Missions of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America

PRC Missions in the Philippines

2 missionaries 2020

Missionaries Daniel Kleyn and Richard Smit
Calling Church: Doon PRC, Doon, IA

Philippine Mission Resource website (audio and literature)

Missionary blogs:

Visit and Work of Rev.D. Holstege in the Philippines

Rev. D.Holstege (First PRC, Holland, MI) has been the latest PRC pastor to give assistance to Rev.D. Kleyn in the Philippines. He arrived on Jan.8, 2016 and will be returning this week, D.V.

Missionary Kleyn and his wife have given an update on their blog, posting some pictures and descriptions of his labors and experiences (including when his wife Leah was with him the first week.). Below are a few pictures - for the details visit the link provided here.


Philippines Mission/Contact Committee Updates - January 3, 2016

Daniel HolstegeFrom the Jan.3, 2016 bulletin of Maranatha PRC in Valenzuela City, the Philippines comes this note:

Rev. Daniel Holstege and his wife Leah (First PRC, Holland, MI) will be arriving in the Philippines this coming Friday, the Lord willing (Jan.8). Rev. Holstege will be assisting with the PRCA’s mission work.

His preaching schedule while he is here will be the Berean PRC on January 10, Maranatha PRC on January 17, and Provident Christian Church on January 24.

He will also speak for 7M, as well as during the monthly visit that Rev. Kleyn makes to Bacolod and Southern Negros Occidental.

We pray for traveling mercies for Rev. Holstege and his wife, as well as for God's blessings in his labors while on that mission field.


And from Trinity PRC's bulletin (Hudsonville, MI) we learn of this delegation visit from the Contact Commmittee to N.Ireland and Ireland:

CPRC NI buildingThis week Friday [Jan.8, 2016] Rev. N.Decker will be traveling with Pete Vander Schaaf to Northern Ireland as a delegation of the Contact Committee.

The primary purpose of the visit is to conduct church visitation with the council of our sister congregation, the Covenant PRC of Ballymena and visit the Limerick Reformed Fellowship.  Rev. Decker will be gone for two Sundays and be returning on Tuesday, January 19.

We also pray for traveling mercies for these men and for God's blessings on their labors on behalf of the denomination.


Philippine Missions Newsletter - November 2015

Our missionary in the Philippines, along with the Foreign Mission Committee and the calling church, Doon PRC Council, have just published their latest newsletter.

The November 2015 issue, penned by Missionary-pastor D.Kleyn, provides information on the recent visitors/helpers to the field and the ongoing busyness of the labors in the various places in the Philippines. The need for a second missionary - perhaps more - remains great. Rev.Kleyn also reports on the visitors planned for the field in the coming months.

Let's remember to pray for the Kleyns as they serve the Lord and His people in distant lands - and by themselves at this point. May they daily experience the unfailing presence of their Lord and the faithful support of their fellow-saints.

You will find the full newsletter below in image form but the November newsletter is also attached here in pdf form. You may also visit the Kleyn's blog to see a more personal side to the life and work in this foreign land.

Nov 2015 Phil News Page 1
Nov 2015 Phil News Page 2


Philippines Mission Newsletter - August 2015 - Ten Prayer Items

Delegation 2015 1Our missionary in the Philippines, along with the Foreign Mission Committee and the calling church, Doon PRC Council, have just published their latest newsletter of this year.

The August 2015 issue, penned by Elder Jim Regnerus and his wife Brenda (Doon PRC), part of the recent delegation to the field along with Rev.A. Brummel and his wife, gives a unique perspective on this field of labor with all its diversity. Specifically, he gives ten prayer items for us to commit to. Shall we read them and commit to that?

Let's remember to pray for the Kleyns as they serve the Lord and His people in distant lands - and by themselves at this point. May they daily experience the unfailing presence of their Lord and the faithful support of their fellow-saints.

You will find the full newsletter below in image form but the August newsletter is also attached here in pdf form. You may also visit the Kleyn's blog to see a more personal side to the life and work in this foreign land.

Aug2015 PhilNews Page 1
Aug2015 PhilNews Page 2


April 2015 Newsletter from the Philippines Mission

Our missionary in the Philippines, along with the Foreign Mission Committee and the calling church, Doon PRC Council, have just published their latest newsletter of this year.

The April 2015 issue, penned by Missionary-pastor Daniel Kleyn, provides a detailed update of the varied labors in this Far Eastern land, including the recent departure of his fellow-missionary, Rev.Richard Smit and his family, who has accepted the call to serve in the First PRC, Grand Rapids. MI. Rev.Kleyn reports on the plan the FMC and Doon PRC have for visiting pastors to assist in the work in the next few months and on the annual visit of the delegation from the FMC.

Let's remember to pray for the Kleyns as they serve the Lord and His people in distant lands. May they experience the unfailing presence of their Lord and the support of their fellow-saints.

You will find the full newsletter below in image form but the April newsletter is also attached here in pdf form. You may also visit the Kleyn's blog to see a more personal side to the life and work in this foreign land.

Apr2015PhilNews Page 1
Apr2015PhilNews Page 2


Philippines Mission Update: Seminary Videos Used for 7M Classes

7M Catechetics class 2015 1

This past week Missionary-pastors D. Kleyn and R.Smit once again held their 7M pastors' training classes in the Metro Manila area. Rev. Smit is teaching a class in OT exegesis and Rev.Kleyn began a class in catechetics (how to teach catechism to the youth of the church).

What made this time unique is that for the first time the missionaries used videos of one of our own Seminary courses - videos that had been made with this very purpose in mind. Rev.Kleyn used and will be using videos of Prof.B.Gritters course on Catechetics taught just last Fall (2014) in our Seminary. Some thirty lectures were saved on a flash drive and sent to our missionaries in the Philippines through Prof. (emeritus) D.Engelsma who was just there for a special conference.

This was exciting for both the missionaries and for the faculty here, as we have been taping other classes with this in mind (Dogmatics, church history, church polity, etc.). Both missionaries testified to the great value of this for themselves and for the pastors being trained there. One of them made this comment by way of email as a follow-up:

I've looked forward to what happened on Tuesday for a long time: having lectures of a complete course from our Seminary courses used in a pastor's training setting, like 7M. It was indeed a thrill to witness what I regard as no little accomplishment and a significant cooperation between our seminary and our mission work in the Philippines, addressing a concrete need.

We thank the Lord that this modern technology can be used in this way. May we continue to pray for God's blessing on this kind of cooperation between our Seminary and our mission labors in distant lands.

7M Catechetics class 2015 2

Rev.Kleyn also sent along a couple of pictures of the class, for which we thank him.

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