justification by faith alone

  • Heidelberg Catechism sermon preached in Hope PRC by Rev. Herman Veldman. The message has these parts: I. Its Repetitious Character II. Its Content III. Its Blessed Significance
  • Sermon preached in Hope PRC (Redlands, CA) by her pastor, Rev. B. Huizinga. The message has these parts: I. The Imputed Righteousness II. The Means of Faith III. The Blessed Result

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  • Sermon preached in Georgetown PRC by her pastor, Rev. C. Haak, in remembrance of the great Reformation of the 16th century and the restoration of the gospel of sovereign grace.
  • Sermon preached in Georgetown PRC by guest minister, Prof. C. Griess (PRC Seminary). The main points are: I The Declaration II The Ground III The Instrument

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  • Sermon preached in Hudsonville PRC by guest minister, Prof. D. Engelsma (emeritus PRC Seminary). The message is divided this way: 1. What it is 2. What is the purpose 3. For what reason

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  • Sermon preached in Hudsonville PRC by has pastor, Rev. G. Eriks, part of a series on Romans. The message is divided this way: 1. Proved with circumcision 2. The sign of righteousness 3. The sign of a spiritual fatherhood
  • Sermon preached in Randolph (WI) PRC by her pastor, Rev. E. Guichelaar, part of a series on the Heidelberg Catechism (Lord's Day 23).

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  • Sermon preached in Pittsburgh PRC by her pastor, Rev. W. Bruinsma. The message is divided this way: I. Excellency vs. Dung II. Winning vs. Losing III. Faith vs. Unbelief
  • A communion sermon preached in First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI by her pastor, Rev. R. Smit.
  • Message delivered on the Reformed Witness Hour by Rev. C. Haak, pastor of Georgetown PRC.

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  • Sermon preached in Pittsburgh PRC by her pastor, Rev. J. Mahtani. The main points are: I. Preaching of the Gospel II. Unashamed of the Gospel III. Power of the Gospel

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  • Communion sermon preached in Faith PRC by her pastor, Rev. C. Spronk. The message has these parts: 1. The Fact 2. The Significance

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  • Communion (Lord's Supper) sermon preached in Hope PRC (Redlands, CA) by her pastor, Rev. B. Huizinga. The message is divided this way: I. The Marvelous Reality II. The Only Basis III. The Certain Enjoyment
  • Preached in Georgetown PRC by her pastor, as part of a series on the Lord's Prayer as taught by the Heid.Cat.
  • Easter evening sermon preached in Cornerstone PRC (Dyer, IN) by her pastor, Rev. A. Spriensma. The main points are: 1. God Raised Up Jesus from the Dead 2. The Basis for this Resurrection 3. Our Comfort and Assurance

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  • Sermon preached in Georgetown PRC by her pastor, Rev. C. Haak. The main points are: I. Gracious Gift II. Spontaneous Cry III. Joint Inheritance

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  • Sermon preached in Unity PRC by her pastor, Rev. G. Eriks. The main points are: Righteous Before God Confessing Our Sins I. The Declaration II. The Imputation III. The Instrument IV. The Blessing

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  • Heidelberg Catechism sermon (LD 23) preached by Rev. Herman Veldman in Hope PRC, Grand Rapids, MI. The message has these parts: I. Amazing II. Well Grounded III. Divinely Bestowed
  • Sermon preached in Cornerstone PRC (Dyer, IN) by her pastor, Rev. A. Spriensma, for Reformation Sunday. The main points are: 1. The Righteousness of God 2. Received By Faith 3. Revealed By the Gospel

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  • Sermon preached in Pittsburgh PRC by her pastor, Rev. W. Bruinsma. The sermon is based on Romans 5:1 and the Heidelberg Catechism, LD 23, Q&As 59-61 It has these main parts: I. A Perfect Righteousness II. An Acceptable Ground III. An Abiding Peace

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