wives - calling of

  • A radio sermon broadcast on the Reformed Witness Hour, as part of a series on the marriage, the family, and God's covenant.
  • Sermon preached in First PRC (Grand Rapids, MI) by her pastor, Rev. C. Griess, part of a series on marriage. The main points are: 1. The God-Given Calling 2. The Heart of Submission 3. The Harmony of Marriage

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  • Sermon preached in Calvary PRC, Hull, IA, by her pastor,, Rev.C.Griess, as part of a series on the covenant and the family. The message has these parts: I. The Calling II. The Reason III. The Pattern
  • Sermon preached for First PRC (Grand Rapids, MI) by her pastor, Rev. C. Griess, part of a series on marriage. The main points are: 1. The Command 2. The Manner 3. The Only Exception

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  • Sermon preached in Loveland PRC by her pastor, as part of a series called "Living Joyfully in Marriage." The message has these parts: 1. A Powerful Figure 2. A Pointed Application
  • Radio message delivered on the Reformed Witness Hour program for this date by Rev. C. Haak (Georgetown PRC, Hudsonville, MI), as part of a series on marriage, the family, and the covenant of God.
  • Mother's Day message delivered for Trinity PRC by her pastor, Rev. W. Langerak. The main points are: 1. Her Building 2. Her Wisdom 3. Her Confidence

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  • Message delivered on the Reformed Witness Hour radio program by Rev. W. Bruinsma, pastor of Pittsburgh PRC, part of a series on the virtuous woman.
  • Sermon preached in Faith PRC by her pastor, Rev. C. Spronk, part of a series on the NT epistle to the Colossians. The main points are: 1. Submissive Wives 2. Loving Husbands

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  • Sermon preached in Hope PRC (Redlands, CA) by her pastor, Rev. B. Huizinga, part of a series on marriage. The main points are: I. The Calling II. The Power III. The Goal

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  • Sermon preached in Loveland PRC by her pastor, Rev.S. Key, as part of a series on living joyfully in marriage. The message has these parts: 1. Putting Away the Rottenness 2. Communicating Purposefully 3. Glorifying God Together
  • Sermon preached in Hope PRC (Redlands, CA) by her pastor, Rev. B. Huizinga. The main points are: I. The Act of God II. The Response of Adam III. The Significance for Us

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  • Sermon preached in Byron Center PRC by her pastor, Rev. A. Spriensma, on the occasion of Mother's Day.
  • Sermon preached in Hope PRC (Redlands, CA) by her pastor, Rev. B. Huizinga, part of a series on the Bible's teaching on marriage. The main points are: I. The Vexing Situation II. The Helpful Answer III. The Authoritative Command Scripture

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  • Sermon preached in First PRC (Grand Rapids, MI) by guest minister, Prof. B. Huizinga (PRC Seminary). The main points are: 1. The Vexing Situation 2. The Helpful Answer 3. The Authoritative Command

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  • Preached in Hudsonville PRC by her pastor, as part of a short series on marriage. The message has these parts: 1. Learning the Right Focus 2. Learning the Beautiful Way 3. Learning the Only Hope
  • Message delivered on the Reformed Witness Hour radio program by Rev. W. Bruinsma, pastor of Pittsburgh PRC.
  • Message delivered on the Reformed Witness Hour radio program by Rev. W. Bruinsma, pastor of Pittsburgh (PA) PRC, part of a series on the virtuous woman.
  • Sermon preached in the Pittsburgh, PA PR Fellowship by missionary-pastor Rev.W.Bruinsma. The message has these parts: I. Her Place of Labor II. Her Labor III. Her Payment
  • Preached in Hudsonville PRC by her pastor, as part of a series on marriage. The message has these parts: 1. The Importance 2. The Lessons 3. The Encouragement

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