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Comforting Signs

Wednesday the 9th of October

in Meditations I

Psalm 61:5,6

    Signs are important in our lives. They are visible representations of invisible realities. Take the sign away, and those walking past the house will not know that it is for sale. Drive eastward on a one-way street whose sign, indicating that traffic may only go westward, has been taken away, and you may get into a serious accident.

    So there are signs that we are safe in God's care on the Rock that is higher than we are. There are signs that we are going to dwell with God in a most blessed life. Signs that we have been born again, and that we most assuredly do have a new life given to us by God in His grace.

    David speaks of such a sign in Psalm 61:5, 6 when he writes, "For Thou, O God, hast heard my vows: Thou hast given me the heritage of those that fear Thy name. Thou wilt prolong the king's life: and his years for many generations."  Here David gives the reason for what he had said in the preceding verse, namely, that he would dwell in God's house forever, because he was safe under the shadow and shelter of God's wings. God is his tower and shelter from all his enemies. And according to verse eight his vow is to praise God's name. That God has enabled him to make that vow, and that He has given him the heritage, or inheritance which Christ earned for His elect children, are signs that we will abide in God's house with all its blessings. We sing it thus:

    For Thou, O God, my vows hast heard,
    On me the heritage conferred
    Of those that fear Thy name;
    A blest anointing Thou dost give,
    And Thou wilt ever make me live
    Thy praises to proclaim.

    Yes, today we also have signs from God. He made us fear His name, that is, believe in Him and His Son, This is a sign that we have been born again; and that in turn is a sign that we will inherit the kingdom the death of His Son realized for us.

    Do you find those signs in your life? Do you find that new life that makes you desire to praise God? In it He is speaking to you and telling you that what He says in His word in all its promises are His word to you.

Read: I John 5 
Psalter versification: 159:3
(Words and Music of the Psalter)

Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism 


Song for Meditation: Psalter number 381
Why not sing along??

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:

 Jeremiah 12 ;  Jeremiah 13 ;  Jeremiah 14:1-10 
 1 Thessalonians 1 ;  1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 
 Psalm 79:1-13 
 Proverbs 24:30-34 
Quote for Reflection:

Unto You…a Savior:  “Unto you, lowly and contrite, that have become conscious by the power of His grace of the darkness of your nature and the horror of your sin and the misery of being bound in the chains of death; unto you, who are filled with holy fear in the presence of the Lord and His glory; unto you, that are heavy laden and weary because of burdens of sin…  Unto you a Savior is born, which is Christ the Lord!”  -Herman Hoeksema


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