject). The courses we have each been asked to teach in the first year are as follows: Rev. Smit will teach Dogmatics and Greek Grammar, Rev. Kleyn will teach Church History/History of Dogma and Homiletics, and Rev. Holstege will teach Hermeneutics.

As we approach the start date, the work before us is daunting. But we are also excited about it and confident of the Lord’s guidance and blessing. We are thankful that the churches here will be able to train men for the gospel ministry, for that is indeed the need of the hour. And we covet your prayers for this significant and crucially important aspect of our labors here. May God be pleased to bless and prosper this work.

In Christian love,
Rev. Daniel Kleyn

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