We make our members and friends in the Northwest Iowa area aware of this important "Family and Covenant Living Conference" planned for this weekend, Sept,15-16. The theme is "The Foundations for a Healthy Marriage." If you are in this area, you are encouraged to attend the conference and to invite friends and neighbors to do the same. The event is being held at the auditorium of the Rock Valley (IA) Public High School and begins at 7 p.m. Friday night
This note was found in Doon's bulletin of Sept.10:
This Friday and Saturday, Sept.15-16, is the marriage conference being put on by Doon PRC's Evangelism Committee. Rev. Josh Engelsma will speak on Friday at 7:00 pm on "Following God's Blueprint for Marriage." Rev. Allen Brummel will speak on Saturday at 9:30 am on "Knowing God's Purposes for Marriage." And Rev. James Laning will speak on Saturday at 10:45 am on "Believing the Permanency of Marriage." We look forward to seeing you there!
The following promotional flyer has been produced and is attached in pdf form for your use in inviting others to attend.