The following report from day five of the PRC Synod 2017 (Monday, June 19, 2017) is furnished by Rev. C. Spronk, second clerk.
Synod began the day by treating the recommendations of Committee II regarding an appeal against the decision of Classis East to uphold a consistory’s decision to grant permission to members of the BERG (Confessing Protestant-Reformed Congregation of Giessen, Germany) to partake of the Lord’s Supper. Synod rejected this appeal.
The Catechism Book Committee (CBC) reported that it polled the consistories of our churches with regard to suggested improvements in the catechism books and workbooks used for the Bible History and Heidelberg Catechism classes. The CBC plans to evaluate the results of the poll and bring appropriate recommendations to Synod 2018. Synod approved the actions of the CBC.
The Contact Committee reported good news today about a potential seminary student, Dr. Ronald Carey. Dr. Carey is a physician in Vellore, India. Georgetown PRC is working with the group to which Dr. Carey belongs and recommends him for seminary. He, his wife, and their one child plan to move to the US in the fall of 2017. The Theological School Committee is in the process of admitting Dr. Carey as a special student. Because of Dr. Carey’s need for support synod decided to ask the congregations to take three collections in 2018 for the Foreign Student Assistance Fund.
Synod approved of the work of the synodical deputies from Classis West in their concurring with the decision of Classis East to approve of the organization of Zion PRC.
The following motions where moved, supported, and carried regarding our mission work in the Philippines:
1. That synod approve the work performed by Doon PRC’s Council and the FMC in the Philippines on behalf of the churches.
2. That synod express its appreciation to Doon PRC for their faithful oversight of the mission work in the Philippines.
3. That synod express its gratitude to Rev. and Mrs. Holstege and to Rev. and Mrs. Kleyn for their faithful service in the cause of the mission work in the Philippines.
4. That synod adopt a 2018 budget of $457,000 for the mission work in the Philippines (note: This amount is for three missionaries).
5. That synod grant financial assistance to the PRCP Classis in the amount of P671,952.44 (about $13,439) for 2018 to be taken from the FMC Special Mission Fund.
The FMC reported that it is working closely with Georgetown PRC in evaluating the work in India. The India Committee of the FMC is growing in its conviction that the time to call missionaries to India might be sooner rather than later. Another reason to pray that God will
provide us with more ministers!
Synod took a decision to request that our congregations designate four offerings for foreign missions and one offering for the Philippine book fund in 2018.
This afternoon synod began by treating the recommendations of Committee II regarding the Psalter Revision Committee. Synod declared that the proposed revisions of Psalms 73- 89 are in harmony with the principles of the text, music, and format approved in 2016. This decision is not a final approval of the section but is simply a statement that synod judges that the committee has faithfully followed the adopted principles. Synod also approved the distribution of Psalms 73-79 to the congregations for usage and feedback. Hopefully these booklets will be available in your church soon. Until then you can find the revisions at Committee Two made one more motion regarding Psalter revision that was recommitted for reformulation. More on that another day.
Synod welcomed Revs. Carl Haak and Andy Lanning to its session today. Rev. Haak did not attend the sessions of synod last week to attend to a pastoral need in the congregation he serves. Rev. Bill Langerak filled in for him, and we are thankful for his willing service to synod last week. Rev. Lanning, pastor of the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore, was not able to attend last week’s sessions because he was a speaker at the CERC’s church camp. He arrived today in time for the afternoon session of Synod.
Finally, synod took a decision to recess until Wednesday in order to give Committee IV more time to formulate its advice regarding six protests.
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