Have you ever said, and do you dare to say, that you know more than God does? Did you ever think that He was wrong and you were right? Well, take hold of this truth before you say, No! Every time that you sin, you say by that deed that you know better than God does what is good and what is evil for you. You say that you are right and God is wrong in forbidding this and demanding that. Just look at Psalm 119:113, 114. We read, "I hate vain thoughts: but Thy law do I love. Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in Thy word."
Plainly anything contrary to God's law springs from vain thoughts. And our versification puts it this way:
Deceit and falsehood I abhor
But love Thy law, Thy truth revealed;
My steadfast hope is in Thy word;
Thou art my refuge and my shield;
The paths of sin I have not trod,
But kept the precepts of my God.
Whenever we sin we are guilty of deceit and falsehood. We were created in the image of God. But it may reverently be said that when we sin, we look like the devil! We were created to walk in love to God; but when we sin, we manifest hatred toward Him.
Bear in mind that it was the devil's vain thoughts that led us into sin. He made us believe that we could decide what is good and what is evil. And because of that fact we need a hiding place and shield, not merely from God's holy wrath, but from Satan's devilish power.
As the psalmist did, put your hope in God's word for such protection. Adam tried to find safety by fig leaves instead of running unto God. We, who know the Word of God made flesh, Christ our Savior, must trust in Him. In Him we can safely hide; and He is a shield that will keep us safe from God's wrath and Satan's power.
By all means, see Satan as your chief enemy, and realize how important it is to be shielded from his vain thoughts which he wants to implant and keep in your mind. Hope in God's word that presents Christ and His cross but also a new life of love to God by a rebirth.
Read: Psalm 119:113-121
Psalter versification: 335:1
(Words and Music of the Psalter)
Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism
Song for Meditation: Psalter number 182
Why not sing along??
Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
Isaiah 66:1-24
Philippians 3:4-21
Psalm 74:1-23
Proverbs 24:15-16
Quote for Reflection:
Discipleship: “Take my yoke upon you…” (Matt. 11:29 a) For many of today’s supposed Christians—perhaps the majority—it is the case that while there is much talk about Christ and even much furious activity, there is actually very little following of Christ Himself. And that means in some circles there is very little genuine Christianity. Many who fervently call Him ‘Lord, Lord’ are not Christians (Matt. 7:21)... There are several reasons that the situation I have described is common in today’s church. The first is a defective theology that has crept over us like a deadening fog. This theology separates faith from discipleship and grace from obedience. It teaches that Jesus can be received as one’s Savior without being received as one’s Lord… When Jesus used this image, he was saying that to follow Him was to submit to Him. It was to receive Him as Lord of one‘s life.” -J. Boice