Preached in First PRC, Grand Rapids MI, by guest pastor, Rev.A.Spriensma. The message has these parts:
The Reality
The Blessedness
The Basis
Preached in Southwest PRC, Wyoming, MI, by her pastor, as a Communion sermon.
Preached in Faith PRC by associate pastor Prof.R.Dykstra for her communion service. The message has these parts:
1) A Payment or a Gift
2) Death or Life
3) In Self or in Jesus
Preached in Faith PRC, Jenison, MI, by guest pastor Rev.J.Slopsema (First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI). The message has these parts:
1) A Beautiful Relationship
2) A Horrible Forsaking
3) A Blessed Significance
Preached in Grace PRC, Standale MI, by guest preacher, Prof. David Engelsma.
Preached in Faith PRC, Jenison MI, by guest preacher, Rev.K.Koole. The message has these parts:
1. Israel's Grievous Sin
2. Fiery Judgement Sent
3. Yet, Jehovah's Merciful Provision
Preached in Georgetown PRC by her pastor as a Communion message. The message is divided this way:
I. The Appearing
II.The Aim
III.The Assurance
Preached in Byron Center PRC by her pastor on the occasion of the administration of holy baptism.
Preached for Lord's Supper service at First PRC, Grand Rapid, MIs by her pastor. The 2 points to the message are:
1. An unconditional love
2. An amazing manifestation
Preached at Grandville MI PRC as a Lord's Supper sermon.
The Wonder of Divine Reconciliation
i. The Wonder As Such
ii. Its Blessed Benefactors
iii. Earnestly Proclaimed
Text: II Corinthians 5:19, 20