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Our Wonderful Guide

Tuesday the 24th of September

in Meditations II

As we noted yesterday, salvation is promised to every one who believes that Jesus Christ arose from the dead, after dying to blot out their sins. However, we need more than that cross of Christ, and even more than His resurrection. All this is essential, and was Christ's work outside of us. But there must be that work inside of us whereby we are born again and have a new spiritual life in us, which can believe and make us thankful to God.

Jesus Himself taught this. We find that truth in John 10:13, 14, where we read, "Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all the truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He shall show you things to come. He shall glorify me: for He shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you."

We, therefore, can be sure that we will reach the heavenly glory which Christ now has. For we do have a most wonderful Guide Who does lead us and bring us to heavenly glory. And Christ speaks to us through Him, after He through that Spirit has caused us to be born again.

A truth here which we should hold on to with our whole heart and mind is that we are saved by God's grace, and not by any of our works. We do nothing good before Christ's Spirit causes us to be born again, and before this Spirit guides us into the truth concerning our sins, and concerning Christ as our Savior.

Thank God then for sending His Son; and thank Christ for sending the Spirit in you as that wonderful Guide Who opens your heart and eyes, and causes you to believe and confess that Christ is your Savior.

And rejoice in that truth that Christ uses Him to bring you to the glory that He has reached as our Head. Hold on to that wonderful truth that you are spiritually alive because Christ's Spirit is in you as the free gift of Christ and of our heavenly Father Who sent both for us.

Read: John 16:1-15

Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:

Isaiah 43:14-28; Isaiah 44; Isaiah 45:1-10 
Ephesians 3:1-21 
Psalm 68:1-18 
Proverbs 24:1-2 

Quote for Reflection: 

 "… Peter’s tears, which he shed in secret, testified before God and the angels that his repentance was true; for, having withdrawn from the eyes of men, he places before him God and the angels; and, therefore, those tears flow from the deep feelings of his heart. This deserves our attention; for we see many who shed tears purposely, so long as they are beheld by others, but who have no sooner retired than they have dry eyes. Now there is no room to doubt that tears, which do not flow on account of the judgment of God, are often drawn forth by ambition and hypocrisy." – John Calvin

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