For this Lord's Day of November 6, 2016 and the week following the news items below may be noted:
- Rev.B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA) declined the call extended to him from Southwest PRC (Wyoming, MI).
- The Doon PRC Council announces a new trio from which to call a third missionary to labor in the Philippines (especially in the area of theological training): Rev. A. Brummel (Heritage, Sioux Falls, SD, Rev. B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA), and Rev. R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace, Spokane, WA). From this trio the Doon congregation will vote, D.V., on Nov.22.
- From Georgetown PRC: Delegation to the PRC of Vellore India: Delegates from the Foreign Mission Committee (Rev. D. Kuiper and Ike and Phyllis Uittenbogaard) and from Georgetown PRC (Joel and Ellen Bruinooge) leave this Wednesday [Nov.9] for a two-week stay with the PRC of Vellore pastored by Pastor Paul Raj. Pastor Kuiper will preach and teach in the Vellore congregation, lead seminars for area pastors in aspects of the Reformed Faith, speak at a retreat for members the Christian Medical College of Vellore, and participate in Village Outreach Ministry of the PRC of Vellore. Pray for the Lord’s blessing.
Recent picture taken of class being taught by Liz Van Drunen and Emily Moelker.
- DELEGATION TO THE NAPARC: This week Tuesday and Wednesday [Nov.8-9] Rev. N. Decker and Rev. K. Koole will be traveling to Pompton Plains, NJ for the meetings of NAPARC (North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council, a gathering of 13 conservative Presbyterian and Reformed Churches where information about denominational activities and labors is exchanged and issues faced by the Reformed church world can be discussed). The delegation attends these meetings as observers on behalf of the Contact Committee and in accordance with the decision of Synod 2016. That decision can be found on pages 33-34 of the 2016 PRC Acts of Synod.
- Rev. and Mrs. D. Kleyn posted a summary of their trip to the CERC in Singapore last weekend for the examination of E. Singh. The link to the pictures and notes is here. Below is one photo from the event.
Rev. A. Laning presenting the decision of the CERC session regarding E. Singh's examination.
- The classis of the PR churches in the Philippines met on Monday, October 31, in the PR church in Bulacan, with delegates present from all three churches in the denomination. Rev. Vernon Ibe chaired the meeting. Reports from the two standing committees were received and treated, along with the correspondence from the PRCA (stated clerk of synod, contact committee, and foreign mission committee). The standing committees presented a proposed constitution for PRCP mission work and a proposed pre-seminary program. Both were adopted by the classis. The next classis is scheduled for February 25, to be hosted by and held in the Maranatha PR church in Valenzuela.
Pray for God's blessing on all the travels, visits, and labors of those involved in these activities - for the gathering of the church from all nations, for the good of our churches, and for the glory of our God.