
Subsidy Request Form (fillable)


1. This request must be at the Classical meeting preceding Synod. In Classis East all matters for Synod must be
brought to the January meeting of the Classis.

2. Submit two copies to Classis—one for Classis and one for Synod.
The Council of the ___________________________ Protestant Reformed Church requests for the year 20____ subsidy in
the amount of $___________________,3 based on the following anticipated expenses:

Pastor’s Salary (including SS/IRA, allowances for car, books, tuition, etc.) .............................................. $____________

Church Building Expenses ................................ Rent .................................. ____________

Mortgage payment ............ ____________

Maintenance ..................... ____________ ...................... _____________

Parsonage Expenses ....................................... Rent .................................. ____________

Mortgage payment ............ ____________

Maintenance ..................... ____________ ...................... _____________

Utilities (Gas, Water, Phone, Electric) ........................................................................................................ _____________

Janitor (Salary, Workers Comp.) ................................................................................................................. _____________

Insurance (Property, Health, etc.) ................................................................................................................ _____________

Synodical Assessments ................................................................................................................................ _____________

Miscellaneous Expenses (all expenses not listed above) ............................................................................. _____________

Total anticipated expenses ........................................................................................................................... _____________

3. Year-end balance of the General Fund of last fiscal year .............................................................. ___________
(Include a financial report of the General Fund of the last fiscal year)

4. ______________ Number of families (See Article 37, point 4, of the Church Order).

5. ______________ Amount actually brought up per family during the past fiscal year for the General Fund.
______________ Amount actually brought up per family per week during the past fiscal year for the General Fund.

6. ______________ Amount to be brought up per family during the fiscal year for which subsidy is requested.
______________ Weekly budget per family during the fiscal year for which subsidy is requested.

7. ______________ Amount brought up by the congregation for other causes in the past fiscal year.

_____________(done in Council) The Council of the ____________________ Protestant Reformed Church

_______________________________, President

_______________________________, Clerk

1. If the balance in the general fund at the end of the last fiscal year is greater than 25% of the anticipated budget (i.e., for the year for
which subsidy is being requested), an explanation must be provided (cf. Acts of Synod 2017, Art. 59).

2. Synod 2011 (Art. 72, B, 3) adopted the following clarification of the 2010 instruction to the classes “to encourage the churches
requesting subsidy to make efforts to reduce their subsidy annually”:
a. A written report should accompany the subsidy request form, explaining the efforts the church has made to reduce subsidy.
b. This report needs to come to classis and be forwarded to synod.
c. This needs to be done annually.

3. Canadian churches should report all amounts in Canadian dollars.
For synod’s benefit, provide the current exchange rate here: ___________.


*Attached find the same Subsidy Request Form in fillable format (pdf)

More in this category: « Certificate of Dismissal L.S.
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