Missions of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America

Domestic Missions

philmap2The PRC have three foreign missionaries working in the Philippines at present, with metro Manila as the base. Rev.Daniel Kleyn (assisted by his wife Sharon), Rev. Daniel Holstege (assisted by his wife Leah), and Rev. Richard Smit (assisted by his wife Tricia) carry out the responsibilities for a number of labors with churches, pastors, and contacts throughout this country (See map to the left). Visit their website to learn more about these labors. You may also visit the Kleyn's blog to see a more personal side to the life and work in this foreign land.

In addition, the PRC help support the mission labors of the Covenant PRC (N.Ireland) in Limerick, Ireland, where Rev. Martyn McGeown serves as missionary. And, several of our congregations are involved with labors in India (Georgetown PRC) and in Myanmar (Hope PRC, Walker). Our sister church in Singapore (Covenant ERC) is also involved in mission labors in India, in Kolkata, through her missionary Rev. Emmanuel Singh.

Secretary for Foreign Mission Committee: 

Rev. James Laning: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

PRC Missions in the Philippines (51)

2 missionaries 2020

Missionaries Daniel Kleyn and Richard Smit
Calling Church: Doon PRC, Doon, IA

Philippine Mission Resource website (audio and literature)

Missionary blogs:

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Myanmar Labors (Hope PRC, GR) (11)

This is a mission labor of Hope PRC, Grand Rapids, MI, with assistance from her Reformed Witness Committee and the Foreign Mission Committee of the PRC.

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India Missions (0)

The India mission labors involve the work of Georgetown PRC in Vellore with assistance from the Foreign Mission Committee of the PRC, and the work of Covenant ERC (Singapore) in Kolkata.

Map India 1


ESingh Nov 2015
Emmanuel Singh presenting in CERC on the Kolkata, India missions, 2016

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Philippines Newsletter - December 2013

MissionariesKleynSmitOur missionaries in the Philippines, along with the Foreign Mission Committee and the calling church, Doon PRC Council, have recently published the last newsletter of this year. The December 2013 issue, penned by Rev.R.Smit, is packed with the latest news and information about the difficult and diverse labors of our two missionaries in that part of the world.

They also include news about the recent typhoon that devastated the central part of the Philippines and affected the PR Fellowship in Albuera, Leyte. And they also convey their disappointment in the delay of forming a church federation involving the Berean PRC and First Reformed Church of Bulacan.

To find out more about these matters and more, read the newsletter below. Besides the form here, it is also attached in pdf form.

Dec2013 Page 1Dec2013 Page 2


Missionaries, Church Members Safe After Huge Typhoon Hits the Philippines

One of the major stories in the news in the last week has been the "super" typhoon (named "Haiyan") which hit the central portion of the Philippines. With the death-toll rising and wide-spread damage reported, our concern is obviously for our own missionaries, church members, and mission station members scattered in various places there, including near the area most strongly hit.

Missionary-pastor D.Kleyn has informed us that he and his wife, the Smits and their family, as well as all the members of the churches and missions stations they serve are safe. Manila was not hit as hard as expected but the island of Leyte (where we have a mission station) was. Rev.Kleyn reports that though there was significant damage to PR fellowship members' homes in Leyte, all lives were spared, for which they are very thankful.

Let us remember to pray for our missionaries and fellow saints in that part of the world, especially now as they deal with the aftermath of this powerful storm.

Doon PRC Consistory added this note:

This past week the Lord sent a powerful and destructive typhoon through the central Philippines.  The typhoon did not affect Manila, so that our missionaries and their families and all the churches and contacts in Manila are doing fine.  To the best of our knowledge, this is also true of our contacts in the central Philippines and that the Lord was pleased to spare their lives. We thank God for His protection and care.  We pray He may continue to watch over our fellow saints in the Philippines.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Psalm 46:1-3

What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. In God will I praise his word: in the LORD will I praise his word. Psalm 56:3,10


The consistory of the First Reformed Church of Bulacan has informed our missionaries in the Philippines that eleven families from the Protestant Reformed Fellowship in Albuera, Leyte had their homes and possessions almost completely destroyed, along with their building for worship by the recent typhoon.  The FRCB consistory will be investigating the benevolent needs as soon as possible though travel to the affected area remains very difficult.  At this time added assistance from our PRCA diaconates is not needed.   Continue to remember the affected saints there, as well as the consistory of the FRCB as they seek to provide the necessary assistance and God's Word of comfort.


Monthly Trip to Negros, the Philippines - Bacolod City and Sipalay

BacolodCity group-2013The week of October 21, 2013 our two missionaries in the Philippines, Rev.R.Smit and Rev.D.Kleyn, made their monthly trip to Negros and Southern Negros Occidental to carry on their labors among the people and pastors in Bacolod City and Sipalay. Through their blog Rev. and Mrs. Kleyn took us along on the journey southward.You are encouraged to visit that blog post and take the trip with them, as they show us the scenes along the way and the labors in which they are involved in teaching Reformed doctrine and Reformed church government.

Remember to keep these men and their wives and families in prayer as they make many sacrifices to bring the gospel of sovereign grace to these more remote areas of the Philippines. And pray also for those who hear the gospel, that they might be convicted of its truth, embrace it with believing hearts and minds, and walk in its light. 

The picture above is of the group in Bacolod City. Below is Missionary R.Smit teaching his classes on church government.

RSmit teaching in Sipalay-2013


FMC Delegation to Visit Myanmar

LaningJamesRev. Jim Laning (Hull PRC, IA) and Rev. Cory Griess (Calvary PRC, Hulll, IA), on behalf of the Foreign Mission Committee, leave this week for Myanmar where they will spend a week visiting with contacts and hosting a conference with a view to fulfilling the mandate that synod gave to the FMC in Article 33 of the 2013 Acts of Synod. Please remember these pastors in prayer as they travel and labor in Myanmar and leave their families behind.  Lord willing they will depart on Thursday, November 7, and will return on Saturday, November 16. Contacts from 6 different regions of the country (roughly about 40 men) will be traveling (some of them a considerable distance), to meet with them and to receive instruction. RevCGriess

The decision of the 2013 PRC Synod in Art.33 was as follows:

That Synod approve the FMC sending a delegation to investigate and to advise synod about possible labors in Myanmar without the presence of full-time missionaries. 

Four grounds:

a. There is no opportunity presently to send American missionaries to labor full-time in Myanmar.

b. It may be possible to send regular delegations to give instruction to native Burmese pastors.

c. Rev.Titus informs us that he has numerous contacts in Myanmar who are seeking instruction in the truth of the Reformed faith. It would be good for us to investigate this by sending a delegation to do some preliminary mission work among the saints there.

d. Rev.Titus, whose native languages are Chin and Burmese, is also able to speak English fluently, thus making it possible for us to speak to the saints in Myanmar, whether they speak in Burmese or in Chin.


Monthly Update from the Philippines

RevJohnFlores-2012Pastor John Flores and elder Reden Zuniega (First Reformed Church of Bulacan) will be visiting the Protestant Reformed Fellowship in Albuera, Leyte (PRFA) this coming weekend, the Lord willing. They will be gone from Friday (September 20) through Tuesday (September 24). May the Lord keep them safe as they travel and give them an enjoyable and profitable time among our fellow believers in Albuera, using the time for the encouragement of the members of the PRFA there.

The next 7M pastors’ class is scheduled to meet on Monday, September 23 in Batasan Hills.

SNegrosOccidental-1Rev. Smit and Rev. Kleyn will be travelling to southern Negros Occidental this week to teach Reformed doctrine and Reformed church government to a group of 8 pastors there. To learn more about this work and see pictures of the last visit to this area, see this recent post on the Kleyn's blog.



New Philippines Mission Newsletter! September 2013


New Portable Document 2 Page 1

The latest newsletter from our missionaries in the Philippines has been published! This issue focuses on the labors with Pastor Leovy Trinidad and the Maranatha PRC in Valenzuela, Manila. Read about this precious group of Reformed Christians and their efforts to reach this part of the Philippines with the gospel of sovereign grace! Here is a quote from the first part of the newsletter. Read all of it from the attached pdf.

One of the churches which has become a significant and regular part of our mission work here in the Philippines is the Maranatha Protestant Reformed Church in Valenzuela. This congregation is located about 25 miles (usually an hour’s drive) from where we live in Antipolo. Rev. Smit and his family worship here at least two Sundays each month. Rev. Smit preaches and teaches with the goal in mind (which is also the stated desire of the congregation) that this church might one day become part of the federation of Protestant Reformed Churches here, the Lord willing. We hope that by means of this newsletter you may gain some knowledge and awareness of this congregation of beloved fellow-saints in Christ.


Monthly Update from the Philippines

PhilippinesThe combined consistories of the First Reformed Church, Bulacan and the Berean PRC will be meeting this Wednesday (August 21) at 9:00 a.m. at the Kleyn’s house in Antipolo in order to continue their work toward establishing a federation of Protestant Reformed Churches here in the Philippines.

Rev. Smit and Rev. Kleyn will be travelling to southern Negros Occidental this week in order to teach Reformed doctrine and Reformed church government to a group of 8 pastors there.


CERCYPsVisit-1Also, have you been following Rev.Kleyn's reports on the visits of the young people from the CERC of Singapore? Several groups have been visiting the Berean PRC and FRCB this summer, so as to fellowship with her young people. While this friendship has started slowly, it is growing rapidly and has served to bring the three churches together. Read more starting with this post on the Kleyn's blog. And here is a picture of the group after their second visit


Philippines Newsletter - May 2013

MissionariesKleynSmitRead the latest newsletter from our missionaries in the Philippines, Rev.R.Smit and Rev.D.Kleyn. Learn about the annual Berean PRC Conference in Manila, the Hinobaan Conference in Negros Occidental, the ongoing work in Leyte, and the developments toward federation among the churches there. Click on the attached pdf to read the newsletter!


May 2013 Trip to Southern Negros Occidental

On Monday through Wednesday, May 20-22, 2013, Rev. D.Kleyn and Rev. R.Smit traveled to Southern Negros Occidental for their monthly classes (SNO) with the group of pastors there.  However this month they stayed an extra day and delivered the same conference speeches on God's Sovereignty that they gave here in Manila last month.  Although the SNO classes are held in Sipalay, the conference was held in a church in Hinoba-an, a town a few miles south of Sipalay.  Pastor Jonathon Barroca, who attends SNO, is the pastor of that church. 

Mission Labors in Southern Negros Occidental, May 20-22 2013

   Rev. R.Smit and Rev. D.Kleyn will be traveling to Southern Negros Occidental this week Monday through Wednesday (May 20-22). They will be conducting classes with a group of pastors there on Monday and Wednesday. On Tuesday they will be giving their speeches in Hinobaan on the theme “The Sovereignty Of God Over All Things.”

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