Missions of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America

Sister and Other Church Relationships

In harmony with the principles of holy Scripture and our Three Forms of Unity (Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, Canons of Dordt), the PRC through its Committee for Contact with Other Churches maintain full sister church relationships with three foreign churches and a corresponding relationship with one other foreign denomination.

Covenant PRC Ballymena, Northern Ireland

Covenant PRC Ballymena, Northern Ireland (162)


83 Clarence Street,

Ballymena BT43 5DR, Northern Ireland

Services: 11:00 A.M. & 6:00 P.M.


Pastor: Rev. Angus Stewart

7 Lislunnan Rd.

Kells, Ballymena, Co. Antrim

Northern Ireland BT42 3NR

Phone: (from U.S.A.) 011 (44) 28 25 891 851


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Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore (114)

Covenant ERCS 2022


11, Jalan Mesin #04-00

Standard Industrial Building

Singapore 368813

Worship Services: 9:30 A.M. & 2:00 P.M.

Pastors: Josiah Tan (2021) and Marcus Wee (2022)

Ptr Josiah Tan 2023Pastor J. Tan

Ptr Marcus Wee 2023Pastor M. Wee

148 Bishan Street 11 #06-113 

Singapore  570148


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Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Australia (EPC) (2)

For information on this small Presbyterian denomination in Australia with whom the PRCA have a "corresponding relationship", visit their website.

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Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines (11)

PRCP Organization Banner 4 9 2014

Berean PRC, Antipolo City - Pastors: Rev. V. Ibe; Rev. L. Trinidad (emeritus)
Provident PRC - Pastor:
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January 2014 Newsletter from Our Sister Church in N.Ireland

Covenant PRC in Ballymena, N.Ireland has published their latest newsletter, the January 2014 edition. Once again pastor Angus Stewart fills this report with many interesting and exciting news items on this congregation's labors in the British Isles. We imbed it here (see below) for you to read, but you may also find it attached in pdf form, as well as on the sister church page. Take the time to read through this newsletter; you will be inspired to support in prayer this energetic pastor and flock.

Gartmore House-Scotland-2014 BRFConfSpecial mention should also be made of the upcoming British Reformed Fellowship Conference. This is the advertisement we received from the BRF for those in the U.S.:

Join Reformed believers from around the world at the British Reformed Fellowship family conference in Scotland, Saturday July 26 - Saturday August 2, 2014. Profs. Engelsma and Hanko will be speaking on the vital subject of "Be Ye Holy: The Reformed Truth of Sanctification." For travel information and booking forms, see the conference website (http://brfconference.weebly.com) or contact Cyndi Kalsbeek (1-616-724-4290; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Kristin Crossett (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


In this connection we may also mention that the official, annual visit of the PRC to this sister church through our Contact Committee will take place in the next week. Here's the notice we have received from the "CC":

Rev. Gary Eriks and Mr. Sid Miedema, representing the Contact Committee of our churches, will be visiting our sister-church in N.Ireland and their mission in Limerick from January 23 to February 4.  This is an annual visit to conduct church visitation with the consistory of the Covenant PRC in NI and to strengthen our relationship together.  The denomination is asked to pray that God would use the trip for the furtherance of the truth which unites our denominations.

Shall we be sure to do this?

CPRCNI-Newsletter-Jan2014 Page 1CPRCNI-Newsletter-Jan2014 Page 2


Ibe Family Newsletter - December 2013

Pastor Vernon Ibe and his wife Melody have published their latest family and church family newsletter. In it they bring us up to date on their personal family life as well as on their life serving in the Berean PRC in Manila, the Philippines. You will learn much about their life and labors from this newsletter. It is included here in image form as well as attached in pdf form.

Ibe Family Newsletter-Sept-Dec 2013 Page 1Ibe Family Newsletter-Sept-Dec 2013 Page 2Ibe Family Newsletter-Sept-Dec 2013 Page 3


Issue #1 of Reformed News Asia!


The initial issue of "Reformed News Asia" has been released by the Christian Literature Ministry of our sister church in Singapore, the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church , and it is filled with good things!

For one thing, this issue includes the first set of devotions on the Belgic Confession by various PRCA ministers, covering Articles 1-6. Written by Prof.H.Hanko, Rev.A.Brummel, Rev.A.den Hartog, and Rev.J.Kortering these devotions on the BC begin with January 1, 2014 and go through the beginning of February. They cover such doctrines as God and His attributes, the two books by which we know God (creation and the Bible), and the written Word of God. You will find great spiritual profit in these devotions.

Devotional booklet Jan2014In addition to this noteworthy item, the newsletter also contains information about the CLM's pamphlet and book ministries and about activities going on in the CERC.

To receive your own digital copy of this newsletter and those to come, visit the Christian Literature Ministry page at the CERCS ' website and click on the subscribe button. There you will also find a downloadable digital copy of these devotions.


December 2013 Issue of "Covenant Reformed News"

CR News head

The Covenant PRC of Ballymena, N.Ireland has just released their last issue of the "Covenant Reformed News" for 2013. This issue also contains two articles, one by Rev.Angus Stewart and one by Prof.Herman Hanko (ermitus professor of the PR Seminary).

Rev.Stewart's article explains the truth concerning the Mediator of the covenant, Jesus Christ under the title "The One Mediator Between God and Men".

Prof.Hanko's article addresses a question from a reader about the relation between revivals and earthly magistrates under the title "Revivals and Magistrates (1)".

Both of these articles address timely and important subjects. You will want to make them part of your spiritual growth reading.

You may find each of these articles at the link provided. You will also find the pdf version of the "CR News" attached here.


A Typical Sunday in Covenant ERC, Singapore


Have you ever wondered what a typical Sunday is like in our sister church in Singapore? Back in August of this year Stephanie Lanning, wife of Rev.Andy Lanning, pastor of the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore, did a special blog post on a typcial Sunday in this congregation. She titled it "A Day at Church". With help from her father, Rev.Steven Key, who was visiting at the time, she also included some supporting pictures.

We should know the faith and practice of our "sister" in Singapore. Then we will better appreciate and be thankful for our covenant "church family" relation. And we will also be better equipped to pray for her according to her particular needs.



What follows is part of her post, including the Sunday schedule and two pictures. Visit this post to see more pictures, and make frequent visits to Mrs.Lanning's blog for many other interesting posts about life in Singapore and in the CERC.


First and third quarters of the year
9:30-11:00 -- Morning church service
11:00-12:15 -- Sunday School for youngest kids
11:30-12:30 -- Catechism for ages 6-12 (Older classes meet on Saturday afternoons.)
                   -- Some type of classes for the young people
                   -- Ladies' Bible Study twice a month
                   -- Men's Bible Study twice a month
                   -- During the weeks off from Bible study, there are sometimes other 
                     activities, such as Shepherding a Child's Heart videos and discussion.
12:30-2:00 -- Lunch
                 -- Library is open
                 -- Time for visiting
                 -- Practice for any upcoming events; for example, a group sang at Paul & 
                    Anthea's wedding in February, and right now a group is practicing an 
                    instrumental number for the church anniversary in September.
2:00-3:00 -- Second church service
Second and fourth quarters of the year
9:30-11:00 -- Morning church service
11:00-12:15 -- Sunday School for ages 1-12
11:30-12:30 -- Canons class for adults -- This consists of a 45-minute speech by my 
                      husband on one article of the Canons, followed by a question and answer
                   -- Classes for the young people
12:30-2:00 -- Same as first and third quarters
2:00-3:00 -- Second church service

November Issue of "Salt Shakers" Available!

SS 23 E-Mag Page 1The young people ("Covenant Keepers") of Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church in Singapore (CERCS) have just released the November issue of their magazine "Salt Shakers" (#23)! And once again, it is loaded with great articles, including a new section on church news.

Here is the introductory note that came with it:

Dearest Friends,

The 23rd issue of Salt Shakers is now out!
God's Word is central to us. Jesus Christ commanded the apostle Peter to "Feed my sheep".
In this issue, we tackle some big questions like...
How important is the Preaching of God's Word, really?
What does God's Word teach us to look for in a Girlfriend?

How are we to Build a New Godly Home according to God's Word?

Is the Apocrypha part of God's Word
What does God's Word teach us about Worship, Honouring our Parents and Confessing our Faith?
"Forever settled in the heavens,
Thy word, O Lord, shall firmly stand;
Thy faithfulness shall never fail;
The earth abides at Thy command."
Do we love God's word so much that we love to sing it as well?

Please take a look at what this latest magazine has to offer!

To download and read the digital version, visit the "Salt Shaker" page.


New Issue of "Covenant Reformed News"

CR News head

The latest issue of the "Covenant Reformed News" has been published, and once again it contains two interesting and edifying articles.

The first is by Rev.Angus Stewart, pastor of the Covenant PRC in Ballymena, N.Ireland. It is titled "The Dove-Like Spirit at Jesus' Baptism". From his article you will learn why the dove was such a fitting symbol of the Holy Spirit at the time Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.

The second article is penned by emeritus PRC Seminary professor Herman Hanko and is based on a question from a reader. Taking a look at 2 Kings 1 and Luke 9, Hanko explains why "fire from heaven" was appropriate in one context and not in another. You will want to read this article as well.

Besides finding the individual articles at the links provided here, you will also find the "CR News" in pdf form attached here.

If you have missed past issues of this solid Reformed publication, visit this page to find them.


CERC's New e-Newsletter: Reformed News Asia!

Our sister church in Singapore, the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church, has made this important announcement:

"The CERCS's Christian Literature Ministry (CLM) is pleased to present its new monthly e-newsletter, Reformed News Asia! Please see the flyer below for more information" (and it is attached in pdf form here for printing.) Be sure to sign up to receive this newsletter via email!

Reformed News Asia Page 1


November Newsletter from Our Sister Church in N.Ireland

CPRCNINewsletter-Nov2013 Page 1The latest newsletter from our sister church in N.Ireland, Covenant PRC in Ballymena, has been published! Read about the Stewarts' recent trip to the United States for the Heidelberg Catechism conference sponsored by the PRC Seminary and for pastor's preaching/speaking tour while here.

Learn about the recent lectures given in the United Kingdom and the on-going labors of this congregation to spread the Reformed faith far and wide by means of modern technology. Find out too about CPRC's new live-streaming of her worship services and sermons.

And, finally, get the latest updates on the upcoming 2014 British Reformed Fellowship Family Conference scheduled for July 26-August 2 in Scotland.

You may find the newsletter on the CPRC page linked above, or attached here as a pdf.


October Issue of "Covenant Reformed News"

CR News head

The latest issue of the "Covenant Reformed News" has been published and made available online! The October 2013 issue includes two articles:

The articles in the "CR News" are always edifying and challenging. You are encouraged to read it for your spiritual profit. You will also find attached here the pdf version of the full issue.

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