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That Blessed Scourging

Why does God send troubles and afflictions upon His people? Should this not be sent only upon the unbelievers, rather than upon those for whom His Son died and earned heavenly blessedness? Did Christ not remove all suffering from His people by His death on the cross?

No, a thousand times, No! Just turn to Hebrews 12:6 where we read, "For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth." Hold on to that truth that chastisement and scourging do not deny God's love but reveal it. Never then complain or find fault when God chastens you by scourging.

Take hold also of this truth that the word "chasten" here means "to instruct and train," and thus reveals God's love which sends it. Besides, "to scourge" means "to whip or flog." As children we often needed to be spanked in order to be taught how sinful we were, and in order that we may hate that sin and stop walking in it.

Once again, never, no never, if God has given you faith and a desire to dwell with Him in His house of many mansions, complain and find fault with Him, when He brings afflictions, bereavements, and presently your own death. He is, through all that which we suffer, in love making us more and more to be holy children, who can live with Him in heavenly bliss.

And remember that when God in love chastens you, it is because you have not been walking a life of perfect love for Him. Sin in every form and type is always an act of sin against God. It is saying that you do not believe in God that He is God, and may tell you what you may and may not do.

Be thankful then that by His grace and Spirit He brings you back out of this and that sin, and to the truth that He is God. Be thankful that he brings you back where you can continue to run to the blessedness that Christ has earned for you.

Read: Psalm 94 .

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:

Ezra 4:24 ; Ezra 5-6 
1 Corinthians 3:5-23 
Psalm 29:1-11 
Proverbs 20:26-27 
Quote for Reflection:
 As God’s eyes are such that they penetrate into the hidden recesses of the heart, we ought to walk with him carefully and not negligently.
He calls the present life a sojourning, not in the sense in which he called the Jews to whom he was writing sojourners, at the beginning of the Epistle, but because all the godly are in this world pilgrims. – Calvin’s Commentary

Last modified on 07 August 2019

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  • Date: 7-August

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