marriage in the Lord

  • Heidelberg Catechism sermon (Lord's Day 41 - 7th commandment) preached in the Pittsburgh PR Fellowship by missionary-pastor W.Bruinsma. The message has these parts: I. Divorce? II. Remarriage? III. Faithfulness!
  • Sermon preached in Loveland PRC by her pastor, Rev.S. Key, as part of a series on marriage. The message has these parts: 1. The Experienced Conflict 2. The Important Admonition 3. The Certain Consequence
  • Preached in Calvary PRC, Hull IA as part of a series on the OT book of Ruth (39 of 10). The 3 points to the sermon are: I. Legal Witnesses II. Joyful Witnesses III. Heavenly Witnesses
  • Radio message broadcast on the Reformed Witness Hour by Rev.Carl Haak.

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  • Taped Sermon Library

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