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Fellow Citizens with the Saints

The most blessed experience that lies before us is having a close fellowship with God, as our covenant Father. You cannot mention a more wonderful experience. Many think otherwise. But Scripture throughout holds before us the truth that we will dwell with God in His house of many mansions, as we noted yesterday.

We should bear that in mind when we read what Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:19 . There he wrote, "Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God."

Just think seriously about that! We are fellow citizens with Adam, Noah, Abraham, David, and Solomon, and with a host of other Old Testament saints who were descendants of Shem, not of Ham or Japheth, the sons of Noah. Paul, who wrote these lines, was an Israelite, and we are going to be, in fact already are, citizens with him in Christ's glorious kingdom. There is only one Kingdom of Heaven. Its citizens are all alike from the spiritual point of view, even though from a physical point of view they are different.

Believers are not spiritual strangers, even though their race and color, nationality and languages differ. Soon we will know that fully when Christ returns and realizes that Kingdom of God here on this earth.

Even as our lips and our eyes look different and have different colors, and our teeth and hair also differ in color and size, they all belong to one body and serve the head together. So it is with Christ's church.

We are fellow citizens of one kingdom. We are all going to be together pretty soon, having the same holiness, love of God, and strength to do what is pleasing in His sight. We will have our own places in that body, but all work together for the glory of God.

Read: Ephesians 2:13-22

Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
1 Chronicles 24 ; 1 Chronicles 25 ; 1 Chronicles 26:1-11 
Romans 4:1-12 
Psalm 13:1-6 
Proverbs 19:15-16 
Quote for Reflection:

"'...evil men and seducers wax worse and worse.' The falling stone gathers momentum, and the further it rolls down hill, the greater is its velocity. So it is with one who has thoroughly sold himself to the devil—he gives his wretched victims no rest, but urges them on from crime to crime, until their cup of iniquity is full. Satan is a merciless taskmaster, who ever demands an increasing tale of bricks from his slaves. How earnestly we should pray to be delivered from the evil one!'  Arthur W. Pink

Last modified on 16 July 2018

Additional Info

  • Date: 17-July

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