The Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary (PRTS) is sponsoring a special conference THIS WEEKEND, October 31-November 2 at Grace PRC in Standale, MI (west of Grand Rapids). *
*[Videos of the conference are now available on the PRC Seminary's YouTube channel and on Grace PRC's Sermonaudio channel.]*
The theme is “By Grace I Am What I Am”: The PRCA’s Rejection of Common Grace, and the conference will mark the 100th anniversary of the controversy over common grace in the Christian Reformed Church that precipitated the founding of the PRCA (1924-2024).
The issue of common grace is still relevant a century later! Come to Grace PRC on October 31 (7:30pm), November 1 (7:00pm), and November 2 (9:00 am), to hear how.
On Thursday evening, Oct.31, Prof. D. Kuiper will speak on “The CRC Synod Kalamazoo 1924: Church History That Affected the Future.” This speech will set the decisions of Synod 1924 in their context culturally as well as historically and theologically.
On Friday evening, Nov.1, Prof. B. Huizinga will address the error of the first point of common grace, and Prof. R. Cammenga will deal with the “little point of the first point,” the doctrine of the general offer of the gospel.
And on Saturday morning, Nov.2, Prof. B. Gritters will explain how the second point of common grace helped transform “missionary churches” (that bring people to Christ) into “missional churches” (that promote world renewal). Later that morning, Prof. C. Griess will examine what Abraham Kuyper really taught about the good works of the unregenerate, whether the 1924 Synod adopted Kuyper’s teaching, and what difference this makes for our worldview.
See the schedule below for more details!
Plan to attend all the sessions or as many as you can! Join other PRC members and friends for instructive and edifying speeches and good fellowship. Refreshments will be available.
Book tables will be set up with resources from the RFPA and the PRTS, as well as historical items on display.
All speeches will be livestreamed on Grace PRC’s site.