Randolph Protestant Reformed Church

229 Hammond Street

Randolph, Wisconsin  53956


Pastor Douglas J. Kuiper


(920) 326-5642



Web site of the Protestant Reformed Churches:  http://www.prca.org





An Outreach Ministry of the Evangelism Committee

of Randolph Protestant Reformed Church


These cassettes are offered with the prayer that they will be used by God for the edification of His people and the gathering of His Church.  We are compelled to remind all that sermon tapes are not intended to be a replacement for your faithful church attendance and membership in a local congregation.  We are warned by Scripture (Hebrews 10:25) not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together, and to submit ourselves to the elders of the church (Hebrews 13:17), calling us therefore to involvement and membership in a local congregation.  At the same time, we recognize that many of God's people, having come to a clearer understanding of biblical truth, find that they do not have the benefit of sound, biblical preaching in their immediate location, and therefore desire to supplement their spiritual diet with other sources of instruction.  Others are confined to their homes because of affliction.  Still others receive the benefits of solid preaching, but desire to use every means available to increase in knowledge and to grow in faith.  We gladly provide you this listing of tapes.  This catalog is only in its beginning.  It is our desire to increase the listings in the coming months.  All prices are postpaid.







16 Sermons on the Principles and Elements of Public Worship by Pastor Steven Key


     OUR TRIALS:  GOD'S HANDIWORK              ............................. $10.00


This series of 5 sermons by Pastor Steven Key calls our attention to five texts, each of which shows how affliction is for our profit.  We confess that only by faith.  But we confess that because we are given to see in Scripture that God is absolutely sovereign, also when it comes to our trials.  Our trials are God's handiwork, to strengthen us and to prepare us for that perfect fellowship that we will enjoy with Him in glory.





(With a bonus of 3 sermons from the Prophecy of Haggai)............. $28.00


The sermons on Daniel were preached by Pastor Steven Key in 1988 during his ministry at Southeast Protestant Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  The contents cover the entire book of Daniel, both the historical section of chapters 1-6 and the prophetic section of chapters 7-12.  The three sermons from the book of Haggai were preached in Randolph Protestant Reformed Church in 1991, soon after Pastor Key took up his ministerial labors here.





Pastor Steven Key preached a six sermon series from a rather obscure Minor Prophet, whose ministry in the "latter days" of the Old Testament, when the church was filled with apostasy and spiritual lethargy, is a ringing example of how Old Testament prophecy is most applicable to us today.  The call of gospel sounds forth by the mouth of Zephaniah.



     ELIJAH:  THE AMBASSADOR OF JEHOVAH............................. $22.00



A 13 sermon series by Pastor Steven Key on I Kings 17 - II Kings 2, covering the life of Elijah, the ambassador of Jehovah.  This significant Old Testament prophet boldly proclaimed the abiding Word of the Lord.  And because Jehovah's Word does not change, the significance of Elijah's ministry stands even today.



     JEHOVAH'S SUFFERING SERVANT............................................ $14.00


An eight sermon exposition of Isaiah 53 by Pastor Steven Key.



     THE HOUR....................................................................................... $10.00


A unique perspective of Jesus' suffering throughout His earthly sojourn.  Five sermons by Pastor Steven Key from the viewpoint of  "The Hour" with a sixth sermon on Luke 24:25-27, "Jesus' Resurrection Day Sermon on the Road to Emmaus."



     HOPEFUL STRANGERS:  28 SERMONS FROM I PETER  (2 volume set)      $38.00


This series was one of the first series preached by Pastor Key in Randolph.  A rather thorough series on Peter's first epistle, with 14 sermons in each volume.  (Individual sermons from this series are also available.)



     JOSEPH:  12 SERMONS FROM THE LIFE OF JOSEPH (Genesis 37 - 50) $20.00


Series by Pastor Steven Key.



       THE LAST THINGS:  12 SERMONS.............................................. $20.00


The series of sermons is from a variety of New Testament passages all shedding light on the doctrine of the last things.  Included in Pastor Key’s treatment of this doctrine are the fact of Christ’s speedy coming (Revelation 22:6,7), the truth that we are now in the last hour (I John 2:18a), the first resurrection (Revelation 20:1-6), the Christian’s calling (I Thessalonians 5:4-6), various signs pointing to Christ’s return (Mark 13:7,8; Revelation 6:1-8; II Timothy 3:1-5), the Antichrist (II Thessalonians 2:1-10; Revelation 13, the preservation of the Church and the final victory of the King of kings (Revelation 7:1-8; Revelation 19:11-21).





      This set of sermons by Pastor Steven Key includes one sermon from each of the 22 sections of Psalm 119.  Following the confession of the Psalm and the various prayers recorded by the inspired poet, this series sets forth the importance of the precious of the Word of God in the life of the Christian, as that Word touches on every aspect of our earthly sojourn.



       JEHOVAH’S ALL SEEING EYE.................................................... $10.00


A series of six sermons on Psalm 139 by Pastor Kuiper.  The aim of the series is to impress upon us the fact that Jehovah knows His people, and sees all that we do, say, and think. Our consciousness of His all-seeing eye must motivate us to separate ourselves spiritually from the ungodly, and to root out any hypocritical self-righteousness that we might harbor in our own hearts.



       GOD’S WORD, OUR GUIDE.......................................................... $16.00


      This series of ten sermons by Pastor Kuiper treats the doctrine of Scripture. The first 6 sermons deal with the divine inspiration, authority, completeness, infallibility, and perspicuity (clarity) of Scripture. Because of these truths, Scripture is able to be our guide. The last 4 sermons remind us that, inasmuch as Scripture is our guide, we must receive it rightly, interpret it rightly, fear it rightly, and seek grace to live in accordance with its demands. In a day in which the church is quickly falling away from the truth and godliness, we have need of principles such as those set forth in this series, to remain faithful to God and His Word.



     WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE TRUE........................................... $14.00


This series of eight sermons was produced by Bethel Protestant Reformed Church, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, and were preached by Pastor Carl Haak.


Sermon themes:

·    True Greatness                 Mark 10:41-45

·    True Courage                    Luke 12:4-7

·    True Humility                    Luke 14:7-11

·    True Friendship                 John 15:13-15

·    True Honor                        John 5:44

·    True Joy                            John 16:20-24

·    True Love                          John 13:34,35

·    True Peace                        John 14:27



     THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY............................................................. $14.00


This is a series of eight assorted sermons preached by Pastor Key at different times concerning various aspects of marriage and the family.  Includes sermons entitled "Marriage's Divine Institution" from Genesis 2:18-25, "The Word on Divorce and Remarriage" from Matthew 19:9, "A Christian Husband's Calling" from I Peter 3:7; "A Righteous Promise Keeper" from Proverbs 20:7; "Holy Wives: Sarah's Daughters" from I Peter 3:1-6; "The Calling of a Young Wife" from Titus 2:4,5; "The God-Fearing Family" from Psalm 128:3,4; and "The Rod of Love" from Proverbs 13:24.  It is our prayer that this series may be used to strengthen the marriages and family lives of the people of God, wherever these sermons are heard with a humble submission to the authority of God's Word.



     WHAT THE SPIRIT SAYS TO THE CHURCHES........................ $14.00

An Exposition of the Letters to the Seven Churches, Revelation 2 and 3


"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches."  What a powerful claim to our attention!   No one better knows the condition of the church than the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Him Who is the Chief Officebearer in the Church and her living Head.  He knows far better than we do ourselves what is the situation within His golden candlesticks.  He knows her strengths and weaknesses, her problems and troubles, her anxieties and longings.  He is able, as none other, to point out her shortcomings and sins, and the dangers which surround her.  He knows when a Church must be rebuked sharply and called to repentance, and when she needs the soothing assurance of His comfort.


These letters to the seven churches are letters addressed to the Church to instruct her "in the things which must be hereafter."  They were written, therefore, not merely for the churches in Asia Minor.  In the seven churches we have a full picture of the Church institute as she exists at any time in history.  Pastor Steven Key preaches from this section of the inspired Scripture.



3.   An Introduction      Revelation 1:9-20


5.   TO THE CHURCH IN TRIBULATION      Revelation 2:8-11

6.   TO THE CHURCH LAX IN DISCIPLINE      Revelation 2:12-17

7.   TO THE CHURCH LIVING ON "FEELINGS"      Revelation 2:18-29

8.   TO THE CHURCH ABOUT TO DIE      Revelation 3:1-6

9.   TO THE FEEBLE YET FAITHFUL CHURCH      Revelation 3:7-13

10. TO THE CHURCH DISTASTEFUL      Revelation 3:14-22



     TRUTH: THE BASIS FOR HOPE .................................................. $18.00

Ten Sermons from II Peter


This series of sermons by Pastor Steven Key carries weighty application to our day, when departure from the truth runs rampant in the Christian church world and when persecution increases toward those who will live godly in adherence to the truth of Scripture.  Peter, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wrote this second epistle to address such a situation as we see and experience.  Not only does he write to warn the people of God and to admonish them to hold fast to that which has been revealed to them, but to give them hope in an apparently hopeless time.


The Apostle would call our attention to the inseparable relationship between the true knowledge of God in Christ Jesus and the living hope of the Christian.  True doctrine and the living knowledge of the faith are the foundation of blessedness in the life of the Christian, the basis for all hope.


Sermons three through ten of this set were preached consecutively as a series in May through July of 1994.  The first two sermons, which were preached separately at earlier dates, were added to this set to complete the series from II Peter.


Sermon Themes:


·     Exceeding Great and Precious Promises

·     Making our Calling and Election Sure

·     Things We Must Never Forget

·    Scripture—A Light Shining In Darkness

·     A Warning Against False Teachers

·    The Sure Deliverance of the Godly

·    The Worse End

·    The Lord's Longsuffering

·    Holy In Hope

·    Growth in Grace




     THE PROPHET JONAH.................................................................. $10.00

A Series of Six Sermons on the Book of Jonah


The Book of Jonah is significant.  Far more than an interesting story of the Old Testament prophet, the very history of Jonah is prophetic.  God so ordained all the particular elements of the history of Jonah, that that history became a sign.  These five sermons by Pastor Key from the Book of Jonah, and a sixth from Matthew 12:38-41, explain the sign of the prophet Jonah, and how this prophecy is profitable for us today. 



       PETER: ROCK……………………………………………………………………………$20.00


This series by Pastor Kuiper contains eleven sermons on events in the life of the apostle Peter, as he appears in the gospel accounts. Although Peter was by nature an impatient and bold man, acting first and thinking later, and therefore unfit for service in God’s church of himself, the series notes the work of God’s grace in him, forming him to be steadfast in doctrine and walk, and preparing him for his place in the body of Christ. Peter in this respect is an illustration of how God saves each of us, and makes us fit for service in His church and kingdom.


       THE CHURCH UNSETTLED..………………………………………………………… .$38.00

      From Egypt to Canaan -- An Overview of the Life of Moses.(28 sermons)


This series of sermons treats the history of the church during the life of Moses, The Church Unsettled.  This was a very unsettled period of Israel’s history, a time of great difficulty, a time of great trial, a time of much sin, a time in which salvation is seen as absolutely impossible, except God by a wonder work of His grace sends a Redeemer, who will be a better Mediator than Moses.  This history, in other words, points us to Christ. 


We speak of Israel as the church.  That is not without purpose.  There is much confusion today about the relationship between the Old Testament and the New, and between Israel and the church.  Many reject the Old Testament, never preach from it and hold it applicable only to Israel as a nation.  They fail to see the unity of the Scriptures and the unity of the church throughout the ages.  But Israel was God’s church in its Old Testament form.  Stephen understood the same, testifying of Israel’s deliverer in Acts 7:38,“This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness.”


We shall find in that unsettled church of old some very pointed and practical application for us today.  The apostle Paul in I Corinthians 10 pointed to exactly this period of Israel’s history and said (verses 11,12), “Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.  Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.”  There is, therefore, very pertinent instruction, sound application to us, in this entire history.  May the Lord bless it to your hearing.     




Psalm 73 is a most important passage of Scripture in considering the nature and extent of God’s goodness.  Asaph wrestled with the idea that the Almighty God governs and controls all things.  Especially he wrestled with the fact that Israel, God’s people, experience many trials and much hardship and great afflictions and sorrows in this life.  “How is it that God, Who has promised to bless His people — how can it be that He loves us, when His hand seems so heavy upon us so often?”  And especially did that question torment Asaph when he looked upon the apparent prosperity and relative ease of those who were not of Israel.  Isn’t God’s grace common?  Even more, isn’t it given especially to the ungodly?  Such was the struggle of Asaph’s soul. 


After many questions, much doubting, and even sinful objections to God’s ways with him, Asaph was mercifully led by the Spirit to an understanding of God’s sovereignty.  In Psalm 73, as God leads us to the sanctuary of His own divine will and purpose, we are given to see — with Asaph — that God’s is good, always good ... to Israel, to His own, who are of a clean heart.


·      JOB: PATIENT SUFFERER…………………………………………………………………..$18.00


Pastor Kuiper based the nine sermons in this series primarily on those texts in which Job, suffering great affliction, confessed his faith in God. One goal of this series is to demonstrate that, while Satan uses our sufferings to try to destroy the faith of God’s children, God graciously and powerfully preserves His work of faith in us. The second goal is to set forth Job as an example of patience in suffering (James 5:11). By God’s grace and by God’s Word through Job, we are encouraged to manifest the same patience in our sufferings. The third goal is set forth the blessed end of Job as encouragement to believers to persevere in enduring suffering. The sufferings of God’s children always end happily - if not on earth, then certainly in heaven.




In five sermons, Pastor Kuiper treats the history recorded in the book of Esther. This history strengthens our faith in God who, today as well as in Esther’s time, preserves His church against all the attacks of the devil to destroy her. Especially the book underscores the role of God’s providence in preserving His church: God so controls all things - history, sin, and king’s hearts - that His purposes to save His church in Jesus Christ are always served. This exposition of the book of Esther proceeds on the thesis that Esther and Mordecai do not manifest themselves to be believing, godly people - yet God uses them in His providence to preserve His church, so that Christ can come.





The devotional life of the healthy Christian - his prayer life, worship, and all his service of God - manifests that he longs deeply after God, and believes that God alone can satisfy this deep longing.  This series consists of three sermons by Pastor Kuiper - on verses1-2, 5, and 11.



The Psalmist loved God’s house; his great desire was to be present in the temple, where God was worshiped.  So great was his love, that he preferred being a doorkeeper in that house to dwelling in the tents of wickedness.  How different his great love, from the love of so many today for earthly things, so that they avoid going to God’s house!  In three sermons - on verses 2-3, 5-7, and 10-11 - Pastor Kuiper sets forth this great love for God’s house.



The book of Zechariah is not well known, in part because its symbolism makes it difficult to understand.  Yet the prophecy is rich in its depiction of the sufferings of the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ, and of His glory that would follow.  In his series as preached, Pastor Kuiper expounded seven different texts.  In addition, this series includes three other sermons from this book, which also relate generally to the theme of the series. 



In Paul’s first epistle to the Thessalonians, the Holy Spirit teaches the church what Christ’s second coming implies regarding the saints who have died (they will arise and return with Him), and what it implies regarding the saints who live (the church must watch for Christ’s return).  Specifically, the church is instructed how she must be watching for Christ’s return.  Pastor Kuiper developed these points in this series of 8 sermons.



In Paul’s second epistle to the Thessalonians, the Holy Spirit teaches the church what events will take place in the church’s own history, before Christ comes: persecution, the rise of AntiChrist, the falling away of many from the faith which they professed, and the spread of the gospel. Furthermore, the Spirit teaches what effect these signs are to have on true believers and the true church of Christ.  Pastor Kuiper expounds this epistle in this series of 6 sermons.



Everything that I claim to own, actually belongs to God; I am His steward.  How I use my money and possessions indicates the degree to which I am faithful to His will for me, with regard to these earthly things.  In this series of 8 sermons, Pastor Kuiper explains the principles of godly financial stewardship, and applies them to our life in the areas of paying taxes, supporting kingdom causes, paying our debts, saving, and spending.




In these two sermons, based on I Timothy 5:23 and Ephesians 5:18, Pastor Kuiper sets forth both Scriptural principles regarding the consumption of alcohol: that the Christian is free to drink it in moderation, and that drunkenness is a sin which God’s children are to avoid, and against which we can fight by the power of Jesus Christ.


Also available as individual sermon tapes are any number of texts preached from the following books of the Bible.  (Some of these may be put into tape albums as complete sets in the future.)


·    Genesis 1-11

·    The Life of Abraham:  Genesis 12-24

·    The Life of Jacob:  Genesis 25-32

·    The Suffering Psalm Singer:  A Lenten series of 4 sermons from Psalm 69

·    The Two Witnesses:  3 sermons from Revelation 11

·    Our Shelter in Distress:  5 sermons

·    The Heidelberg Catechism:  sermons on any of the 52 Lord's Days

·    I Corinthians

      ·    Philemon


     In addition we gladly offer a sample of sermons (one tape with two sermons) at no charge.


     We also send tapes on a weekly basis to those who desire a regular diet of Protestant Reformed preaching.  To this date we are able to provide such tapes on a donation basis.  As you can understand, it costs money to produce these tapes.  We figure the cost is a minimum of $3.00 per tape, which includes the cassette, mailer, postage, labels, and copier expense.  Volunteer labor produces these materials.  To those who are able to help in the costs, we appreciate greatly your gifts.  This is strictly an outreach ministry.  Any gifts received are put entirely into supplies necessary to produce and promote this outreach.  At the same time, we do not withhold these tapes from those with limited incomes who are unable to pay.  A donation is not required.  We only ask that the tapes be put to good use. 


For those who  would like to receive tapes each week, but who have no reason to keep the tapes, we send individual tapes in a reversible mailer.  The mailer can be used to send the tapes back.  All you have to do is address the mailer to Randolph Protestant Reformed Church at our address and attach postage  (currently .60 cents).


Occasionally there are problems with copying tapes in large quantities.  Although we try to minimize any problems with poor quality tapes, we are unable to check each individual tape before it is sent out.  If you receive a defective tape or one that has a distorted sound, please notify us and we will send you a replacement.



Randolph Protestant Reformed Church

229 Hammond Street

Randolph, Wisconsin  53956

(920) 326-5642


e-mail address:  doug.kuiper@prca.org

Web site of the Protestant Reformed Churches:  http://www.prca.org

Last modified: 29-dec-2009