Psalm 25:4, 5
If you trust in your own strength, you are going to be put to shame. Man is like the flower of the grass that soon fades and dies. The child of God has the devil and his host lined up against him, making his cause hopeless if it depends upon him. Peter boasted that he would never forsake Christ. Only a few hours later he denied all connection with Him, and even of knowledge concerning Him. If in the battle of faith we are going to trust in self, we are going to be overcome. Then our flesh will be serving Satan instead of fighting him.
That is why David prayed that God would keep him from the shameful act of denying God and his faith in God. That is also why he wrote in Psalm 25:4, 5: "Show me Thy ways, O Lord; teach me Thy paths. Lead me in Thy truth, and teach me: for Thou art the God of my salvation; on Thee do 1 wait all the day." What a powerful confession!
God must show us and teach us and lead us into the truth. Jehovah is the God of our salvation. What humility we have here! But also what profound, basic truth is here given us! In God we live, move, and have all our being in our spiritual as well as physical life. Our safety in our spiritual life depends completely upon God. Wisely then sing:
Show me Thy paths, O Lord,
Teach me Thy perfect way,
O guide me in Thy truth divine,
And lead me day by day.
Yes, we must wait upon God all the day. He must lead us after showing us the right path which He designed for our feet, the perfect way that will bring the church to glory rather than to shame. He must keep us from bringing shame to His church in this vale of tears.
Walk Satan's path; listen to him; let him teach you, and he will keep you in the shame into which he led Adam, and in Adam led the whole human race.
Pray to God that He will lead you step by step every day of your pilgrimage here below. Pray that He may cause your feet to walk in the footsteps of His Son. They led away from shame and unto glory.
Read: Psalm 119:33-48
Psalter versification: 60:3
Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism
Song for Meditation: Psalter number 51
Why not sing along??
Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
Amos 7 ; Amos 8 ; Amos 9
Revelation 3:7-22
Psalm 131:1-3
Proverbs 29:23
Quote for Reflection:
C. H. Spurgeon: "We would ply the Trowel with untiring hand for the building up of Jerusalem’s dilapidated walls, and wield the Sword with vigour and valour against the enemies of the Truth." (from the first issue of The Sword and Trowel magazine, 1865).