App Content Feed (81)

The Pillar of Truth

This sermon was preached at Hope PRC during her 100th anniversary celebration.  In 1 Timothy 3:15, Paul describes the church as the “house of God” and “pillar and ground of the truth.”  What do these phrases mean?  What is the implied application of them for the church and her calling?  How do these words comfort members of Christ’s church on earth?  Click here to listen.

This month’s theme for the app content is “The Necessity of Membership within a True Church of Jesus Christ” in preparation for a free public lecture event held by Hope Protestant Reformed Church on November 11, 2016.  Professor David Engelsma will speak on this topic, answering such questions as “Is membership in a church really necessary?’ and “What qualities should I seek for in a church home?”  To learn more, click here to visit Hope’s website for the event.


Everyone's Duty to Join the True Church

More and more, so it seems, people are less than impressed with the necessity of being joined to the true Church.  Calvin writes in his Institutes, “. . . it is always fatally dangerous to be separated from the Church” (IV, i, 4).  Where one’s membership is placed is of crucial importance and has eternal consequences.  Click here to read Prof. R. Decker’s explanation of Belgic Confession Article 28 and the serious implications that church membership has for our lives.

This month’s theme for the app content is “The Necessity of Membership within a True Church of Jesus Christ” in preparation for a free public lecture event held by Hope Protestant Reformed Church on November 11, 2016.  Professor David Engelsma will speak on this topic, answering such questions as “Is membership in a church really necessary?’ and “What qualities should I seek for in a church home?”  To learn more, click here to visit Hope’s website for the event.


Built Upon the Living Stone

Jesus Christ, our Savior, is the eternal, living cornerstone of the Church.  But as our cornerstone, He is ablso the builder of the Church which provides tremendous comfort for the beliver who is joined to a true church.  Click here to listen to Rev. Overway, pastor at Hope Protestant Reformed Chruch, explain the meaning of these statements.

This month’s theme for the app content is “The Necessity of Membership within a True Church of Jesus Christ” in preparation for a free public lecture event held by Hope Protestant Reformed Church on November 11, 2016.  Professor David Engelsma will speak on this topic, answering such questions as “Is membership in a church really necessary?’ and “What qualities should I seek for in a church home?”  To learn more, click here to visit Hope’s website for the event.


Love for the Church (3)

God loves His church—so must we. The church is precious to God—so ought she to be to us, her members. The question is, How can we actually love the church? In what ways can we show our love for her?  Click here to read the final part of Rev. Daniel Kleyn's treatment of the topic "Love for the Church."

This month’s theme for the app content is “The Necessity of Membership within a True Church of Jesus Christ” in preparation for a free public lecture event held by Hope Protestant Reformed Church on November 11, 2016.  Professor David Engelsma will speak on this topic, answering such questions as “Is membership in a church really necessary?’ and “What qualities should I seek for in a church home?”  To learn more, click here to visit Hope’s website for the event.


Life in the Body of Christ

The theme throughout the Heidelberg Catechism is our union with Christ which gives to us such great comfort.  As Rev. Brian Huizinga reveals, Lord's Day 21 of the Heidelberg Catechism emphasizes that a body, an instituted church, is united to Christ.  Our union to Christ is truly wonderful when we can experience it with many other different kinds of people united together in Christ's body.  Click here to hear more of what this life is like.

This month’s theme for the app content is “The Necessity of Membership within a True Church of Jesus Christ” in preparation for a free public lecture event held by Hope Protestant Reformed Church on November 11, 2016.  Professor David Engelsma will speak on this topic, answering such questions as “Is membership in a church really necessary?’ and “What qualities should I seek for in a church home?”  To learn more, click here to visit Hope’s website for the event.


Love for the Church (2)

The strengths of the church are not earthly things.  If we are caught up in the outward, earthly characteristics of the church, then most of the time we will find the church difficult to love; we will not want much to do with her.  But we are called to observe the spiritual strengths of the church: her towers, bulwarks, and palaces as Psalm 48:12-13 calls them.  Click here to read Rev. Rodney Kleyn's explanation of all the wonderful strengths of the church and of our necessary calling in regards to them.

This month’s theme for the app content is “The Necessity of Membership within a True Church of Jesus Christ” in preparation for a free public lecture event held by Hope Protestant Reformed Church on November 11, 2016.  Professor David Engelsma will speak on this topic, answering such questions as “Is membership in a church really necessary?’ and “What qualities should I seek for in a church home?”  To learn more, click here to visit Hope’s website for the event.


Commitment to the Local Church

Hebrews was written to Jewish converts who had a tendency to return to their old traditions and needed to be reminded that there was a supremacy of Jesus to the Old Testament types and shadows. As New Testament saints, we have unlimited access to God through Jesus Christ; this is our privilege! Based on this privilege, we are instructed by the author of Hebrews not to "forsake the assembling of ourselves together."  Click here to listen to Rev. Rodney Kleyn instruct us in the vital importance of church membership based on this text.

This month’s theme for the app content is “The Necessity of Membership within a True Church of Jesus Christ” in preparation for a free public lecture event held by Hope Protestant Reformed Church on November 11, 2016.  Professor David Engelsma will speak on this topic, answering such questions as “Is membership in a church really necessary?’ and “What qualities should I seek for in a church home?”  To learn more, click here to visit Hope’s website for the event.


Members of Christ's Body

app quote 20161002

Just as the human body is one organism made up of many different parts or members, so is the church of Christ according to 1 Corinthians 12:12.  We are so united to Christ that He is become our head and we are His body.  In his sermon, Rev. Overway delves into this amazing truth of scripture revealing the significance of membership within the body of Christ, the importance of diversity within the body of Christ, and the wonderful blessings that are experienced only within the body of Christ.  Click here to listen.

This month’s theme for the app content is “The Necessity of Membership within a True Church of Jesus Christ” in preparation for a free public lecture event held by Hope Protestant Reformed Church on November 11, 2016.  Professor David Engelsma will speak on this topic, answering such questions as “Is membership in a church really necessary?’ and “What qualities should I seek for in a church home?”  To learn more, click here to visit Hope’s website for the event.

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