
Visit to Myanmar Planned by Hope PRC Delegation


Myanmar mapFrom the Nov.2, 2014 bulletin of Hope PRC, Walker, MI comes this note:

This week Thursday, Elder David Jessup, Deacon Jonathon Kamps, and John Van Baren, as a former member of the Myanmar Committee and one familiar with traveling to Myanmar, are planning to travel to Myanmar to meet with Rev. Titus, the officebearers, and congregation of the Yangon church to encourage and instruct. A bulletin board in the back of church has been updated with additional information about the trip.

The council asks the congregation to remember these men and the saints in Myanmar in prayer. May God grant that we not weary in helping the Lord’s children in Myanmar, to the best of our ability, as a manifestation of Christ’s body. “For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread” (1 Cor. 10:17).

To that note we may add our own, encouraging all of our membership to pray for this delegation and its labors.

For more on this field, see this news item from November of 2013.


Last modified on 02 November 2014

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