Today man has some powerful explosives and earth-moving equipment, and one might be inclined then to question the words of the psalmist when in Psalm 125:1,2 he writes, "They that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth forever. As the mountains are about Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about His people from henceforth even for ever more."
It might seem as though man today can level that city of Jerusalem. But be sure that he cannot, for even though he has such powerful equipment, God is there and need but stop the beating of man's heart, if He wants his sinful deeds stopped.
God is where His church is, and we today may freely sing:
All who with heart confiding
Depend on God alone,
Like Zion's mount abiding,
Shall ne'er be overthrown.
Like Zion's city bounded
By guarding mountains broad,
His people are surrounded
Forever by their God.
The question then for us to ask ourselves today is whether we are looking at man and his explosives and earth-moving equipment, or at the almighty God Who loves His church. Is our eye of faith upon God or on our enemies?
We do well to go to another elevated place or hill called Golgotha. Yes, there the enemy killed God's Son and seemed to have the victory. The cause of the church seemed lost. But those very enemies who killed the King of the church were God's tools to bring us salvation, and His Son to His right hand with power over all things in heaven and on earth, to bring forth the new Jerusalem and all its glory. They did not hurt the church but served it. And that is always the case. God is round about His church. It will reach the perfection and beauty that He has promised it.
Put your trust then in Him, and you will never be put to shame. You just cannot find a better or more complete protection. The crafty devil, the coming antichrist, the whole innumerable host of unbelievers cannot keep the believers from reaching the blessed life of the new Jerusalem.
Read: Psalm 125
Psalter versification: #356:1
Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism
Song for Meditation: Psalter #187
Why not sing along??
Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
I Chronicles 1
I Chronicles 2:1-17
Acts 23:11-35
Psalm 3:1-8
Proverbs 18:14-15
Quote for Reflections
"...........preaching is heavenly. And because it nevertheless takes place in the world, preaching is an intrusion into this world, an invasion of this world by forces and powers that belong only to heaven. .......this is why some will die to hear it, and others will murder to stop it." Herman Hanko, The Standard Bearer
Additional Info
- Date: 5-July