March 15 – LD 11, Day 4: Salvation all of Grace

Galatians 5:4 “Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.”

A constant temptation is to look to our own works for the worthiness of our salvation. Even though we reject the theology of work’s righteousness, we look at our lives and we think we deserve better than we have. We think that we don’t deserve the troubles that we are experiencing. It should not be so difficult for us to pay our bills. We should have more joy in our lives. And, if asked why, we point to our own faithfulness. Look at all we have done for our parents and for our church and look at how godly we’ve lived. Our sins don’t disturb us much, and we don’t focus on them. Instead we are as focused as the Pharisees on all the ways in which we are better than others.

That kind of attitude reveals that we don’t see a deep need for Jesus. By our walk we deny and show hatred for Jesus. We are guilty of the sin of counting the blood of Jesus of no account- we act like a man who could be saved by his own works, therefore Jesus was crucified in vain. Remember, Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost.

God works the difficult confession- I am a sinner who cannot live in obedience to the law. The good that I would I do not. (Romans 7:19) My only hope is the wonder of grace shown me in Jesus Christ. He seeks me as one who is lost and He gives to me as one who has strayed and continues to stray each day, the assurance that salvation is not of works but by His wonderful grace alone. Don’t return to the bondage of living for yourself- enjoy and live out of the liberty of seeking the glory of God. Look to the wonder of God’s unmerited favor in giving to you Jesus- your complete and only Savior.

Last modified on 15 March 2015

Additional Info

  • Date: 15-March
Brummel, Allen

Rev. Allen J. Brummel (Wife: Crysta)

Ordained: November 1995


Edgerton, MN - 1995; South Holland, IL - 1998; Missionary in Sioux Falls, SD - 2007; Heritage, Sioux Falls, SD - May 2010; Calvary PRC, Hull, IA - May 2018

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