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The Preaching of Peace

We do well to bear in mind that, although when man was created there was a wonderful peace on the earth, that peace did not remain upon it. It also means that we should listen carefully to the angels, when Jesus was born. They said, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men" (Luke 2:14 ).

To appreciate this we must hold before our minds the fact that Satan destroyed that peace on earth by making Adam and Eve go against God in order to try to become gods. Then God in His grace told the devil that He would bring peace, a spiritual peace, to them. Adam and Eve had become a man and woman that hated God. But God is going to change them and bring forth seed of the woman that will live in peace with God.

Paul presents the fulfillment of this in Ephesians 2:17 , where we read that Christ "came and preached peace to you that were afar off, and to them that were nigh."

Yes, Christ did do that. He told one thief on the cross next to Him that he would enjoy this peace. And now from heaven Christ by His Spirit realizes this for people from every nation, tongue, and tribe. We, too, shall be with Him in Paradise. That will be a wonderful realm of peace between God and man. Of that we may be sure.

We are by nature far off. We are that spiritually, coming into this world with a heart that hates God. Therefore we are also physically far off from the kingdom of heaven with its peace. But we do have that comforting truth which Paul had sent to the Ephesians. We are saved by God's grace. It is God's gift to us, and that reveals His peace toward us who by nature come into this world as His enemies.

Are you thankful to our God for having brought you from sin and its punishment unto that peaceful, blessed kingdom of Christ? Are you looking forward to its full realization?

Read: John 14:15-27

Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
1 Chronicles 19 ; 1 Chronicles 20 ; 1 Chronicles 21 
Romans 2:25-29 ; Romans 3:1- 8 
Psalm 11:1-7 
Proverbs 19:10-12 
Quote for Reflection:

"Faith cannot be truly preached, without wholly depriving man of all praise by ascribing all to God’s mercy - it follows, that we are assisted by no works in obtaining righteousness."   John Calvin

Last modified on 15 July 2018

Additional Info

  • Date: 15-July

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